- Clyne: I think you're reaching.
- Fran Madison: Our business requires us to make suppositions.
- Clyne: My business requires us to prove them. Your technician's job is to find glitches, so, he sees glitches. Your job is to find the enemy, so, you see the enemy. Locals believe in spirits, so they see spirits. Everyone is biased in one way or another. So, my answer to you right now is that we lack data to support any theory.
- Clyne: So, maybe there are things science can't answer.
- [powering down]
- Fran Madison: No. Wait, no. This is why we came here. This is the evidence. This is why you came, remember? Remember? So many people have died. You said it. You said, "I wanna know why."
- Clyne: I know enough.
- Fran Madison: You have to think about the bigger picture.
- Clyne: I am.
- [throws the switch]
- Fran Madison: These are from real corpses.
- Clyne: Each one is made from a real person. They're alive? They're not alive. They're not dead. They're just trapped somewhere in between.
- [at around 6:30 minutes a team of Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency officials are observing a Lab test of a potential weapon for use on the battlefield]
- DoD official: Can you try this on living things?
- Dr. Mindala: That wasn't our intent here... initially.
- DoD official: We'd like you to test it.
- Clyne: Any volunteers?
- [several people around the lab chuckle under their breath]
- Sgt. Comstock: Oh, you haven't seen it. I've seen it.
- Capt. Sessions: You know I believe in God, John.
- Sgt. Comstock: This is the opposite of God.
- Clyne: [about Sessions men gearing up again] They don't stop, do they?
- Fran Madison: I don't think they know how.
- Clyne: I know what they are! We think we're seeing things. We think it can't be real, but it kills. So, it is real. It's something. It's not light, it's not shadow, or some trick of the mind. Pass through walls, check. Outside the visible spectrum, check. Kills to the touch, check. Comstock. He was under a ceramic bathtub, is that right? Tank armor. It couldn't pass through tank armor. M1 Abrams tank armor, that's ceramic plating everywhere. It cannot pass through ceramic. You know what that means? It means this stuff isn't natural. Someone made it. It's man-made.
- Fran Madison: Man-made how?
- Clyne: Okay. You have solid, liquid, gas. Lava can turn into rock. Ice can turn into water. Metals can melt. These are natural states. But there are unnatural states. Artificial states, man-made states. Condensate. Bose-Einstein condensate. A state of matter that was predicted by Nath Bose and Albert Einstein. It has some very unusual properties. It can be slowed down by iron filings. It cannot pass through ceramic, but it can pass through walls. It's so cold it will kill you instantly on contact. It can do everything we've been seeing here. To create Bose-Einstein condensate, you need power, and you need a lot of it.
- Fran Madison: Masarov. The power plant.
- Clyne: Yes, Masarov. Where they were made. You said this country was pouring billions into weapons research. This is a weapon. And it was set loose, or it broke loose.
- Sgt. Toll: All right, but these things Clyne. They're like human beings. It looks like a person.
- Clyne: So can marble and clay in the right hands. And I wanna know why. Why they look like people. I can't tell you how they did this. What I can tell you... is that someone made them. If someone made them, they don't escape the laws of the world. Nothing does. It shines light on new laws, and that's what we have to learn. They have order and structure.
- Fran Madison: They can be broken down.
- Clyne: Anything can be broken down, It's just energy. Because I know what they are, I know the properties, I can build the right weapons.
- General Orland: What kind of weapons, Clyne?
- Clyne: Plasmic-discharge weapons. They can tear apart the condensate.
- Alessio: And where you expect us to find weapons like that?
- Clyne: Oh, We're not gonna find them, we're gonna build them.
- Sgt. Toll: Build them with what?
- Clyne: Anything we can find in this bunker. Anything with electronics. Optics, ballistic casings. All the gear you brought from base. We can take it all apart, and I can build an arsenal. And then we can go to Masarov and stop this before it goes any further. Because if we don't, the condensate will feed on all the energy in its path. It'll grow exponentially. There's no limit to how far they can spread. Unless we stop them.
- General Orland: All right, listen up. You are using untested weapons... against an enemy that, to this point, has been unstoppable. Now, you are heading into unknown territory. And hear me when I say you're gonna see things you will not understand. Our enemy has spread through the city in a matter of days. There's no telling how far they will spread... unless we fight back. Most men never even come close... to changing the future. This is the place. And now is the time. Make no mistake, you're the last line of defense. Let's go do what we came here to do.