1 review
I've just watched this terrific documentary and enjoyed it immensely. I've attended various churches throughout my adult life and it's a wonder to me that I've never seen anything like it before. "The Creed: What Christians Profess.." takes a look at each article of the Nicene Creed and examines it with soul and great insight. The only thing that could have made the DVD more interesting for me would be a small study guide to accompany the film or just more film! -- perhaps extras with further discussion from each of the contributors. As a woman, for instance, I'd like to hear more about why, for some people, there is such an insistence on using the male pronoun for God. Why father? It was touched on by Frederica Matthews but I'd like to hear more. I'd also like to look more in depth at some of the Biblical terms in their original Greek-- which is often so layered and casts a deeper spiritual meaning than the contemporary English. All in all, I loved it and I hope they'll release a director's cut!