- Roger Ebert [Brian Tallerico]
- A Celebration of Cinema [Oene Kummer]
- Benzine [Eric Debarnot]
- French
- But Why Tho? [Kate Sánchez]
- Digital Mafia Talkies [Pramit Chatterjee]
- Film-Rezensionen [Oliver Armknecht]
- German
- Filmy Hype (contains spoilers)
- Filmy Hype [David]
- Gazettely [Arash Nahandian]
- Heaven of Horror [Karina Adelgaard]
- Leer Cine [Santiago García]
- Spanish
- Leisure Byte [Archi Sengupta]
- Midgard Times [Vikas Yadav]
- myFILM [Aggelos Polydoros]
- Greek
- Paul Levinson's Infinite Regress [Paul Levinson]
- QuotEn Meter [Oliver Alexander]
- German
- Rama's Screen [Rama Tampubolon]
- Ready Steady Cut [Jonathon Wilson]
- Serie Totaal [Dieuwertje Deutekom]
- Dutch
- Slant Magazine [Ross McIndoe]
- Spoiler Free [Esta Rosevear]
- The Cinematic Junkie [Deepti Chadha]
- TV and City [Elazar Abrahams]
- Uncut Media Kenya [Mendy Mariam]
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