Directed by
Andrew Niccol |
Writing Credits (WGA)
Andrew Niccol | ... | (screenplay) |
Stephenie Meyer | ... | (novel) |
Cast (in credits order)
Produced by
Ray Angelic | ... | executive producer |
Claudia Bluemhuber | ... | executive producer |
Dave Bogosian | ... | behind the scenes producer |
Lizzy Bradford | ... | co-producer |
Marc Butan | ... | executive producer |
Uwe Feuersenger | ... | executive producer (as Uwe R. Feuersenger) |
Meghan Hibbett | ... | co-producer |
Bill Johnson | ... | executive producer |
Stephenie Meyer | ... | producer |
Paula Mae Schwartz | ... | producer |
Roger Schwartz | ... | co-producer |
Steve Schwartz | ... | producer |
Jim Seibel | ... | executive producer |
Nick Wechsler | ... | producer |
Music by
Antonio Pinto |
Cinematography by
Roberto Schaefer | ... | director of photography |
Editing by
Thomas J. Nordberg |
Casting By
Mindy Marin |
Production Design by
Andy Nicholson |
Art Direction by
Beat Frutiger |
Set Decoration by
Cynthia La Jeunesse |
Costume Design by
Erin Benach |
Makeup Department
Kimberly Amacker | ... | makeup artist |
David Blair | ... | key hair stylist (as David Jeffrey Blair) |
Carla Brenholtz | ... | makeup artist |
Albert Louis Brown | ... | additional hair stylist (as Albert Brown) |
Erin Draney | ... | lead painter: Glenn Hetrick's Optic Nerve Studios |
Adam Gaeta | ... | additional hair stylist |
Betty Hamnac | ... | additional hair stylist |
Teressa Hill | ... | hair stylist: Los Angeles |
Erica Kyker | ... | makeup artist (as Erica Dewey) |
Natasha Ladek | ... | wigmaker: Los Angeles (as Natascha Ladek) |
Courtney Lether | ... | makeup artist |
Candace Neal | ... | hair department head |
Ve Neill | ... | makeup department head |
Brad Palmer | ... | lab supervisor: Glenn Hetrick's Optic Nerve Studios |
Cristina Patterson | ... | contact lens designer/painter |
Copper Perry | ... | hair stylist: New Mexico |
Paige Reeves | ... | key makeup artist |
David W. Smith | ... | lead sculptor: Glenn Hetrick's Optic Nerve Studios (as Dave Smith) |
Robert Smithson | ... | contact lens technician (as Bob Smithson) |
Aimee Stuit | ... | makeup artist |
Gunnar Swanson | ... | hair stylist: New Mexico |
Roberts Taylor | ... | makeup artist: New Mexico (as Taylor Roberts) |
Michelle Vittone | ... | makeup department head: Los Angeles |
Larry Waggoner | ... | hair stylist: Los Angeles |
David Waterman | ... | additional makeup artist: Los Angeles |
Steve Winsett | ... | mold maker: Glenn Hetrick's Optic Nerve Studios |
Debbie Zoller | ... | key makeup artist: Los Angeles |
Melanie Deforrest | ... | makeup artist (uncredited) |
Bailey Domke | ... | life casting: Autonomous FX South (uncredited) |
Elvis Jones | ... | makeup artist (uncredited) |
Anna Stachow | ... | makeup artist (uncredited) |
Production Management
Ray Angelic | ... | post-production supervisor |
Marjorie Ergas | ... | production supervisor: New Mexico |
Robert Ortiz | ... | unit production manager |
Tim Pedegana | ... | post-production supervisor |
Mike Upton | ... | unit production manager: Los Angeles |
Second Unit Director or Assistant Director
Nicole Treston Abranian | ... | second second assistant director: Los Angeles (as Nicole Abranian) |
Ryan Craig | ... | key second assistant director: Los Angeles |
Mike Leonard | ... | second second assistant director (as Michael Leonard) |
Maria Mantia | ... | second assistant director |
Nicholas Mastandrea | ... | first assistant director (as Nicholas C. Mastandrea) |
Bruce Moriarty | ... | first assistant director: Los Angeles |
David Leitch | ... | second unit director (uncredited) |
Art Department
Todd Achee | ... | sculptor utility |
Luke Adkins | ... | plaster foreman |
Danny Akers | ... | plaster gang boss |
Ross Anderson | ... | property master: Los Angeles |
Richard Andreotta | ... | greensman |
Michelle Armitage | ... | painter: Los Angeles |
Arthur Arndt | ... | propmaker / propmaker: New Mexico |
Heather Babineaux | ... | greensman |
David Baca | ... | set painter: New Mexico |
Stephnie Ballard | ... | art department assistant: New Mexico |
Philip Beard | ... | propmaker |
Marcel Becknel | ... | sculptor ytility |
Louis Benjamin | ... | propmaker |
Doug Bernard | ... | propmaker (as Douglas Bernard) |
Nicholas Bernard | ... | propmaker |
Sara Bettinger | ... | gang boss |
Matthew Bigelow | ... | greensman |
Robin Blagg | ... | gang boss / gang boss: New Mexico |
Jack Blanchard | ... | leadman |
Blaine Bond | ... | propmaker |
Samantha Bonilla | ... | art department production assistant |
David Keith Broome | ... | lead greensman |
Kerry Brown | ... | plaster utility |
Cecile Burr | ... | painter utility |
Stephen Cabinum | ... | gang boss |
Alexandra Capps | ... | assistant property master (as Alex Capps) |
Clay Carter | ... | propmaker |
Jeff Cashio | ... | propmaker |
Marcel Casmier | ... | propmaker |
Bryce Castille | ... | propmaker utility |
Anthony Chatman | ... | sculptor utility |
Matt Chavez | ... | propmaker (as Matthew Chavez) / propmaker: New Mexico (as Matthew A. Chavez) |
Cody Childress | ... | plasterer |
Corey Childress | ... | plasterer |
David Chow | ... | set designer |
Pamela B. Christopher | ... | painter (as Pamela Christopher) |
Tracy Clough | ... | propmaker |
Melisa Coby | ... | scenic |
Richard M. Cole | ... | general foreman (as Richard Cole) |
Stephen Comeaux | ... | propmaker |
Jeffrey Contine | ... | greensman / propmaker |
Daniel Cooke | ... | greensman |
Randy Crabb | ... | steel foreman |
Steven Damen | ... | propmaker |
Joseph Davis | ... | propmaker |
Guillaume DeLouche | ... | property master |
Davis Derek | ... | sculptor utility |
Mark Descant | ... | propmaker |
Darrell DeSoto | ... | propmaker |
Titus DeSoto | ... | propmaker |
Charles DiBartolo | ... | propmaker |
Aaron Dornhoefer | ... | painter |
Abigail Drury | ... | scenic |
Gertrude East | ... | scenic foreman: New Mexico |
Nicholas Ellerbee | ... | propmaker |
Priscilla Elliott | ... | art director: Los Angeles |
Heather Elwell | ... | art department coordinator (as Heather Violet Elwell) |
Stephen Eno | ... | scenic foreman |
Edward Eugene | ... | propmaker |
Roy Farthing | ... | propmaker |
Ruben Flores | ... | propmaker |
Ruben Flores | ... | propmaker: New Mexico |
Jerry Fuentes | ... | propmaker / propmaker: New Mexico |
Sonia L. Garcia | ... | scenic (as Sonia Garcia) |
Susanna Glattly | ... | stand-by scenic |
David Glenn | ... | scenic |
Trey Gordon | ... | location foreman (as Ancil Gordon) |
Christopher Hall | ... | set dresser: New Mexico |
Davey James Hance | ... | greens foreman |
Glenn Harris | ... | set painter: New Mexico |
Frank J. Hart | ... | stage foreman (as Frank Hart) |
Patrick Hatfield | ... | propmaker |
Doug Hill | ... | propmaker (as Doug Darren Hill) |
Virginia Hopkins | ... | scenic charge: New Mexico |
Richard Hughes | ... | set dresser: New Mexico |
Adam Hull | ... | propmaker |
Aaron Jaggers | ... | gang boss |
Phillip Joffrion | ... | set dresser |
Jerod Johnson | ... | painter utility |
Paul Judges | ... | lead greensman: New Mexico |
Terrance Julien | ... | propmaker |
David Keifer | ... | propmaker |
Eric Komala | ... | set painter: New Mexico |
Jessie Kosinski | ... | propmaker |
Nina Learakos | ... | buyer |
Austin T. LeValley | ... | stand-by greensman |
Jerry Drew Lewis | ... | propmaker |
Lindanne Lewis | ... | plasterer |
Randy Lewis | ... | sculptor utility |
Paul J. Lindsey | ... | propmaker (as Paul Lindsey) |
Seth Longo | ... | construction medic |
Landon Lott | ... | modelmaker |
George Lowry | ... | propmaker |
Katherine Maes | ... | buyer |
Christopher Magle | ... | scukptor utility |
Leonard Marchand | ... | assistant property master (as Leonard Lavigueur) |
Ray Martinez | ... | propmaker: New Mexico |
Ray Martinez | ... | propmaker |
Kevin McCarthy | ... | greensman |
Erskin Mitchell | ... | propmaker |
Scott Mobley | ... | propmaker |
Andy Montagnino | ... | sculptor |
Derek Morgan | ... | plaster gang boss |
Jonathan S. Morgan | ... | plasterer |
Thomas A. Morris Jr. | ... | construction coordinator |
Polo Mouton Jr. | ... | propmaker (as Polo Moulton) |
Paul Ryssell Murray | ... | propmaker utility |
Aaron Naquin | ... | propmaker |
Lance Nielsen | ... | plaster gang boss |
Steven Noble | ... | plaster foreman |
Todd Bryan Noonan | ... | gang boss (as Todd Noonan) |
William Scot Noonan | ... | toolman (as Scot Noonan) |
William Nutt | ... | greensman |
Sam Page | ... | set designer |
Seth Parker | ... | painter utility |
James Passanante | ... | scenic charge |
Michael Pawlak | ... | propmaker |
Grahme Perez | ... | buyer |
Richard Perry | ... | digital visualization artist |
Jared W. Petticrew | ... | sculptor (as Jared Petticrew) |
Darrell Poirrier | ... | propmaker |
Ray Mark Provencio | ... | greensman: New Mexico |
Dave Quinlan | ... | propmaker (as David Quinlan) |
Louie F. Rabion | ... | scenic (as Louis Rabion) |
Adam Robbins | ... | propmaker |
Lee Ross | ... | lead scenic: Los Angeles |
Peter Mitchell Rubin | ... | concept artist (as Peter Rubin) |
Lissette Schettini | ... | assistant art director |
Gregory Schmitz | ... | scenic foreman |
Alex Scutti Jr. | ... | key plasterer (as Alexander Scutti) |
Mared Scutti | ... | plaster foreman |
John Seaborne | ... | propmaker |
John Eric Seay | ... | gang boss (as John Seay) |
David Sessum III | ... | propmaker |
David Sessum Jr. | ... | propmaker |
Robert Shipley | ... | propmaker |
Steven Shkolnik | ... | props |
Hal Smith | ... | painter |
Wayne Softley Jr. | ... | painter (as Wayne Doftley) |
Scott Sorapuru | ... | plasterer |
Michael Spader | ... | stand-by scenic: New Mexico (as Mike Spader) |
Spencer Stair | ... | leadman: New Mexico |
Jimmy Stephens | ... | propmaker: New Mexico |
Bryan Stewart | ... | location foreman |
Stephen Scott Sylvester | ... | propmaker utility (as Stephen Sylvestter) |
Kyle Thibodeaux | ... | propmaker |
Jeffrey Scott Thomas | ... | propmaker |
Thomas Thorne | ... | set dresser (as Thomas Witt Thorne) |
Duprelon Tizdale | ... | greensman: New Mexico (as Dupreleon 'Tizz' Tizdale) |
Michael Todd | ... | scenic |
Sherry Todd | ... | painter |
Angelo Tomarchio | ... | propmaker / propmaker: New Mexico |
Drew Toops | ... | scenic painter: New Mexico |
Perry James Trentacosta | ... | plasterer (as Perry Tentacosta) |
Ray Trovencio | ... | greensman |
George Tuers III | ... | prop assistant: Los Angeles |
Kevin Twomey | ... | gang boss |
Javiera Varas | ... | assistant art director |
Ely Vegh | ... | gang boss |
Marc Verret | ... | plasterer |
Bill Walters | ... | on-set dresser |
Douglas Ware | ... | property assistant |
Scott D. Warner | ... | mill foreman (as Scott Warner) |
Justin Whatley | ... | plasterer |
Cary Whitaker | ... | set dresser |
Cary Whittaker | ... | set dresser |
Derek Williams | ... | sculptor utility |
John Willis | ... | propmaker utility / propmaker: New Mexico |
Charles Wilson | ... | propmaker |
Russell Wilson | ... | propmaker |
Jason Witts | ... | set dresser |
Colin Zaug | ... | on-set dresser: New Mexico |
Patrick Beals | ... | prop designer (uncredited) |
Derek Bensonhaver | ... | set dresser (uncredited) |
Gail Briant | ... | set decorating scenic (uncredited) |
Adam Cambre | ... | carpenter (uncredited) |
Melisa Coby | ... | scenic artist (uncredited) |
Boryslav Fird | ... | previs artist (uncredited) |
Alexa Kinigopoulos | ... | additional props (uncredited) |
Blaire Noonan | ... | construction paramedic (uncredited) |
Matt Zaff | ... | set dresser (uncredited) |
Sound Department
Steve C. Aaron | ... | production sound mixer |
Michael Babcock | ... | additional sound re-recording mixer / sound designer / supervising sound editor |
Patrick Cicero | ... | assistant sound editor |
Jason Patrick Collins | ... | utility sound: New Mexico (as Jay Collins) |
Diego Delfino | ... | sound department intern (as Diego Rodriguez Delfino) |
Michael J. Fox | ... | adr mixer |
David Giammarco | ... | co-supervising adr editor / co-supervising dialogue editor / re-recording mixer |
Robin Harlan | ... | foley artist (as Robin Harland) |
Darren Jones | ... | adr mixer |
Vanessa Lapato | ... | dialogue editor |
Chet Leonard | ... | boom operator: Los Angeles |
David Macmillan | ... | sound mixer: Los Angeles |
Brian Magrum | ... | commentary mixer |
Paul Massey | ... | re-recording mixer |
Sean Massey | ... | dialogue editor |
Sarah Monat | ... | foley artist |
Kevin Nanaumi | ... | assistant sound editor |
Jordan O'Neill | ... | datasat sound mastering engineer |
Jeff Sawyer | ... | sound effects editor |
Dan Sharp | ... | re-recordist (as Daniel Sharp) |
Randy Singer | ... | foley mixer |
Frank Smathers | ... | dialogue editor |
Hamilton Sterling | ... | sound effects editor |
Jared Watt | ... | boom operator |
Daryl Wilsford | ... | sound utility |
Cary Clark | ... | technical support (uncredited) |
Tim Gedemer | ... | sound effects editor (uncredited) |
Jerry Gilbert | ... | adr mixer (uncredited) |
Bill Higley | ... | adr mixer (uncredited) |
Bryan Jerden | ... | sound effects editor (uncredited) |
Jesse Kees | ... | adr recordist (uncredited) |
Chris Navarro | ... | adr mixer (uncredited) |
Jon Vogl | ... | adr mixer (uncredited) |
Oskar von Unge | ... | adr recordist (uncredited) |
Special Effects by
Jason Babin | ... | special effects technician |
Stephen Bourgeois | ... | special effects technician |
Michael H. Clark | ... | special effects technician |
Jack Lynch | ... | special effects coordinator |
Paul Murray | ... | special effects assistant |
Richard E. Perry | ... | special effects foreman |
Bob Trevino | ... | special effects technician |
Michael E. Wilks | ... | special effects set foreman (as Michael Wilks) |
Visual Effects by
Gaurav Baghel | ... | compositor: ACE |
Eran Barnea | ... | visual effects artist: Freestyle |
Travis Baumann | ... | compositor: Gradient Effects / visual effects artist: Chaos |
Tara C. Beavers | ... | visual effects line producer: Sandbox F/X (as Tara Beavers) |
Roger Beck | ... | systems engineer: GradientEffects |
Aakanksha Bharati | ... | visual effects coordinator: ACE (as AAkanksha B.) |
Asmita Bharrati | ... | visual effects producer: ACE (as Asmita Bharrati M.) |
Vincent Blanco | ... | systems administrator: Rodeo FX |
Hilary Boarman | ... | computer graphics artist: Rodeo FX |
Robert Bock | ... | visual effects director of photography: Rodeo FX |
Jeremy Boissinot | ... | lead environment technical director: Rodeo FX |
Sam Bollinger | ... | visual effects editor |
Debasish Borah | ... | compositor: ACE |
Rachel Bouchard | ... | Layout artist : Rodeo FX |
Patrick Boucher | ... | programmer: Rodeo FX |
Jean-Francois Burdin | ... | rotoscope artist: Rodeo FX (as Jean-François Burdin) |
Nicholas Cerniglia | ... | senior digital artist: RotoFactory |
Christophe Chabot-Blanchet | ... | digital compositor: Rodeo FX |
Ritwik Chawdhary | ... | senior compositor: ACE |
Eric D. Christensen | ... | visual effects supervisor: RotoFactory |
Patrick Clancey | ... | digital opticals: EFilm |
Francis Clément | ... | digital compositor: Rodeo FX |
John Coats | ... | production engineering: RotoFactory (as Jon Coats) |
Tara Conley | ... | visual effects producer: Rodeo FX |
Brian Connor | ... | lead digital compositor: Rodeo FX |
Craig Crawford | ... | lead compositor: Sandbox F/X |
Liz Crawford | ... | visual effects production manager: RotoFactory |
Francois Croteau | ... | matte painter: Rodeo FX |
Mikaël Damant-Sirois | ... | computer graphics supervisor: Rodeo FX |
Eric Dehaven | ... | visual effects artist: EDFX |
Simon Devault | ... | lead digital compositor: Rodeo FX |
Andreane Dodier-Villeneuve | ... | digital compositor: Rodeo FX (as Andréane Dodier-Villeneuve) |
Praveen Dsouza | ... | visual effects sequence producer: ACE (as Praven D'Souza) |
Vincent Dudouet | ... | digital compositor: Rodeo FX |
François Dumoulin | ... | digital compositor: Rodeo FX |
Max Ehrlich | ... | 3d lead: Sandbox F/X |
Tarn Fox | ... | visual effects supervisor: Post Matters |
Sebastien Francoeur | ... | cg artist: Rodeo FX |
Alan Fregtman | ... | computer graphics artist: Rodeo FX |
Carl Gagnon | ... | computer graphics artist: Rodeo FX |
Manuel Gaudreau | ... | computer graphics artist: Rodeo FX |
Scott Gaynos | ... | digital artist: RotoFactory |
Shruti Gham | ... | compositor: ACE |
Florian Grenier | ... | rotoscope artist: Rodeo FX |
Martine Guay | ... | matte painter technical director: Rodeo FX |
Shamal Gupta | ... | junior compositor: ACE |
Joe Hall | ... | digital technical director: Sandbox F/X (as Joseph Hall) |
Jamie Hallett | ... | visual effects supervisor: Capital T (as Jaimie Hallett) |
Lindsay Hallett | ... | visual effects executive producer: Capital T |
Emile Harvey | ... | digital compositor: Rodeo FX |
Jordi Israel Hernandez Lopez | ... | rotoscope artist: Rodeo FX (as Jordi Hernandez) |
Jocelyn Hudon | ... | computer graphics artist: Rodeo FX |
Pankaj Jadhav | ... | compositor: ACE |
Aaron James | ... | production engineering: RotoFactory |
Jean-Sebastien Jasenovic | ... | systems administrator: Rodeo FX (as Jean Sébastien Jasenovic) |
Sandeep Kamal | ... | visual effects sequence supervisor: ACE |
Yousif Al Kamali | ... | computer graphics artist: Rodeo FX (as Yousif Al-Kamali) |
Arun Karthik | ... | compositor: ACE |
Sukhnoor Kaur | ... | visual effects coordinator: Intermezzo Studios |
Stéphane Keller | ... | matte painter: Rodeo FX |
Don Kemmer | ... | visual effects coordinator |
David Kennedy | ... | visual effects editor: Gradient Effects |
Danielle Kinsey | ... | visual effects coordinator: Gradient Effects |
Govind Krishna | ... | visual effects artist: ACE (as Govind Krishna Sharma) |
Hemant Kulshrestha | ... | compositor: ACE |
Jasmine Labelle | ... | production support team: Rodeo FX |
Jonathan Laborde | ... | lead digital effects artist: Rodeo FX |
Jay Lalime | ... | lead compositor: Sandbox F/X |
Jesse Landry | ... | visual effects artist: Post Matters |
Isabelle Langlois | ... | head of production: Rodeo FX |
Philippe Langlois | ... | matte painter: Rodeo FX |
Xavier Lapointe | ... | programmer: Rodeo FX |
Eric Larivee | ... | visual effects production assistant: Rodeo FX (as Eric LarivÉe) |
Christine Leclerc | ... | computer graphics artist: Rodeo FX |
Raphael Letertre | ... | computer graphics artist: Rodeo FX |
Valerie Loyer | ... | computer graphics artist: Rodeo FX (as Valérie Loyer) |
Thou Mangang | ... | computer graphics supervisor: ACE |
Olivier Martin | ... | lead concept artist: Rodeo FX |
Juan Melgoza | ... | digital effects supervisor: RotoFactory |
Simon Mercier | ... | digital compositor |
Steve Mihaylov | ... | senior digital artist: RotoFactory |
David Miles | ... | visual effects coordinator: RotoFactory (as David Miles Wolkind) |
Andre U. Montambeault | ... | digital compositor: Rodeo FX (as André Ü. Montambeault) |
Thomas Montminy Brodeur | ... | digital compositor: Rodeo FX |
Sébastien Moreau | ... | visual effects supervisor: Rodeo FX |
Rene Morel | ... | lead concept artist: Rodeo FX (as René Morel) |
Christian Morin | ... | digital compositor: Rodeo FX |
Jean-Francois Morissette | ... | matchmover: Rodeo FX |
Abhilash Nanda | ... | visual effects sequence supervisor: ACE |
John P. Nugent | ... | visual effects supervisor: Sandbox F/X |
Josiane O'Rourke | ... | production support team: Rodeo FX |
Nick Ocean | ... | visual effects coordinator |
Frank Owens | ... | visual effects assistant |
James Owens | ... | systems engineer: Gradient Effects (as Jim Owens) |
Harold Parker | ... | visual effects artist: Juggernaut |
Disha Pathak | ... | compositor: ACE |
Patrice Poissant | ... | computer graphics artist: Rodeo FX |
Vincent Poitras | ... | digital compositor: Rodeo FX |
Etienne Poulin St-Laurent | ... | matchmover: Rodeo FX |
Niranjan Rath | ... | visual effects system engineer: ACE |
Sriranjan Rath | ... | visual effects sequence supervisor: ACE |
Dave Rindner | ... | computer graphics artist: Gradient Effects |
Philippe Roberge | ... | digital compositor: Rodeo FX |
Andrew Robles | ... | digital artist: RotoFactory |
Matthew Rouleau | ... | computer graphics artist: Rodeo FX |
Moika Sabourin | ... | matte painter: Rodeo FX (as Moïka Sabourin) |
Tushar Sagvekar | ... | compositor: ACE |
V.W. Scheich | ... | visual effects producer: Locktix |
Laetitia Seguin | ... | visual effects coordinator: Rodeo FX |
Scott Shapiro | ... | visual effects producer |
D.J. Shea | ... | visual effects supervisor: Post Matters (as DJ Shea) |
Prasanna Siddharthan | ... | compositor: Gradient Effects |
Manish Singh | ... | compositor: ACE |
Jordan Soles | ... | technology supervisor: Rodeo FX |
Ellen Somers | ... | visual effects producer |
Christophe St-Pierre Paradis | ... | animator: Rodeo FX |
Cj Stewart | ... | visual effects post-production manager: Post Matters |
Madhu Sudhanan | ... | senior visual effects supervisor: ACE |
Soochack Sukhadia | ... | matchmove artist: ACE (as Soochak Sukhadia) |
Kelly Swenson | ... | digital artist: RotoFactory |
Olcun Tan | ... | visual effects supervisor: Gradient Effects |
Thomas Tannenberger | ... | visual effects producer: Gradient Effects |
Larry Taylor | ... | lidar technician: Gentle Giant Studios |
Radley Teruel | ... | senior digital artist: RotoFactory |
Kar Hung Tom | ... | systems administrator: Rodeo FX |
Benoit Touchette | ... | production support team: Rodeo FX |
Carine Touraille | ... | programmer: Rodeo FX |
Micole Toyloy | ... | senior digital artist: RotoFactory |
Marjolaine Tremblay | ... | visual effects bidding producer: Rodeo FX |
Matthieu Veillette | ... | matte painter: Rodeo FX |
Sebastien Veilleux | ... | digital compositor: Rodeo FX |
Fabrice Vienne | ... | computer graphics artist: Rodeo FX |
Zhi Wan | ... | matte painting technical director: Rodeo FX |
Daniel Warren | ... | digital artist: RotoFactory |
Christal Wolgamott | ... | visual effects producer: RotoFactory |
Manny Wong | ... | computer graphics artist: Gradient Effects |
Erkan Ozgur Yilmaz | ... | computer graphics supervisor: Gradient Effects, Istanbul |
Hubert Zapalowicz | ... | matte painter: Rodeo FX |
Tom Zils | ... | senior compositor: Sandbox F/X |
Yoshi DeHerrera | ... | 3d scanning (uncredited) |
Scott Dougherty | ... | visual effects executive producer: Furious FX (uncredited) |
Gus Duron | ... | digital opticals editor (uncredited) |
Rachel Faith Hanson | ... | visual effects coordinator (uncredited) |
Phil Holland | ... | hdri specialist (uncredited) |
Simon Mercier | ... | rotoscope artist: Rodeo FX (uncredited) |
Richard Perry | ... | design-vis artist (uncredited) |
Moika Sabourin | ... | concept artist: Rodeo FX (uncredited) |
Doug Spilatro | ... | visual effects artist (uncredited) |
Stacey Carino | ... | stunt double: Ms. Ronan (as Stacey Carino Marcus) |
Ed Duran | ... | stunts (as Edward Duran) |
Jared S. Eddo | ... | stunts (as Jared Eddo) |
Chris J. Fanguy | ... | water safety (as Chris Fanguy) |
Jeremy Fry | ... | stunts |
Al Goto | ... | stunts |
Sam Hargrave | ... | stunt coordinator |
Thayr Harris | ... | stunt rigger |
Adam Kirley | ... | stunts |
Mike Majesky | ... | stunts (as Michael Majesty) |
Angelique Midthunder | ... | stunts |
Heidi Moneymaker | ... | stunt double: Ms. Ronan |
Matthew Moss | ... | stunts |
Noon Orsatti | ... | water safety |
Chris Palermo | ... | stunt coordinator: Los Angeles / stunts |
Tim Rigby | ... | stunts (as Timothy Rigby) |
Erik Schultz | ... | stunt double: Mr. Irons (uncredited) |
Daniel Stevens | ... | stunt double: Mr. Irons |
Melissa R. Stubbs | ... | stunts (as Melissa Stubbs) |
Keith Woulard | ... | stunts |
Michael Yahn | ... | stunts |
Cayley Bell | ... | stunts (uncredited) |
Richard Burden | ... | stunt driver (uncredited) |
Stephen Conroy | ... | stunt performer (uncredited) |
Clay Cullen | ... | stunt driver (uncredited) |
Chris J. Fanguy | ... | utility stunts (uncredited) |
Jaylen Moore | ... | stunt performer (uncredited) |
Casey O'Neill | ... | stunt driver (uncredited) |
Michael Yahn | ... | stunt double: Boyd Holbrook (uncredited) |
Camera and Electrical Department
Jonathan Adams | ... | rigging grip |
Tarik Naim Alherimi | ... | best boy electric (as Tarik Aherimi) |
Robert Allen Jr. | ... | rigging lighting technician: Los Angeles (as Bob Allen) |
Mark J. Anderson | ... | best boy rigging grip: New Mexico |
Dale Balani | ... | lighting technician: Los Angeles |
Bradley Barnes | ... | rigging best boy: New Mexico |
Bob Bates | ... | rigging gaffer |
Frank Anthony Bello | ... | grip: Los Angeles (as Frank Bello) |
Noah Bishop | ... | libra head technician: Los Angeles |
Michael Bonnett | ... | rigging grip (as Michael Bonnett) |
Nathan Borck | ... | digital imaging technician |
Mark 'Boylee' Boyle | ... | first assistant camera: pursuit camera, New Mexico |
Curt Burlin | ... | grip |
Buddy Carr | ... | dolly grip: "a" camera |
John Chickanis | ... | lighting technician: Los Angeles |
Andrew Jason Clark | ... | rigging grip (as Andrew Clark) |
Oliver Clark | ... | video assist: New Mexico |
Peter Clemence | ... | best boy grip: Los Angeles |
Kenneth Coblentz | ... | dolly grip |
Jeff Comfort | ... | crane operator: pursuit camera, Ne Mexico (as Jeffrey Comfort) |
Jon 'Scooter' Cousins | ... | best boy rigging grip: Los Angeles (as Jonathan 'Scooter' Cousins) |
Stefan Crawford | ... | rigging grip: New Mexico |
Ian Curry | ... | crane technician: New Mexico |
Matthew P. Debevec | ... | rigging grip: New Mexico (as Matt Debevec) |
Joe Donato | ... | rigging best boy: New Mexico |
Danny Durr | ... | rigging lighting technician: Los Angeles |
Stephen Early | ... | second assistant camera: "b" camera |
Patrick Ebanks | ... | rigging grip |
Paul Elliott | ... | additional director of photography: New Mexico |
Harland Espeset | ... | dolly grip: "b" camera, New Mexico |
George Estill | ... | rigging grip: New Mexico |
Ben Estrada | ... | rigging best boy: New Mexico |
Eli Everhard | ... | rigging best boy electric |
Guy Fernandez Jr. | ... | electrician (as Guy Fernandez) |
Chris Flaherty | ... | rigging grip: New Mexico |
Stephen Fouasnon | ... | data management |
Brad Garris | ... | electrician |
Dylan Goss | ... | aerial director of photography: New Mexico |
Peter Graf | ... | eclipse technician: New Mexico |
Everett Grant | ... | set lighting |
Andre Green | ... | rigging electrician |
Christopher Griffin | ... | electrician: New Mexico |
Harold Groshon | ... | lighting technician: Los Angeles (as Hal Groshon) |
Robb W. Gunderson | ... | electrician (as Robb Turner) |
Mark Gutterud | ... | first assistant camera: "c" camera, New Mexico |
Chris Hamala | ... | grip: Los Angeles |
John Hamilton | ... | second assistant camera: "c" camera, New Mexico |
Christian Hardy | ... | rigging grip |
Marvin Haven | ... | grip |
Trevor Howe | ... | best boy grip: New Mexico |
Eric Jaramillo | ... | rigging grip: New Mexico |
Kale Jessen | ... | HD video assist 2nd unit new mexico |
Jordan C. Kadovitz | ... | video assist: Los Angeles (as Jordan Kadovitz) |
Lonnie Kahoe | ... | dolly grip |
Mo Kaluta | ... | rigging grip: New Mexico |
Gary Kelso | ... | grip |
Kai Kin | ... | lighting technician: Los Angeles |
David R. Kohn | ... | rigging gaffer: New Mexico (as David Kohn) |
Kim Kono | ... | lighting technician: Los Angeles |
Richard Lacy | ... | first assistant camera: "b" camera |
Richard Landry | ... | dimmer operator |
Aaron Lieber | ... | digital utility: New Mexico |
Damon Liebowitz | ... | best boy electric: Los Angeles |
Jason Linebaugh | ... | electrician: New Mexico |
Rob Lueker | ... | rigging best boy: New Mexico |
Kevin Karl Lynch | ... | still photographer |
Brian Malone | ... | key grip rigging / key rigging grip: New Mexico |
Raul J. Marin | ... | rigging crew (as Paul J. 'Indio' Marin) |
Alan Markfield | ... | still photographer / still photographer: Los Angeles |
James Marks | ... | head technician: G3 / hydrascope operator |
Johan Martinez | ... | rigging lighting technician: Los Angeles (as John Martinez) |
Matthew Massie | ... | grip: New Mexico |
Tor Matson | ... | electrician: New Mexico |
Jim McConkey | ... | camera operator: "a" camera / steadicam operator |
Michael McDuffee | ... | lighting technician: Los Angeles |
Renton Metcalf | ... | grip: Los Angeles (as Renton Medcalf) |
Frank Montoya | ... | rigging best boy: New Mexico |
Tim Naylor | ... | rigging grip: New Mexico |
Louis Nelson | ... | rigging best boy: New Mexico (as Louis Nelson) |
Dan Nordquist | ... | grip: New Mexico |
Clayton Null | ... | grip: New Mexico |
Jan Olboter | ... | technocrane operator: Los Angeles |
Paul Olinde | ... | gaffer |
Ray Ortega | ... | rigging best boy: New Mexico |
Robert Owen | ... | rigging electrician |
Daniel Pershing | ... | dolly grip: "a" camera, Los Angeles (as Dan Pershing) |
Gregory Peters | ... | additional still photographer: New Mexico (as Gregory E. Peters) |
Christopher Prampin | ... | gaffer: Los Angeles (as Chris Prampin) |
James Raxo | ... | crane technician: New Mexico |
Brian H. Reynolds | ... | key grip: Los Angeles (as Brian Reynolds) |
Larry J. Richardson | ... | rigging gaffer: Los Angeles (as Larry Richardson) |
Raul Riveros | ... | digital imaging technician: Los Angeles |
Paul Sanchez | ... | camera operator: "a" camera, Los Angeles |
Ted Sapp | ... | key rigging grip (as Teddy Sapp) |
Roberto Schaefer | ... | camera operator: "b" camera |
Val Schubert | ... | grip: New Mexico |
James Selph | ... | best boy grip |
Gary W. Shaw | ... | grip (as Gary Shaw) |
Bubba Sheffield | ... | key grip (as George 'Bubba' Sheffield) |
Christopher H. Sipes | ... | grip: New Mexico (as Chris Sipes) |
Basil Smith | ... | first assistant camera: "b" camera, Los Angeles |
Mark Smith | ... | key rigging grip: Los Angeles |
Travis Steagall | ... | grip: New Mexico |
John Stearns | ... | best boy electric: New Mexico |
Don Steinberg | ... | first assistant camera: "a" camera |
George Stephenson | ... | camera operator: "c" camera, New Mexico |
Justin Steptoe | ... | digital imaging technician utility: Los Angeles |
Rogier Stoffers | ... | director of photography: Los Angeles |
Jonathan Stoll | ... | Grip / best boy grip / grip |
Larissa Supplitt | ... | second assistant camera: "b" camera, Los Angeles |
Jeff Taylor | ... | second assistant camera: "a" camera |
Rodney Taylor | ... | camera operator: "b" camera, Los Angeles |
Tommy Tieche | ... | first assistant camera: "a" camera, Los Angeles |
Stephen Vicari | ... | utility |
Aaron C. Walker | ... | camera: epk |
Charles B. Walker | ... | best boy rigging grip (as Charles Walker) |
James B. Walsh | ... | grip: Los Angeles (as Jim Walsh) |
Kevin Ward | ... | camera operator: pursuit camera, New Mexico |
Scott Wetzel | ... | video assist: New Mexico |
Eric Whitehead | ... | dolly grip: "b" camera, Los Angeles |
Wylie Whitesides | ... | video assist |
Sterling Wiggins | ... | additional second assistant camera: "c" camera, New Mexico |
Travis Williams | ... | grip |
Terry Wolcott | ... | second assistant camera: "a" camera, Los Angeles |
Daniel Zamora | ... | electrician: New Mexico (as Dan Zamora) |
Ted Alderman | ... | electrician (uncredited) |
Troy Anderson | ... | second assistant camera: second unit (uncredited) |
Guy Broussard | ... | rigging electric (uncredited) |
Joe Datri | ... | stabilized head technician (uncredited) |
Brett Heicher | ... | electrician (uncredited) |
Brad Heiner | ... | grip (uncredited) |
Joshua Huval | ... | video utility (uncredited) |
Rob Kodadek | ... | automated lighting programmer (uncredited) |
Griffin McCann | ... | second assistant camera: day player (uncredited) |
Trenton McRae | ... | rigging electrician (uncredited) |
Todd Roberts | ... | rigging electrician (uncredited) |
Brandon Swain | ... | rigging electrician (uncredited) |
Marvin Wright | ... | rigging electrician (uncredited) |
Casting Department
Jo Edna Boldin | ... | casting: New Mexico |
Chris Bustard | ... | extra casting: Los Angeles |
Rahsaana Ison | ... | casting intern |
Tina Kerr | ... | extras casting: New Mexico |
Kara Lipson | ... | casting associate: Los Angeles |
Savannah Strachan | ... | extras casting (as Savannah Strachan Noble) |
Cortni Witherspoon | ... | extras casting assistant |
Corianne T. Glazener Guzman | ... | extras casting assistant (uncredited) |
Ko Iwagami | ... | casting assistant (uncredited) |
Meagan Lewis | ... | casting: Louisiana (uncredited) |
Costume and Wardrobe Department
Maria Bentfield | ... | key set costumer: New Mexico |
Michelle Bohn | ... | cutter/fitter |
Lori Castano | ... | costume assistant |
Claire Hedlund | ... | key costumer |
Keith Hudson | ... | ager/dyer |
Shonta Hylton | ... | costumer |
Kate Koeninger | ... | seamstress: New Mexico |
Stephani Lewis | ... | assistant costume designer |
Amanda Lunt | ... | costume assistant |
Kizzie Autumn Martin | ... | stitcher (as Kizzie Martin) |
Lindsay McKay | ... | shopper: Los Angeles |
Gayle Merindino | ... | set costumer (as Gayle Anderson) |
Jonny Pray | ... | costume supervisor |
Renee Ragucci-Shelton | ... | set costumer (as Renee Ragucci) |
Greg Turnbull | ... | costumer: Los Angeles |
Christian Cordella | ... | costume illustrator (uncredited) |
John H. Smith | ... | costume ager/dyer: New Orleans (uncredited) |
Jack Taggart | ... | ager/dyer (uncredited) |
Editorial Department
Jamie Fortenberry | ... | dailies assistant |
Eileen Godoy | ... | digital intermediate producer: EFilm |
Laura Holeman | ... | digital intermediate assistant producer: EFilm |
Suraj Kaur Khalsa | ... | post-production coordinator |
John King | ... | digital intermediate colorist assistant: EFilm |
Curtis Lindersmith | ... | digital intermediate editor: EFilm |
Harold Parker | ... | first assistant editor |
Mitch Paulson | ... | supervising digital intermediate colorist: EFilm |
Jason Wasserman | ... | assistant editor |
Alex White | ... | post-production assistant |
Charles Bunnag | ... | associate colorist (uncredited) |
Michael Dillon | ... | digital intermediate producer (uncredited) |
Juan Flores | ... | colorist assist (uncredited) |
Harry Muller | ... | color timer (uncredited) |
Location Management
Jason D. Buch | ... | locations coordinator |
Ron Garner | ... | location production assistant: New Mexico |
Bobby Gillam | ... | assistant location manager: Los Angeles |
Chee Ho | ... | location production assistant: New Mexico |
Jennifer Joyce | ... | assistant location manager: New Mexico (as Jenn Joyce) |
Bonnie Marquette | ... | assistant location manager |
David Ross McCarty | ... | location manager |
John Rizzi | ... | location manager: Los Angeles |
Loren Schoel | ... | assistant location manager: New Mexico |
Codie Scott | ... | locations |
Rebecca Puck Stair | ... | location manager: New Mexico |
Jason Waggenspack | ... | assistant location manager |
Bonnie Marquette | ... | location scout (uncredited) |
Norris Ortolano | ... | location assistant (uncredited) |
Music Department
Eduardo Aram | ... | composer: additional music (as Dudu Aram) / music programmer (as Dudu Aram) |
Ed Côrtes | ... | musician (as Ed Cortes) |
Samuel Ferrari | ... | assistant: Mr. Pinto / composer: additional music / music arranger / music programmer / musician: guitar / orchestrator / recording engineer / score assistant |
Marilia Franco | ... | executive music producer |
Jeff Gartenbaum | ... | assistant to score recordist and mixer |
Edson Guidetti | ... | musician: Guitar |
Ricardo Hertz | ... | musician: viola |
Marcelo Jaffé | ... | musician: viola |
John Kurlander | ... | music recording engineer / score mixer |
Erich Lee | ... | composer trailer music |
Antonio Pinto | ... | musician: guitar, acoustic guitar, bass, drums, percussion, keyboards, programming, cello, flute, cuotro / orchestrator / score producer |
Bob Suetholz | ... | musician: cello |
Robin Whittaker | ... | music editor |
Script and Continuity Department
Sam Sullivan | ... | script supervisor |
Transportation Department
Steve Chip Andrews | ... | driver: New Mexico |
Larry Arceneaux | ... | transportation captain |
Lyle Atkins | ... | driver: New Mexico |
Skip Barbay | ... | driver (as Kenneth 'Skip' Barbay) |
Mark L. Basler | ... | driver |
Matthew R. Bohon | ... | driver |
Donald Bradley | ... | driver |
Bennett Bunch | ... | driver |
Natalie Casados | ... | driver: New Mexico |
Annette Chambers | ... | driver |
Robert Chavez | ... | driver: New Mexico |
Kasey Christie | ... | driver: New Mexico |
Cindy Claunch | ... | driver: New Mexico |
Michael Connor | ... | transportation general manager/president: Hart Transportation Services, Los Angeles |
Vincent Cordova | ... | driver: New Mexico (as Vincent P. Cordova) |
Daniel Dawson | ... | dot admin |
Vigil Jay E | ... | transportation co-captain: New Mexico (as Jay E. Vigil) |
Doraifay Estrada | ... | driver: New Mexico (as Dorie Estrada) |
Larry Forsberg | ... | driver: New Mexico (as Lawrence Forsberg) |
Jared Foshee | ... | driver |
Johnny D. Foster Jr. | ... | driver |
Cody Frost | ... | driver: New Mexico |
Steven Fugler | ... | driver |
Jo Garcia | ... | driver: New Mexico |
Juan Carlos Garcia | ... | driver |
Dart Hardiman | ... | driver: New Mexico |
Geno Hart | ... | transportation coordinator |
James R. Hayes | ... | driver |
Connie Herring | ... | driver (as Connie Herrin) |
Zora Hertel | ... | driver: New Mexico |
J.D. Hicks | ... | driver: New Mexico |
Kirk Huston | ... | transportation captain |
Darrell Jeansonne | ... | driver (as Darrel Jeansonne) |
Tack Johnson | ... | driver |
Paul Jones | ... | driver: New Mexico |
Lori Karson | ... | driver: New Mexico (as Lori R. Karson_) |
'Wild Bill' Laczko | ... | driver: New Mexico (as 'Wild' Bill Laczko) |
Charles Lanoue | ... | driver (as Charles J. Lanque Jr.) |
Lance Leis | ... | driver |
Buddy Loflin | ... | driver |
Reggie Louque | ... | driver |
Michael Majesky | ... | driver: pursuit camera, New Mexico |
Danny Marrinneaux | ... | driver |
Todd Martinez | ... | driver (as Todd Robin Martinez) |
Glen Mathias | ... | transportation captain (as Glenn Mathias) |
Gary McClain | ... | driver (as Gary Wayne McCain Jr.) |
Matthew Moss | ... | driver: pursuit camera, New Mexico |
Anthony Mott | ... | driver (as Anthony Mott Sr.) |
Esteban Munoz | ... | driver/mechanic: Los Angeles, Hart Transportation Services |
C.D. Corky Newberry | ... | driver: New Mesico (as 'Corky' C.D. Newberry Jr.) |
Kyle Odom | ... | driver: New Mexico (as Kyle P. Odom) |
Riley Ordoyne | ... | driver |
Marty Osborne | ... | driver (as Martin Osborne) / picture cars: Los Angeles, Hart Transportation Services (as Marty Osbourne) |
Steve H. Pape | ... | driver: New Mexico (as Steven H. Pape) |
Adam Pinkstaff | ... | picture car coordinator / transportation captain: Los Angeles, Hart Transportation Services |
Ron Pope | ... | driver |
Jeff Rachal | ... | driver |
Patrick A. Reynolds | ... | driver: New Mexico |
Chance Robertson | ... | driver |
Mike Russell | ... | driver: New Mexico |
Gilbert Sanchez | ... | driver: New Mexico |
Bill Thompson | ... | car carrier: Los Angeles, Hart Transportation Services (as William Thompson) |
Robert Watts | ... | driver |
Charles Whitaker | ... | driver (as Charles 'Whit' Whitaker) |
Leanne Wilkerson | ... | driver: New Mexico |
Billy Wolfe | ... | teamster: pursuit camera, New Mexico (as William Wolfe) |
Daniel Woodcock | ... | driver |
Michael Thomas Garcia | ... | driver (uncredited) |
Additional Crew
Felicity Aldridge | ... | assistant: Mr. Wechsler |
Wendy Altman-Cohen | ... | principal eyewear |
Cindy Anderson | ... | post-production accountant: Rice Gorton Pictures |
Holly Baca | ... | craft service assistant: New Mexico (as Holly Baca Zerounian) / craft service |
Paul Baca | ... | construction medic: New Mexico |
John Bails | ... | financing executive: Film Production Capital |
Benjamin Scott Baker | ... | set medic: Los Angeles (as Ben Baker) |
Leonard Bent | ... | caterer: Los Angeles, Cookin' with Lenny Catering |
David Billiot | ... | animal wrangler: dogs, Atlanta Dogworks |
Enrique Bonilla | ... | assistant chef: Alex in the Kitchen |
Jose Bran | ... | assistant chef: Alex in the Kitchen |
Autumn Brooks | ... | accounting clerk: New Mexico |
Anna Burd | ... | production coordinator: Los Angeles |
Michael Buster | ... | dialect coach (as Michael J. Buster) |
Carol Sue Byron | ... | production accountant (as Carol Byron) |
Lisa M. Calhoun | ... | set production assistant (as Lisa Calhoun) |
Douglas Champlin | ... | set medic |
Sunland Chang | ... | studio teacher |
Derek M. Chavez | ... | production secretary: New Mexico |
Leslie Clampitt | ... | second assistant accountant |
Amanda Cordova | ... | production assistant: New Mexico |
Angeles Morales Cruz | ... | post-production accountant: Rice Gorton Pictures (as Maria de los Angeles Uribe) |
Sean Cussen | ... | rigging medic: Los Angeles |
David Danberg | ... | craft service: Los Angeles |
Robert Darwell | ... | legal counsel: Sheppard Mullin Richter & Hampton (as Robert A. Darnell) |
Jerry L. Dasti | ... | legal counsel |
Colton R. Dean | ... | ambulance medic: New Mexico |
Guillaume DeLouche | ... | armorer |
Stacy Dollarhide | ... | legal counsel: Sheppard Mullin Richter & Hampton |
Janie Elliott | ... | assistant production coordinator: New Mexico |
Kasey Emas | ... | office production assistant |
Mario Flores | ... | assistant chef: Alex in the Kitchen |
Ashley Foster | ... | set production assistant |
David Fox | ... | legal counsel: Chockstone Pictires/Nick Wechsler Prouctions |
Jason Frannino | ... | animal wrangler |
Robin Frazee | ... | construction accountant |
Will French | ... | financing executive: Film Production Capital |
Jose Gallardo | ... | head chef: Alex in the Kitchen |
Jeff Galpin | ... | animal wrangler |
Kristin Garlington | ... | assistant production coordinator |
Arin Gharibian | ... | production office assistant: Los Angeles |
Jim Giesler | ... | key craft service: New Mexico (as Jimmy Gee Geisler) |
Jessica Tellez Giron | ... | second assistant accountant: New Mexico (as Jessica Yackey) |
Zoila Gomez | ... | production coordinator |
Carlos K. Goodman | ... | legal counsel: Chockstone Pictires/Nick Wechsler Prouctions (as Carlos Goodman) |
Jennifer Grega | ... | legal counsel: Chockstone Pictires/Nick Wechsler Prouctions |
Jim Gregory | ... | head chef: Los Angeles, Cookin' with Lenny Catering |
Christopher Hablin | ... | key set production assistant: Los Angeles |
Brandon Harris | ... | production assistant: New Mexico (as Brandon 'Beezle' Harris) |
Sara Lou Hartman | ... | set production assistant (as Sara Hartman) |
Harrison Huffman | ... | production secretary |
Lana Jackson | ... | set medic |
Jean E. Jacobson | ... | payroll accountant: New Mexico |
Damian James | ... | craft service assistant: Los Angeles |
Eric Johnson | ... | production office assistant: Los Angeles |
Beth Koshinski | ... | payroll accountant |
Ashley Kravitz | ... | clearance coordinator: Cleared By Ashley |
Charlotte Lancaster | ... | craft service assistant: Super Crafty |
John Landers | ... | key craft service: Super Crafty |
Shira E. Landman | ... | set medic |
Brooke Lehman | ... | key second assistant accountant |
Anne Loosvelt | ... | assistant payroll accountant |
David Andrew MacMillan | ... | production assistant: Los Angeles |
Crystal McAlerney | ... | production coordinator: New Mexico (as Crystal I. McAlerney) |
Patrick McBride | ... | office production assistant |
Matt McKinney | ... | assistant: Mr. Niccol |
Ryan Mclaughlin | ... | set production assistant: New Mexico |
Jan McWilliams | ... | script supervisor: Los Angeles |
Blaire Noonan | ... | medical |
Frédéric North | ... | aerial pilot (as Frederick North) |
Danilo Olivas | ... | construction medic: New Mexico |
Anthony Pelot | ... | set production assistant: New Mexico |
Peggy Pere | ... | helicopter air/ground coordinator (as Peggy North) |
Joshua Ravetch | ... | product placement coordinator (as Josh Ravetch) |
Stephanie M. Reed | ... | assistant: Mr. Niccol, Louisiana |
Brian Reynolds | ... | aerial pilot |
Emily Rice | ... | post-production accountant: Rice Gorton Pictures |
Stephen Roberts | ... | financing executive: Film Production Capital |
Alisha Ross | ... | accounting clerk |
Nicole Sahd | ... | ambulance medic: New Mexico |
Tyler Samardick | ... | craft service assistant: Super Crafty (as Robert Tyler Samardick) |
Ronnie San Jose | ... | set production assistant: Los Angeles |
Karen Segall | ... | legal counsel: Sloss Eckhouse LawCo |
Ben Skorstad | ... | aerial pilot |
Sarah Spearing | ... | assistant production coordinator: Los Angeles |
Louise Spencer | ... | unit publicist |
Danielle Stiner | ... | set production assistant: New Mexico (as Danielle Steiner) |
Amanda Sutton | ... | post-production accountant: Rice Gorton Pictures |
Denise P. Taylor | ... | first assistant accountant (as Denise Taylor-Rawlins) |
Marcus Taylor | ... | set production assistant: New Mexico |
Derek Tovar | ... | office production assistant |
Bob Trevino | ... | puppeteer |
Marc Turchin | ... | set production assistant: Los Angeles |
Jonathan M. Turco | ... | studio legal |
Kelsey Vachon | ... | set production assistant: Los Angeles |
David Michael Warren | ... | set production assistant |
Robert Williams | ... | finance legal counsel |
Helena Wyss | ... | set medic: New Mexico |
Beau Bebeau | ... | production assistant (uncredited) |
Samuel Bebeau | ... | production assistant (uncredited) |
David Bush | ... | set production assistant (uncredited) |
Elizabeth Chance | ... | payroll clerk (uncredited) |
Zane Crump | ... | production assistant: prep (uncredited) |
Justin Davis | ... | stand-in (uncredited) |
Jared DePasquale | ... | animal wrangler (uncredited) |
Hazen S. Finnerty Jr. | ... | key construction medic (uncredited) / key set medic (uncredited) |
Gregory Allen Gabroy | ... | stand-in (uncredited) |
Meredith Garrison | ... | additional set production assistant (uncredited) |
Josh Goldberg | ... | accounting clerk: prep (uncredited) |
Heather Gonzalez | ... | production assistant (uncredited) |
John Grace | ... | studio teacher (uncredited) |
Shane Grady | ... | stand-in (uncredited) |
Logan Halliburton | ... | stand-in: Chandler Canterbury (uncredited) |
Steve M. Hammond | ... | photo double (uncredited) |
Arron Harrison | ... | stand-in: Jared (uncredited) |
Sara Kenley | ... | stand-in/double (uncredited) |
Ray Meibaum | ... | additional set production assistant (uncredited) |
Katie Anne Mitchell | ... | stand-in (uncredited) |
Paul O'Bannon | ... | construction set medic (uncredited) |
Daniel Rbibo | ... | insurance services (uncredited) |
Michael Riley | ... | title designer (uncredited) |
Katherine Jeanie Russell | ... | stand-in (uncredited) |
Andrew Serpas | ... | stand-in (uncredited) |
Ann Shimabukuro | ... | set production assistant: NM (uncredited) |
Ken Smith | ... | accounting clerk (uncredited) |
Philip J. Strina | ... | business affairs: Inferno (uncredited) |