When I finished Clone Wars I asked if watching Rebels was worth it, and many people replied that no. They said that the show was very childish, with no memorable characters and that the animation was worse than in CW. Anyway, I did it and after finishing it I can say that it's as good as Clone Wars, in my opinion.
It's true that the first season isn't so good, you can even skip some episodes because nothing at all happens (There's a guide online showing which episodes you can skip), but after that the series really does get better. In season 2 many characters from Clone Wars return and there's plenty of references to stories from the previous show. Not only that, but the new characters evolve in a realistic way as the show progresses. It's funny how in the beginning I didn't symphatize with any of the main characters, but later I ended up liking all of them.
In Star Wars Rebels the stories are shorter than in its predecessor, usually of just one episode instead of the 3 or 4 episode arcs of CW. This is both a good and bad thing as the stories aren't so complex as we could expect and even sometimes feel rushed, but they're still pretty good. And since it's in the Imperial Era, it feels more like classic Star Wars movies. The worst part of the show is the animation, it's been downgraded from Clone Wars.
In conclusion, Star Wars Rebels is a very good show. If you like Star Wars you should watch it. The first season isn't good but later it gets really good and you won't regret watching it.