Why on earth would you use the title and characters from a great book series and not make any of it like the book except the names?? The movie Gabby is nothing like the book character. Gabby has curly, wild red hair, loves kooky tees and flip flops are a main stay in her wardrobe. Sierra has a hippy vibe and hello!, she's supposed to be Asian! Also, there is no humor in this movie. Humor is a big part of the books - characters and situations make you laugh along with the seriousness of investigating murders. And lastly - where's the faith factor?? Riley and Gabby are both Christians. They are imperfect and sometimes struggle with their faith, especially Gabby. Faith isn't something banged repeatedly over one's head in the books, but is definitely included. In this movie -- non-existent. The chemistry between these characters - also non-existent. The writers and director managed to take a great, fun book story and turn it into plain pudding. Not even vanilla - just plain boring nothingness. I can't believe author Christy Barritt signed off on this. Yes, it's great to have your novel made into a movie but at least make sure it's a decent one.
I know I'm very opinionated on this, but I've read the entire Squeaky Clean book series avs loved it and the characters. This movie is a joke.