George Clooney credited as playing...
Matt Kowalski
- Matt Kowalski: Listen, do you wanna go back, or do you wanna stay here? I get it. It's nice up here. You can just shut down all the systems, turn out all the lights, and just close your eyes and tune out everyone. There's nobody up here that can hurt you. It's safe. I mean, what's the point of going on? What's the point of living? Your kid died. Doesn't get any rougher than that. But still, it's a matter of what you do now. If you decide to go, then you gotta just get on with it. Sit back, enjoy the ride. You gotta plant both your feet on the ground and start livin' life. Hey, Ryan? It's time to go home.
- Matt Kowalski: [On how to use a reentry module to get back to Earth] You just point the damned thing at Earth. It's not rocket science.
- Matt Kowalski: You never flown the Soyuz either?
- Ryan Stone: Only the simulator.
- Matt Kowalski: Then you know.
- Ryan Stone: But I crashed it.
- Matt Kowalski: It's a simulator. That's what it's designed for.
- Matt Kowalski: Houston, I have a bad feeling about this mission.
- Mission Control: Please elaborate.
- Matt Kowalski: Well, it reminds of a story.
- Matt Kowalski: We're going back to the shuttle. How's that for a plan? Copy?
- Ryan Stone: Fuck!
- Matt Kowalski: Right, copy that.
- Mission Control: Matt, do you have visual on just what Mission Specialist Shariff is doing up there?
- Matt Kowalski: He appears to be doing some form of the Macarena or that would be just a best guess scenario on my part.
- [first lines]
- Mission Control: Please verify that the P1 ATA removal on replacement cap part 1 and 2 are complete.
- Explorer Captain: DMA, M1, M2, M3 and M4 are complete.
- Mission Control: Okay. Copy that, Explorer. Dr. Stone, Houston. Medical is concerned about your ECG readings.
- Ryan Stone: I'm fine, Houston.
- Mission Control: Well, medical doesn't agree, Doc. Are you feeling nauseous?
- Ryan Stone: Not anymore than usual, Houston. Diagnostics are green. Link to communications card ready for data reception. If this works, when we touch down tomorrow, I'm buying all you guys a round of drinks.
- Mission Control: That's a date, Doctor. Just remember, Houston's partial to margaritas
- Ryan Stone: Booting comms card now. Please confirm link,
- Mission Control: That's a negative. We're not receiving any data.
- Ryan Stone: Standby, Houston, I'm gonna reboot the comms card.
- Mission Control: Standing by.
- Matt Kowalski: Houston, I have a bad feeling about this mission.
- Mission Control: Please expand.
- Matt Kowalski: Okay, let me tell you a story.
- Matt Kowalski: Explorer, this is Kowalski confirming visual contact with debris, debris is from a BSE sat. To repeat, I have...
- Ryan Stone: Dr. Stone requesting faster transport.
- Matt Kowalski: We have to go, we have to go, go, go!
- Mission Control: Kennedy reports meteorological conditions no-go...
- Ryan Stone: Houston, Explorer, copy.
- Ryan Stone: Explorer, Dr. Stone requesting faster transport to bay area. Explorer do you copy?
- Matt Kowalski: Explorer, permission to retrieve Dr. Stone.
- Explorer Captain: You're a go Kowalski. Houston, this is Explorer, copy... We've lost Houston... we've lost Houston.
- Matt Kowalski: Unstrap. Look, we need to get he hell out of here!
- Shariff: Need some help there, Matt?
- Matt Kowalski: No, don't wait for us!
- [a piece of debris hit Shariff on the face killing him instantly]
- Matt Kowalski: Man Down! Man Down!
- Matt Kowalski: Houston this is Explorer, copy. Houston this is Explorer, copy. Kowalski repor...
- [transmission interrupts]
- Ryan Stone: [Explorer shuttle is hit and destroyed by debris carrying Dr. Stone, still attached, around] Ah! Ah!
- Matt Kowalski: Explorer's been hit. Explorer do you read? Explorer, over, Explorer? Astronaut is off structure. Dr Stone is off structure. Dr. Stone detach! You must detach!
- Ryan Stone: [Still attached] No! No!
- Matt Kowalski: If you don't detach that arm's gonna carry you too far! Listen to my voice! You need to focus! I'm losing visual of you. In a few seconds I won't be able to track you. You need to detach. I can't see you any more. Do it now!
- Ryan Stone: I'm trying! I'm trying!
- [Ryan detaches and flies away into space]
- Matt Kowalski: Houston, I've lost visual of Dr. Stone!
- Matt Kowalski: Hey, you wanna know the good news?
- Ryan Stone: What?
- Matt Kowalski: I'm gonna break Anatolie's record... and I think mine's gonna stand for a long, long time.
- Ryan Stone: Oh no, I'm coming to get you.