- Alfred Pennyworth: Master Bruce. Stop. Master Bruce. BRUCE!
- Bruce Wayne: What are you...
- Alfred Pennyworth: I will not in good conscience allow you to go. You are outmatched by these assassins and...
- Bruce Wayne: I'm what?
- Alfred Pennyworth: ...you're not some hardened vigilante. You're a young man with a trust fund and too much anger. You are in over your head and I don't want this to be your end.
- Bruce Wayne: Alfred, who do you see when you look at me? The boy whose shoes you used to tie every morning, the teenager you drove to his first date? While you are here every night, I am out there... the ONLY THING between the innocent and the predatory...
- Alfred Pennyworth: You may be, but...
- Bruce Wayne: No, not 'may be'. I am. When the mugger or the thief stop to think twice, that is fear. That is what I am. That is why they hired assassins - because I am the reason the criminals breathe easier when the sun rises. So no, Alfred, I am NOT in over my head. Tonight will not be my end. But it will be theirs.
- Alfred Pennyworth: I hope you will try to keep a low profile tonight, sir.
- Bruce Wayne: Trust me. I'll take out those assassins before they even know I'm there.
- Alfred Pennyworth: It's not just that. If some curious child looks out to see who's pattering across their rooftop, they'll expect Santa Claus, not a black-clad, bat-creature.
- Bruce Wayne: I don't patter.
- [Alfred groans]
- Roman Sionis: Kill him, and I'll pay you whatever you want! Make him suffer, and I'll double it!
- Copperhead: Hmph. An empty promise from a fallen king. I know about the Joker.
- Batman: I'm on your side.
- GCPD Captain James Gordon: My side? My side works within the law. My side doesn't leave suspects with broken bones and missing teeth. We've earned Gotham's respect!
- Batman: If that were true, I wouldn't be here.
- Branden: [Branden and his squad arrive, armed to the teeth] Gordon, clear the line of fire!
- GCPD Captain James Gordon: Hold your fire. If he moves, take him down.
- [to Batman]
- GCPD Captain James Gordon: You've got nowhere to run.
- [Batman throws a smoke pellet, as Branden and his team fire. Batman proceeds to get Gordon to safety]
- Alfred Pennyworth: Sir, I've highlighted a nearby manhole on your map. Those sewer tunnels lead directly under the GCPD.
- Bruce Wayne: Good work, Alfred.
- Alfred Pennyworth: And sir, do try to keep out of the uh... muck down there. Remember who has to clean your suit.
- Lester Buchinsky: Just who *the hell* are you?
- The Joker: I'm the guy with the money...
- [draws a revolver]
- The Joker: And the gun.
- [the Joker shoots and misses near the Electrocutioner a few times and squeezes off another round into the floor by mistake]
- The Joker: So when I hire you to kill the Batman... You *shut the hell up* and *kill the Batman*!
- G.C.P.D. Det. Harvey Bullock: [arresting Joker] Where'd he go?
- The Joker: Who?
- G.C.P.D. Det. Harvey Bullock: The Bat. Your partner!
- The Joker: Partner?
- G.C.P.D. Det. Harvey Bullock: Who else would jump off a building to save your sorry ass?
- The Joker: You know, Officer, I was wondering the same thing myself.
- Lester Buchinsky: You just saved me a lot of trouble coming here, Bat-Man. I'm-a kill you! Then I'm-a jumpstart your heart, then kill you again!
- The Joker: [laughing hysterically] Oh... Oh Bats, what a night!
- [Batman lifts him and slams him against a pillar]
- The Joker: Fresh off the kill, and back for more, eh?
- Batman: Bane's still alive.
- [Joker's smile fades, and he checks his heart monitor, only to find Batman's words are true]
- The Joker: Now that's. Not. Funny.
- [Pulls out a gun, in which Batman lets go, punches Joker, and is hit by a rebound]
- The Joker: All this... all this rage! All directed at and for WHAT? You know, if you'd just let me finish a sentence you might LEARN something! You might learn that were not so different. You might even learn something about yourself!
- Batman: You need to learn to shut up.
- The Joker: You know it's sad really, makes me think you don't care to see the good side in me. Well, I guess learning is a lot to ask from you, meat-for-brains.
- [Batman knocks gun out of his hand, and kicks him far]
- The Joker: Is all of this for you? Or for me? You must know that I'm a lost cause... Oh, but there's still hope for you!
- [laughs]
- The Joker: I have great hopes for you... So go on! Don't stop now!
- [after more fighting, Joker is thrown against a window]
- The Joker: [Picks up glass shards:] You just can't get it through your thick skull. WE BOTH EXIST BECAUSE OF THEM!
- Batman: Give up, you've lost!
- The Joker: [Batman beats Joker brutally, throwing him at a Tomb] That's why you do it, isn't it? You LIKE the way it feels, its what you need!
- [Batman lifts Joker and throws him on the ground]
- The Joker: Come on baby, beat me till your knuckles bleed! And don't stop there, you know there's only one way to stop me!
- [Batman grabs Joker, shaking him while Joker hallucinates seeing a Bat-monster. Batman finally punches him unconscious]
- Deathstroke: Figured you'd be by sooner or later.
- [Waller slides a clipboard with application under the bars to him]
- Deathstroke: And what happens if I don't sign?
- Amanda Waller: You rot in here, or you work for me.
- Oswald Cobblepot: Now, you best listen, Falcone, because this is the LAST time I'll ask. What are you going to tell your father?
- Alberto Falcone: That we're gettin' out of the weapons business! I promise - I'll make him do it!
- Oswald Cobblepot: I can 'ear your mouth flapping, Bertie! But the sound coming out isn't the sound I wanna 'ear!
- GCPD Captain James Gordon: [after Batman brutally beats the Joker into submission] Any one of my guys would've killed him.
- Batman: [hands Gordon back his gun] The city deserves better than that.
- GCPD Captain James Gordon: Y'know, my daughter thinks of you as a hero.
- [points gun]
- GCPD Captain James Gordon: But I still have to bring you in.
- GCPD Captain James Gordon: We caught the Joker.
- G.C.P.D. Det. Harvey Bullock: [over radio] Son of a bitch. You caught'im. How'd you do it?
- GCPD Captain James Gordon: [sees Batman is gone] I, uh, had help.
- Escaped Convict: When I get out, I'm coming for you. You and your whole stinkin' family.
- Batman: You shouldn't have said that!
- [knocks him out]
- Deathstroke: Apparently Joker's afraid of me. Wouldn't let me out. Good. I don't like having my time wasted.
- Batman: You should've known trying to kill me WAS a waste of your time.
- Deathstroke: Heh. Well, you won't have to worry about that anymore. Not unless someone else puts up fifty million bucks.
- Batman: I wasn't worried.
- The Joker: I understand you. You had a chance to let me die and you didn't take it. I'll bet right now you're wishing you had. I've killed a lot of people, brought the city to its knees, crippled the police force, and it's not even time to open our presents yet.
- GCPD Captain James Gordon: [after Batman has apprehended the last escaped convict] Alright, that's all of them. Thanks, Batman, I owe you one.
- Batman: Then do me a favor: tell your people to back off and let me do my job.
- GCPD Captain James Gordon: I'll think about it.
- Batman: Well don't take too long. I have a feeling we'll be doing this again real soon.
- GCPD Captain James Gordon: Hello? Uh... Batman?
- Batman: Gordon?
- GCPD Captain James Gordon: Sorry to, uh, interrupt. Barbara gave me this frequency. I was wondering if you could help me with something.
- Batman: Is there a problem?
- GCPD Captain James Gordon: That depends. If we can contain this in time, it should be alright.
- Batman: Contain what?
- GCPD Captain James Gordon: We've got some Blackgate escapees stirring up trouble in the city, and after tonight's events, I'm a little short staffed at the moment.
- Batman: So you want me to bring them in?
- GCPD Captain James Gordon: Well, that's what you do, right?
- Batman: I'll see what I can do.
- [last lines]
- GCPD Captain James Gordon: I keep asking myself why I didn't bring him in. And now I know the truth is, I let him go, because of you. Because you believe in him. I don't know, they put me in charge of a station filled with rotten cops, and I can't change them anymore than I can change this damn city. At least, that's what I used to think. Maybe... Maybe I can give them something to believe in.
- [sees Batman soaring overhead]
- GCPD Captain James Gordon: Maybe HE can give them something to believe in.
- Alfred Pennyworth: I know I haven't always been supportive of what you do... but I understand now. Go, they need you out there.
- Bruce Wayne: I can't defend Gotham. I can't even defend my own home.
- Alfred Pennyworth: Master Bruce...
- GCPD Dispatcher: [over radio] Multiple casualties reported! Code Ten! I repeat, Code Ten! Any available unit, repeat, any available unit, please respond...
- [Bruce turns off the radio]
- Alfred Pennyworth: Master Bruce, now is not the time for doubt!
- Bruce Wayne: I can't do it. I can't stop them.
- Alfred Pennyworth: No, you can't... not on your own. But it's high time you realize you're a man, not an island.
- [Alfred places the cowl in front of Bruce]
- Alfred Pennyworth: And a man's strength comes not from just brawn and intelligence... but also from his allies.
- [Alfred turns the radio back on]
- GCPD Dispatcher: Priority one alert: the Joker has escaped from his cell and is leading the riots at Blackgate. Repeat: the Joker has taken over the entire prison. Multiple casualties, multiple hostages - civilians and prison guards. Again, we have lost Blackgate. Captain Gordon is calling on anyone, *anyone*, for assistance!
- [Bruce puts the cowl on]
- Alfred Pennyworth: They need you.
- Bruce Wayne: No, they need *us*.
- [Bane and goons attack Batman, but he dodges them]
- The Joker: [watching] Can we focus on the task in hand? He's the guy over there, in all-black!
- Escaped Convict: They say you're the savior of the city or something.
- Batman: Something like that.
- [cold cocks him]
- Batman: [both fighting thugs] You fight well.
- GCPD Captain James Gordon: Had a rough childhood. This doesn't make us friends, you know.
- Batman: Yeah, I know.
- Batman: Gordon, open the fire door on the north end of the bridge.
- GCPD Captain James Gordon: [over radio] Get off this frequency now!
- Batman: Listen. I'm going to disarm the bomb at the south end. Have this door open by the time I get back.
- GCPD Captain James Gordon: You let me do my job and stay the hell out of my way!
- Batman: Damn it!
- Lonnie Machin: I'm so glad you came. It's an honour, really. There's so much for us to discuss!
- Batman: What do you want?
- Lonnie Machin: I'd like to propose an alliance! I think the two of us could accomplish great things together!
- Batman: I don't work with criminals! You need to turn yourself in!
- Lonnie Machin: Tell you what, I'll turn myself in as soon as you do the same! But you don't consider yourself a criminal, do you? The suit, the gadgets, the sense of entitlement... you're just another rich kid atoning for his fiscal sins! Such a shame...
- [fight starts]
- Jervis Tetch: More tea, Alice?
- Alice: Get away from me!
- Jervis Tetch: Oh, my. It seems someone's forgotten her manners.
- Alice: You're crazy!
- Jervis Tetch: Not crazy, Alice, MAD! There is a difference, you know! What it is, I can't remember...
- [giggles]
- Jervis Tetch: You are my Humpty Dumpty, Batman! Your mind is shattering, and when I put the pieces back together, you'll be mine forever!
- [from trailer]
- Roman Sionis: You find a body?
- Deathstroke: No. And next time, keep your other assassins out of my way.
- Roman Sionis: You had your shot, Deathstroke, and your not the ONLY assassin in town, and the night is young.
- [Black Mask walks over to one of his men crawling from the explosion]
- Wounded Black Mask Thug: Mmph... help me
- [Black Mask then picks up a piece of lumber with the nails sticking out, and strikes him with it]
- Killer Croc: Wait 'til Black Mask's assassins get through with you. Whoever wins is gonna be famous... and rich.
- Batman: [knocks him out] At least we know he won't be ugly.
- Escaped Convict: Back off! You can't arrest me.
- Batman: You're right, but I can make sure you're still here when the GCPD does.
- [punches him out]
- Oswald Cobblepot: You'll have more luck getting into a nun's skivvies than you will gettin' into this room. Go on, then, push it a bit harder. Really make me feel it.
- GCPD Captain James Gordon: [finding Firefly unconscious and hanging by a rope] He did it.
- G.C.P.D. Det. Harvey Bullock: You mean the Bat? Don't give him too much credit. Something tells me that if you hadn't given the bomb squad the breach order, this whole bridge would be at the bottom of the river.
- GCPD Captain James Gordon: Get'im out of here.
- Batman: [tosses Firefly's detonator at Gordon's feet] You didn't listen.
- GCPD Captain James Gordon: I'm not big on taking orders from wanted men.
- Batman: I'm not big on taking orders from cops. I should have gotten to that last bomb.
- GCPD Captain James Gordon: Yeah... and I should've given you access to that security door.
- [stoops to pick up detonator]
- GCPD Captain James Gordon: But between the two of us, we covered it pretty well.
- [looks back to see Batman has gone]
- G.C.P.D. Det. Harvey Bullock: Hold it right there!
- GCPD Captain James Gordon: I'm bringing you in.
- Batman: Not tonight.
- [disappears]
- Lonnie Machin: I wanted to make a difference, I thought you'd feel the same!
- Batman: I do! But not like this! A lot of innocent people almost died tonight because of you!
- Lonnie Machin: Innocent? They watched as Gotham went to hell and didn't do a thing!
- Batman: They're afraid!
- Lonnie Machin: No... they're weak!
- Jervis Tetch: No one ever wanted to hear what Jervis had to say, he might as well have been invisible... but now, now you'll all have to pay attention! Because you won't have a choice!
- Thug: [over radio] I'm telling you - he ain't dead.
- The Joker: I'm sorry, I'm sorry - must be a bad connection. I thought I heard you say that after I *shot* him, and *blew up* a building on him... *the Bat somehow survived*?
- Thug: If he was dead, there'd be a body. There ain't no body!
- The Joker: Since I know that's impossible, I'm going to let you reconcile my vision of reality with your version of reality, and in case your pea-brain can't parse big words, I'll translate it into thug-speak for you... *kill the Bat or I'll kill you!*
- Alfred Pennyworth: [while Batman is exploring Gotham City] It's midnight, sir. So I wanted to wish you a Merry Christmas.
- Bruce Wayne: Thanks.