- [last lines]
- Optimus Prime: In any war, there are calms between the storms. There will be days when we lose faith, days when our allies turn against us. But the day will never come, that we forsake this planet and its people.
- Simmons: Years from now they're going to ask us: where were you when they took over the planet? We're gonna say: we stood by and watched.
- Megatron: Now, we need a truce. All I want is to be back in charge. Besides, who would you be without me, Prime?
- Optimus Prime: Time to find out!
- [attacks Megatron and beheads him]
- Que: Ah, good, you're here. My name's Que. I do hope you have answers for him. I've never seen him so upset!
- Lennox: Optimus, you remember Charlotte Mearing, our director of National Intelligence?
- [Optimus stays in truck mode]
- Dino: He's in a bad mood. He's not talking to anybody today.
- Charlotte Mearing: What is this, the silent treatment?
- Ironhide: We've seen that and this is not that.
- Que: Definitely not!
- Ironhide: This is worse. Prime, make something of yourself!
- [bangs fist on top of Optimus's cab, Optimus transforms]
- Ironhide: He's pissed.
- Optimus Prime: [pounds the ground] You lied to us! Everything humans know of our planet we were told had all been shared!
- [points to component]
- Optimus Prime: So why was this found in human possession?
- Optimus Prime: What your leaders say is true: this was all my fault. I told them whom to trust. I was so wrong.
- Sam Witwicky: That doesn't make it your fault, it just makes you human for a change.
- Optimus Prime: Remember this: you may lose your faith in us, but never in yourselves.
- Sam Witwicky: I need to know how you're going to fight back. I know there's a strategy, I know you're coming back with reinforcements, something. I know there's a plan. You can tell me, no other human will ever know.
- Optimus Prime: There is no plan.
- Sam Witwicky: If we just do what they want, how are we ever going to live with ourselves?
- Optimus Prime: You are my friend Sam, you always will be. But your leaders have spoken. From here the fight will be your own.
- Simmons: Don't worry, I speak their language.
- [doorman opens sliding hatch]
- Simmons: Do svidaniya.
- Russian Bouncer: That means goodbye!
- [closes hatch]
- Sentinel Prime: [mercilessly beating Optimus Prime] We were gods once, all of us! But here...
- Optimus Prime: Please...!
- Sentinel Prime: ...there can only be ONE!
- [raises his lance...]
- Megatron: [attacks Sentinel from behind] This is MY planet!
- Sam Witwicky: [to Lennox] We gotta get Sentinel outta here, he is the key to all this...
- Sentinel Prime: Indeed I am! What you must realize my Autobot brothers, is we were never going to win the war! For the sake of our planet's survival, a deal had to be made... with Megatron!
- [blasts Ironhide]
- Lennox: GET BACK!
- Ironhide: [rusting away] Sentinel... what have you done?
- Sentinel Prime: [to Ironhide] I hereby discharge you from duty!
- [shoots Ironhide again]
- Sentinel Prime: How doomed you are, Autobots. You simply fail to understand, that the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few...
- Laserbeak: What... did you say... to Witwicky?
- Jerry Wang: Oh, shit...
- [pulls two guns on Laserbeak]
- Jerry Wang: Who wants some chicken dinner now, bitch? Huh? 'Cause somebody messed with the wrong Wang today!
- Optimus Prime: [shoots down the ship attacking Sam and Epps] We will kill them all! Your leaders will now understand: Decepticons will never leave your planet alone. And we needed them to believe we had gone. For today, in the name of freedom, we take the battle to them!
- [other Autobots appear]
- Sam Witwicky: I saw your ship blow up!
- Roadbuster: The ship? We were never in the ship! We designed the damn thing, didn't we?
- Leadfoot: We were hidden in the first booster rocket to seperate - splashed down back in the Atlantic, just as planned.
- [spits]
- Leadfoot: We ain't going nowhere!
- Brains: Yeah, no one's exiling us!
- Wheelie: The Autobots are staying right here. We're gonna help you win this war!
- [first lines]
- Optimus Prime: We were once a peaceful race of intelligent mechanical beings. But then came the war between the Autobots, who fought for freedom and the Decepticons, who dreamt of tyranny. Overmatched and outnumbered, our defeat was all but certain. But in the wars final days, one Autobot ship escaped the battle. It was carrying a secret cargo, which would have changed our planet's fate. A desperate mission, our final hope...
- [the Ark flies from Cybertron into space... and is gunned down]
- Optimus Prime: A hope that vanished.
- Dylan: Sam, do as I said, she won't be harmed, you have my word.
- Sam Witwicky: I'll kill you, you have my word.
- Sentinel Prime: Optimus... all I ever wanted... was the survival of our race... You must see why I had to betray you...
- Optimus Prime: [picks up Megatron's gun] You didn't betray me, Sentinel. You betrayed yourself.
- [takes aim at Sentinel]
- Sentinel Prime: No. NO, OPTIMUS...!
- [Optimus fires]
- Sentinel Prime: So majestic and peaceful, this planet. Unlike the final days on Cybertron.
- Optimus Prime: I've wondered what might have been, if you had fought the final battle instead of me.
- Sentinel Prime: Never mourn the past, young warrior. Thanks to you, our race survives.
- Optimus Prime: [offers the Matrix to Sentinel] You were our leader, Sentinel. it is your right to lead us again.
- Sentinel Prime: In a world I do not know, I am no longer your teacher, Optimus, you are mine.
- Optimus Prime: Why, Sentinel? Why?
- Sentinel Prime: For Cyberton! For our home! What war destroyed, we can rebuild - but only if we join with the Decepticons!
- Optimus Prime: No, it's not the only way! This is our home, we must defend the humans!
- Sentinel Prime: So lost you are, Optimus. On Cybertron we were gods, and here they call us machines! Let the humans serve us, or perish!
- Black Ops NASA Technician: We are not alone after all, are we?
- Buzz Aldrin: No, sir. We're not alone.
- Sam Witwicky: We got an emergency, you gotta get Colonel Lennox out here. I'm reporting Decepticons! Decepticons are back, you gotta open that gate right now!
- NEST Guard: Easy sir, this is Heath and Human services.
- Sam Witwicky: Right, packing M4s! What are you protecting? Colostomy bags? Bedpans? Throat lozenges? Where'd you get that hat from, nursing school? So you're nurses and foot powder protectors, fantastic!
- [Buzz Aldrin and Optimus Prime meet]
- Buzz Aldrin: From a fellow space traveller, it's an honour meeting you.
- Optimus Prime: The honour is mine.
- Starscream: Thought you were working for us, BOY?
- [Sam fires his grapple at Starscream]
- Starscream: [hit] My eye! My eye! I can't see! I can't see!
- [starts flailing around]
- Starscream: Oh, my poor master. How it pains me to see you so wounded, so weak...
- Megatron: Spare me, you gaseous sycophant! You know what you are told, which is nothing!
- Sam Witwicky: Come here. Come here!
- Bumblebee: [through radio] "Come on, Sam!"
- Sam Witwicky: What is your deal, huh? I know your Black Op stuff is important to you and i'm not trying to diminish it or guilt trip you or anything, I just never see you anymore! You can't come to the garage and hang out just one night?
- Bumblebee: "Sam, that makes me feel bad."
- Sam Witwicky: Well I hope you feel bad, you should feel bad - look at the jalopy I'm driving now - I feel bad every single day!
- Optimus Prime: Get down here, Sentinel!
- Sentinel Prime: [draws his lance] Optimus, you forget your place!
- [jumps down to meet Optimus]
- Sentinel Prime: I bring you Cybertron, your home, and still you choose humanity!
- Optimus Prime: You were the one who taught me freedom is everyone's right!
- Sentinel Prime: I will retrigger that pillar!
- Optimus Prime: Then you'll have to go through me!
- Optimus Prime: They're surrounding the city to make a fortress so that no one can see what their up to inside. Our only chance is the element of surprise.
- Sam Witwicky: [looks at the Decepticon airship] I think I know where to look. So you can fly this thing, right?
- [Bumblebee wiggles his fingers]
- Sam Witwicky: What is that... What is that? What is that? So-so? So you so-so can fly this. That feels terrible.
- Bumblebee: Uh-huh!
- Sentinel Prime: Commencing transport.
- [activates the pillars]
- Optimus Prime: [arriving] Stop! No, no! NO, SENTINEL!
- Soundwave: Soundwave reporting, Lord Megatron.
- Megatron: And what news from your little assassin?
- Laserbeak: Autobots have taken the bait! They've discovered the Ark, and returned with its cargo!
- Megatron: You did me a great honour, tracking that ship to the moon. Your human collaborators have served their purpose, Soundwave. It's time to eliminate loose ends.
- [Laserbeak flies away]
- Soundwave: Laserbeak: kill them all.
- Laserbeak: With pleasure!
- [Cybertron looms above Chicago]
- Megatron: Cybertron... you are saved, at last.
- [Carly approaches Megatron]
- Megatron: Oh, have you come to surrender?
- Carly Miller: Was it all worth it?
- Megatron: Obviously!
- Carly Miller: All your work to bring Sentinel back, and now clearly he has all the power! It's actually almost tragic!
- Carly Miller: Your Decepticons finally conquering this planet, and yet their leader won't be you!
- Megatron: It will be me! It will always be me!
- Carly Miller: In any minute now you'll be nothing but Sentinel's bitch!
- [Megatron snarls and rises]
- Charlotte Mearing: CIA's up my ass about this mystery raid in the Middle East. So it's time to come clean. Was your unit involved?
- Lennox: Uh, I'm not sure ma'am.
- Charlotte Mearing: As director of National Intelligence, I'm a really big fan of intelligent answers.
- Lennox: I really can't tell you definitively. These Autobots are like teenage kids, they like to sneak out of the house every once in a while.
- Charlotte Mearing: Mr. Witwicky, I thought I made it clear to you that I did not want you calling this phone...
- Sam Witwicky: Listen, the whole thing has been a set-up since the beginning! The Decepticons wanted Optimus to find Sentinel because he was the only one who could revive him.
- Charlotte Mearing: But we have the space bridge...
- Sam Witwicky: Mearing, you have five pillars - I just learned that they have hundreds! You're doing exactly what they wanted you to do! What do you need me to say to you? The Decepticons are coming for Sentinel Prime!
- Sentinel Prime: [fighting Optimus] Always the bravest of us, but you could never make the hard decisions!
- [rips off Optimus' arm]
- Optimus Prime: The ship's name was the Ark. I watched it escape Cybertron myself. It was carrying an Autobot technology that would have won us the war. And its captain...
- Charlotte Mearing: Who was its captain?
- Optimus Prime: The great Sentinel Prime, the technology's inventor. He was commander of the Autobots before me. It's imperative that I find it before the Decepticons learn of its location. Our Autobot spacecraft has the ability to get there. And... you must pray it's in time.
- [Bumblebee drops some sprockets]
- Carly Miller: Oooh, rings!
- [Bumblebee plays wedding chimes]
- Carly Miller: I love this car!
- Sam Witwicky: Yeah, but Bee. you gotta slow it down. You gotta slow way down, ok?
- Bumblebee: [through his radio] "I'm just trying to help out."
- Simmons: [Wants to impress the Russians with a Russian phrase] Dutch, give me something tough.
- Dutch: Eh.
- [browses dictionary in panic]
- Dutch: Baryshnikov.
- Cosmonaut Dimitri: We do speak English.
- Simmons: Dutch, you suck.
- Dutch: It's a Cyrillic alphabet. It's like all the buttons you never push on a calculator! I don't suck.
- [at the Lincoln Memorial]
- Starscream: Oh, my master, such a brilliant scheme! So when Sentinel left Cybertron, it was to defect!
- Megatron: He was meant to rendezvous with me here on Earth, before fate waylaid us both. The only way to revive him: we needed Prime and his Matrix.
- [blasts the Lincoln statue]
- Starscream: Excellent strategy!
- Igor: [chomping Lincoln's head] Mine! Mine!
- Starscream: So, he is now your partner.
- Megatron: He is my greatest triumph.
- Starscream: So impressive!
- [a coffee cup hits Shockwave on the head. He looks up, and sees Epps in the skyscraper]
- Robert Epps: This evil thing's looking at me!
- Shockwave: Driller Bot is thirsty.
- [Driller arrives]
- Robert Epps: And it even got an uglier Decepticon with it!
- Shockwave: [speaks Cybertronian] Commence.
- [Sentinel Prime attacks NEST base]
- Charlotte Mearing: Sentinel, stop this! What's going on? What do you think you're doing?
- Sentinel Prime: I am a Prime, I do not answer to the likes of you. Return what belongs to me!
- Megatron: The city is secured. The humans cannot stop us!
- Sentinel Prime: As the afternoon falls, the rest of the pillars will reach their launch position.
- Megatron: This is the victory I've promised you so many years ago where we rebuild Cybertron together.
- Sentinel Prime: [grabs Megatron] I have deigned to work with you that our planet may survive! I will never work FOR you! And you'll be wise to remember the difference.
- Starscream: You can't hide, boy!
- [Sam and Carly duck into a bus, Starscream shreds the top with his buzzsaw]
- Starscream: I love it when your little insect feet try to run!
- [last words]
- Starscream: [a boomstick stuck in his eye] I'm going to kick you. I am going to kill y...
- [boomstick explodes, blowing up Starscream's head]
- [the Autobots and NEST gather around to reawaken Sentinel Prime]
- Lennox: [to Mearing] That's the Matrix of Leadership, the only thing in the Universe that can repower a Transformer's spark.
- Optimus Prime: Let us begin... Sentinel Prime, we bid you return.
- [drives the Matrix into Sentinel's chest, reviving him... Sentinel grabs Optimus in a deadlock]
- Lennox: Hold your fire!
- Optimus Prime: Stop! Sentinel, it is I, Optimus Prime!
- Ironhide: You are home, Sentinel.
- Ratchet: There is nothing to fear.
- Sentinel Prime: Defenders of Earth: we have come for your natural resources to rebuild our damaged planet. When we have transported all we need, we will leave your world in peace. For such peace to exist, you must immediately exile the Autobot rebels you have harbored. NON-negotiable! Renounce the rebels. We await your reply...
- Lennox: Listen up! You wanna hit back? We're gonna have to wingsuit in. It's the only way to get close. I can't promise anyone a ride home, but if you're with me, the world needs you now.