- Andy: The solution for a claustrophobic astronaut is to give him more space.
- Rook: I can't lie about your chances. But you have my sympathies.
- Rain: [manages to knock The offspring out of the ship] Die, motherfucker!
- Rain: Can you tell us what we can do to help her?
- Rook: You don't help her, you run. Get out, however you got in!
- Bjorn: No, no, no, no, wait, whoa. Nah, we're not fucking leaving her, okay? You understand?
- Rook: Then have mercy and end her life now. If not, you all die!
- Rain: Andy, are you okay? Are you okay, Andy?
- Andy: Get away from her. You bitch.
- Tyler: Andy! Why'd the blind miner fall down the well?
- Andy: Why?
- Tyler: 'Cause he couldn't see that well.
- Rain: Please don't encourage him.
- Rain: I'm afraid I must deny your petition.
- Tyler: Put this on.
- Bjorn: What's this for?
- Tyler: So you don't freeze your balls off.
- Bjorn: Mate, you have an obsession with my balls. It's not healthy.
- Tyler: Keep talking, I'll chop them off.
- Bjorn: Oh, so you can keep them for yourself?
- Rook: ND-255 artificial person. Your model was once the backbone of our colonization efforts and it's an honor to be in your presence. Please allow me to introduce myself. I'm Science Officer Rook and I humbly request your services now.
- Andy: I'm afraid I have just one directive. To do what's best for...
- Rook: Your upgrade came with a new directive. It overrides the old one.
- Andy: I see. What's required of me, Sir?
- Rook: To finish our mission.
- Rain: Can you tell us what we can do to help her?
- Rook: You don't help her. You run. Get out, however you got in.
- Tyler: No, no, no. Wait, whoa, whoa. Nah, we're not fuckin' leavin' her, okay? You understand?
- Rook: Then have mercy and end her life now. If not, you all die.
- Tyler: So what the fuck is he saying?
- Andy: What's it doing to her?
- Rook: That Parasitoid is implanting the Plagiarus Praepotens in her.
- Andy: I beg your pardon.
- Rook: A seed that will amalgamate with her DNA and rapidly grow out of her.
- Tyler: What's gonna grow out of her?
- [they look at the dead Xenomorph in the ceiling]
- Rook: XX121 Xenomorph. One of our towing ships first made contact with this specimen over two decades ago. Of the seven crew members aboard the USS Nostromo, only one survived... blowing the creature out of the air lock. We've been searching for it ever since. 170 days ago, our search came to an end and the body of the Xenomorph was brought on board presumed dead. But of course, lack of food and oxygen is of no true consequences to this perfect organism.
- Andy: Yet nothing is truly immortal. Clearly.
- Rook: It wreaked havoc all over this station until what was left of our security forces shot it dead. Only to trigger its swan song.
- Andy: Acid for blood.
- Rook: Sulfuric and hydroflouric. I sealed the station back up, but it was too late.
- [Kay vomits in a toilet]
- Rain: Kay! Kay! Hey, hey, hey. Hey, hey, hey. I'm right here. I'm right here. You're okay.
- Navarro: I'm gonna go check on the pods.
- Kay: [laying down in bed] No, no. Don't worry. I'm not sick.
- Rain: What's wrong, then?
- Kay: Nothing is.
- [Rain puts her hand on her stomach and realizes that Kay is pregnant]
- Rain: Oh, girl. Who's the father?
- Kay: Some asshole. Just don't tell my brother, okay? He has enough things to worry about.
- Rain: No. I won't say anything.
- Kay: I'm just happy this baby will get to see the sun.
- [They both smile]
- Rain: Hey.
- Tyler: This is all my fault.
- Rain: Yeah, it is. Yours, mine, and everyone else's. We all decided to do this together. We'll get to them.
- Andy: Did you hear about the claustrophobic astronaut? He needed space.
- Rain: I'm begging you, you got to stop.
- Andy: I just spent my full share on a belt that won't fit. Huge waist.
- Rain: See that cornbread
- [takes a piece of cornbread]
- Andy: Maybe it's 'cause I'm on this seafood diet. I see food, I eat it.
- Rain: That's so bad.
- Andy: You always laughed at that one.
- Rain: Yeah, when I was 12.
- [Device starts to ring]
- Rain: I'm sure it's Mr. Finch. We owe him three months today.
- Andy: He'll call again.
- Rain: Well, maybe we won't be here when he does.
- [Andy walks over to a scam taking place]
- Rain: Andy, Andy. Hey, hey, hey. Hey, Andy. Come on. Come on.
- Andy: What did I do?
- Rain: It's a scam. The ball is never under the cup that you pick. It's a trick.
- Andy: But how am I gonna get the money?
- Rain: Money for what?
- Andy: To pay for the horse when we get to Yvaga.
- Rain: You're gonna get a horse?
- Andy: I wanna call it Raindy. Do you get it? Raindy.
- Rain: No, I like it. Yeah, it's good.
- Rook: The company couldn't be prouder of what's been accomplished here today. I've sent a message back to HQ. When received in six months, they'll travel to Jackson's Star to retrieve the compound from you for further development.
- [Rain switches to autopilot]
- Rook: What-what are you doing?
- Rain: Change of plans.
- Rook: Andy, stop her. Reconnect us now. No, no, no. You two cannot do this. The compound must be delivered to the company.
- Rain: I'm afraid I must deny your petition. Have a nice day.
- [Cuts off the transmission]
- Rook: Now you better listen to me here, now, you two. You are insignificant in the great scheme of things. You...
- [the power to the station goes out]
- Rook: No.
- [the station collides with the asteroid belt]
- [inserting a module into Andy]
- Rain: This will keep your systems online until we get to Yvaga.
- Andy: But I thought that...
- Rain: I don't care. You're coming with me. All right?
- Andy: If that's what's best for Rain.
- Rain: Andy, I have a new directive for you. Do what's best for us.
- Andy: [smiles] Done.
- Rain: Good.
- Andy: [about the facehuggers] The parasitoids have no eyes. They track you by sound, but primarily, by heat signature.
- Tyler: What?
- Andy: Your body temperature.
- Tyler: Right.
- Rain: If we raise the temperature in the room to match our bodies, would that make us invisible to them? If we're quiet enough?
- Andy: Just one way to find out.
- [They raise the temperature in the room]
- Andy: [after the hallway room temperature is highered up] The hallways temperature is now equal to your bodies, so the creatures should not be able to see you. But stress, fear, panic will strike your temperature and you'll be exposed. Sweat, goosebumps. That's your skin trying to cool your body down. So watch out for those. Now, stay calm and stay quiet.
- [after saving a cocooned Kay]
- Rain: Tyler, she's losing a lot of blood period.
- Andy: Maybe that's why she hasn't been implanted yet.
- Tyler: How do you know?
- Andy: There's no dead parasitoid by her feet.
- Tyler: Andy, this is on you. So you do something. Please! Andy!
- [Handing him a syringe]
- Andy: 25% of the human genome is shared with rats. And it worked on the rat.
- Tyler: Come on, Kay.
- [Tyler is about to inject her]
- Rain: Don't.
- Tyler: What choice do I have?
- Rain: We take her back to the hauler and we put her in the cryo-pod. Okay? That will keep her alive long enough to get her proper treatment back at the colony. I don't trust this.
- Tyler: Andy, will she make it?
- Andy: If we hurry.
- [after the successfully remove the facehugger from Navarro she wakes up freaking out]
- Rain: It's gone. It's off of you. It's off of you. It's off. It's off. It's off.
- Bjorn: You're okay. You're okay.
- Rook: I wouldn't be so sure.
- Andy: What are the odds?
- Rook: 60 to 40 against your friend.
- Bjorn: What are the odds on what?
- Andy: That the creatures finished it's job already.
- Navarro: [weakly] What is he talking about?
- Rook: Listen to me. Humans go through too many emotional stages before accepting the cold, yet rational sometimes hardest path. You must help them. You must help them.
- Rain: Andy? What's going on?
- Andy: I'm sorry, but we can't let her back on the ship.
- Bjorn: Oh, yeah? That is a problem.
- Rain: What're you doing?
- Andy: You must understand.
- Bjorn: You see? That's what I mean by funny ideas!
- Rain: What are you talking about? No, he's...
- [Bjorn zaps Andy with the taser knocking him backwards]
- Rain: No! No!
- Bjorn: You fucking bitch!
- Rook: Z-01 contains the genome responsible for the Xeno's ability to accelerate and slow down its metabolism at will. Its symbiotic capableness easily rewrites the host's DNA through its blood. This is a much needed and well overdue upgrade for humanity. We simply cannot wait for evolution anymore.
- Rain: What is that?
- Tyler: Probably some fucked up bio-weapon, I'm sure.
- Rook: Actually quite the opposite. Andy, tell them. Tell them what I told you.
- Andy: Our colonies are dying. Unbearable temperatures, novel diseases every cycle. Toxic mine fumes. It's all one unforeseen tragedy after the other.
- Rook: Mankind was never truly suited for space colonization. They're simply too fragile. They're too weak. The work of this station aimed to change that. "The perfect organism." That's how we should refer to human beings. So, I set this wrong right. I took its gift for humanity. Inside the parasitoids I bioengineered from the Xenomorph's DNA, I discovered a unique non-Newtonian fluid. Life. In its most primal, unadulterated form. This microorganism can be the most destructive pathogen ever observed. But acetylated and synthesized in our lab, I've turned it into the miracle Mr. Weyland died searching for. Prometheus fire. The divine gift to humanity. Z-01 contains the genome responsible for the Xeno's ability to accelerate and slow down its metabolism at will. Its symbiotic capableness easily rewrites the host's DNA through its blood. This is a much needed and well overdue upgrade for humanity. We simply cannot wait for evolution anymore.
- Tyler: Yeah, can we get out of here now?
- [last lines]
- Rain: This is the cryo-log for the mining hauler Corbelan. I set course for the Yvaga system without knowing if I'll ever reach it or whatever fate is to find me. But whatever comes, I'll face it. This is Rain Carradine, last survivor of the Corbelan, signing off.
- [Andy accidentally bumps into Bjorn]
- Andy: I'm sorry.
- Tyler: All right, chill. Let's keep it movin.'
- Bjorn: If you do that again, I'll fuck you up. You understand.
- Rain: Bjorn, back off!
- Bjorn: Just as long as he stays out of my way.
- Rain: Why is he being such a dick to him.
- Kay: Because of what happened to his mom.
- Rain: What do you mean?
- Navarro: Last cycle, there was a gas leak in the mines, so a synthetic made the call to seal them with Bjorn's mom still trapped inside.
- Rain: What? Synthetics can't harm humans.
- Navarro: It's sacrificed three minors to save a dozen. That, they can do.
- Rain: That's terrible.
- Bjorn: [picks up a taser] Hey, Andy, look at this. I could probably fry a synthetic with one of these... if I just amp up the juices. Hey, you know, I might take this with me, actually. Just in case you have any fucking funny ideas.
- Tyler: All right, enough.
- [Andy grabs Bjorn]
- Bjorn: It's a joke. I was joking. What the fuck?
- [They're standing behind a giant hole in the floor melted down]
- Andy: Watch out.
- [They notice a synthetic that has been melted in half]
- Andy: it's only a synthetic.
- Bjorn: [exhales] Fuck. I thought it was a real person there for a second.
- Navarro: What happened in there?
- Tyler: Don't know. A chemical spill, maybe. The fuel must be in that room. Let's grab it and get the fuck out of here.
- Andy: All right, new plan. Can you manage yourself with a gun.
- Tyler: Yes, I fucking can.
- [Andy tosses him a rifle]
- Tyler: Right, this is an F44AA pulse rifle. It's rotating breech, electronic pulse action. It's what the Colonial Marines used. AA stands for Aiming Assist. So, right, you put that under your arm. That's it. Right, this hand here. All right. Aim it towards Andy. Pull the trigger halfway. Don't worry, the safety's on. See? Aiming assistance. If that thing comes towards you, you point it in it's general direction, you'll never miss.
- Rain: Where'd you learn all this?
- Tyler: Uh... Games and magazines. You've just got one mag. That's it. 450 rounds.
- Andy: And you mustn't fire a single one. Acid for blood. Remember? We're on the bottom floor of the station. Below our feet is the vacuum of space. You shoot that creature and it's a guaranteed instant decompression. And we all die.
- Tyler: So what's the point in giving us the guns?
- Andy: Because the creature may see it as a threat, and maybe won't charge at us dead on.
- Rain: Maybe.
- Andy: Big maybe. I found us a way through the conveyor belt. This way.
- Rain: [under her breath] Andy. Are you there?
- Tyler: Okay, so last night, we're loading up the last Tesotek, we're about 200 miles above the ground, and then all of a sudden...
- [Bjorn imitates a beeper]
- Tyler: The hauler picks up this beacon. So Navarro tracks it, and it turns out there's this big Wey-Yu ship drifting right above our heads.
- Rain: Drifting?
- Navarro: Decommissioned. Abandoned.
- Tyler: Some old relic. It's probably damaged or obsolete.
- Bjorn: [referring to Andy] Like that guy over there.
- Navarro: Bjorn.
- Kay: Okay, just tell her.
- Tyler: Why are we all sitting around here waiting for travel permits that the company are never gonna give to us? 'Cause that hauler has enough power in it to get us to Yvaga.
- Rain: Because it takes 9 years to get to Yvaga and you can't make that trip without cryo-sleep.
- Tyler: Decommissioned ships still carry tons of functional equipment.
- Navarro: In the hyperlink shows that ship still has a few pods left.
- Rain: You want to break into a Weyland-Yutani ship and still highly regulated equipment?
- Kay: Before someone else does.
- Rain: [laughs] You guys are insane.
- Bjorn: Well, of course we are.
- Tyler: No. No we're not. This is..
- Navarro: That's what I said.
- Kay: Are you gonna help us?
- Rain: Sorry, what do you need me for?
- Bjorn: Andy. We need to use Andy.
- Rain: Andy?
- Tyler: He's a Weyland-Yutani synthetic. He speaks Mother. He can access a terminal on the ship to get us in and out without a fuss.
- Navarro: It's the only way to get in.
- Rain: Okay, but what if we get caught? It'll ruin our chances of ever getting a travel permit.
- Bjorn: Right, Rain's not comin'. Uh, how about you let us take Andy then?
- Rain: I'm not sending my brother up there alone.
- Bjorn: He's not your brother though, is he?
- Tyler: Bjorn, shut the fuck up.
- Bjorn: It's true, though, isn't it? He's not your brother. It's just Wey-Yu damaged goods that your dad found in the trash. And that's all he is, Rain. So just wake up.
- [Rain starts to leave]
- Rain: [to Andy] Let's go.
- Tyler: Rain, wait. I'm sorry. Listen, I know my cousin can be a dick sometimes, all right? But he is right about something. You need to wake up. Because this company, they're not gonna give us anything. You know that as well as I do. We have to take it. Rain, I just... I don't want to end up like our parents. Do you?
- Rain: Is it as easy as you're making it sound, this plan of yours?
- Tyler: You won't even have to get out of the Corbelan. That much I can promise you, okay? Come on. What do you say?
- [inside the Romulus station]
- Bjorn: This place gives me the creeps.
- Andy: Did you hear about the miner who lost his left side? He's all right now. Do you get it? He's all right.
- Bjorn: Can you turn yourself off, please?
- Andy: You said you were nervous and I was trying to make sure you were...
- Bjorn: Jesus! You know, I can't wait to get in them pods and never see you again, you know that?
- Andy: You'll see me in Yvaga.
- Bjorn: No, you're not going to Yvaga.
- Tyler: Bjorn, stop!
- Andy: I'm not?
- Tyler: Well done.
- Bjorn: Oh, she didn't tell you? Yeah, yeah, it's a non-Weyland-Yutani system, so no fake people allowed.
- Andy: I prefer the term artificial person myself.
- Tyler: Andy, look. Rain could end up in prison if she takes you with her. And if you guys stay in Jackson, it's just a matter of time before you get decommissioned again by the company. You understand? I need you on the ship to guard the pods. But once we get there...
- Bjorn: Decommish. Lights out for good.
- Tyler: [annoyed] You done?
- Bjorn: Just tellin' the truth.
- Andy: That's okay. If it's what's best for Rain, it's what's best for me.
- Tyler: All right you're a good guy, Andy. We're all gonna miss you.
- Navarro: So he didn't know?
- Rain: I just did not have the heart to tell him.
- Navarro: You shouldn't feel bad.
- Rain: Shit.
- Navarro: You're not gonna throw your whole life away for Andy's sake. He doesn't care. It doesn't matter to him. Okay? He's not... you know, real.
- [Bjorn and Tyler are trying to get the facehugger off of Navarro it's tail starts to choke her]
- Rain: Stop! You gotta stop! Hey! It's choking her.
- Tyler: Shit. Stop! Bjorn! Bjorn, stop! For fuck's sake, stop. Stop!
- Bjorn: What's it doin'? Is it fuckin' killin' her?
- Andy: I do not believe that's what the creature is doing. No.
- Rain: Andy?
- Andy: Based on the rhythmic dilatation of those bladders, and it's synchronization to her breathing patterns, I'd surmise it's feeding her oxygen to keep her alive. For what purpose, I do not know.
- Bjorn: Sorry, who the fuck are you?
- Andy: I'm an ND-255 Weyland-Yutani synthetic. Originally built for mining and safety task. You guys call me Andy.
- Rain: It's that module.
- Andy: Yes. That new module didn't just upgrade my credentials. It's substantially updated my my AI, and it's mending my motor systems as we speak. A most overdue upgrade, I must say.
- Bjorn: [picking up the taser] Shit. I'mma fucking fry this thing.
- Rain: Okay, wait.
- Andy: Don't!
- Bjorn: Why not?
- Andy: The amount of current will violently contract its tail flexors and will break her neck.
- Bjorn: So what, you got a better idea? What should we fucking do then, huh?
- Rain: Hey, hey, hey! Andy, do you know how to help her?
- Andy: I'm afraid my knowledge database has not really changed. I do not know what this creature is or how to remove it safely. But there's someone in this room who might.
- [They hook up the damaged synthetic]
- Rook: I need to secure Z-01 compound. Missions priority. All other priorities rescinded. Must complete the mission.
- Andy: I'm sorry... but your mission has failed.
- Rook: What? No, I...
- Rain: Can you tell us what we can do to help her?
- Rook: You don't help her. You run. Get out, however you got in.
- Bjorn: No, no, no. Wait, whoa, whoa. Nah, we're not fuckin' leavin' her, okay? You understand?
- Rook: And have mercy and end her life now. If not, you all die.
- Bjorn: So what the fuck is he sayin'?
- Andy: What's it doing to her?
- Rook: The parasitoid is implanting the Plagiarus Praepotens in her.
- Andy: I beg your pardon?
- Rook: A seed that will amalgamate her DNA and rapidly grow out of her.
- Tyler: What's gonna grow out of her?
- [Motions them to the ceiling where a dead xenomorph is hanging]
- Rook: XX121 Xenomorph. One of our towing ships first made contact with this specimen two decades ago. Of the seven crew members aboard the USS Nostromo, only one survived, blowing the creature out of the airlock. We've been searching for it ever since. 170 days ago, our search came to an end. And the body of the Xenomorph was brought on board presumed dead. But of course, lack of oxygen and food is of no true consequence to this perfect organism.
- Andy: Yet nothing is truly immortal. Clearly.
- Rook: It wreaked havoc over this station, until what was left of our security forces shot it dead. Only to trigger its swan song.
- Andy: Acid for blood?
- Rook: Sulfuric and hydrofluoric. I sealed the station back up, but it was too late.
- Bjorn: Hey, shut up. Nobody cares about your fucking ship anymore.
- Rain: [on how to get the facehugger off of Navarro] Okay, okay. Okay. What if we use the cryo fuel to freeze the root of the tail? Maybe if it's frozen, it won't choke her.
- Andy: That could work.
- [plays a video game and loses]
- Bjorn: Oh, for...
- [Notices Rain and Andy]
- Bjorn: Sup, Rain? Long time no see.
- Navarro: I told you she'd show up. You owe me five bucks.
- WY Officer: Full name and occupation, please.
- Rain: Marie Raines Carradine, ma'am. Farming. It's about my travel papers. I met my quota, and I should be free to go now. Right?
- WY Officer: Go where?
- Rain: Yvaga. It's an independent system, but it's fully terraformed. You can actually see the sun out there.
- WY Officer: Where are your parents?
- Rain: Uh, they died three cycles ago. Lung disease, from the mines. It's just me and my brother now.
- WY Officer: I'm sorry, but you're not eligible for contract release yet. Do to a shortage of workers, you're being transferred to the mines.
- Rain: Wait, what? No, no, no. I reached the required hours. You have to let me go.
- WY Officer: Unfortunately, quotas have been raised to 2,0400 hours, so you'll be released from contract in another five to six years. Thank you, and remember the company is really grateful for your ongoing service.
- Rain: [to Andy] I'll fix you.
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