Everything about this film is a big old piece of trash! However there are some parts that are decent/mediocre at best: Daniel Armestrong's voice is great for a very friendly lion. Matthew Merecer may not be the best choice for an African bull elephant, but it's decent for a very large & very powerful beast. The music score is decent (it may be repetative but it's not annoying). The characters movements are mediocre. & the voice acting & the voice cast is decent enough.
The animation quality is pretty bad & ugly (not much depth, almost no texture or detail at all, character models went from bad to decent). The voice acting is poorly directed at times. This plot/story is totally ripping off the lion king & the land before time (The story is lazy & pointless). The lips are not in sync with the dialogue & does not match. The dialogue is weak, lazy, annoying, & a little too much rhyming. The songs went from mediocre to dreadful (the lyrics went from decent to weak & stupid. The singing is more like "talk-singing"). There are moments where the scenes are stretched out, & it's annoying. Lions are NOT vegitarians! They are carnivores/predators, But that does not mean that they are bad guys! People should never hate carnivores. As carnivores, their digestive system is inefficent. This movie has no depth, no point, no layers, & no emotion. Just because that it's emotionless, that does'nt mean that the characters show facial expressions or act in a variety of feelings. They do. But again: the characters/animation/faces are ugly looking & garbage. Here are 5 words to describe this film:
Mindless, lazy, weak, emotionless, pointless.