19 reviews · Provided by Metacritic.com
- 90The New York TimesThe New York TimesThis unpretentious comic tale of a youngster's growing relationship with a long-absent father has a surprising rhythmic genius: joy juxtaposed with humiliation, silliness with sadness, fantasy with reality, and none of it formulaic. The editing feels fresh, as does the film.
- 83The A.V. ClubNathan RabinThe A.V. ClubNathan RabinIn its third act, this funny, bittersweet, tonally assured coming-of-age story grows unexpectedly poignant as Rolleston comes to realize he doesn't need a super-cool buddy or co-conspirator in his misadventures. He needs a father, and Waititi's stunted man-child is fatally unsuited and unqualified for that role.
- 80Wall Street JournalJoe MorgensternWall Street JournalJoe MorgensternMr. Waititi, a popular standup comic in New Zealand, is wonderfully droll and entertaining in this acting role, which isn't all that far, geography and culture notwithstanding, from Steve Zahn at his stoner best.
- 75New York PostKyle SmithNew York PostKyle SmithThis charming kid's-eye movie, full of comical and vivid detail about the lives of these cheerful children, has the loose, lanky feel of a memoir and of French New Wave films.
- 75Christian Science MonitorPeter RainerChristian Science MonitorPeter RainerIt's a lovely oddity, and one that will probably hit home for preteen audiences all over the world.
- 60New York Daily NewsElizabeth WeitzmanNew York Daily NewsElizabeth WeitzmanWaititi retains his quirky style, but it feels meaningful here, a valid effort to explore the difficulties in coming of age during tough times.
- 50Slant MagazineAndrew SchenkerSlant MagazineAndrew SchenkerLess concerned with rendering the specifics of its setting (a small Maori town on the New Zealand coast) than in calling on bouts of whimsy and superficial cultural signifiers to approximate the headspace of its central characters.
- 50Los Angeles TimesGary GoldsteinLos Angeles TimesGary GoldsteinWriter-director and co-star Taika Waititi ("Eagle vs Shark") never builds much momentum for his largely uneventful if sometimes inventive story.
- 40Time OutEric HynesTime OutEric HynesBoy needn't be pop-culturally fluent to be relatable; believable human characterizations would have sufficed.
- 40Village VoiceMelissa AndersonVillage VoiceMelissa AndersonThe abundant charm of first-time actor James Rolleston, playing the 11-year-old of the title in Boy, doesn't quite save the aimless, nostalgia-woozy second feature from Taika Waititi (2007's Eagle vs. Shark).