- Munchkinland Kid: But, Miss Glinda?
- Glinda: Yes?
- Munchkinland Kid: Why does wickedness happen?
- Glinda: That's a good question, one many people find confusifying. Are people born wicked? Or do they have wickedness thrust upon them? Afterall, The Wicked Witch had a childhood. She had a father, who, by the way, had been appointed governor of Munchkinland. And she had a mother, as so many do.
- Elphaba: [singing] So if you care to find me, look to the western sky! As someone told me lately: "Everyone deserves a chance to fly!".
- Fiyero: Why is it you're always causing some sort of commotion?
- Elphaba: I don't cause commotions, I am one.
- Fiyero: Yeah, well, that's for sure.
- Elphaba: So you think I should just keep my mouth shut, is that what you're saying?
- Fiyero: What? No. No, I'm saying...
- Elphaba: [cutting off] You think I want to be this way?
- Fiyero: I...
- Elphaba: [interrupts] You think I want to care this much?
- Fiyero: No, I mean...
- Elphaba: [interrupts yet again] I know that my life would be much easier if I didn't care, but...
- Fiyero: [Snaps] Do you ever let anyone else talk?
- Elphaba: Sorry...
- Fiyero: I was just...
- Elphaba: [interrupts yet again] But can I just say one more thing? You could've walked away back there.
- Fiyero: So?
- Elphaba: So, no matter how shallow and self-absorbed you pretend to be...
- Fiyero: [cuts off] Uh, excuse me, there's no pretense here. I happen to be genuinely self-absorbed and deeply shallow.
- Elphaba: Oh, please. No you're not. Otherwise you wouldn't be so unhappy.
- Madame Morrible: [broadcast] Citizens of Oz! There is an enemy who must be found and captured. Believe nothing she says. She has stolen our Grimmerie. She is evil, responsible for the mutilation of these poor innocent monkeys! Her green skin is but an outward manifestorium of her twisted nature. This distortion! This repulsion! This wicked witch!
- Glinda: Don't be afraid.
- Elphaba: I'm not afraid. It's the Wizard who should be afraid of me.
- Elphaba: And I've just had a vision, almost like a prophecy. I know, it sounds truly crazy. And true, the vision's hazy. But I swear, someday there'll be a celebration throughout Oz. That's all to do.. with me!
- Elphaba: Fine, let's get this over with: no, I am not seasick; no, I did not eat grass as a child; and yes, I've always been green.
- Glinda: Well, I, for one, am... So sorry, that you have been forced to live with... this.
- Elphaba: Is that so?
- Glinda: Yes! And it is my intention to major in sorcery. So, if at some point, you wanted to address the, um... Problem...
- Elphaba: Problem.
- Glinda: ... perhaps I could help.
- [the whole Shiz students clap and praise her, while Elphaba analyzes the reaction]
- Elphaba: Offering to help someone that you don't know with skills that you don't have, I'm sure everyone is duly impressed.
- Glinda: I could care less what others think.
- Elphaba: Couldn't.
- Glinda: What?
- Elphaba: You couldn't care less what other people think. Though, I... I doubt that.
- [first lines]
- Radio Announcer: Glinda, exactly how dead is she?
- Glinda: Because there has been so much rumor and speculation, let me tell you the whole story. According to the Time Dragon Clock, the Melting occurred at the thirteenth hour, the direct result of a bucket of water thrown by a female child. Yes, the Wicked Witch of the West is dead!
- Elphaba: [during "Defying Gravity"] No, leave her alone! She hasn't done anything wrong! I'm the one you want! I'm the one you want! It's me! It's MEEEE!
- Shiz Students: [singing about Elphaba] Dear Galinda, you are just too good! How do you stand it? I don't think I could! She's a terror! She's a tartar! We don't mean to show a bias, but Galinda you're a martyr!
- Glinda: [belting] Well... these things are sent to try us!
- Boq: Um, I hope you'll save a dance for me tonight. I'll be right there, waiting... All night.
- Glinda: [steals a glance at Nessarose, who is alone] That's so kind. But you know what would be even kinder?
- Glinda: [sings, points at Nessarose] See that tragic'lly beautiful girl, the one in the chair? It seems so unfair, we should go on a spree and not she, gee. I know someone would be my hero, if that someone were to go invite her.
- Boq: [reluctantly] Well, maybe I could invite her.
- Glinda: Oh, Bick, really? You would do that for me?
- Boq: I would do anything for you.
- [Then Glinda encourages Boq to come to Nessarose, cleverly ushering him without hurting him]
- Fiyero: [watches Glinda usher Boq out, laughing] You're good.
- Glinda: [feigns innocence] I don't know what you mean, I love helping others. Oh, and I happen to be free tonight, after all.
- Glinda: [sings] Now that we've met one another...
- Glinda, Fiyero: [harmonizing] It's clear we deserve each other!
- Glinda: You're perfect.
- Fiyero: You're perfect.
- Glinda, Fiyero: [both sing] So we're perfect together, born to be forever. Dancing through life!
- Fiyero: [Bids his farewell to Elphaba before she leaves to Emerald City] Good luck.
- [Walks away, leaving Glinda alone]
- Glinda: [Flabbergasted] See? There! What.. Wh-wh-what is that?
- Elphaba: Don't be upset, Galinda.
- Glinda: [frustrated] It's Glinda now! Stupid. I don't even know what made me say it.
- Elphaba: It doesn't matter what your name is, everyone loves you.
- Glinda: I don't care! I want him. I don't think he's perfect anymore and I still want him. This must be what other people feel like. How do they bear it?
- Elphaba: Come with me!
- Glinda: [shocked] What?
- Elphaba: To meet the Wizard!
- Glinda: What are you saying?
- Elphaba: Get on the train, you're gonna miss it!
- Glinda: I wouldn't want to impose!
- Elphaba: It doesn't- It doesn't matter, just come with me!
- Glinda: I couldn't possibly, this is your moment! I'm coming!
- [hops onto the train]
- Madame Morrible: [talks to the Shiz students] Which one of you would volunteer to share a room with...
- Glinda: [runs behind Madame Morrible, tries to step over a bench but ends up falling. Madame Morrible stops speaking as she's interrupted by Galinda's antics] Ow. Ow.
- [Galinda raises her hand, tries to ask something]
- Glinda: Madame Morrible, um...
- Madame Morrible: Thank you, dear. That is very good of you.
- Glinda: What?
- Madame Morrible: [turns to Elphaba] Miss...?
- Elphaba: Elphaba.
- Madame Morrible: Elphaba. You can room with Miss Galinda.
- [Galinda gasps in shock]
- Elphaba: Wait, what? I... What?
- Madame Morrible: [from trailer] You. Come with me.
- Glinda: [thinking Madame Morrible is addressing her; flattered] Of course.
- Madame Morrible: [stops Galinda] Not you.
- [looks at Elphaba]
- Madame Morrible: You.
- Munchkinland Kid: Glinda! Is it true you were her friend?
- Glinda: [is in the bubble, her voice muffled] What? Sorry, one sec.
- [Pops the bubble with her wand]
- Glinda: What?
- Munchkinland Kid: Is it true you were her friend?
- Glinda: Friend?
- [her expression changed, pauses briefly before answering]
- Glinda: Yes.
- [the whole Munchkinland citizens gasp and whisper to each other]
- Glinda: I, I mean I did know her. That is, our paths did cross... at school.
- [the citizens gasp]
- Glinda: But you must understand, it was a long time ago.
- Elphaba: [during "The Wizard and I"] And one day, he'll say to me, Elphaba, a girl who is so superior. Shouldn't a girl who's so good inside have a matching exterior? And since folks here to an absurd degree, seem fixated on your verdigris, would it be alright by you if I de-greenify you?
- Elphaba: And though, of course, that's not important to me, Alright, why not? I'll reply. Oh, what a pair we'll be, the Wizard and I.
- Glinda: [introducing the Shiz library to Fiyero during the school tour] And this is the, um... The book place. There's a collection of rare books around here somewhere and some medium-rare as well.
- Glinda: [claps her hands to get everyone's attention] Excuse me! Everyone, please! I have an announcement!
- [All Shiz students excitedly gather]
- Glinda: I... Am changing my name.
- [All students gasp]
- Fiyero: Your name?
- Glinda: [tosses her hair] Yes.
- Elphaba: Are you sure?
- Glinda: [tosses her hair again] Yes. Since Dr. Dillamond used to have his own goat-like way of pronouncifying my name, in solidarity and in order to express my outrage, I will henceforth be known no longer as... Gah-linda, but simply...
- [slightly hesitating]
- Glinda: Glinda.
- [She bows with her legs crosses. All Shiz students fawn and clap for her while Fiyero and Elphaba could only look at each other]
- Pfannee, ShenShen: [clap their hands] She's so brave! Such... Braverism!
- Madame Morrible: So, how long have you had this talent?
- Elphaba: 'Talent', uh... No, something just... Something just takes over me, and... Something I can't control. And when it does, bad things happen.
- Madame Morrible: If you can learn to use your powers in the right way, oh... Miss Elphaba...
- Elphaba: It's my fault.
- Glinda: What is?
- Elphaba: That my sister is the way she is. When my mother was carrying Nessa, my father began to worry that she might come out...
- Glinda: -Green.
- Elphaba: ... green. He was so worried that he made my mother chew milk flowers day and night. Only, the milk flowers made Nessa come too soon, and... and her little legs, they...
- Glinda: [gasps]
- Elphaba: And my mother... Well, she never woke up. None of which would've ever happened if it wasn't for... for me. So it's my fault.
- Glinda: What? No. That was the milk flowers' fault, not yours. That might be your secret, Elphaba, but that doesn't make it true.
- Pfannee: Um...
- [pulls a stereotypical witch hat out of a box]
- ShenShen: Eww. What even is that?
- Pfannee: Galinda? What's the reason?
- Glinda: I know, it's my granny. She always makes me the most hideoteous hats. I'd give it away but... I don't hate anyone that much.
- [Pfanee and ShenShen look at her, smirking]
- Glinda: I couldn't... Could I? No.
- [Pfanee and ShenShen muffle their laugh, then Elphaba enters the room]
- Pfannee, ShenShen: [Look at Elphaba, feigning friendliness] Hi.
- ShenShen: We should go.
- Pfannee: Yeah, we have to go rouge our knees
- [half-whispers to Galinda]
- Pfannee: Do it! Bye Elphaba! Love your... shoulder pad.
- [Pfanee and ShenShen close the door on their way out, leaving both girls alone]
- Elphaba: Galinda, um, Nessa and I were talking about you just now, and...
- Glinda: [interrupting] Oh, well, we were just talking about you. How you should join us tonight.
- Elphaba: I don't follow.
- Glinda: You... Join us at the Ozdust. I'm inviting you.
- Elphaba: Why?
- Glinda: Well... Well, because everyone will be there. And don't tell me you have nothing to wear. Because you could wear this.
- [presents her the hat]
- Glinda: I mean, it goes with everything you own.
- Glinda: [singing] It's really, uh, sharp, don't you think? You know, black, is this year's pink. You deserve each other, this hat and you, you're both so... Smart. You deserve each other, so here,
- [hands Elphaba the hideous hat]
- Glinda: Out of the goodness of my heart.
- Dr. Dillamond: [from trailer] In today's Oz, a real sorcerer who possesses TRUE magic has become all too rare.
- Glinda: [puts a pink flower between Elphaba's ear, both look in the mirror] Why, Miss Elphaba. Look at you, you're beautiful.
- Elphaba: [pauses, her smile falters] I have to go.
- [She gets out of the room]
- Glinda: [Chases after her, only to stop outside their room] You're welcome!
- [She accidentally looks at her reflection on the glass cabinet, gasping softly]
- Glinda: Oh, hello.
- [Is amazed by her own reflection]
- Glinda: Wow.
- Glinda: [sings] And though you protest, your disinterest, I know clandestinely... You're gonna grin and bear it, your newfound popularity!
- Wiz-O-Mania Narrator: [singing] This man who comes out of the blue, is he the prophecy? There's one way we'll know if it's true! Fetch The Grimmerie!
- Wizard: [a talking head of The Wizard appears through a hologram, reading the Grimmerie, his voice echoes] Oh-Ma-Ha... Oh-Ma-Ha...
- Wiz-O-Mania Audience Member: He can read! He must be... . A Wizard!
- Glinda: Whenever I see someone less fortunate than I, and let's face it, right? Who isn't less fortunate than I? My tender heart tends to start to bleed.
- Glinda: Oh, Elphie, how will we manage without you?
- Glinda: You won't even notice I'm gone, you have Fiyero. Um, speaking of Fiyero, where is he? Not that I expected him to come and say goodbye, but... I mean, we barely know each other.
- Glinda: Well, I barely know him anymore either, he's been different. He's distant and moodified... And he's been thinking, which... really worries me. It all started the day Doctor Dillamond got fired, I mean, who knew he cared so much about that old goat?