Well I am a big fan of spooks and when I saw the trailer on BBC HD I was quite excited to see what was new and if this programme still had that sort of feel about it. When I watched the first episode there was very little chatter among characters and the story line seemed to be missing. The acting is very good among everyone but at the moment in time I was a bit disappointed. The next episode told us a bit more but I have realised that all of the episodes give very little information away about the characters and the story line itself, Its basically given in spoonfuls. I think that this sort of programme builds up eventually and thats what its starting to do now which gets more exciting to find out new facts and watch.
Overall I think that this programme is interesting and that people should not be put off with the slow build up to the plot. Be patient and we all may be very surprised and impressed towards the end of the season or throughout episodes.