This is probably better known online as "Russian Commando" and it is exactly that, a nearly scene-for-scene remake of Arnold Schwarzenegger's 1985 hit COMMANDO. Former paratrooper Ivan (Mikhail Porechenkov) is forced by his old team to perform an assassination or his kidnapped daughter Zhenya (Mikhail's real life daughter Varvara Porechenkova) gets it. Naturally, he escapes and begins his hunt for his daughter along with the help of stewardess Aliya (Aleksandra Ursuliak). Not totally sure why the Russians chose this one 23 years later to model their film after, but it is nearly identical. There are a few tweaks here and there, sometimes improving upon the source material (like the mall fight now taking place at a water park). Having him as a paratrooper leads to a more exciting plane escape and, when he doesn't jump off during the takeoff, the bad guy watching the plane says, "Eh, Schwarzenegger would have jumped off." Porechenkov was also the director on this and adds a bit more comedy to the film (with some of it actually funny) and numerous references to Tarkovsky's SOLARIS (1972). Really!