If you remember and loved those crazy Adult Swim Informercials like "Too Many Cooks" then strap in because this movie turns those shorts into a full length film.
Just watched this last night and I'm still thinking about it. I knew the premise going into this movie but I had no idea how weird it was going to get.
I loved it. It goes beyond the already bizarre premise of teenagers finding out they are in a horror movie.
What happens when a character walks off camera? They vanish and teleport to the next scene, leaving another character utterly alone even though they only took a few steps away.
Can a character hallucinate a previous movie that the actor playing that character was in?
If you had a dark memory of childhood abuse but you didn't know you had that memory until someone read that memory out loud to you while reading a script, what would that do to your mind?
I mean, the whole movie asks, and answers, these mind bending questions and I didn't expect that it would go this meta. I really enjoyed it. The biggest downside is the low budget. I don't care about that but I know a lot of people do so I'm addressing it.
Overall, this is one of the most inventive films I've seen in a long time and I search for the craziest stuff. Check it out.