Sat, Nov 30, 2013
Noah endures God's wrath; Abraham reaches the Promised Land but still must prove his faith in God; Moses leads the Israelites out of Egypt, and his faith in God is rewarded when the Red Sea parts to allow the Israelites to escape Pharaoh's chariots; Moses delivers his final message from God-the Ten Commandments.
Sat, Nov 30, 2013
While in exile, Moses is told by God at the Burning Bush that he will free the Israelites from slavery. Moses returns to Egypt and, with the help of ten devastating plagues and the miracle of the parting of the Red Sea, he leads the Israelites to freedom. At Mount Sinai, Moses receives laws from God that will prepare the Israelites for life in a new land.
Sat, Dec 7, 2013
Joshua conquers Jericho; Delilah betrays Samson as the Israelites battle the Philistines; Samuel anoints David king, a move that could throw the nation into civil war; Saul is consumed with jealousy when David defeats Goliath; King David ushers in a golden age for Israel, but is soon seduced by power and lust for Bathsheba; God forgives David, and his son, Solomon, builds God's temple in Jerusalem.
Sat, Dec 7, 2013
King Saul and the Israelite army face seemingly impossible odds against the Philistine army and their champion, Goliath. An unlikely here, the young David, defeats Goliath and goes on to lead the Israelites to victory against the Philistines. Saul fears that David means to steal his throne and so betrays his loyal warrior. This is Saul's undoing, and David becomes King and later captures Jerusalem for the Israelites.
Sat, Dec 14, 2013
Nearly four hundred years after the rule of David, Babylonian hordes lay siege to Jerusalem and force the Jews into exile in Babylon, where their identity and faith are tested. Decades later, Cyrus, King of Persia, conquers Babylon. Fulfilling biblical prophecy, Cyrus begins to allow the Jews to return to their homeland.
Sat, Dec 14, 2013
Against a backdrop of Roman oppression, young Mary's faith is rewarded when the angel Gabriel tells her she will carry the Son of God. Jesus is born to Mary and Joseph and, from the outset, His life is in danger. But with guidance from the Holy Spirit, He has His ministry and defeats Satan.
Sat, Dec 21, 2013
Jesus arrives in Jerusalem at the time of Passover, openly declaring that He is the promised Messiah. The High Priest Caiaphas fears that impassioned crowds will start a riot, so the chief priests and scribes sought to kill Him. So Satan entered Judas Iscariot and he went and conferred with them to betray Him. At the Passover (Last Supper), Jesus tells His disciples the He must die and that one of them will betray Him. In the garden of Gethsemane Jesus is arrested and led away, as the Apostles scatter.
Sun, Dec 22, 2013
Jesus is brought before Pilate and is sentenced to die by the Roman crucifixion. A large number of people followed Him, including women who mourned and wailed for Him. Unable to carry the cross bar, Simon of Cyrene was put upon to carry it to Golgotha, where He is crucified for all to see. When He commends His Spirit to God, the sun was darkened and the earth quakes as His mother stands by.
Sun, Dec 22, 2013
Mary Magdalene and other women come to prepare the body with spices prepared and find the stone rolled away and the tomb empty and they are told that He is not there and to go tell the Apostles. The resurrected Jesus gives His Apostles His final instructions before He is caught up to Heaven, telling them to wait for the Holy Spirit to come so that they may continue what Jesus started.