- Robbie Williams: You've always been there for Robbie Williams, dad. Why couldn't you just be there for Robert?
- Robbie Williams: Nigel Martin Smith was, for legal reasons, an absolute sweetheart. And a first class cunt.
- Robbie Williams: [in front of a live audience] Good evening everybody! My name is Robbie Williams. This is my band, and for the next two hours, YOUR ASS IS MINE!
- Liam Gallagher: Guess who's had the largest ever demand for concert tickets in British history? Me.
- Robbie Williams: And the band...
- Liam Gallagher: Knebworth. One hundred and twenty five thousand screaming cunts.
- Robbie Williams: That's insane.
- Liam Gallagher: That's how you know you've made it, you fucking knobhead.
- Robbie Williams: Now, for years people have rumoured about my sexuality. The worst one was that all my gay friends have slept with me and said I was crap. I'm not bothered they said I slept with them. It's me being 'crap' I'm worried about.
- Nigel Martin Smith: Also, your name's not Robert anymore. It's Robbie.
- Robbie Williams: I fucking hated the name Robbie but it was the single best thing Nigel did for me. Robbie became a character. Something I could hide behind.
- Nicole Appleton: Fame is so fucking weird isn't it? It's like that uneasy feeling you get when they bring the cake out and the whole restaurant sings Happy Birthday to you and you can't wait until Happy Birthday stops being sung.
- Robbie Williams: Who did I love when I was a kid? I loved Frank Sinatra and I love my Dad and he's an entertainer. Shit that's who I am, that feels good to me. I want to make the twelve-year-old at my nan's watching TV on a Saturday night feeling safe. I want to make that same twelve-year-old feel safe on stage. I'm a fucking entertainer. It might be cabaret, but it's world class cabaret, and I'm the fucking best at it. Fuck yourselves.
- Nate: All I wanted was for you to ask me, just once, how I'm doing with work, or my little girl...
- Robbie Williams: I'm about to walk out to one hundred and twenty five thousand people. You've got no fucking idea what that feels like.
- Nate: Yeah and you've no idea that I earn in a month what you fucking snorting a minute... or that Kayleigh's shacked up with some fucking butcher so I'm living in an estate surrounded by psychopaths... or that I only get to see my kid for two hours every fortnight or...
- Robbie Williams: So you need money?
- Nate: Fucking hell!
- Robbie Williams: Jealousy doesn't suit you, Nate.
- Nate: Jealousy? Are you fucking kidding? Alright, I might have close to fuck all but you have fucking nothing.
- Robbie Williams: And this coming from you - a nothing, nobody cunt. The difference between you and me, Nate isn't my money or your kid. It's the fact that I had the fucking balls to make something of myself.
- Nate: You bought a ticket to the dream and the dream came true - and yeah, fuck it, I'm jealous of that. But you can keep the fucking rest.
- Robbie Williams: Would anyone like to see me fight Liam? Hundred grand of your money. Hundred grand of my money. We'll get in the ring and we'll have a fight and you can all watch it on TV. What do you think about that? Now are you going to do it or are you going to pussy out you fucking wimp?
- Robbie Williams: Whenever Nigel took us out for dinner he would always say...
- Nigel Martin Smith: I'll put this into your account.
- Robbie Williams: He wasn't joking. He recouped it all.
- Robbie Williams: That was the first time my mum closed her curtains. She didn't open them for another ten years.
- Robbie Williams: Who gives a fuck if you love it? What matters is that other people love you doing it.
- Peter: You've forgotten how fucking lucky you are, that's your problem. It's a privilege to do what we do.
- Robbie Williams: What we do? You live in a caravan. You perform to fifteen fucking people a night.
- Peter: And I love every second of it. And I don't need pills to get me through.
- Robbie Williams: Fucking hell.
- Peter: Sure, I'd give anything to play to a big crowd. Of course I would. But if I only played to one person for the rest of my life, I'd be happy giving them everything I've got.
- Robbie Williams: Unless that person was me though, right?
- Robbie Williams: I was just trying to make sense of it.
- Nicole Appleton: Of what?
- Robbie Williams: Never Ever.
- Nicole Appleton: What? You don't like our song?
- Robbie Williams: Oh it's fine. I'm not sure it's a number one, but...
- Nicole Appleton: Well, people seem to like it. It would be nice if my fiancé...
- Robbie Williams: Screaming, jumping around, making fucking speeches. And all that bullshit about family.
- Nicole Appleton: It's not bullshit. It's everything to me.
- Robbie Williams: Right. So did you tell them that you gave up our family to get that number one, then? Nah, I bet you left that out of your little speech, didn't you?
- Nicole Appleton: [storming out] You're so fucking ugly when you're wasted!
- Robbie Williams: Well, I'll be sober tomorrow.
- Nicole Appleton: Oh won't that be nice! I can't believe I had to tell everyone that you left tonight because something important happened!
- Robbie Williams: It did.
- Nicole Appleton: Oh yeah, getting fucked up with your mates!
- Robbie Williams: Well, at least they know how to write a proper number one.
- Nicole Appleton: More than you can. Scribbling lyrics in your little notebook, but you're too scared to show it to anyone.
- Robbie Williams: [scoffing] Ah a number one and she's giving out the advice. I didn't ask you to lie to your friends, cause guess what? I don't give a FUCK what they think!
- Nicole Appleton: You give a fuck about what everyone thinks, Rob. That's all you give a fuck about.
- Robbie Williams: Gary was a genius. An actual genius. He'd been playing the working men's clubs since he was twelve-years-old and was earning more money than his teachers.