Indie horror is having a renaissance these days, and "The Fetus" is a wonderful addition to it! The story begins with Alessa (Lauren LaVera from "Terrifier 2 & 3") and Chris (Julian Curtis) discover that Alessa is pregnant. Chris is less than thrilled, but Alessa is totally freaked out because she thinks her body is different and won't react normally -- and, no surprise, she is correct! She insists that they go see her father (Bill Mosely, almost unrecognizable behind a bushy beard) and so off they go...
"The Fetus" fires on almost all cylinders. It's scary, gory, gruesome, a little funny... everything you'd want from a little indie horror flick. The acting is top-notch -- Bill Mosely is, as always, wonderful and Lauren LaVera continues to be a revelation in everything she's in. It was nicely original, took some twists and turns I didn't expect, which is always so refreshing. And even for such a low budget film, the practical special effects were a hit.
If you're an indie horror fan -- and if you're not, you should be -- check out "The Fetus" when you get a chance!