When Delacroix is watching the YouTube video, it says that it was posted "1 minute ago" and when the screen scrolls down, the comment posted by Gwendoline says "2 weeks ago". Moreover, the same video is seen to have a different duration: the first shot shows it being 6:13 and the following shot shows it being 8:23.
At 1:53:42, Sebastian has his bullet proof vest on though he removed it in the previous scene. In the next scene, he no longer has the vest on.
Near the start of the movie, Sebastian spills coffee all over his jacket. In the next scene his jacket is dry.
Ahead of the third heist, when Beatrix is convincing Delacroix that the message about the 5am start time is too good to be true, the clock over her shoulder reads 08:43:47. It cuts momentarily to Delacroix and immediately returns to focus on the same clock, which now says 20:45:58, before shooting forward to 05:00:00.
In Prague, after Brad jumps out the window he shoots the older security guard which is shown by blood spraying. When Interpol arrives, the police tell Delacroix that nobody was injured.
A main plot point in this film involves agents from INTERPOL attempting to apprehend the thieves and getting thwarted while actively pursuing them. In point of fact, INTERPOL is not a law enforcement agency and none of their agents have any law enforcement or arrest powers. INTERPOL acts as a liaison between law enforcement across member nations and offers databases, technical and operational support to and between member nations.
Berlin doesn't have any subway station with the extremely long, continuous escalators between the subway platforms and ground floor. The deepest subway station in Berlin is only 15 meters deep.
French is not a standard language in St. Moritz, which is in Switzerland/canton Graubünden/Engadin where the people speak Swiss German, Romansch (slightly Italian sounding roman language) and partly Italian but no French since it's on the opposite end of the part of Switzerland where they speak French. It might make sense if it is out of courtesy to the French Interpol agents but then it doesn't that they speak French when Korina calls.
The subway that Sebastian rode in doesn't resemble anything from Berlin's subway and commuter systems. U-Bahn has full yellow livery while S-Bahn has yellow and red livery. The seat upholstery in both subway systems have the distinctive pattern and color that aren't found anywhere in the world.
Sebastian's viewing history of his earlier videos shows "0" (zero) for all of them. In fact, even the viewing of a video by a creator themselves once it is uploaded, which any creator would do to check, would count.
Towards the end of the movie the main character takes off his bulletproof jackets and puts in the back of the truck. The next shot of him in the car shows him wear the bulletproof jack again and when the car stops his jacket is gone again.
At the beginning, when Ludwig is uploading his video to YouTube, the screen shows a MacOS interface despite being a Dell branded laptop. Unless he is using a self installed "Hackintosh", MacOS is not available on Dell hardware.
During the few days over which this film is based, Gwen's hairstyle changes a ridiculous number of times, and these are elaborate and complex hairstyles. this, while the team are coordinating and carrying-out intricate heists.
When Rolph as a valet returns the golden BMW to the hotel entrance, the rim RF is clearly dented. Not everything went all right.
The location where Sebastian steals the bike in Prague and cycles is at least 50 minutes (by bike) far away from the castle, where he felts down.
When Ludwig Dieter, a bank teller, learns he's asked to crack the Siegfried, he points out its seven tumblers have a trillion possible combinations (100 to the power of seven). The German and French dubs have him saying 'trillion', even though these languages use the long scale (not the short one as English does). So, in those dubs (translated - correctly - to English) he says there were a quintillion combinations (100 to the power of 18).