I must have been the right audience for this movie. Before watching it I read several reviews and some of them critized it for being pointless and also for being a waste of two hours. But I decided to still watch it and that was great. Why? Probably because I am a father to a two year old son that I love more than anything. So I could relate to Sandra Bullocks character throughout. The decisions she took, the dedication she showed throughout was based on the love and protection for her child and loved ones. I don't want to write more than that. I thought the movie was great thoughout. Two hours felt like one hour. It was intense and interesting. Perhaps predictable as well but for this movie I didn't mind that. My curiosity was still on the highest level throughout.
One thought though is that perhaps some bad reviews comes from people watching this on a small screen. This movie is probably best viewed on a big screen with a good sound.
I don't want to write reviews for good movies because I think a good movie should be seen without any previous knowledge. But since this in my opinion is underrated and many of the negative reviews will scare viewers I felt I needed to say something.