Roland starts out with a wounded right arm, using his left to shoot and to pay the doctor with a coin in the hospital, but on the bus he takes pills and drinks a Coke with his right arm while holding his left arm limp.
In the final scene Jake takes a bite of his hot dog. Then the camera changes and the boy's hot dog is not bitten.
While Jake is being tied up in a chair, at first he is being tied up by Tirana. In the next shot he is being tied up by a man wearing a green jacket. The shot after that we see Tirana walking away, implying that she just finished tying up the boy.
During the bus scene, the drink can is opened twice.
At 1:17:41 - Walter hands off Jake to the women in red, as she places him onto the chair. Then the scene changes angles and a man in green can be seen locking Jake in and then it cuts back to the red women walking back.
In the end sequence a second bullet is fired to alter the trajectory of the first bullet mid-flight. In reality the same caliber bullets are shot at approximately the same muzzle velocity and it would be impossible for the 2nd bullet to catch up with the first.
Understanding that this is a fantasy story and that Roland's pistols are somewhat magic, there is a bit of a glitch here. The pistols are based on the Remington 1858 army model and, as such, should be single action pistols meaning that the person firing them would have to cock the hammer manually each time they're fired. Roland operates these pistols as double action pistols (never manually cocks the hammer) throughout the movie firing them one handed.
Jake's map of the beams and tower is wrong. He only draws 3 beams when they say there are 6 beams with 12 Guardians.
When Roland wakes up in the wood, and draws his revolver, we hear the hammer being cocked - but the hammer is down on the revolver.
The movie is supposed to take place in New York City, but when Roland and Jake leave the Globe Theatre, Los Angeles' Eastern Columbia Building is visible in the background.
During the chase from Jake's apartment,he runs up Lexington Ave and turns right on 28th to get to the subway station. In reality he should have turned left.
Jake takes Roland to a New York City hospital to get his shoulder wound treated. Ironically, the hospital treats him without any form of identification, and presumably without any proof of health insurance.