Top-ratedS1.E1 ∙ King's CrownSat, Oct 27, 2012Warriors fight to become the next king in a society run by robots.6.2/10 (223)Rate
Top-ratedS1.E2 ∙ Shelter MeSat, Oct 27, 2012A young woman wakes up to find she's in a bunker with a man who has told her it's the end of the world.6.5/10 (198)Rate
Top-ratedS1.E3 ∙ Red Light/Cold Hard FactsSat, Oct 27, 2012A man seeks to escape his red confines; an older gentleman from the past must face his future.6.1/10 (153)Rate
Top-ratedS1.E4 ∙ Three on a MatchSat, Nov 3, 2012Three men fight for the remaining oxygen on a spaceship.6.2/10 (122)Rate
Top-ratedS1.E5 ∙ Master of DestinySat, Nov 3, 2012A hero travels to the end of the galaxy in search of a secret race.6.6/10 (165)Rate
Top-ratedS1.E6 ∙ Pledge of AnyaSat, Nov 3, 2012A warrior must kill a dragon for his people.6.0/10 (133)Rate