Nathalie Emmanuel credited as playing...
- Dominic Toretto: How 'bout you tell us where that device is?
- Ramsey: I mailed it to a friend. In Abu Dhabi.
- Brian O'Conner: That was pretty easy. That other team wanted to torture you for that information.
- Ramsey: I didn't trust them. I trust you.
- Letty: [Letty scoffs] Now why would you trust us? You barely know us.
- Ramsey: I know enough.
- [looks at Brian]
- Ramsey: Ex-cop. Military, something like that. The way you took out those guys shows training.
- [looks at Tej]
- Ramsey: Tech guy, offended by the hacker remark, naturally.
- [looks at Dom and Letty]
- Ramsey: Alpha. Ms. Alpha.
- [looks at Roman]
- Ramsey: Joker.
- Roman: Wrong.
- [stands up and smiles]
- Roman: Double alpha. Man-candy. You know what I'm saying?
- Tej: [everyone laughs] Man, sit your candy ass down.
- Roman: [Roman stops smiling and sits down] The disrespect is real around here.
- Ramsey: Life is binary: zero and ones. Only two things keep a group like this together; fear or loyalty - and I don't see a drop of fear amongst you guys.