Don't get me wrong there is still a few problems with the game like multiplayer crashes and them adding way to many characters for one brand like dc. But besides that this game has been getting way better ever since the relaunch. First off the multiplayer crashes while still happening isn't as much as they use to. I've been playing non stop these few weeks and I only crashed 4-6 times out of 150 games I've played. Next they add a character a month with a few skins who is way faster than some fighting games. And sure it does cost fighter currency to get them but because of how they do fighter currency now you can get characters way faster. Events give you enough to get one character and they also made the grind less grindy to get the currency from leveling up characters by picking skins every week that will give x2 exp if it's equipped in a fight. In conclusion, this game has been getting better and every season they add new content, game modes, and single player campaigns.