First off, for a first time director, Zoe Kravitz has done very well. The film keeps everything interesting and goes along at a good pace.
Channing Tatum (being on the poster) is the draw for the audience. Especially, one that without him may not ultimately get a look in. He does a very competent job.
The sexual violence - there is a disclaimer at the start. That disclaimer, from what I saw in another review, is apparently a hint at what you should expect and the reviewer seemed disappointed that the sexual violence wasn't more graphic.
To address the issue, I personally didn't need to see that. For a few reasons, primarily this is NOT a film locking your head in position to confront you with the ugly reality of how sexual violence is perpetrated. We can gather that it's not good. We know.
What this film is primarily about psychological thriller. And we have seen films (not necessary addressing the issue at hand) like this across the decades. Pacey thrillers where you want the goody to outwit the evil baddy. And to that end, this does a very good job. It reveals the plot at a reasonable pace.
I don't want to spoilt the plot so I haven't talked about it. The trailer tells you what you need but ideally go into this not knowing anything.
You may even figure out the ending but even then it produces a twist to it all (albeit one that may counter the issues at hand).
This a metaphor for societies' ills with men who abuse women. And as such, we know in real life the awful things that happen. This film is simply packaging that as a thriller and providing a possible way to mitigate these ills even if the final turn is a little...imo....problematic.
You will enjoy this if you after a good night in and looking for a pacey thriller.
It is a lot better than some other thrillers I have seen recently.
If you're after extreme violence and horror, I suspect you will be disappointed.
Think more "Get Out" than say "Irreversible". Both great films, just different levels of violence.
Anyway, personally, I enjoyed it and it wasn't too overlong.