The plot of romantic comedies are never their strong suit but this movie didn't offer a single interesting or creative approach to the tired old formula (boy-meets-girl, boy-gets-girl, happy-couple-time, trouble-in-paradise, break-up to make-up, airport scene). Most romantic comedies work because the characters can be identified with and viewers care about them enough to look past the poor plot. Throw in some funny lines and comedy and your movie "works". This movie isn't funny and the main character isn't well written. Seems to be an emotional and mental 12 year old in a grown man's body. The acting doesn't help either.
All in all the movie was so bad that I lost interest in the characters and the story. I spend my time getting frustrated over the very very poor focusing of the camera. A shallow depth of field with characters apparently moving so fast that the focus can't follow. Dialogues where the focus can't keep track with the character that is talking. Before the person who's talking is in focus, the next guy is already talking. Scenes where the focus between different takes is obviously not the same (Somerhalder in the Italian restaurant scene). One shot of the scene is sharp, the next shot is soft. When they're on the beach I spent my time looking into the reflection of Byrd's sunglasses where I could clearly see the guy holding the reflector. That is some really horrible stuff.