243 reviews
...in all honesty, ATM had a small chance to be modern day thriller. The actors are decent. They can certainly get into character and that's were it all ends. All logic and common sense goes out the window from the point they reach the ATM, and park 100 damn feet from it. LOL. The thought process these 3 main characters go through trying to escape one man, leads me to believe Poppa Smurf could have held them hostage at Disneyland. Successfully. Forever.
Everything the ATM "stalker villain" does makes sense, because the 3 captives simply have zero.
Watch this flick if you're a fan of "b" movies, or simply bored and want to pick it apart and cringe and a very bad script. Again, I think the writers and directors could have had something, if only they put in a bit more thought. Great idea, horrible execution.
Everything the ATM "stalker villain" does makes sense, because the 3 captives simply have zero.
Watch this flick if you're a fan of "b" movies, or simply bored and want to pick it apart and cringe and a very bad script. Again, I think the writers and directors could have had something, if only they put in a bit more thought. Great idea, horrible execution.
Yes OK, this movie gets you angry especially towards the end and the ending in general. BUT it definitely was a movie that had me on the edge of my seat. It wasn't creepy or necessarily scary but it had its jumpy moments and the 'killer' was pretty creepy himself. It wasn't the best, the acting was good, I enjoyed the plot, it wasn't as predictable as you'd think, the ending could of been done differently but if you enjoy 'edge of your seat' movies and have some free time I'd recommend giving it a watch! All in all it wasn't at all as bad as some people are making it out to be. It killed time and if I'm honest I kind of enjoyed it, but that's coming from a 16 year old. Haha.
- talktomemegc
- Aug 20, 2012
- Permalink
In all honesty, I can really see why the film-makers thought that this movie would be a good idea and something that could work out well. You can really tell that this movie had some good ideas in it but things aren't really thought out well enough and the movie is incredibly flawed, mostly due to its story.
These sort of thrillers/horror movies set mostly at one location, are somewhat popular now days and this movie obviously tried to have a go at it as well and ride on the success of the genre. Nothing wrong with that, as long as the movie is good, which obviously isn't the case with this movie.
Problem is that its concept is ridiculously flawed and not thought out properly. The movie doesn't exactly feature, what you could consider, a tight plot. It's build around the concept of 3 people being stuck inside an ATM because outside there is an hooded maniac, looking to kill them, as soon as they get out. Now, this is something that could had worked if things got written a bit more tight and complicated. But this is all there is to the movie really; 3 people being stuck inside a small building, with 1 guy lurking around outside. It's really silly, once you really start thinking about it. First of all, it's 3 versus 1 and it's not like the guy has some sort of superpowers, or is armed to the teeth. I'm not saying that they should had taken on the guy but surely they could had ran out quite easily, the moment the guy was at the back, trying to break into the ATM. The movie is filled with moments like this, that just are plain stupid. It just far too often doesn't make sense and because of that, there also really is no true tension in this movie.
The movie still thinks it's being really clever at times, mostly toward its end, when the 'twist' comes but let me just tell you, the ending simply makes no sense at all and doesn't explain anything. It only makes things look more flawed and ridicules and besides forced. Why do these sort of movies often feel the need to have a 'surprise' ending in it? Sometimes a movie is simply better off when it's being more straight-forward and not by trying to be clever and surprise its audience.
This was an obvious low budget production, which becomes apparent through its looks but also really its acting. No, I definitely wasn't impressed by any of the acting in this movie, which was perhaps another reason why I just wasn't taken at all by it.
But it still wasn't a movie I hated watching. I guess it's too short and harmless for that. Maybe the more casual movie goer can still get some enjoyment and entertainment out of this movie, as long as they don't spend too much time thinking about its plot. But even those people have to admit at the end that this is a far from great or effective enough movie.
Really can't recommended it.
These sort of thrillers/horror movies set mostly at one location, are somewhat popular now days and this movie obviously tried to have a go at it as well and ride on the success of the genre. Nothing wrong with that, as long as the movie is good, which obviously isn't the case with this movie.
Problem is that its concept is ridiculously flawed and not thought out properly. The movie doesn't exactly feature, what you could consider, a tight plot. It's build around the concept of 3 people being stuck inside an ATM because outside there is an hooded maniac, looking to kill them, as soon as they get out. Now, this is something that could had worked if things got written a bit more tight and complicated. But this is all there is to the movie really; 3 people being stuck inside a small building, with 1 guy lurking around outside. It's really silly, once you really start thinking about it. First of all, it's 3 versus 1 and it's not like the guy has some sort of superpowers, or is armed to the teeth. I'm not saying that they should had taken on the guy but surely they could had ran out quite easily, the moment the guy was at the back, trying to break into the ATM. The movie is filled with moments like this, that just are plain stupid. It just far too often doesn't make sense and because of that, there also really is no true tension in this movie.
The movie still thinks it's being really clever at times, mostly toward its end, when the 'twist' comes but let me just tell you, the ending simply makes no sense at all and doesn't explain anything. It only makes things look more flawed and ridicules and besides forced. Why do these sort of movies often feel the need to have a 'surprise' ending in it? Sometimes a movie is simply better off when it's being more straight-forward and not by trying to be clever and surprise its audience.
This was an obvious low budget production, which becomes apparent through its looks but also really its acting. No, I definitely wasn't impressed by any of the acting in this movie, which was perhaps another reason why I just wasn't taken at all by it.
But it still wasn't a movie I hated watching. I guess it's too short and harmless for that. Maybe the more casual movie goer can still get some enjoyment and entertainment out of this movie, as long as they don't spend too much time thinking about its plot. But even those people have to admit at the end that this is a far from great or effective enough movie.
Really can't recommended it.
- Boba_Fett1138
- Apr 3, 2012
- Permalink
- NarcoNelly
- Sep 26, 2015
- Permalink
- Rhapthorne
- Apr 16, 2012
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- HeroOfTomorrow
- Mar 6, 2012
- Permalink
I didn't hate this movie and it was watchable. Was I not so bored, would I have bothered? Probably not, but once started, I wanted to see the end. The acting was very good. Surprisingly good given the reviews. The story line had promise. I think that's mainly what did this movie in. It was mostly well made. Just needed some oomph in the plot. The end scene was pointless without some history and I wasn't emotionally invested in the characters due to lack of back story.
ATM is actually a pretty good horror movie. It focuses more on suspense than blood and gore, which I appreciate, and it maintains a sense of realism throughout. Yes, it is fairly contrived and yes, the ending is unsatisfying, but the movie, as a whole, does a good job of creating tension. Plus, each member of the small cast gives an excellent performance. I'd watch this one again.
- cricketbat
- Jul 6, 2018
- Permalink
That's quite a claim, I know. But bear with me... we all know from watching horror films, that there's at least one moment where the hero knocks the evil killer to the floor then just runs off, allowing him to get back up and chase them down all over again. We all scream, "No! Hit him again! And again!" but they never do.
That sort of thing normally happens once or twice in your average horror film. Not in the case of ATM though. You will find yourself screaming at the TV screen near constantly for about forty minutes of the film.
ATM is about three friends who use an ATM (or 'cash machine' as I always called them) in the middle of the night. They go inside to withdraw some dollars, only to find there's a psychotic killer (who looks a bit like Kenny from South Park in my opinion) waiting outside for them. And that's why he does - waits. He stands across the parking lot staring at them. They could just run away. They don't. It's also worth noting that these are the only three people in 2011 who don't have a single mobile phone between them. The killer then kills a passer by. While he's doing that, they could just run away. They don't. The killer then ransacks their car (which is parked right across the car park). They could just run away. They don't. The killer then wanders round the back of the ATM building they're in to hammer it a bit (why?). During that time he's banging on the back, they could just open then front door and run off without him seeing. They don't. And so it goes on.
These are truly the stupidest three people in the world. I watched it to the end, just to see if it got any better. It didn't really. And that was a shame as, believe it or not, the characters were actually quite well-written and funny. Plus the production values were quite high, putting it above many other modern horrors.
If you're expecting something clever and different like Phone Booth then you won't find it here.
That sort of thing normally happens once or twice in your average horror film. Not in the case of ATM though. You will find yourself screaming at the TV screen near constantly for about forty minutes of the film.
ATM is about three friends who use an ATM (or 'cash machine' as I always called them) in the middle of the night. They go inside to withdraw some dollars, only to find there's a psychotic killer (who looks a bit like Kenny from South Park in my opinion) waiting outside for them. And that's why he does - waits. He stands across the parking lot staring at them. They could just run away. They don't. It's also worth noting that these are the only three people in 2011 who don't have a single mobile phone between them. The killer then kills a passer by. While he's doing that, they could just run away. They don't. The killer then ransacks their car (which is parked right across the car park). They could just run away. They don't. The killer then wanders round the back of the ATM building they're in to hammer it a bit (why?). During that time he's banging on the back, they could just open then front door and run off without him seeing. They don't. And so it goes on.
These are truly the stupidest three people in the world. I watched it to the end, just to see if it got any better. It didn't really. And that was a shame as, believe it or not, the characters were actually quite well-written and funny. Plus the production values were quite high, putting it above many other modern horrors.
If you're expecting something clever and different like Phone Booth then you won't find it here.
- bowmanblue
- Dec 19, 2014
- Permalink
No this movie isn't the greatest thing ever, yes there are a few things that make you go Hmmm. BUT... It is a tense movie. It's scary cause something like this could happen. I have a fear of being at an ATM and having someone rob me. Tho plays on that fear but adds more to it. There is a lot of hate on here about the film like plot holes and what not. Which there aren't as much as some would say. The obviously haven't watched the whole film. Things are answered in a way that actually makes you think about the motivates of the killer rather than big it down with why why why!!! And more of here you think about it. The characters may not be the best written but that's life, not everyone in the world are nice and that you can stand. It isn't a horror film but more of a thriller suspense like panic room or joy ride.
- theWBohlken
- Aug 5, 2012
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- flyroundee
- Mar 14, 2012
- Permalink
I like to watch movies similar to this one from time to time. One of the things that makes "ATM" work is the claustrophobic setting. The ATM is a tiny, enclosed space, and the three characters are stuck in there together. They can see the hooded man outside, but they can't get to him, and they can't escape. This creates a sense of tension and helplessness that's hard to shake.
The movie also does a great job of building suspense. There are moments when you think the characters are going to make a break for it, but then something happens that stops them. And every time the hooded man comes back, the tension ratchets up a notch. You're never quite sure what he's going to do next.
The movie also does a great job of building suspense. There are moments when you think the characters are going to make a break for it, but then something happens that stops them. And every time the hooded man comes back, the tension ratchets up a notch. You're never quite sure what he's going to do next.
- sharebnbcom
- Mar 4, 2023
- Permalink
I'm not going to lie--I was nervous going into this film. Not because of a disdain for horror, mind you, I'm a fan of the genre, but rather due to the overwhelming amount of 1 and 2 star reviews the film has, combined with the appalling critical reviews of the film.
I can safely say I'm glad I checked this film out, though.
I'd be lying if I said the film didn't have a plot hole or two; or even moments that are downright stupid for that matter, but I enjoy it. One of the joys of being a horror fan is the diversity available to viewers. You're never locked in to what you have to watch, but rather what you want to watch.
This film isn't "A Nightmare on Elm Street" by any stretch. This film falls more in-line with "Nightmare on Elm Street 2"--meaning it has a lot of promise but fails the execution in various ways.
Being someone who grew up watching Josh Peck in programs like "The Amanda Show" and "Drake & Josh", I was expecting a standard performance by Peck. I was rather pleased when I discovered that in this film he curses, smokes, and drinks; a far cry from his early days.
As for plot, the story is simple: three people are in ATM booth when a psychopath traps and tortures them. It doesn't cover any ground that "Phonebooth" didn't already tread, just with a campier and more horrific execution. Going into this film expecting it to be a masterpiece on par with the works of Hitchcock or Craven will leave you sorely disappointed. You'll find a much more enjoyable time can be spent with the film when it's properly acknowledged as a fun, slightly campy, yet dark and serious horror flick.
I can safely say I'm glad I checked this film out, though.
I'd be lying if I said the film didn't have a plot hole or two; or even moments that are downright stupid for that matter, but I enjoy it. One of the joys of being a horror fan is the diversity available to viewers. You're never locked in to what you have to watch, but rather what you want to watch.
This film isn't "A Nightmare on Elm Street" by any stretch. This film falls more in-line with "Nightmare on Elm Street 2"--meaning it has a lot of promise but fails the execution in various ways.
Being someone who grew up watching Josh Peck in programs like "The Amanda Show" and "Drake & Josh", I was expecting a standard performance by Peck. I was rather pleased when I discovered that in this film he curses, smokes, and drinks; a far cry from his early days.
As for plot, the story is simple: three people are in ATM booth when a psychopath traps and tortures them. It doesn't cover any ground that "Phonebooth" didn't already tread, just with a campier and more horrific execution. Going into this film expecting it to be a masterpiece on par with the works of Hitchcock or Craven will leave you sorely disappointed. You'll find a much more enjoyable time can be spent with the film when it's properly acknowledged as a fun, slightly campy, yet dark and serious horror flick.
- hollywoodlights1992
- Sep 7, 2015
- Permalink
- claudio_carvalho
- Oct 20, 2013
- Permalink
So this is a horror or thriller. It is a wise choice for this movie to go without a wide cinema release. It does not really have the horror element and it can only be said to be mildly thrilling.
The title says it all. It's about three people trapped in a remote ATM and encounter a killer. I don't know if it's just me, but the first 30 minutes when I noticed the constant popping up of the CCTV footage and our title character performing aggressively, I made attempts to guess the ending, and I was right. I'm not going to spoil it here, but I promise it is not going to be a twist or stunt that blows you away. And in movies like this, it is often frustrating to watch when you know what is going to happen anyway.
While the plot does not have serious errors, the story is an overall unsatisfactory work. The acting is not top-class but okay, but the plot development and the ending are not pleasant from where I stand.
I've seen worse thrillers, but still I do not recommend this. There are better choices.
The title says it all. It's about three people trapped in a remote ATM and encounter a killer. I don't know if it's just me, but the first 30 minutes when I noticed the constant popping up of the CCTV footage and our title character performing aggressively, I made attempts to guess the ending, and I was right. I'm not going to spoil it here, but I promise it is not going to be a twist or stunt that blows you away. And in movies like this, it is often frustrating to watch when you know what is going to happen anyway.
While the plot does not have serious errors, the story is an overall unsatisfactory work. The acting is not top-class but okay, but the plot development and the ending are not pleasant from where I stand.
I've seen worse thrillers, but still I do not recommend this. There are better choices.
When I watched the trailer I wanted to see this movie, as it seemed intense and dramatic! However, after I have seen it now, I wished I would have done something else with my time. The three main characters are acting dumb and unrealistic; I don't even think there was anything to act because there was no real story line. I kept wondering where I have seen a killer like this before and then I remembered... "Urban Legends". I loved Urban Legends, nice and interesting story, cute actors, nice ending. But this Movie is nothing like it. Urban Legends was a master piece compared to this sad piece of ... I don't even know how to call it... Disappointment I guess... STAY AWAY FROM THIS MOVIE.
- Simoncito2025
- Mar 11, 2012
- Permalink
This is as close to suicide as you can get without actually killing yourself. If u want to inflict mental discomfort for 1 hour and 30 minutes then by all means go and watch this movie.
Very sad to see actors signing up and relating themselves to this kind of trash. I guess this is what makes the difference from actor to actor. Selection of movie script.
This movie is my first review. It was so bad that it made me sign up to IMDb to let the world know how bad it is. A warning as it may be so time is not wasted.
The acting was at least, not bad. Too bad for everything else.
Very sad to see actors signing up and relating themselves to this kind of trash. I guess this is what makes the difference from actor to actor. Selection of movie script.
This movie is my first review. It was so bad that it made me sign up to IMDb to let the world know how bad it is. A warning as it may be so time is not wasted.
The acting was at least, not bad. Too bad for everything else.
Two guys, one chick, one maniac! All I knew about the movie! Expectations: quite low! Reality: truly impressed!
Now, I am the 6th person to comment on this movie (at this time) and I notice that the feedback ATM got is very bad! 4 people simply stating that this is the worse thing out there, while another praised it. Well, I for one, will definitely be joining the "forever alone user", because I really think this movie rules! And let me tell you why:
1. acting: very good, the people involved in this movie really made me believe they were scared out of their minds and desperately trying to find a way out of the situation. 2. camera work: lovely! This movie managed to make me feel the cold that "was" on the set, I even tuck myself better in bed a few times, whenever I saw that thermometer or whenever I could head the wind blowing. 3. plot: although ATM has 2 scenes that you can predict quite easily, there are a lot of surprises here, so I enjoyed every one of them. 4. the maniac: and last but not least, he did a good job, I liked his performance, only thing that was rather disappointing is the end, where...well...better if you check it out for yourself.
So, now, dunno why all the hate, I for one am a HUGE horror fan, so I would hate to see this little gem of suspense and horror being left out of one's collection, trust me and the other guy, this movie kicks ass! If you are able to appreciate more independent horror movies too, well this one will definitely be the one for you! Please, try it out! PS: I am NOT involved in the making of ATM.
Now, I am the 6th person to comment on this movie (at this time) and I notice that the feedback ATM got is very bad! 4 people simply stating that this is the worse thing out there, while another praised it. Well, I for one, will definitely be joining the "forever alone user", because I really think this movie rules! And let me tell you why:
1. acting: very good, the people involved in this movie really made me believe they were scared out of their minds and desperately trying to find a way out of the situation. 2. camera work: lovely! This movie managed to make me feel the cold that "was" on the set, I even tuck myself better in bed a few times, whenever I saw that thermometer or whenever I could head the wind blowing. 3. plot: although ATM has 2 scenes that you can predict quite easily, there are a lot of surprises here, so I enjoyed every one of them. 4. the maniac: and last but not least, he did a good job, I liked his performance, only thing that was rather disappointing is the end, where...well...better if you check it out for yourself.
So, now, dunno why all the hate, I for one am a HUGE horror fan, so I would hate to see this little gem of suspense and horror being left out of one's collection, trust me and the other guy, this movie kicks ass! If you are able to appreciate more independent horror movies too, well this one will definitely be the one for you! Please, try it out! PS: I am NOT involved in the making of ATM.
- Patient444
- Mar 5, 2012
- Permalink
- benegesserit20
- May 19, 2012
- Permalink
ATM is, without a doubt, one of the most fantastic movies ever made. To call it a modern masterpiece would be an understatement. This film dwarfs all other movies in terms of its script, scope, scale, acting, visuals effects, sound design, cinematography, and sheer majesty.
Josh Peck is a triumph. He brings countless years of expertise to his role of Corey. On the surface, Corey at first appears like a typical jerk by forcing his coworker to stop at an ATM on the side of the road late at night. But as the film progresses, the layers of Corey's character begin to peel back, and you start to realize that there is much more to Corey than meets the eye. Alice Eve and Brian Geraghty are no less mesmerizing as a pair of coworkers turned lovers who, along with, Corey, are in for a wild ride at a seemingly ordinary ATM stop.
But the actor who steals the show is Mike O'Brian, playing Man. Man is, in a word, bone-chilling. His posture and blank, ominous stare are the makings of sheer terror that you will not be able to shake for weeks. His graceful yet harrowing movements make every second of ATM a hair-raising experience. Not to give anything away, but the final moments of ATM left me bone dry. Many modern film critics cite one of the greatest Oscar snubs of the 20th century as Jack Nicholson's performance in The Shining. I predict that critics will look back on O'Brian's performance as Man as the biggest Oscar snub of this century. My jaw literally hit the floor when I saw that he was not nominated in 2012.
The winner of this film however is director David Brooks. From the first frame of ATM, I was sitting on the edge of my seat. David Brooks and his esteemed cinematographer, Bengt Jonsson, guide the camera with the skill and grace of a modern day Francis Ford Coppola and Gordon Willis. The extended and sometimes horrifying shots of the ATM and parking lot tingle the spine and boggle the mind. The fact that Brooks is not getting paid millions of dollars to direct Marvel films is an atrocity.
ATM is modern filmmaking at its finest. I have purchased several Blu-Ray copies of ATM in case any get scratched, as I plan to re-watch the film roughly once a day for the rest of my life. Do yourself a favor and check out this movie.
Josh Peck is a triumph. He brings countless years of expertise to his role of Corey. On the surface, Corey at first appears like a typical jerk by forcing his coworker to stop at an ATM on the side of the road late at night. But as the film progresses, the layers of Corey's character begin to peel back, and you start to realize that there is much more to Corey than meets the eye. Alice Eve and Brian Geraghty are no less mesmerizing as a pair of coworkers turned lovers who, along with, Corey, are in for a wild ride at a seemingly ordinary ATM stop.
But the actor who steals the show is Mike O'Brian, playing Man. Man is, in a word, bone-chilling. His posture and blank, ominous stare are the makings of sheer terror that you will not be able to shake for weeks. His graceful yet harrowing movements make every second of ATM a hair-raising experience. Not to give anything away, but the final moments of ATM left me bone dry. Many modern film critics cite one of the greatest Oscar snubs of the 20th century as Jack Nicholson's performance in The Shining. I predict that critics will look back on O'Brian's performance as Man as the biggest Oscar snub of this century. My jaw literally hit the floor when I saw that he was not nominated in 2012.
The winner of this film however is director David Brooks. From the first frame of ATM, I was sitting on the edge of my seat. David Brooks and his esteemed cinematographer, Bengt Jonsson, guide the camera with the skill and grace of a modern day Francis Ford Coppola and Gordon Willis. The extended and sometimes horrifying shots of the ATM and parking lot tingle the spine and boggle the mind. The fact that Brooks is not getting paid millions of dollars to direct Marvel films is an atrocity.
ATM is modern filmmaking at its finest. I have purchased several Blu-Ray copies of ATM in case any get scratched, as I plan to re-watch the film roughly once a day for the rest of my life. Do yourself a favor and check out this movie.
I rented this film from RedBox for 74 cents after seeing the absolutely horrible reviews on the review sites and seeing the trailer. I tend to gravitate towards horrible movies. Though clearly flawed, bordering on ridiculous in parts this film isn't really terrible.
Positives: Decent (though not great) acting from the three primary characters. Interesting premise and (at least in the directors cut I watched) some explanation for some of the plot holes at the end (I won't get into the details as that would be spoiling things). Horrific scenes are not over done and there is a fair amount of suspense.
Negatives: Some of the directing seemed sloppy to me, at least at the start. Though maybe this was by design. Dialog is weak in much of the movie but in this genre that is rather typical. Some parts seem to run long and are overdone. Some plot points don't make sense until the end and may not make sense at all unless you watch the directors cut (I didn't watch the theatrical so I don't know).
In closing I think this film is worth a RedBox rental. It's entertaining if nothing else and even has bonus "making of" on the rental disk which is rare these days.
Positives: Decent (though not great) acting from the three primary characters. Interesting premise and (at least in the directors cut I watched) some explanation for some of the plot holes at the end (I won't get into the details as that would be spoiling things). Horrific scenes are not over done and there is a fair amount of suspense.
Negatives: Some of the directing seemed sloppy to me, at least at the start. Though maybe this was by design. Dialog is weak in much of the movie but in this genre that is rather typical. Some parts seem to run long and are overdone. Some plot points don't make sense until the end and may not make sense at all unless you watch the directors cut (I didn't watch the theatrical so I don't know).
In closing I think this film is worth a RedBox rental. It's entertaining if nothing else and even has bonus "making of" on the rental disk which is rare these days.
- PeteTheReviewer
- Aug 31, 2012
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- anthonycljong
- Mar 10, 2012
- Permalink