- Po: Who are you?
- Li: I'm Li Shang. I'm looking for my son.
- [everybody gasps]
- Po: You lost your son?
- Li: Yes. Many years ago.
- Po: I lost my father.
- Li: I'm very sorry.
- Po: Thank you.
- [pause]
- Li: Well, good luck to you.
- Po: You too. I hope you find your son.
- Li: And I hope you find your father.
- [they both walk off, everyone facepalms]
- [from clip]
- Kai: You must be the Dragon Warrior.
- Po: And you must be Kai. Beast of vengeance, Maker of widows.
- Kai: YES! Finally thank you. Almost makes me want to spare your life.
- Po: Oh you want to spare me huh? How about you spare me the chit-chat alright let's do this.
- Kai: I'm going to take your chi then the chi of every panda in the...
- Po: Augh! chit-chat
- Kai: In the...
- Po: Chitty-chitty-chat-chat, chat-chat-chat!
- Kai: In the...
- Po: Chit-Chat!
- Po: Never under-estimate the impact of dramatic entrance!
- [Po made a dramatic move to kick open the door, door suddenly opens, oops it's Shifu!]
- Kai: [Kai has materialized in a vast field; two farmers cower in fear of him] What is this place?
- Rabbit Villager: [uneasy] Ah... my brother's farm?
- Kai: Ah. If I stepped on you, would you die?
- Rabbit Villager: [both cower as the Goose lays eggs in fear] Y-yes.
- Kai: The Mortal Realm.
- [speaking to jade talisman of Oogway]
- Kai: You hear that, Oogway? I'm back.
- [bellows]
- Kai: Kai has RETURNED!
- Rabbit Villager, Farmer Goose: Who?
- Kai: Kai. General Kai. Supreme Warlord of all China!
- Farmer Goose: I dunno.
- Kai: The Jade Slayer. Master of Pain. You may know me as the Beast of Vengeance. Uh... Maker of Widows?
- Farmer Goose: Huh?
- Kai: [exasperated] Okay, I used to work with Oogway?
- Rabbit Villager, Farmer Goose: Oh, Master Oogway!
- Farmer Goose: He was a great warrior!
- Rabbit Villager: We've heard of Master Oogway, he's a...
- Kai: [cutting their chatter] Okay, okay, enough. SILENCE!
- Oogway: [the two duel in the Spirit Realm] You've grown stronger!
- Kai: Five *hundred* years in the Spirit Realm; you pick up a thing or two.
- [brandishes jade amulets]
- Kai: I have taken the chi of ever master here!
- Oogway: [gasps] No...
- Kai: [chuckles] Yes... and soon, I will have *your* power, too!
- Oogway: [pleading] When will you realize the more you take, the less you have?
- Crane: [Crane is flying, with Mantis on his hat] Wings of surveillance!
- Mantis: Why do you do that?
- Crane: Do what?
- Mantis: Just 'cause you say "wings of" before something, it doesn't mean that you're doing a special move. It's like me saying "antenna of power!" or "thorax of... making sandwiches!"
- Crane: Wings of disagreement.
- Po: [Shifu has made a flower bloom with the power of chi] Woah! What was that?
- Shifu: That was chi.
- Po: Wow! What's chi?
- Shifu: The energy that flows through *all* living things.
- Po: So you're saying if I-so you're saying if I teach, I'll be able to do cool stuff like that?
- Shifu: No, I'm saying if you teach, *I'll* be able to do cool stuff like that.
- Po: Oh.
- Shifu: Mastering chi requires mastery of self. Oogway sat alone in a cave for *thirty* years, asking one question: who am I? Who am I? I'm lucky if I get five minutes before you interrupt...
- Po: Aw, so now I have to sit alone in a cave for thirty years?
- Shifu: Eventually. After you master teaching.
- Po: Teaching? There's no way I'm ever gonna be like you!
- Shifu: I'm not trying to turn you into me; I'm trying to turn you into you.
- Po: [Mr. Ping has stowed away in Po's travel bag] Dad?
- Li: [thinks Po is talking to him] Yes?
- Po: [sternly] Dad...
- [opens the bag to find Mr. Ping inside]
- Mr. Ping: Yes?
- Po: What are you doing here?
- Mr. Ping: What am I doing? Getting a backache! Did you have to step on every rock?
- Po: No, I mean why are you here ?
- Mr. Ping: What was I supposed to do, huh? What if the pandas don't have food you like? You're never gonna be able to save the world on an empty stomach. I consider my presence mission critical.
- Li: Oh yes, about that. We can't share the location of the village with others. So...
- Mr. Ping: Oh, you think I can't keep a secret, huh? I raised Po for twenty years before I finally told him he was adopted.
- Li: Seriously?
- Po: Yeah.
- Li: OK, I guess it would be cruel to make you fly back.
- Po: [amazed] You can fly?
- Mr. Ping: I'm a bird, Po.
- Crane: Master, what are we going to do?
- Shifu: *You* are going to find out where Kai is. Follow the trail of those jade creatures but do not engage For with every foe he faces Kai becomes stronger.
- Crane: Why me? Is it because I asked?
- Shifu: No. It is because you can fly. Go!
- Mantis: Should have kept your beak shut!
- Shifu: And take Mantis.
- Mantis: What? Oh man, is it because I...
- Shifu: Yes.
- Shifu: [searching through Oogway's scroll library] There's so much wisdom in here, I can't find anything!
- Tigress: [to Po] Kai took the Valley, it's all gone... now he's coming for the Pandas... you MUST teach them to fight!
- Li: You have to come home with me.
- Po: What? To the secret village?
- Li: Yes, son. You must rediscover what it is to be a panda. You have to learn how to live like a panda. Sleep like a panda. Eat like a panda. Those 103 dumplings? I was just warming up.
- Po: I always knew I wasn't eating up to my full potential!
- Kai: [to Crane] Your chi is strong, just like your friend,
- [brandishes Mantis talisman]
- Kai: the bug.
- Crane: Mantis!
- [tries to attack Kai but is overpowered]
- Kai: Don't worry, little birdie. I'll put your chi to good use: destroying the Jade Palace and *everyone* in it.
- Crane: No!
- [kicks barrel at Kai, then flies off, but is caught]
- Crane: Wings of... Regret!
- Po: [dueling Kai in the Spirit Realm] You want my chi so bad? Then take it.
- [Po redirects his chi to Kai]
- Kai: Yes, the power is *mine*!
- [as the chi fills his body, he begins to glow and his jade amulets float away]
- Kai: Wait, no. It's too much. That's too much. No!
- [Kai vanishes in a burst of light]
- Kai: NO!
- Po: [Po is about to perform the Wuxi Finger hold on Kai] Sorry, buddy. Gotta send you back to the Spirit Realm. Skadoosh.
- [flexes his pinky]
- Po: OK, that didn't work. Let me try one more time. Skadoosh.
- [flexes his pinky again, then over and over]
- Po: Skadoosh, skadoosh, skadoosh. What the ?
- Kai: Hold on, wait! It's working. No! No!
- [pretends to gag, then chortles]
- Kai: No, it's not. Did Oogway teach you that little trick? Too bad it only works on mortals. And *I* am a Spirit Warrior.
- Tigress: This isn't going to work.
- Po: It has to.
- Tigress: You're not thinking straight.
- Po: I am.
- Tigress: [kicks his feet] You're not.
- Po: I am.
- Tigress: No.
- Po: Yes, I am.
- Tigress: No, I've seen Kai. I see what he can do.
- Po: But he hasn't seen what I can do.
- [does the Wuxi Finger Hold, just like in the first film]
- Tigress: [confused] The Wuxi Finger Hold?
- Po: It's my best move. I just have to get to Kai, grab his finger, and then, skadoosh, back to the spirit realm.
- Tigress: [squeezes his hand] He has an army of jade warriors. Everything they see, he sees. So, there's no sneaking up on him.
- [pushes him down]
- Tigress: You'll never get close enough.
- Po: It's gonna work.
- [gets up]
- Tigress: [puts him down and puts her feet on him] He can only be stopped by a master of chi.