This show makes you FEEL.
It's been SO long--TOO long--since there has been any 'good' t.v.--as in years-- that actually seeing and being able to absorb this show in its entirety is beyond what I could have hoped for in its plot lines, the actor's singing abilities and the DEEP emotional connections and REAL LIFE stories that you WANT to follow and be part of is just too much. I can't believe they actually take the time to sing an entire song in each episode--I LOVE THAT! They say so much during the time that song is being sung!
I am so happy with this show it makes waiting an entire week just to see the next episode too long a wait. This is what television is supposed to show--a non-sensationalized storyline allowing the audience in to becoming part of what the characters are feeling in following where their lives have come from, what that has produced, and where they are going; developing empathy, compassion, and understanding along the way, vs. the crap and fake "reality" shows that are not asked for, but are overproduced and overcrowd the air time.
I will be watching this show--a drama that pulls you IN--in to all the missing-for-too-long-aspects-of-humanity found in the characters, story lines, songs, lyrics, melodies, and relationships--back to what I want from t.v. to show--every single week. And EVERY actor is perfectly cast and pulls you into their character's storyline with absolute perfection.
Thanks ABC for actually putting on a show worth watching. Finally a show without some agenda the studio is trying to shove down the audiences throat--finally a show for the rest of us who want shows like this but are never asked what we want.