63 reviews
Hmmmmm.....it finally happened. The "American Pie" franchise got beaten to death, succumbing to it's inevitable demise with this tired, bored, stupified pathetic excuse for a film "The Book of Love".
Now before I go any further, I have to express that I am indeed an "American Pie" fan and enjoy all the films so far even the straight to DVD released ones of the past few years.
So naturally when I heard of the 7th film's release I was eager to sit back, relax and enjoy some more mindless potty humour and enjoy a few laughs....sadly, there were only a FEW laughs to be had as in I believe there were 2 scenes I found funny. I won't ruin those scenes for anyone who still feels the need to watch this film but I'll just say they involved a women's underwear department store and the other some old ladies false teeth!
The rest of the film relies on tired old jokes from the previous six films which by now aren't funny and are slightly altered to appear fresh and original but just end up falling flat and leave the viewer wondering if they were supposed to laugh or not.
The acting in this film is absolutely atrocious but no surprises there as the only relevant actors in the film were Rosanna Arquette and Eugene Levy who stole every scene he was in. Too bad his scene's were so short that his role was more like a cameo role which is a major shame but I guess this film was done on no budget and what little money they did have was used to pay Mr Levy for the one day of shooting he did for this film.
The characters this time round just weren't memorable and although I just watched the film lat night...I'm struggling to remember any one character's name!
The new "Stifler" was average too and without a string Stifler....what can you expect to get out of a so called "American Pie" film?
The film tries desperately to avoid boredom and throws in many pointless cameos from Hollywood Caleb's such as Bret Michals which just aren't funny!
I think I'll skip adding this one to my collection!
I'm nearly done complaining but before I wrap up....I would like to mention that it's a real shame this film is the one released 10 years after the original. If I was a rich Hollywood movie director/ writer...I would do a film about the original group getting together ten years later to celebrate their High School reunion! Think about how funny that film could be! See how all the characters turned out ten years after high school and what hilarious scenes could unfold if they all end up really drunk at their reunion? Will any old flames be re-ignited? Will Stifler still be an immature horn-bag? Will anyone shag a pie??? And the movie could be called; "American Pie: High School Reunion".
Now that sounds like an "American Pie" film that people would want to see!!!!
Please stop the straight to DVD releases!!!!
Now before I go any further, I have to express that I am indeed an "American Pie" fan and enjoy all the films so far even the straight to DVD released ones of the past few years.
So naturally when I heard of the 7th film's release I was eager to sit back, relax and enjoy some more mindless potty humour and enjoy a few laughs....sadly, there were only a FEW laughs to be had as in I believe there were 2 scenes I found funny. I won't ruin those scenes for anyone who still feels the need to watch this film but I'll just say they involved a women's underwear department store and the other some old ladies false teeth!
The rest of the film relies on tired old jokes from the previous six films which by now aren't funny and are slightly altered to appear fresh and original but just end up falling flat and leave the viewer wondering if they were supposed to laugh or not.
The acting in this film is absolutely atrocious but no surprises there as the only relevant actors in the film were Rosanna Arquette and Eugene Levy who stole every scene he was in. Too bad his scene's were so short that his role was more like a cameo role which is a major shame but I guess this film was done on no budget and what little money they did have was used to pay Mr Levy for the one day of shooting he did for this film.
The characters this time round just weren't memorable and although I just watched the film lat night...I'm struggling to remember any one character's name!
The new "Stifler" was average too and without a string Stifler....what can you expect to get out of a so called "American Pie" film?
The film tries desperately to avoid boredom and throws in many pointless cameos from Hollywood Caleb's such as Bret Michals which just aren't funny!
I think I'll skip adding this one to my collection!
I'm nearly done complaining but before I wrap up....I would like to mention that it's a real shame this film is the one released 10 years after the original. If I was a rich Hollywood movie director/ writer...I would do a film about the original group getting together ten years later to celebrate their High School reunion! Think about how funny that film could be! See how all the characters turned out ten years after high school and what hilarious scenes could unfold if they all end up really drunk at their reunion? Will any old flames be re-ignited? Will Stifler still be an immature horn-bag? Will anyone shag a pie??? And the movie could be called; "American Pie: High School Reunion".
Now that sounds like an "American Pie" film that people would want to see!!!!
Please stop the straight to DVD releases!!!!
- Mash-the-stampede
- Dec 31, 2009
- Permalink
this movie did not bring up to American pie standards the story line should have been looked at more carefully the actors for me should not have played the part, stifler is not a stifler if they want to make a new American pie again they need to bring up their A game like kicking off the actors and going back to Noah Levenstine's time when he was young because all the movies have pretty much said that he was a god. I watched the movie and after looking at stifler for the first time i knew this movie is the worst American pie, the story line had so much potential but they messed it up. This what happens now with movies now a days :(
At first I thought it couldn't be much worse than the last one, but guess what! It was an even bigger waste of time. It's not the typical low-quality comedy that will at least make you laugh a bit and you will forget all about it as soon as it's over. It's more like a parody of the worst clichés ever. Only problem is it's not supposed to be a parody (or if it is they just didn't make it clear). It's something like the American Pie Paradox: the first 3 films set a really high standard (funny, original to an extend, well shaped action) and the ones that followed were more like a new low in the history of comedy. What surprised me was the fact that it was not even as bad as Naked Mile. At least there were a couple of funny lines and 3 or 4 funny scenes on that one. But this one? You can just leave the room for let's say 15' , come back and realize that you didn't miss anything at all. Total waste of time.
- electra_xan
- Feb 3, 2010
- Permalink
Dildo. If you're laughing hysterically right now, this is totally the movie for you. If not, "Book Of Love" is going to be a pretty tiresome ride. Nobody expects a great story when they see the "American Pie Presents" (what does that even mean?) moniker, but a little variation here and there would be pretty nice. I mean, come on. Another batch of hapless (not to mention unlikable) virgins getting into sexual misadventures? Another previously unmentioned Stifler cousin? Another utterly pointless appearance by Jim's dad? You know your plot elements are desperately uninspired when they make "Band Camp" seem fresh. The movie's also very unstructured, it's basically just a series of barely related sketches. Wouldn't be that much of a problem if the little vignettes were funny, but the supposed highlight of the movie consists of faux-Stifler getting raped by a moose. Creative stuff right there. The makers even seem fully aware they're making crap, but all they do to solve it is adding more frighteningly plastic boobs. This is just painful to watch.
- Sandcooler
- Jul 3, 2012
- Permalink
okay, I'll not beat around the bush here...
I am currently working on my laptop and this movie was just played on TV in the background. of course I saw the "moose" scene, which seemed to be a highlight of this movie. I directly zapped after this moment.
Let me tell you that this... "highlight" was actually pretty bad, the fun level was low, the CGI's were so cheap...it was just AWFUL !! Don't buy, rent or even watch this movie if you don't wanna be disgusted like me.
Just see the other reviews to understand what's going on here...I had even to cheat with the empty lines on this review to be approved, so I have nothing more to say about this crap.
I am currently working on my laptop and this movie was just played on TV in the background. of course I saw the "moose" scene, which seemed to be a highlight of this movie. I directly zapped after this moment.
Let me tell you that this... "highlight" was actually pretty bad, the fun level was low, the CGI's were so cheap...it was just AWFUL !! Don't buy, rent or even watch this movie if you don't wanna be disgusted like me.
Just see the other reviews to understand what's going on here...I had even to cheat with the empty lines on this review to be approved, so I have nothing more to say about this crap.
Yet another ridiculous American Pie spin off, unrelated to the first, that has now been spit into stores for kids to buy and call "the best movie ever". Just great. I always referred to these movies as "kid movies" because I find my friends liking the spinoffs more than the original three because of the excessive female nudity. Maybe we're heading down the sea of nihilism, I don't know.
We are enlightened to see that Bug Hall (The Little Rascals) plays the lead character in this mess, and I would just give the film one and a half stars for him and Eugene Levy, solely. He plays Rob a hopeless virgin along with his other friends Nathan (Kevin M. Horton) and Lube (Brandon Hardesty). While searching for the girl he likes, Rob accidentally sets the school library on fire in which he find the "Book of Love". Partly destroyed, it contains the tips and tricks on how to have sex and pleasure a women. The virgins are now on their quest to have sex and try gain girlfriends as well.
The plot, is rather stupid and just unappealing altogether. It's a typical late high-school plot in which you don't really care about. Yet again, no one returns from previous films, only Eugene Levy who must get paid a shiny new dime to keep returning in these films. He needs to get decent cut for what the franchise makes, otherwise, he would never in his life make such lackluster films.
I will go as far as saying I laughed in a few parts but like Richard Roeper stated, "One laugh every half an hour is not enough for me to recommend this...". The characters are mildly likable, but you don't really care what happens to them even though they are the protagonists of the film. The lackluster acting, the stereotypical objects disguised as girls, and the bad script and storyline is enough to bore you before the first thirty minutes have passed. Like I stated before, teens will like this for the nudity, but any self respecting fan will grow tired, weary, and be utterly repulsed by this loathsome filth disguised as pie. Next.
Starring: Bug Hall, Kevin M. Horton, Brandon Hardesty, and Eugene Levy. Directed by: John Putch.
We are enlightened to see that Bug Hall (The Little Rascals) plays the lead character in this mess, and I would just give the film one and a half stars for him and Eugene Levy, solely. He plays Rob a hopeless virgin along with his other friends Nathan (Kevin M. Horton) and Lube (Brandon Hardesty). While searching for the girl he likes, Rob accidentally sets the school library on fire in which he find the "Book of Love". Partly destroyed, it contains the tips and tricks on how to have sex and pleasure a women. The virgins are now on their quest to have sex and try gain girlfriends as well.
The plot, is rather stupid and just unappealing altogether. It's a typical late high-school plot in which you don't really care about. Yet again, no one returns from previous films, only Eugene Levy who must get paid a shiny new dime to keep returning in these films. He needs to get decent cut for what the franchise makes, otherwise, he would never in his life make such lackluster films.
I will go as far as saying I laughed in a few parts but like Richard Roeper stated, "One laugh every half an hour is not enough for me to recommend this...". The characters are mildly likable, but you don't really care what happens to them even though they are the protagonists of the film. The lackluster acting, the stereotypical objects disguised as girls, and the bad script and storyline is enough to bore you before the first thirty minutes have passed. Like I stated before, teens will like this for the nudity, but any self respecting fan will grow tired, weary, and be utterly repulsed by this loathsome filth disguised as pie. Next.
Starring: Bug Hall, Kevin M. Horton, Brandon Hardesty, and Eugene Levy. Directed by: John Putch.
- StevePulaski
- Jul 3, 2010
- Permalink
- alexander-george-1
- Dec 11, 2009
- Permalink
- jacob-l-williams
- Jun 21, 2010
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- lizwilder_1234
- Jul 10, 2011
- Permalink
Just as I love watching all the National Lampoon movies, American Pie movies although not as good as the first few, but still enjoyable to watch is The Book Of Love. Different actors and similar story line, but still titillating and got better as the movie went along. It's gone straight to DVD as it's not rated as going to be a huge movie, but for lovers of the previous ones, this is still good enough to enjoy. The harsh critics will hardly rate this movie, but for the average person who wants to escape and just watch for a bit of fun, they'll enjoy it more. It was a nice touch to see some old favorite actors from this genre included, such as Tim Matheson, C. Thomas Howell, Eugene Levy, Robert Romanus, Christopher Knight and Curtis Armstrong (Booger from Nerds). There are a couple of nice looking girls who will no doubt be appearing in future movies, Beth Behrs and Jennifer Holland. I'll be looking forward to the next American Pie when ever that might be.
- collingwood
- Dec 10, 2009
- Permalink
I saw this movie yesterday and i just wasted my 1:30 hr for watching this movie,u do not expect a great movie out of it but at least it should be a bit entertaining than the previous versions or par with the previous bone crackers.Actors are not at all good.Stifler(who has a bit of commanding role) is a complete waste in this movie,actors are not gorgeous or at least beautiful or at least pleasing,this version has severed the fame of American Pie brand and a huge disappointment to lot of teen comedy lovers.At least they should have repeated actors which may have made the movie a little bit dandy.So sit back and watch other movies instead of wasting your time and money on it.
- riyazquest
- Nov 30, 2009
- Permalink
SO OK maybe its not your usual suspects from American Pie, buts its for a new generation of AP! I think that this movie was pretty funny I looked at some clips online and was LOLing I can't wait to see it...Brett Michaels is in it and he has a pretty funny part!!! I think the premise is the passing of the American Pie Torch to a new generation...this is why I think they went back to the roots of the Book of Love! they boys revamp it and make it new and relevant for today. Sure maybe the dialogue has more to do with getting laid then anything else and I am sure there are tones of topless bitties running around but I think The movie is Fun and not meant to be taken too seriously!
- sadieonawire
- Dec 13, 2009
- Permalink
The fourth American Pie Presents instalment sees characters other than Stiffler as the main protagonists, which is a bit of a change from previous films, not to mention the four cinema-release films as well.
That said, there is no new ground broken here, and the Law of Diminishing Returns does rear it's ugly head. The story - as you might expect - is pretty much the same in The Book of Love as it is in every American Pie movie: guys (usually but not always virgins) want to have sex. They try to have sex and end up in embarrassing and embarrassingly funny semi-sexual situations and eventually figure everything out. Surely not a spoiler alert, right?
These unrated American Pie Presents movies also feature plenty of beautiful females, plenty of them topless during their appearances, and the occasional bit of full-frontal nudity as well.
A few laughs, not not many in this one. No wonder the franchise took a break for more than a decade.
That said, there is no new ground broken here, and the Law of Diminishing Returns does rear it's ugly head. The story - as you might expect - is pretty much the same in The Book of Love as it is in every American Pie movie: guys (usually but not always virgins) want to have sex. They try to have sex and end up in embarrassing and embarrassingly funny semi-sexual situations and eventually figure everything out. Surely not a spoiler alert, right?
These unrated American Pie Presents movies also feature plenty of beautiful females, plenty of them topless during their appearances, and the occasional bit of full-frontal nudity as well.
A few laughs, not not many in this one. No wonder the franchise took a break for more than a decade.
- allmoviesfan
- May 16, 2023
- Permalink
The first two minutes of this movie are so irredeemably bad that they make the opening scene from the original American Pie look dignified by comparison. The first three American Pie movie's are by no means cinematic masterpieces but they at least contained a cast of funny and likable character's who do eventually grow in maturity as the movie progressed.
America Pie: The Book of Love is one of the worst "comedy's" I have ever seen and that's coming from someone who grew up watching movies like Euro Trip, Road Trip, Scary Movie and Jackass.
When I sat down to watch this movie I was expecting to see some idiotic attempts at humour but what I didn't expect to see was a scene where a CGI moose violates a naked man over the hood of a car.
Seriously don't waste your time watching this movie it's neither funny or erotic unless you have recently sustained a massive head injury.
America Pie: The Book of Love is one of the worst "comedy's" I have ever seen and that's coming from someone who grew up watching movies like Euro Trip, Road Trip, Scary Movie and Jackass.
When I sat down to watch this movie I was expecting to see some idiotic attempts at humour but what I didn't expect to see was a scene where a CGI moose violates a naked man over the hood of a car.
Seriously don't waste your time watching this movie it's neither funny or erotic unless you have recently sustained a massive head injury.
- Darkside-Reviewer
- May 27, 2021
- Permalink
It was painfull watching. This Stifler character made me cringe so bad. With I didn't watch it
- even-larsen-204-913697
- Jul 3, 2018
- Permalink
Q: How many scenes with bare tits did we have on the number 6 of the American Pie squeeze-out? A: ehrm, five, mister money-making producer. Then make it seven in this thing! And make up something that can justify that we call it American pie!
And so it were. A truckload of breasts (not bad for a teen movie, I must admit. And I'm glad to see how they parted from the apparent"silicone only"-track from the earlier movies). And some vague connection to the infamous "Book of Love" and Jim's farther, the untireable Eugene Levy.
But what a weak film. Not worthy of the name, I must say. The laughs are all of the over-the-top style, which is very different from the earlier films, which were much more embarrassment-based, thus creating laughs alongside with building sympathy for the main characters. This is completely lost, and makes for 1 ½ hours + with seldom laughs and characters you don't care about.
Even spiked with a load of boobs, it's a cocktail not worth drinking.
And so it were. A truckload of breasts (not bad for a teen movie, I must admit. And I'm glad to see how they parted from the apparent"silicone only"-track from the earlier movies). And some vague connection to the infamous "Book of Love" and Jim's farther, the untireable Eugene Levy.
But what a weak film. Not worthy of the name, I must say. The laughs are all of the over-the-top style, which is very different from the earlier films, which were much more embarrassment-based, thus creating laughs alongside with building sympathy for the main characters. This is completely lost, and makes for 1 ½ hours + with seldom laughs and characters you don't care about.
Even spiked with a load of boobs, it's a cocktail not worth drinking.
- overlord_olsen
- Jun 7, 2013
- Permalink
This film is about three young adult men trying to score their first sexual experience.
"American Pie Presents: The Book of Love" is using the same jokes and humour from the previous American Pies, so it is pretty much running out on ideas. This time round, the filmmakers tried to blend in elements of "love and respect for the ladies" into the overwhelmingly carnal film. It is a welcoming change but it sounds quite out of place and very preachy.
I think "American Pie Presents: The Book of Love" is less entertaining than the previous straight to video American Pies, but it is still entertaining enough to be a brain off comedy.
"American Pie Presents: The Book of Love" is using the same jokes and humour from the previous American Pies, so it is pretty much running out on ideas. This time round, the filmmakers tried to blend in elements of "love and respect for the ladies" into the overwhelmingly carnal film. It is a welcoming change but it sounds quite out of place and very preachy.
I think "American Pie Presents: The Book of Love" is less entertaining than the previous straight to video American Pies, but it is still entertaining enough to be a brain off comedy.
Seriously, who is paying to watch these things? This is the seventh American Pie film - despite the fact that any humour, charm or originality that the original had had run out about halfway through American Pie 2. The soft-core porn element is totally defunct in the internet age, and the plots have come to resemble episodes of Skins written by a Barbary macaque. In fact, Skins is worth mentioning - as it shows that teen comedies can actually be funny, well-written and intelligent. Compared to that, tripe like American Pie 7 is just insulting to teenage boys. Surely, this has to be the last of this franchise - I cannot understand why anyone would be paying money to watch or rent this tosh.
- adamstuartcox
- Mar 18, 2012
- Permalink
- thomasspencer
- Aug 10, 2011
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- Jackpollins
- Feb 8, 2010
- Permalink
It's just fun !!! Crazy characters who do actually finny stuff ...just watch
- nikritsasg
- Jan 16, 2021
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- mrkangaroo999
- Jul 15, 2012
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