233 reviews
I can't understand the negative reviews, I enjoyed the first episode and found it demanding of my attention (I watched on HULU while doing other tasks... or not doing them, because, as I said, it grabbed my attention). The acting in this show is quite a bit better than most CW offerings, and Jay Ryan is well cast as Vincent. IMHO, and Kristen Kreuk's personality aside (I don't see how it has anything to do with the quality of the show, as actors are notoriously self absorbed, so I think the hit piece published above is irrelevant and I'm surprised it was approved) I find Kreuk's performance to be just the right combination of tough exterior with fragile insides. So far as the story is concerned, it's off to a bit of a slow start, but it's not uncommon for a good or even great show to take some time to build it's world. This will take a bit of time as the writers seem very focused on establishing the two main characters and their relationship to each other. I was also impressed that the action sequences did not dominate the show. They were short, well done and added to the story instead of hiding any flaws. This one I'll be giving a few episodes to see how well it builds.
- christianhh
- Oct 17, 2012
- Permalink
The secret project of creating a super-soldier goes wrong and, in order to cover up the whole thing, all volunteers who have been exposed to serum are killed. One manages to get away and lives in hiding until he saves the life of a young policewoman and falls in love with her. Then, of course, all possible complications begin. I know, it sounds sleasy, but the series is really well done. It combines elements of crime series with romance, thriller and a bit of horror. Jay Ryan is good in the role of the "beast", Kristin Kreuk is not particularly good actress, but she is beautiful enough for male audience to forgive her shortcomings in the performance, and Nina Lisandrello as her partner and Austin Basis as a computer magician and "beast's" best friend are great. The story is complicated and interesting, directing and effects are good and the series is very addictive. It has four seasons and it's finished, not canceled, so if you decide to watch, you will finish it pretty quickly and without waiting for new episodes or disappointments that the story has remained unresolved. Recommendation.
- Bored_Dragon
- Mar 7, 2018
- Permalink
Beauty and the Beast is a show for romantic people at heart, developed beautifully with lots of sweet and bitter cheesiness on the way.
It's a series where true love is shown, clenching your heart emotionally and making you dream, smile, laugh and shed tears.
It was a fun and very enjoyable ride in its course of 4 seasons and one of the best performances of the very beautiful and sensitive Kristin Kreuk, which I'm sure was close to her heart.
Beauty and the Beast will always live in our heart, whether they are in the chic city of New York or in Paris, the city of love.
- The chemistry and love between Cat (Kristin Kreuk) and Vincent (Jay Ryan) were amazingly beautiful and the strongest part of the show. I wouldn't be surprised if the two fell in love and were together for real and for at least some period of time.
- The storyline and plots were always interesting, with cheesiness along the way in a good way. Any weakness and plot holes were dissolved in their amazing journey of thrilling love, like sugar in hot water with a pinch of salt.
- The flow of the show was one filled with beauty, love, twists and emotions along the way both in happiness and sadness.
- The supporting cast and especially their friends and family (J.T., Tess, Heather...) delivered quite believable and lovely performances, contributing strongly to the emotional vibe of the series.
It was a fun and very enjoyable ride in its course of 4 seasons and one of the best performances of the very beautiful and sensitive Kristin Kreuk, which I'm sure was close to her heart.
Beauty and the Beast will always live in our heart, whether they are in the chic city of New York or in Paris, the city of love.
I wanted to start by saying, I've never watched a pilot more than once in the same week but with this show, I did. When the second episode aired, there were bits that were bothersome to me and I wasn't quite sure where it was going. However, after watching the third episode, I finally get to see where it's headed and I absolutely love it. I think everyone should give this series a chance and if you don't like it, that's fine but I can't say this show is similar to anything else on TV. I love how different it is and the entertainment factor is through the roof. The chemistry between characters is excellent and the acting is up to par. This is most definitely a show I'll be following!
- astralxromance
- Oct 24, 2012
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- Nyx_Selene
- Oct 28, 2012
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I was a die hard fan of the B&TB of the 80s and I feel this show is awesome IF, and only if, one stops comparing it with the original and give this show a chance. I think CW should have given the show a different name as well as the main characters because it gave a certain level of expectation to die hard fans. Some people were disappointed, others were not (like me). The only stand out similarities are the title of the show and the names of the main characters (Catherine and Vincent). Other than that, this show is a different take and should not be compared to the original. The original had "heavy" and "deep" material. Heck! Real life nowadays is already heavy and deep. If I wanted heavy and deep, I would watch the news or read the newspaper, etc. I want to mentally "escape" from real life for a few hours. So, I tune in, sit back and be entertained. I recall another show (about two vampire brothers in love with one woman) that initially had many negative reviews in its first season (mostly because the TV version was vastly different from the books). Now, that show has a cult following. Give B&TB a chance...give yourself a chance to have some fun.
This question doesn't seem to be answered in the series. Vincent just says he's been watching her for 9 years - after her mothers death, and after he killed Cat's mother's assassins, and he always wanted to meet her; no doubt why he came out when Cat went poking around his hideout.
I usually do not watch this kind of show, and it's predictable to an extent, but I keep watching and wonder if the show will start filming in Paris and later move on to other parts of the world. I very much enjoyed the development of the story, especially the tension between Vince and Cat, and probably watched the ending of S1E14 about 3 times.
- deeva_to_you
- Oct 29, 2018
- Permalink
I really like the idea of a Beauty more determined and more ready to kick some b...in the quest for the truth. It is a different concept and a different Vincent. I truly don't get it how can one review a TV show after such a short while. Clearly some of us need to be patient. They will fall in love...I mean you have to be blind not to notice the chemistry ( she is obviously extremely attracted to him and vice versa)but where will be the fun if he would jump her bones in the first episodes? Also , the obvious adrenaline issue ( he turns when it kicks in) which was so carefully underlined by his friend -" Remember what happened the last time you made the play list?" - will most likely be in the way.
I mean, really you guys , give it a chance and stop expecting hot sex and blasting love from the first episodes. Next...you will say the kiss ( which has yet to happen) was lame. Does anybody remember the classic series? How long did it took for them to actually kiss...
I mean, really you guys , give it a chance and stop expecting hot sex and blasting love from the first episodes. Next...you will say the kiss ( which has yet to happen) was lame. Does anybody remember the classic series? How long did it took for them to actually kiss...
I liked the show but it reminds me of the Ghostwalkers book series by Christine Feehan and the Breed book series from Lora Leigh. I love both of these series so I seem to be really liking this show so far. This show uses the same Idea (government experimented and tried to created super soldiers and then tries to destroy them when they got more then they bargained for) They also added a (maybe) love interest. Making the FBI part of the government conspiracies is a good twist when it looks like it was the military that did the experimenting on the soldiers. And in the first show they hint that the mom was involved in the experiment and that is why she was killed. I hope it continues with this story line if so I will continue watching.
Some people are panning this because it's based on the 80s version. I've never seen the 80s version and I'm sure there are differences, but it's like the book vs the movie...it's not going to be the exact same show. This is the CW, a network with The Vampire Diaries and Supernatural. This isn't Homeland and it's not going to win an Emmy, but f you go in to it with an open mind and let it stand on it's own, it definitely delivers. The two leads have great chemistry and yes the 'beast' is a hottie, but he morphs in to a Beast in anger. He looks the part, he saves the girl and they work together with romance brewing between them. He can't have human contact and she doesn't recoil from him. The cop part of the show is also pretty good (I say pretty good, because I'm not a huge cop-show fan) and it's interwoven well with their interactions. Give it a shot. I didn't think I was going to like it, after last year's Secret Circle, but I do. Do yourself a favor and don't listen to the cynics who want a complete rehash of the original. Great!
Im not sure how I had not heard of it but one day while surfing through HULU I decided to watch the first episode and fell in love. Not my kinda series but there's something about it thats so captivating to me. The actors are good (not any A-listers but certainly deserve some red carpet!) and the story line is quite entertaining!! Really really really hope the show is not canceled!! Can not wait for the next episode!!I definitely recommend you guys check this out and see what Im talking about. Maybe you don't completely fall in love with the first episode but by the second Im sure you will be hooked! The actor that plays the beast is extremely good looking also!
Was a great intriguing, romantic interesting show that had me streaming into the wee hours. The second season i held on thinking they'll get back to the Good story next episode. Now can barely watch anymore,it's just another "crime drama" without the great back story and romance of the first season. Yuck
- justlmb-21673
- Sep 22, 2019
- Permalink
I am just now watching this series in February of 2022. Basically I've been Marathon watching for about a week. I am in the third season, about halfway through the third season. This show started off strong in the first season, but it started going downhill with season 2, and season 3 is fairly ridiculous for the most part. The character of Catherine Chandler has become absolutely unbearable. She has become extremely annoying, her personality makes her completely unattractive, and it makes one wonder why Vincent would want anything to do with her by this point. Everything revolves around her and what she wants, to hell with consequences, to hell with everyone else. Even her supposed love for Vincent actually revolves around what he can do for her. The way she treats her friends, coworkers, and family members, is atrocious. Especially the way she treats her two aunts... Sisters of her dead mother... When they come to visit her to celebrate her wedding, is really pretty disgusting. She breaks her poor little sister's heart. I cannot despise this character enough.
The writers went off on some tangent. Talking about him losing his humanity if he beats out, and I'm hard-pressed to know what they are talking about because all of a sudden that was just a thing that was never an issue before, but it was suddenly part of the script, and made no sense if you followed along. It gives you the feeling that you missed some episodes, when you know that you didn't.
I don't know what the outcome is going to be, I am going to watch it to its end, though I may forward through some of it.
The writers went off on some tangent. Talking about him losing his humanity if he beats out, and I'm hard-pressed to know what they are talking about because all of a sudden that was just a thing that was never an issue before, but it was suddenly part of the script, and made no sense if you followed along. It gives you the feeling that you missed some episodes, when you know that you didn't.
I don't know what the outcome is going to be, I am going to watch it to its end, though I may forward through some of it.
- hcato-88761
- Mar 12, 2022
- Permalink
This is by far my favorite TV show of the year. I absolutely love the way in which the storyline is developing, and the growing chemistry between Vincent and Catherine. In my opinion, there is something really special and unique about this show. The acting is excellent, and each character is strong. J.T. and Vargas bring some lighter comic relief, and they are great supporting characters for Vincent and Catherine. So far, we are around half way through the first season, and every episode has managed to be consistently good and entertaining from start to finish. My friends in the UK are already really looking forward to watching Beauty and the Beast when it gets aired over there in January. The Beast is a different type of beast than in previous movies and shows of the same name, and I think it fits in really well with the new modernized setting. I'm intrigued to see which direction the writers intend to take the show, and I look forward to each new episode!
- RiverGirl85
- Nov 16, 2012
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- kirbylee70-599-526179
- Oct 4, 2017
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- andrew_a_dawson-973-23854
- Oct 12, 2012
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The creator of this series is the same creator of the 1980s version, with Linda Hamilton and Ron Perlman. For that reason I was disappointed to see a simplified version of the original, totally missing the community-oriented underworld (beneath the city) in which Vincent and a number of other outcasts lived. Somehow I hope this is forthcoming in this show, as this was part of its intrigue. It's worth mentioning that Kristin Kreuk is well-cast and does a good job as the lead character. The Vincent character (not the actor) is a little boring. I hope the show will develop more depth over time and bring a new angle to some of the elements of the 1980s version that created such a strong following.
I am very pleased and glad to be a part of this magnificent and fresh "Beauty and the beast" story audience.Seeing the new version of this so sweet and touching fairytale about the beauty In the beast, I became more open-hearted than ever.It shows you so many "read between the lines " communication, contacts and reactions. The idea of being respectful to the different human or not-so-human beings is so strong and so preaching.I like the modern view, the nowadays life, which we all have and struggle with. I feel so awakened, revived, like a fully charged battery. Impressed by the actors- they put so much passion, life and warmth to their characters and the movie as a whole.I did not believe, that I'll watch something on the screen without being bored, But- there it is- unique, brilliant and well-presented vision, nothing like the other "Copy-paste" pale TV stuff. Admire the creators of this project, so much soul and eye connection! I hope there will be more, there Must be more!
- ralica_kaleva
- Oct 20, 2012
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While I so enjoy a good detective crime show and really enjoy a great romance, Beauty and the Beast had a bit of both. I could connect with Jay Ryan (Vincent) almost readily. Vincent was the victim hands down, even to Cat's random illogical. Right around Season 2, Kreuk, who played Cat, became disturbingly annoying and the idea of her being a great detective went sideways, because she obviously couldn't detect a thing.
Throughout most of the series, she sounded like a broken recording and their relationship held hostage to her erratic, emotional, reckless behavior, and quick trigger responses. While "protecting Vincent" was continually her claim and needing to "keep his secret," she constantly put him in danger, and ran her mouth to everyone who would listen, soliciting aid from potential enemies over and over. She never learned from her mistakes.
His love for her made him vulnerable which was also deadly. He, however, was a more solid character, and it didn't hurt that he was very easy on the eye.
There were good episodes, however, and others that were quite entertaining. The other cast members, Tess and JT brought character and humor to the story. Heather, could only be tolerated in small doses.
Every one likes the fairytale to end in a "happily ever after," but Cat became more of a drama queen than a detective, which really took away from the storyline, unless it was intentional somehow.
By Season 4, I was ready to see how it all ended, because I was already invested. It would have been more enjoyable if there was more substance around the detective, crime solving aspect of the script, and less of the unrealistic meanderings of police departments and other government agencies. After a while, it was just too difficult to take it seriously.
It wasn't all a bust, but there was room for better character development. The love story held it's own, when she wasn't nagging Vincent to death, but the smart, levelheaded, sensible detective, did not come through. It was nice that she wanted to be his ride or die, but on too occasions, she may as well have been the hired gun.
Throughout most of the series, she sounded like a broken recording and their relationship held hostage to her erratic, emotional, reckless behavior, and quick trigger responses. While "protecting Vincent" was continually her claim and needing to "keep his secret," she constantly put him in danger, and ran her mouth to everyone who would listen, soliciting aid from potential enemies over and over. She never learned from her mistakes.
His love for her made him vulnerable which was also deadly. He, however, was a more solid character, and it didn't hurt that he was very easy on the eye.
There were good episodes, however, and others that were quite entertaining. The other cast members, Tess and JT brought character and humor to the story. Heather, could only be tolerated in small doses.
Every one likes the fairytale to end in a "happily ever after," but Cat became more of a drama queen than a detective, which really took away from the storyline, unless it was intentional somehow.
By Season 4, I was ready to see how it all ended, because I was already invested. It would have been more enjoyable if there was more substance around the detective, crime solving aspect of the script, and less of the unrealistic meanderings of police departments and other government agencies. After a while, it was just too difficult to take it seriously.
It wasn't all a bust, but there was room for better character development. The love story held it's own, when she wasn't nagging Vincent to death, but the smart, levelheaded, sensible detective, did not come through. It was nice that she wanted to be his ride or die, but on too occasions, she may as well have been the hired gun.
- deneenmatthews-91901
- Jan 6, 2018
- Permalink
The problem with the premise is that if they make the beast too ugly then there just can't be any romance. So they haven't made him too beastly. The problem with that is here the beast is more like someone with a bad temper from post traumatic stress disorder after a bad tour of duty. Jay Ryan is a bit generic looking and doesn't have enough beast in him. He isn't even as beastly as some Vampire Diaries creatures.
Kristen Kreuk is a watchable actress but she comes across as an unconvincing cop. The beauty is supposed to be sweet and ladylike but then she doesn't make a suitable NYPD cop.
Overall the writers will need to produce pretty good stories to shore this one up.
Kristen Kreuk is a watchable actress but she comes across as an unconvincing cop. The beauty is supposed to be sweet and ladylike but then she doesn't make a suitable NYPD cop.
Overall the writers will need to produce pretty good stories to shore this one up.
- phd_travel
- Oct 16, 2012
- Permalink
Very interesting episodes. There's lots of action and mystery. I'd like to see how their relationships develop. I'm a fan and going to watch. I really like all the actors and their abilities are incredible. So far I've seen two episodes, and the story line, and plot does keep the viewers guessing. There seems to be a lot of different people with different issues and mysteries to solve. There's a cross between protecting a victim and the law, it's complicated. It's a lot of excellent writing, producing, directing and acting. There's substance to this show, more substance than the typical. I also think the characters are varied and I like the connection between Beauty and the Beast. She is so beautiful and he is handsome - it's a complicated relationship that is not boring! The doctor is attractive too...so far, so good, I want to watch more!
A young police detective played by Kristin Kreuk, falls in love with a former United States soldier who is on the run from a secret government agency that turned him into a beast.
I won't deny that the description of this show sounds terribly cheesy. Don't let that turn you away from what is actually a pretty good series!
Beauty and the Beast is an interesting interpretation of the traditional story of Beauty and the Beast. Based on the 1987 CBS series by the same name, Beauty and the Beast combines science fiction, government conspiracy dramas, and mainstream police drama to make a series that is dramatic, romantic, and often funny.
While this series is entertaining, it is often repetitive. Throughout each season, we watch very similar stories, only with different foes to fight.
I won't deny that the description of this show sounds terribly cheesy. Don't let that turn you away from what is actually a pretty good series!
Beauty and the Beast is an interesting interpretation of the traditional story of Beauty and the Beast. Based on the 1987 CBS series by the same name, Beauty and the Beast combines science fiction, government conspiracy dramas, and mainstream police drama to make a series that is dramatic, romantic, and often funny.
While this series is entertaining, it is often repetitive. Throughout each season, we watch very similar stories, only with different foes to fight.
- jfcampinell
- May 9, 2016
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- bkwloveswrestling
- Oct 7, 2013
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- marissa_elizabeth09
- Oct 31, 2012
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