128 reviews
Hot Tub Time Machine is one of my favorite "stoner" comedies. I know it doesn't technically fall under that category but the style of humor is similar to movies like Harold & Kumar in that it's dumb humor, gross-out gags, and just unbridled ridiculousness. And that's fun to me. Hot Tub Time Machine 2 keeps that same formula but unfortunately it's missing a few key things that made the first one so great.
First is the novelty factor. We've seen these guys time travel before so the whole "explaining time" aspect isn't all that interesting. Second, there's no consistency. The first movie had a plot - it was an adventure from start to finish and you were with these characters the whole way. It was straightforward and it worked. Here, they try to save Lou from being killed by going back in time to stop the killer, but instead they go forward in time and apparently the killer is from that time and ended up going back in time to kill Lou, or something. It's just a dumb convoluted plot. Not that plot is important in a comedy; it just helps to have some sort of narrative to follow instead of scene after scene of ridiculousness.
And third and most importantly, Hot Tub Time Machine 2 is missing John Cusack. He held the first movie together like glue. He played Adam, a likable everyman that the audience could relate to, and it helped that he had some of the funniest lines in the movie. This movie is all over the place without him. Lou is now the main character, and as much as I love Rob Corddry, his character gets really old really fast. His entire character revolves around gross-out humor and shock value, and it worked wonders in the first HTTM because Adam's sense of reason helped balance it out. Jacob is now the only voice of reason but he's Lou's son and serves as the punch-line to a lot of jokes in the movie. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't.
Adam Scott is the newcomer playing Adam Jr., the son of John Cusack's character. The gang meets Adam Jr. in the future and he ends up going on the adventure to find Lou's killer with them. I love Adam Scott and he was fine in this movie, but he didn't really add anything noteworthy to the group's dynamic. He plays a geeky character who's about to get married, then on their adventure as you can imagine, drugs get consumed and mistakes are made. He definitely provides some laughs, and the group is still enjoyable to watch for the most part, but you can definitely feel a void in the character department.
The most important thing about a comedy is obviously the laughs, and this movie has a few. Much of the dialogue feels like shock value for the sake of being crude. Again, it works sometimes. Other times, not so much. Everything was done better in the first film. This definitely feels like a cash grab movie, especially since they didn't even bother asking John Cusack to return because they knew they'd have to pay him a sh*tload of money (although he does have a nice little cameo in the unrated version). But all in all, it's not terrible. It's a run-of-the-mill raunchy comedy with some funny moments and a lot of disgusting ones. It's worth maybe a one-time watch - if you were a fan of the first one you'll find some good chuckles here and there, and if you haven't seen the first one then you might enjoy this even more because you have nothing to compare it to.
As far as sequels go, it could have been a lot worse. The fact remains though that Hot Tub Time Machine 2 was simply unnecessary.
First is the novelty factor. We've seen these guys time travel before so the whole "explaining time" aspect isn't all that interesting. Second, there's no consistency. The first movie had a plot - it was an adventure from start to finish and you were with these characters the whole way. It was straightforward and it worked. Here, they try to save Lou from being killed by going back in time to stop the killer, but instead they go forward in time and apparently the killer is from that time and ended up going back in time to kill Lou, or something. It's just a dumb convoluted plot. Not that plot is important in a comedy; it just helps to have some sort of narrative to follow instead of scene after scene of ridiculousness.
And third and most importantly, Hot Tub Time Machine 2 is missing John Cusack. He held the first movie together like glue. He played Adam, a likable everyman that the audience could relate to, and it helped that he had some of the funniest lines in the movie. This movie is all over the place without him. Lou is now the main character, and as much as I love Rob Corddry, his character gets really old really fast. His entire character revolves around gross-out humor and shock value, and it worked wonders in the first HTTM because Adam's sense of reason helped balance it out. Jacob is now the only voice of reason but he's Lou's son and serves as the punch-line to a lot of jokes in the movie. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't.
Adam Scott is the newcomer playing Adam Jr., the son of John Cusack's character. The gang meets Adam Jr. in the future and he ends up going on the adventure to find Lou's killer with them. I love Adam Scott and he was fine in this movie, but he didn't really add anything noteworthy to the group's dynamic. He plays a geeky character who's about to get married, then on their adventure as you can imagine, drugs get consumed and mistakes are made. He definitely provides some laughs, and the group is still enjoyable to watch for the most part, but you can definitely feel a void in the character department.
The most important thing about a comedy is obviously the laughs, and this movie has a few. Much of the dialogue feels like shock value for the sake of being crude. Again, it works sometimes. Other times, not so much. Everything was done better in the first film. This definitely feels like a cash grab movie, especially since they didn't even bother asking John Cusack to return because they knew they'd have to pay him a sh*tload of money (although he does have a nice little cameo in the unrated version). But all in all, it's not terrible. It's a run-of-the-mill raunchy comedy with some funny moments and a lot of disgusting ones. It's worth maybe a one-time watch - if you were a fan of the first one you'll find some good chuckles here and there, and if you haven't seen the first one then you might enjoy this even more because you have nothing to compare it to.
As far as sequels go, it could have been a lot worse. The fact remains though that Hot Tub Time Machine 2 was simply unnecessary.
When I first saw Hot Tub Time Machine back in 2010, I was pleasantly surprised. It was an entertaining buddy movie that yearned for something more, that came packaged with a soul and an ethos, and with its powerful heart, it took great strides to comfort us and lead us on a journey toward self-discovery and catharsis. Hot Tub Time Machine was as much an exercise in great dark comedy as it was a purge of all that was wrong in our lives, and it came loaded with characters that were funny yet so very human. It had all the markings of a truly great movie, and one could tell it was a labor of love, carefully crafted by an adept team.
Hot Tub Time Machine 2, on the other hand, casts itself far astray from its predecessor. In this sequel, we find our regular cast of characters (Rob Corddry, Craig Robinson, and Clark Duke – John Cusack is absent this time around) living the good future they've carved out for themselves in their last outing. But they're unhappy. Ego and wealth has seized hold of them, and in Corddry's case, has turned him into a frustratingly awful monster that no one, not even his wife or son, can stand. It's during the middle of a party where Fate propels them on another adventure, as a cloaked assassin shoots Corddry in the family jewels. The team rallies together and plunges through the pool of time to find this assassin and halt a "friend's" murder.
Along the way, our protagonists meet up with Adam Scott, cast as a replacement to and a bastard child of John Cusack's character. And it's through Scott that Robinson, Duke, and Corddry discover they weren't just propelled into the future, they were cast onto an alternate time line, a recurring joke intended to spoof several popular movie franchises as of late, most notably The Terminator franchise. After a convoluted exposition and an overdone foundation for time travel, hilarity ensues.
So the audience waits. And waits. And waits. The sounds of candy wrappers and teeth mashing popcorn echo off the walls of the theater. A few people cough. Someone blows snot into tissue paper. A cell phone warbles the classic Power Rangers theme through a pair of jeans. But no one laughs. The audience is so stoic, I find myself wondering if I accidentally stumbled into a screening of American Sniper. Nope. Rob Corddry is on screen vomiting penis jokes at a mile a minute. And no one is laughing.
It's like this for most of the movie. Every twenty minutes I might hear a slight chuckle, but this theater is mostly a mausoleum. Saint Peter is before us, showing us the last endeavors of director Steve Pink and writer Josh Heald before their careers died. It's a lesson for us, a morality play on cashing in with an undeserving sequel.
"Hot Tub Time Machine 2 is lazy," Saint Peter tells us. "It's a bucket of unused jokes thrown at the screen in disarray, hoping — nay, praying — something sticks. It's a good thing John Cusack knew well enough to stay away, but the devils who made this had to go ahead and drag Adam Scott into this disaster." There's a scene midway through Hot Tub Time Machine 2 where Scott trips on psychotropic drugs. He puts this thing called an "electric ladybug" on his neck, which is little more than a bug-shaped microchip. Scott trips for hours and hours, and it's an excuse for the creative time to play with different lenses and editing tools. As I'm watching Scott make a goof of himself for the camera, his head twisting and turning into odd shapes while he makes faces, I couldn't help but feel sorry for him. Here he is, having the time of his life, and we're staring at him like a bunch of old people on a bench with nothing better to do — arms folded and hell bent on people-watching.
What's even sadder is Scott's whole motivation, as a character, is to find his dad. The movie teases us with John Cusack references frequently, whether it's the group of friends finding Cusack's trench coat or his boxed memories of "Cincinnati" (a point of furious indignation in the first film) or Scott, holding up Cusack's photo, bemoaning the ills of being a fatherless son. And whether or not this teasing was meant to be a joke, there's no delivery, and there's no punch line. Hot Tub Time Machine 2 dangles the carrot of a missing character, arguably the one who brings the cathartic element to the previous film, above our heads for an hour and a half and offers nothing for solace. Much like the rest of the movie, there's no sense of closure, no real turning points or soulful characters on a quest to better themselves.
Hot Tub Time Machine 2 isn't another darkly comedic exploration of the human condition. It's just junk food, and even as junk food, it doesn't taste very good. The jokes are half-assed and the script is unpolished. It's a last minute effort to capitalize on a movie that built quite a sizable fan base.
Hot Tub Time Machine 2, on the other hand, casts itself far astray from its predecessor. In this sequel, we find our regular cast of characters (Rob Corddry, Craig Robinson, and Clark Duke – John Cusack is absent this time around) living the good future they've carved out for themselves in their last outing. But they're unhappy. Ego and wealth has seized hold of them, and in Corddry's case, has turned him into a frustratingly awful monster that no one, not even his wife or son, can stand. It's during the middle of a party where Fate propels them on another adventure, as a cloaked assassin shoots Corddry in the family jewels. The team rallies together and plunges through the pool of time to find this assassin and halt a "friend's" murder.
Along the way, our protagonists meet up with Adam Scott, cast as a replacement to and a bastard child of John Cusack's character. And it's through Scott that Robinson, Duke, and Corddry discover they weren't just propelled into the future, they were cast onto an alternate time line, a recurring joke intended to spoof several popular movie franchises as of late, most notably The Terminator franchise. After a convoluted exposition and an overdone foundation for time travel, hilarity ensues.
So the audience waits. And waits. And waits. The sounds of candy wrappers and teeth mashing popcorn echo off the walls of the theater. A few people cough. Someone blows snot into tissue paper. A cell phone warbles the classic Power Rangers theme through a pair of jeans. But no one laughs. The audience is so stoic, I find myself wondering if I accidentally stumbled into a screening of American Sniper. Nope. Rob Corddry is on screen vomiting penis jokes at a mile a minute. And no one is laughing.
It's like this for most of the movie. Every twenty minutes I might hear a slight chuckle, but this theater is mostly a mausoleum. Saint Peter is before us, showing us the last endeavors of director Steve Pink and writer Josh Heald before their careers died. It's a lesson for us, a morality play on cashing in with an undeserving sequel.
"Hot Tub Time Machine 2 is lazy," Saint Peter tells us. "It's a bucket of unused jokes thrown at the screen in disarray, hoping — nay, praying — something sticks. It's a good thing John Cusack knew well enough to stay away, but the devils who made this had to go ahead and drag Adam Scott into this disaster." There's a scene midway through Hot Tub Time Machine 2 where Scott trips on psychotropic drugs. He puts this thing called an "electric ladybug" on his neck, which is little more than a bug-shaped microchip. Scott trips for hours and hours, and it's an excuse for the creative time to play with different lenses and editing tools. As I'm watching Scott make a goof of himself for the camera, his head twisting and turning into odd shapes while he makes faces, I couldn't help but feel sorry for him. Here he is, having the time of his life, and we're staring at him like a bunch of old people on a bench with nothing better to do — arms folded and hell bent on people-watching.
What's even sadder is Scott's whole motivation, as a character, is to find his dad. The movie teases us with John Cusack references frequently, whether it's the group of friends finding Cusack's trench coat or his boxed memories of "Cincinnati" (a point of furious indignation in the first film) or Scott, holding up Cusack's photo, bemoaning the ills of being a fatherless son. And whether or not this teasing was meant to be a joke, there's no delivery, and there's no punch line. Hot Tub Time Machine 2 dangles the carrot of a missing character, arguably the one who brings the cathartic element to the previous film, above our heads for an hour and a half and offers nothing for solace. Much like the rest of the movie, there's no sense of closure, no real turning points or soulful characters on a quest to better themselves.
Hot Tub Time Machine 2 isn't another darkly comedic exploration of the human condition. It's just junk food, and even as junk food, it doesn't taste very good. The jokes are half-assed and the script is unpolished. It's a last minute effort to capitalize on a movie that built quite a sizable fan base.
Opening five years after the events of the first film Lou Dorchen and Nick Webber have become very successful thanks to using other people's ideas. Then, at a party, Lou is shot in the groin and later dies. His son Jacob and Nick drag him to the time machine and they hope to travel back in time to stop the shooting... they actually end up in the future; a time when their lives are somewhat different. Evidence suggests that the killer is from this time period; the trio will have to find the killer before he goes back to commit the crime. They suspect former friend Adam Yates who was bitter after missing the trip in the first film that led to Lou and Nick's success. They find his son Adan Jnr, and he joins the search. In what follows they get into a number of sticky situations.
This sequel was rather disappointing; there were some genuinely funny moments but too many gags relied on the fact that Lou is a thoroughly unpleasant character... he is a bully who more often than not gets away with it. Most of the gags are fairly crude without the wit to be funny. The film is clearly inspired by numerous other time travel films, which are inevitably name checked by the characters. The cast do a decent enough job with the material. Overall this is far from a must see but if you like your comedies crude you might enjoy it... I'm just glad it only cost me 50p and that went to a charity!
This sequel was rather disappointing; there were some genuinely funny moments but too many gags relied on the fact that Lou is a thoroughly unpleasant character... he is a bully who more often than not gets away with it. Most of the gags are fairly crude without the wit to be funny. The film is clearly inspired by numerous other time travel films, which are inevitably name checked by the characters. The cast do a decent enough job with the material. Overall this is far from a must see but if you like your comedies crude you might enjoy it... I'm just glad it only cost me 50p and that went to a charity!
"Hot Tub Time Machine 2," the sequel to the critical and box office hit from 2010, proves definitively that if at first you DO succeed, don't try again.
As Part 2 opens, we find that two of the original time-trippers (Craig Robinson, Rob Corddry) have parlayed their earlier visit back to 1986 into fame and fortune in 2015 (a third, Clark Duke, is pretty much the "butler" to his successful dad). John Cusack, the fourth member of the group, has wisely chosen to take a pass on this misbegotten reunion. He clearly used the hot tub to attain the foreknowledge that this particular venture had disaster written all over it.
Now the remaining trio has to travel ten years into the future to prevent Corddry's assassination in the present (don't ask). Adam Scott ("Parks and Recreation") and Gillian Jacobs ("Community") join in the festivities, though we suspect they'll not want to emphasize this particular part of their resume in any future auditions.
The screenplay by Josh Heald is, to put it mildly, a bit of an incoherent mess, short on logic and humor and long on jokes involving punctured testicles, spurting semen and homosexual rape. There is one funny scene in which the three look into a mirror to see their true selves in 2025, but the writer seems to have saved most of his best material for a clever and amusing end-title sequence. Whether it's worth the ninety minutes of dreck you have to sit through to get there is something you'll have to determine for yourself.
As Part 2 opens, we find that two of the original time-trippers (Craig Robinson, Rob Corddry) have parlayed their earlier visit back to 1986 into fame and fortune in 2015 (a third, Clark Duke, is pretty much the "butler" to his successful dad). John Cusack, the fourth member of the group, has wisely chosen to take a pass on this misbegotten reunion. He clearly used the hot tub to attain the foreknowledge that this particular venture had disaster written all over it.
Now the remaining trio has to travel ten years into the future to prevent Corddry's assassination in the present (don't ask). Adam Scott ("Parks and Recreation") and Gillian Jacobs ("Community") join in the festivities, though we suspect they'll not want to emphasize this particular part of their resume in any future auditions.
The screenplay by Josh Heald is, to put it mildly, a bit of an incoherent mess, short on logic and humor and long on jokes involving punctured testicles, spurting semen and homosexual rape. There is one funny scene in which the three look into a mirror to see their true selves in 2025, but the writer seems to have saved most of his best material for a clever and amusing end-title sequence. Whether it's worth the ninety minutes of dreck you have to sit through to get there is something you'll have to determine for yourself.
- DarkVulcan29
- Feb 27, 2015
- Permalink
I have lost time out of my life. This film is an abysmal mess. I watched it first for 15 minutes and could not take anymore. And, a month later, I tried to continue watching the movie, but could not even watch another 5 minutes before pulling the plug or smashing my TV. The storyline straddles between the absurd and the overtly obnoxious. Joke sequences are improvised and spliced together with what seems like bad takes.
I am not a complainer. I like stupid movies like Blades of Glory and at my worst enjoyed Rob Schneider's, Benchwarmers, but this film is in the gutter along with dirty syringes and runoff resulting in a complete waste of time.
There can not ever be a spoiler alert for this movie because nothing can be spoiled in it. In my opinion only, a hunk of garbage with festering vegetables and rotting meat is a good way to explain how I feel about this movie. And the fact that IMDb requires more than ten lines of text for reviews makes me even more upset considering the additional time I have wasted writing this review.
I leave good reviews when warranted, but there is no reason for a good rating here. Any review more than one star should not be taken seriously. Moving on.
I am not a complainer. I like stupid movies like Blades of Glory and at my worst enjoyed Rob Schneider's, Benchwarmers, but this film is in the gutter along with dirty syringes and runoff resulting in a complete waste of time.
There can not ever be a spoiler alert for this movie because nothing can be spoiled in it. In my opinion only, a hunk of garbage with festering vegetables and rotting meat is a good way to explain how I feel about this movie. And the fact that IMDb requires more than ten lines of text for reviews makes me even more upset considering the additional time I have wasted writing this review.
I leave good reviews when warranted, but there is no reason for a good rating here. Any review more than one star should not be taken seriously. Moving on.
After watching this movie, it only confirms what I already believe, and thats critics don't know what the f*ck there talking about most of the time. I was a bit put off by all the bad reviews, but I am glad I gave it a watch because this was frickin hilarious! Sure the plot doesn't make sense or it doesn't have John Cusack, but who gives a f*ck! you get more of Craig Robinson, Rob Courddry and Clark Duke, who let's be honest provided most of the laughs from the original. Sure it's more crude and it may not appeal to all those artsy fartsy critics who are whining about the movie not being PC, but if you want a good stoner movie to watch with the guys and enjoy something without taking it too seriously, watch it! I think it is on par with the first and has been unfairly judged. Compared to most comedy sequels, that always do the same thing as the first (hangover sequels), at least this went in a completely over the top direction that was more like a bunch of comedy skits than an actual movie. Overall, I thought it was hilarious and a definite guilty pleasure. Sure it won't appeal to everyone, and its not supposed too. Obviously for a movie like this you don't expect much just a lot of laughs and this is definitely a goofy stoner comedy best enjoyed under the influence.
- Action-Reviews
- Apr 15, 2015
- Permalink
Who really went into this expecting a masterpiece? Was the first one any better? Nah, not really. Sequels always face harsh criticism, but as far as ridiculous movies with sequels go, this one really isn't that bad. Lighten up, it's a comedy.
I got a lot of laughs from this movie. I got a lot of laughs out of all the "future" advancements we've made as a society. From "smart cars" that get the O.K. to execute people, the scary (but kinda fun looking) club scene, to the hilarious TV shows we all (probably legitimately) have to look forward to. The end credits are also worth sticking around for, these fools changing American history in photographs is just fun.
Most of the criticisms I've read here are about bad plot, stupid storyline, etc... Quit trying to be some newspaper critic. You're not going to get recruited to a "My BFE Town Today" column off Amazon. It's a silly movie, if you expected more, you should stick to the films that are worthy of judging and criticism.
If you want some laughs, with actors you don't expect anything else from, give this movie an hour and a half of your time.
I got a lot of laughs from this movie. I got a lot of laughs out of all the "future" advancements we've made as a society. From "smart cars" that get the O.K. to execute people, the scary (but kinda fun looking) club scene, to the hilarious TV shows we all (probably legitimately) have to look forward to. The end credits are also worth sticking around for, these fools changing American history in photographs is just fun.
Most of the criticisms I've read here are about bad plot, stupid storyline, etc... Quit trying to be some newspaper critic. You're not going to get recruited to a "My BFE Town Today" column off Amazon. It's a silly movie, if you expected more, you should stick to the films that are worthy of judging and criticism.
If you want some laughs, with actors you don't expect anything else from, give this movie an hour and a half of your time.
- chipdfctoo
- Apr 8, 2015
- Permalink
I actually don't remember if I found that the first Hot Tub Time Machine movie was funny or not but what is for sure is that the second Hot Tub Time Machine a piece of garbage is. It is supposed to be funny, that's what comedy is about. And I don't know what they tried at every second of the movie, but it for sure was not funny at all. I laughed once during the whole movie, and even that laugh was kind of forced. It is probably one of the worst comedies I ever saw in my life, and I can tell you I saw a lot of awful movies. Adam Scott is probably one of the least funny actors in the business. I don't know if it's just me but in Parks and Recreation (that I absolutely love by the way) he is also the weakest link. That guy is just not funny at all, and I don't get why they make him play comedies because it won't ever work with him. Rob Corddry was also extremely unfunny and annoying. How this movie can still get a 5.1 rating is beyond me. It's a disgrace to real comedies. I rather watch paint dry then watching this garbage again.
- deloudelouvain
- Oct 26, 2015
- Permalink
- steveisfreeeva
- Apr 11, 2015
- Permalink
The sequel to the 2010 film Hot Tub Time Machine, 'Hot Tub Time Machine 2' has a few laughs. Its definitely not a laugh-riot, but some genuine jokes/sequences leave an impression.
'Hot Tub Time Machine 2' Synopsis: When Lou finds himself in trouble, Nick and Jacob fire up the hot tub time machine in an attempt to get back to the past. But they inadvertently land in the future with Adam Jr. Now they have to alter the future in order to save the past - which is really the present.
Let me put it up bluntly: 'Hot Tub Time Machine 2' is strictly an okay fare, that only works in limited doses. This isn't the funniest sequel you'd watch, but, the few laughs here are fun. I didn't except anything else & hence I wasn't disappointed.
Josh Heald's Screenplay definitely needed more wit, but it has some humor, nonetheless. Steve Pink's Direction is alright. Cinematography, Editing & Art Design, are superb. Graphics lack finesse.
Performance-Wise: Craig Robinson, Rob Corddry & Clark Duke reprise their parts with more madness, but one is certainly missing John Cusack. Seriously, why isn't he a part of the sequel? Adam Scott tries to fill in Cusack's shoes, but fails totally. Chevy Chase appears in a miss-a-blink appearance.
On the whole, 'Hot Tub Time Machine 2' works in bits.
'Hot Tub Time Machine 2' Synopsis: When Lou finds himself in trouble, Nick and Jacob fire up the hot tub time machine in an attempt to get back to the past. But they inadvertently land in the future with Adam Jr. Now they have to alter the future in order to save the past - which is really the present.
Let me put it up bluntly: 'Hot Tub Time Machine 2' is strictly an okay fare, that only works in limited doses. This isn't the funniest sequel you'd watch, but, the few laughs here are fun. I didn't except anything else & hence I wasn't disappointed.
Josh Heald's Screenplay definitely needed more wit, but it has some humor, nonetheless. Steve Pink's Direction is alright. Cinematography, Editing & Art Design, are superb. Graphics lack finesse.
Performance-Wise: Craig Robinson, Rob Corddry & Clark Duke reprise their parts with more madness, but one is certainly missing John Cusack. Seriously, why isn't he a part of the sequel? Adam Scott tries to fill in Cusack's shoes, but fails totally. Chevy Chase appears in a miss-a-blink appearance.
On the whole, 'Hot Tub Time Machine 2' works in bits.
One of the worst movies I've every seen. The original set a low bar, but it had a plot, decent acting, and some humor. HTTM2 has none of these. Corddry's character is among the most unlikeable you will encounter, so when he's the main man you know things are way off. Most others are sleepwalking through their roles, wondering when it's over so they can get their paychecks. The "jokes" are mainly crude outbursts with no setup or relevance.
If televised virtual man-rape is your thing, then maybe you'll like HTTM2. Otherwise, at some point well before the ending you'll be wishing for a HTTM to take you back before you started watching so you can avoid this dreck entirely.
If televised virtual man-rape is your thing, then maybe you'll like HTTM2. Otherwise, at some point well before the ending you'll be wishing for a HTTM to take you back before you started watching so you can avoid this dreck entirely.
- SeamusMacDuff
- Oct 13, 2015
- Permalink
Seriously, literally, the worst major release I've ever seen. I almost walked out. I never walk out.
I saw the first one on cable and thought it was entertaining enough. It was simple, but funny and with heart. I can't even describe the sequel. If you've seen the trailer, you've seen most of the funniest bits. And much of what you see is tacked on at the end during the credits.
You'd think it's about a series of adventures where they hop back and forth through time trying to fix things or improve their lot in life or something. It's nothing like that. It's all about trying to solve a mystery that threatens the life of one of the main characters. But, you know, "funny." The plot is mostly stitched together with juvenile off-color jokes. And not the good kind. Mostly references to male anatomy. Reading a page of posts here on the IMDb message boards is funnier than HTTM2.
During the first 10 minutes, about half a dozen people at the screening I attended DID walk out. I stayed only because I'd driven over an hour to see it and paid for a full admission plus concessions. I was by God going to stay to the end. It was a very fidgety 90 minutes. I gave it a "2" here at IMDb, only because there were a couple of pretty good laughs.
I saw the first one on cable and thought it was entertaining enough. It was simple, but funny and with heart. I can't even describe the sequel. If you've seen the trailer, you've seen most of the funniest bits. And much of what you see is tacked on at the end during the credits.
You'd think it's about a series of adventures where they hop back and forth through time trying to fix things or improve their lot in life or something. It's nothing like that. It's all about trying to solve a mystery that threatens the life of one of the main characters. But, you know, "funny." The plot is mostly stitched together with juvenile off-color jokes. And not the good kind. Mostly references to male anatomy. Reading a page of posts here on the IMDb message boards is funnier than HTTM2.
During the first 10 minutes, about half a dozen people at the screening I attended DID walk out. I stayed only because I'd driven over an hour to see it and paid for a full admission plus concessions. I was by God going to stay to the end. It was a very fidgety 90 minutes. I gave it a "2" here at IMDb, only because there were a couple of pretty good laughs.
There are very few comedies which have made laugh out loud in a theatre. Hot Tub Time Machine 2 is one of those comedies. I could very well be incorrect, but I should imagine that many of the people who did not enjoy this film were offended by depictions of nudity, drug use, binge drinking, sexual intercourse, and jokes or humour dealing with any or all of the foregoing. If you are not a prude, though, then you may find this outrageous comedy is worth a viewing. It is easy, mindless viewing suitable for a night when you could do with a few laughs. As I have not seen the first movie, I have no idea whether it is in any way funny or amusing. It does not strike me as being necessary in the least, though. The Hot Tub Time Machine series would not appear to build upon previous movies in such a way that you need to view the first film to appreciate what goes on in the second. Recommended viewing for those who are not holy rollers.
Sequels for films in general are a case of diminishing returns, this proves true if a) the concept is already running thin and b) it is part of the comedy genre. Look at the Hangover series. The first film was a good comedy with a heart. The first 'Hot Tub Time Machine' followed suit but with a better plot and funnier jokes. 'Hot Tub Time Machine 2' follows the exact same formula as its predecessor with a little twist. Remember 'The Hangover Part II', it was essentially the very same film as the first but lacking humour and a soul. Unfortunately you can say the same about 'Hot Tub Time Machine 2'. A premise that only required one film to be explored in, but inexplicably has a sequel because it is guaranteed to make money - well not this time, the film flopped hard, no chance of a second sequel then!
In the first 'Hot Tub Time Machine' film, Lou, Nick, Jacob and Adam inadvertently sent themselves back in time from 2010 to 1986. This time the present day has been completely changed as a result of the events that took place during the first film. The arrogant Lou is a billionaire, Nick a famous song stealing artist, Jacob remains the only one that has not changed and Adam does not make a reappearance. Instead we get his child Adam Jr. This is like swapping caviar for a big mac. Adam Jr. is not introduced into the film until Lou, Nick and Jacob use the hot tub time machine for one last dip. In 2015 Lou is shot and bleeding to death. The three of them try to go back in time, instead entering the very near future of the world. It is their mission to discover who wanted Lou killed. This time the ride will be anything but smooth.
Where do I start with 'Hot Tub Time Machine 2', with a film so pointless, irritating and lazy I want this to be over quickly much like the film itself. The acting is bad. Well, awful. No, horrendous. The script may be to blame, but the likable characters from the first are all gone. Bar Craig Robinson's Nick. A glimpse of an actor trying so desperately to do good amongst the chaos that you want to like the film. But no. This film is repulsive; I hated every frame of it. It is one thing to assemble such comedic talent and then to crush it completely strangling all creativity out of the equation.
'Hot Tub Time Machine 2' has a script that fails on every conceivable level. The tone for one is all over the place. Lurching from romance, friendship and bonding to drug abuse, suicide attempts and rape. This does not work pure and simple. I counted homophobic, racist and hurtful jokes. This is towards almost all genders, races and cultures.
'Hot Tub Time Machine 2' has the nerve to steal its plot almost beat for beat from 'Back to the Future Part II'. Did anyone know how great a travesty they had wrote? Maybe. Did they stop there? No. After all money is still money. Whether it is tainted or practically stolen from the pockets of the audience does not matter. It is best to invent a time machine, go to the year 2010 and tell all involved with the first film to steer clear of a sequel, no matter how big the pay check.
Amongst the penis, boob and ball jokes, it still makes time for the most non sensical sub plot put to film. A smart car tries to kill Lou. I am done here. I left the film halfway through and any true fan of the first film should avoid the sequel like a contagious disease.
'Hot Tub Time Machine 2' is the worst kind of sequel. Irritating, endless and annoying. The jokes are not in good taste and you can almost hear the cash machine register as the actors pick up their checks and leave as quickly as possible. My advice? Treat 'Hot Tub Time Machine 2' like a night out gone awfully wrong. To cure the hangover return to the first film and if they do make a third invent your own time machine to erase the Director and writer from film making itself.
In the first 'Hot Tub Time Machine' film, Lou, Nick, Jacob and Adam inadvertently sent themselves back in time from 2010 to 1986. This time the present day has been completely changed as a result of the events that took place during the first film. The arrogant Lou is a billionaire, Nick a famous song stealing artist, Jacob remains the only one that has not changed and Adam does not make a reappearance. Instead we get his child Adam Jr. This is like swapping caviar for a big mac. Adam Jr. is not introduced into the film until Lou, Nick and Jacob use the hot tub time machine for one last dip. In 2015 Lou is shot and bleeding to death. The three of them try to go back in time, instead entering the very near future of the world. It is their mission to discover who wanted Lou killed. This time the ride will be anything but smooth.
Where do I start with 'Hot Tub Time Machine 2', with a film so pointless, irritating and lazy I want this to be over quickly much like the film itself. The acting is bad. Well, awful. No, horrendous. The script may be to blame, but the likable characters from the first are all gone. Bar Craig Robinson's Nick. A glimpse of an actor trying so desperately to do good amongst the chaos that you want to like the film. But no. This film is repulsive; I hated every frame of it. It is one thing to assemble such comedic talent and then to crush it completely strangling all creativity out of the equation.
'Hot Tub Time Machine 2' has a script that fails on every conceivable level. The tone for one is all over the place. Lurching from romance, friendship and bonding to drug abuse, suicide attempts and rape. This does not work pure and simple. I counted homophobic, racist and hurtful jokes. This is towards almost all genders, races and cultures.
'Hot Tub Time Machine 2' has the nerve to steal its plot almost beat for beat from 'Back to the Future Part II'. Did anyone know how great a travesty they had wrote? Maybe. Did they stop there? No. After all money is still money. Whether it is tainted or practically stolen from the pockets of the audience does not matter. It is best to invent a time machine, go to the year 2010 and tell all involved with the first film to steer clear of a sequel, no matter how big the pay check.
Amongst the penis, boob and ball jokes, it still makes time for the most non sensical sub plot put to film. A smart car tries to kill Lou. I am done here. I left the film halfway through and any true fan of the first film should avoid the sequel like a contagious disease.
'Hot Tub Time Machine 2' is the worst kind of sequel. Irritating, endless and annoying. The jokes are not in good taste and you can almost hear the cash machine register as the actors pick up their checks and leave as quickly as possible. My advice? Treat 'Hot Tub Time Machine 2' like a night out gone awfully wrong. To cure the hangover return to the first film and if they do make a third invent your own time machine to erase the Director and writer from film making itself.
There are just some comedies that simply do not need a sequel, Hot Tub Time Machine is one of them. The first one was great and had me laughing a good amount of times, this one, however, was insanely awful and bored me to death. It made laugh not once and I was extremely disappointed. It takes all the humor that made the first film hilarious and replaces it with juvenile sex jokes and corny dialogue that would barely even be funny on paper. This movie tries way too hard to funny and fails miserably.
Rob Corrdry, Craig Robinson, and Clark Duke, with the exception of John Cusack, return as three friends, who are now living as successful and wealthy celebrities. While hosting a party at his new mansion, Rob Corrdry's character, Lou, is shot in front of the whole crowd. Nick (played by Craig Robinson) and Jacob (played by Clark Duke) bring him back to the hot tub time machine, and travel ten years into the future to stop the killer.
This movie was a huge disaster! The humor was so absurd, the dialogue was terrible, and it fails to crack a single clever joke throughout its runtime. I often enjoy raunchy R-rated comedies because of how clever they use their raunchy humor, but this one just crude, clichéd, and never manages to be funny. The jokes they use get so repetitive and dumb that I had myself rolling my eyes. The character would crack these ridiculous one-liners that made them sound like a bunch of twelve year olds. All in all, this is not only one of the movies I have seen this year so far, but probably one of the worst sequels I have seen period. Do not watch this, it is AWFUL.
Rob Corrdry, Craig Robinson, and Clark Duke, with the exception of John Cusack, return as three friends, who are now living as successful and wealthy celebrities. While hosting a party at his new mansion, Rob Corrdry's character, Lou, is shot in front of the whole crowd. Nick (played by Craig Robinson) and Jacob (played by Clark Duke) bring him back to the hot tub time machine, and travel ten years into the future to stop the killer.
This movie was a huge disaster! The humor was so absurd, the dialogue was terrible, and it fails to crack a single clever joke throughout its runtime. I often enjoy raunchy R-rated comedies because of how clever they use their raunchy humor, but this one just crude, clichéd, and never manages to be funny. The jokes they use get so repetitive and dumb that I had myself rolling my eyes. The character would crack these ridiculous one-liners that made them sound like a bunch of twelve year olds. All in all, this is not only one of the movies I have seen this year so far, but probably one of the worst sequels I have seen period. Do not watch this, it is AWFUL.
- Screen_Blitz
- Apr 21, 2015
- Permalink
I think this movie was good, not as good as the first one but still not terrible or bad. Its still an enjoyable movie with lots of laughs and fun, silliness and some heart warming moments. I think it would have down better if it had released at a different time and they spent more on advertising, cuz I don't remember having heard about this one. I recommend if you'r looking for an enjoyable movie, especially after watching the first one.
Hot Tube Time Machine 2: What possessed the producers to make a sequel to the modest hit Hot Tub Time Machine is beyond me? After reading the screenplay for this movie, a thirteen year old would think this is stupid. Yes, it has it's moments where you go so over the top that your body practically forces you to laugh. Outside of those five funny moments, you will find yourself wondering who thought this was going to be funny. With way over the top juvenile humor, terribly written and executed jokes, Hot Tub Time Machine 2 will be a sequel no one will remember.
The screenplay is definitely the worst thing about this movie. It is no plot of any kind. You could take a nap for an hour in this movie and still not miss anything important. There is no big "Oh No" moment or climax anywhere in the movie. You would think that a movie that has to do with time travel has at least a semi-interesting storyline, but no, it is just a stupid comedy film.
Most people probably do not know anyone who is in this movie with the exception of Craig Robinson. He was the funniest in the movie, but that is not really saying a whole lot because the others were terrible. The only think that was funny was a few scenes of Craig Robinson and some physical humor. Anyone can be funny if they have a great joke written for them. The comedians that are remembered for a little while are the ones that have a crappy joke written for them and they still find a way to make it funny. None of those comedians are in this movie, they went to a movie that could actually be funny.
If you want to see a funny movie, Kingsman: The Secret Service will give you comedy and action, while Hot Tub Time Machine 2 gives you next to nothing. I do not recommend you see this in theaters or on DVD.
For more of my reviews, go to my website at reviewsbywest.com.
The screenplay is definitely the worst thing about this movie. It is no plot of any kind. You could take a nap for an hour in this movie and still not miss anything important. There is no big "Oh No" moment or climax anywhere in the movie. You would think that a movie that has to do with time travel has at least a semi-interesting storyline, but no, it is just a stupid comedy film.
Most people probably do not know anyone who is in this movie with the exception of Craig Robinson. He was the funniest in the movie, but that is not really saying a whole lot because the others were terrible. The only think that was funny was a few scenes of Craig Robinson and some physical humor. Anyone can be funny if they have a great joke written for them. The comedians that are remembered for a little while are the ones that have a crappy joke written for them and they still find a way to make it funny. None of those comedians are in this movie, they went to a movie that could actually be funny.
If you want to see a funny movie, Kingsman: The Secret Service will give you comedy and action, while Hot Tub Time Machine 2 gives you next to nothing. I do not recommend you see this in theaters or on DVD.
For more of my reviews, go to my website at reviewsbywest.com.
- thomas-w15
- Feb 26, 2015
- Permalink
You might have overly loved the first Hot Tub movie and it might exceeded your expectations. Therefor you might have very high expectations of this one. But this one just drags the hilarious along and does not care too much on making sense. In fact, you could say it spits on anything that tries to explain what is going on or is trying to give it a certain quality at all.
What this succeeds in doing, is being gross, mean and infantile. Now if that is what you're expecting going into this, you'll have a lot of fun. But remember: this is not about quality, and I cannot stress that out enough. It's about a group of people gathering together and taking the p... as the British would say (translation: having fun). Take that with a grain of salt and it'll help enjoy the movie. I know I was entertained enough, with just watching one sketch following another. Remember: this is just a movie (with no scientific explanations to the weird things that are happening).
What this succeeds in doing, is being gross, mean and infantile. Now if that is what you're expecting going into this, you'll have a lot of fun. But remember: this is not about quality, and I cannot stress that out enough. It's about a group of people gathering together and taking the p... as the British would say (translation: having fun). Take that with a grain of salt and it'll help enjoy the movie. I know I was entertained enough, with just watching one sketch following another. Remember: this is just a movie (with no scientific explanations to the weird things that are happening).
- kingdaviduk
- Jul 25, 2015
- Permalink
When it started i assumed it wold be useless but as it got going i got sucked in and don't see how the ratings are so low. I found it funny entertaining and the other critics must have forgotten what being young and care free is like. This was U.K. style comedy, It also makes a point that if you don't go for it nothing will get better in life. There are many jerks out there that will test you constantly and if you back off they always come back. But with this Movie you can change time and start over...tell me you ain't thought about it loll. But there are coincidences for every thing you do x 100 fold in time travel. The actors in this film are great and i don't even think about them normally. I think this film was grate for older guys/gals my age that wanna have another go at life.
Dave: Cornwall, U.K.
Dave: Cornwall, U.K.
- startroopers
- Apr 8, 2015
- Permalink
"We gotta go back to the past to save the future." After their first dip Lou (Corddry), Nick (Robinson) and Jacob (Duke) are successful and are living the lives they want, for the most part. After someone takes revenge on Lou for something he did they group decides they have to go back in time to stop it from happening. When they end up in the future instead they are confused as to what is going on. Now the only way to stop the past is to fix the future. I know what you are thinking...wasn't that the plot to Back to the Future 2. I have one answer for that. Yes. That said though I liked this more than the first one. The original was just another Hangover type movie with no real plot. It was funny but that was it. This one had more of a plot, wasn't as funny but I liked this one more. I love time travel movies and this one didn't take itself too serious at all, which I liked. For a comedy to keep you guessing is a rare thing and this one pulled it off. This is nothing amazing and will not become a classic but it was entertaining and worth watching. Overall, a rare sequel that I thought was better then the original. I liked it much more than I expected to. I give it a B.
- cosmo_tiger
- Apr 6, 2015
- Permalink
I remember i enjoyed Hot Tub Time Machine 1, so i was looking forward to seeing this one. Let me start by saying, it is not funny at all. I wonder if the script writer was high on drugs, because i cannot imagine how else this would be funny.
This is right up the alley of the interview, its not funny, it even hurts my intelligence to watch it. There was so much room to make a sharp satire with this concept, hell, with the whole Fougle thing going on at the beginning i was hoping for some funny jokes aimed at Google. This is disappointing.
Please Hollywood, stop throwing money on parties and coke and hire better script writers instead. Thank you.
Recommendation: Don't watch, let them try harder next time if they want our hard earned cash.
This is right up the alley of the interview, its not funny, it even hurts my intelligence to watch it. There was so much room to make a sharp satire with this concept, hell, with the whole Fougle thing going on at the beginning i was hoping for some funny jokes aimed at Google. This is disappointing.
Please Hollywood, stop throwing money on parties and coke and hire better script writers instead. Thank you.
Recommendation: Don't watch, let them try harder next time if they want our hard earned cash.
- thomas-446-105268
- Apr 6, 2015
- Permalink
- nukeman-00359
- Dec 23, 2015
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