519 reviews
Had a flick through the comments here and I saw a bunch of 1's from people complaining about coast guard tactics, ocean safety and even "shark behaviour". IT'S A MONSTER SURVIVAL MOVIE! Just calm down and watch it for what it is.
Lame and uninteresting characters, a boat, ocean, sharks. Followed by cheap jump scares.
Sure, it's nothing new, but it holds its own.
But hey, what do I know, when I was young, my brother and I stood on a beach in Wales screaming at a dead crab for a good 5 minutes.
Sure, it's nothing new, but it holds its own.
But hey, what do I know, when I was young, my brother and I stood on a beach in Wales screaming at a dead crab for a good 5 minutes.
- donttouchmeprimate
- Feb 9, 2019
- Permalink
Before we sit down in the theater, we know pretty much exactly what happens. Two girls go scuba diving in a shark cage and wind up a trapped in said cage 47 meters below the surface. Since they aren't experts, we know how they will react. Then sharks show up. Since they are sharks in a scary movie, we know how they will react. There is no real room for surprises.
If you expect rampant plot twists and character development, you must not see this type of movie often. It is what it is and it knows that. Despite the only real mystery being which of the girls survives, if any, or perhaps both, the movie actually manages to provide a refreshing twist.
That may sound bold to say when talking about a powerfully simple shark attack movie, but take some time to think about it. The twist is secretly ingenious and explains away many of the ghastly errors in believability.
I'm surprised to find myself defending a movie that I didn't really like all that much. But I am. It's not that movie doesn't deserve criticism. It certainly does. The acting performances earn failing grades across the board. The dialogue is laced with embarrassing over explanations and repeated lines, most of which involve warnings from the captain about the bends. Other times this takes the form of the girls obnoxiously narrating the menial tasks as they carry them out. Once or twice might have been fine, but it's tough to stomach after about the 10th time or so.
My thought on this is maybe the filmmakers knew that it was too dark to see what was going on for most of the movie, so they made the girls say aloud everything that they did. This solution makes about as much sense as going on a five-mile run after knowingly drinking spoiled milk. If one problem is easily avoidable, avoid the problem. Don't attempt a remedy that almost certainly won't help the situation.
All that said, I defend the movie because I think it executes its mission reasonably well. I shifted to the edge of my seat and felt uneasy on many occasions. The movie managed to scare the audience and it did so with fewer jump scares than expected.
Instead, the movie built to moments that would normally climax with the infamous jump scare then simply opted not to deliver one. The goal is still achieved. The moments still induce a sense of dread from the audience, but without the cheapness of frightening viewers by essentially saying "boo." I'd like to see other movies emulate this tactic.
My advice: if you are going to watch this movie, understand what you are getting into. The movie likely won't surprise and that wasn't its intention. Be reasonable with your expectations. Accept the movie's strengths and weaknesses. Empathize with how terrifying the situation would be if it were you stuck in the shark cage on the ocean floor, and don't hesitate to laugh at the movie's weaknesses.
Do those two things, and you may walk away satisfied. If you are unwilling to do that, stay out of the water.
If you expect rampant plot twists and character development, you must not see this type of movie often. It is what it is and it knows that. Despite the only real mystery being which of the girls survives, if any, or perhaps both, the movie actually manages to provide a refreshing twist.
That may sound bold to say when talking about a powerfully simple shark attack movie, but take some time to think about it. The twist is secretly ingenious and explains away many of the ghastly errors in believability.
I'm surprised to find myself defending a movie that I didn't really like all that much. But I am. It's not that movie doesn't deserve criticism. It certainly does. The acting performances earn failing grades across the board. The dialogue is laced with embarrassing over explanations and repeated lines, most of which involve warnings from the captain about the bends. Other times this takes the form of the girls obnoxiously narrating the menial tasks as they carry them out. Once or twice might have been fine, but it's tough to stomach after about the 10th time or so.
My thought on this is maybe the filmmakers knew that it was too dark to see what was going on for most of the movie, so they made the girls say aloud everything that they did. This solution makes about as much sense as going on a five-mile run after knowingly drinking spoiled milk. If one problem is easily avoidable, avoid the problem. Don't attempt a remedy that almost certainly won't help the situation.
All that said, I defend the movie because I think it executes its mission reasonably well. I shifted to the edge of my seat and felt uneasy on many occasions. The movie managed to scare the audience and it did so with fewer jump scares than expected.
Instead, the movie built to moments that would normally climax with the infamous jump scare then simply opted not to deliver one. The goal is still achieved. The moments still induce a sense of dread from the audience, but without the cheapness of frightening viewers by essentially saying "boo." I'd like to see other movies emulate this tactic.
My advice: if you are going to watch this movie, understand what you are getting into. The movie likely won't surprise and that wasn't its intention. Be reasonable with your expectations. Accept the movie's strengths and weaknesses. Empathize with how terrifying the situation would be if it were you stuck in the shark cage on the ocean floor, and don't hesitate to laugh at the movie's weaknesses.
Do those two things, and you may walk away satisfied. If you are unwilling to do that, stay out of the water.
- Jared_Andrews
- Jun 26, 2017
- Permalink
I actually caught this in the theater and again a year later at home. Reviews are mixed with this film, but I actually enjoyed this movie. Mandy Moore's acting is always a breath of fresh air and Claire Holt didn't have trouble carrying the film along. Yes it's a shark movie, but what makes this flick a stand out, is the fact the sharks aren't the only threat to the girls survival. It got a few jumps and a sudden episode of claustrophobia from me. Which I guess is a good thing. Moore's freaky smile in the end makes one lasting impression but one burning question though for me is... WHERE THE HELL DID THE SHARKS DISAPPEAR TO IN THE FINAL RESCUE SCENE ?!?
- brunoproductions
- Jun 8, 2018
- Permalink
For a scary shark flick I found it totally worked. Of course the intro, party scene & boys are what you'd expect for this genre, and had me wondering if I'd make it to the end due to all the cliché.
But it did take off from there nicely, had some genuine holy f*ck moments, a good pacing and had me wondering all the way if the girls would make it to the end...
The camera work was great and the sharks well done (a bit too aggressive for total realism, but hey). The ending was also original, for once!
Compared to The Shallows, I'd say it's equally solid in terms of entertainment value and getting the viewer hooked until the end.
Overall a solid 7 in my book.
But it did take off from there nicely, had some genuine holy f*ck moments, a good pacing and had me wondering all the way if the girls would make it to the end...
The camera work was great and the sharks well done (a bit too aggressive for total realism, but hey). The ending was also original, for once!
Compared to The Shallows, I'd say it's equally solid in terms of entertainment value and getting the viewer hooked until the end.
Overall a solid 7 in my book.
- theshadowrunner
- Jul 28, 2016
- Permalink
Although it can have a handful of somewhat intense moments, 47 Meters Down sadly proves to be nothing but another generic shark movie, and to be frank, a rather pathetic attempt at that. I'll start with the films strengths, that being why most of the people will watch the film, for the suspense. I feel all the suspenseful moments in the film come from the situations under water, and not at all the danger of the sharks themselves. The sharks throughout the film are almost comically thrown in there, so much to the point, that I laughed whenever they came on screen. I enjoyed the claustrophobic nature it had been trapped in the cage under water, not knowing what to do or where to go, but our lead characters are too stupid to truly be concerned for, and the lead actresses hardly capable of carrying the film to the lengths it needs them too. The acting is quite bad, incredibly overdramatic, silly at times, and the dialogue is atrocious. Besides the sharks literally being a joke upon the screen, the worst part of the film is hands down the twist ending, which is not only frustrating, but absolutely ridiculous, and completely unnecessary. The film is unbelievable, dull at times, and simply too stupid to handle the fear of its somewhat interesting premise. In the end, 47 Meters Down is probably left better at the bottom of the ocean, than it was in major theaters across the globe.
My Rating: 3.5/10
- Allierubystein666
- Feb 27, 2021
- Permalink
How often do you watch a film from this genre and are made to watch 90 minutes of bad acting, unrealistic sharks, poor camerawork etc, my expectations weren't too high, and I for one was pleasantly surprised. This film is actually really well made, it's very solid, it's well acted, and it manages to generate both terror and claustrophobia, in a way I wasn't expecting. That ending also, talk about out of the Blue ;-) Beautifully filmed, superb location work, sharks that although maybe a little out of character to say the least certainly looked good, and of course added to the terror.
Pleasantly surprised. 7/10
Pleasantly surprised. 7/10
- Sleepin_Dragon
- Mar 2, 2018
- Permalink
It's summer again; it's a shark movie. Lisa and Kate are two sisters on holiday in Mexico with one grieving a lost relationship and the other looking for fun. Against their better judgement they go shark cage diving 5 metres below a vessel that looks like it should have been in the salvage yard 20 years ago. After a mechanical failure the cage plummets down to the sea bed..... (Go on, how deep? Have a guess. Go on, go on, go on ...)
With sharks circling and air running low, will the girls survive their ordeal?
Last year, one of the surprise movies of the year for me was "The Shallows", which I really enjoyed. A tense, well made yarn held together by a solid performance by Blake Lively and with a genuine escalation of tension (albeit let down by a poor ending).
"47 Metres Down" differs from that film in three major respects: B- movie acting, from Mandy Moore and Claire Holt (with Holt being significantly better than Moore); a screenplay by Johannes Roberts and Ernest Riera that is both ponderous and unbelievable; and dialogue that is at times truly execrable.
The film really takes its time to get to the 'sharp end' (as it were). Once there, the actions of the girls are so clinically stupid that they are deserving of Darwin Award nominations. Fortunately, the IQs of the sharks (well realised as CGI by Outpost VFX) are only marginally greater: the sharks will appear and then go away for ten minutes at a time, just so that the implausible plot can progress unmolested.
These films always need an escalator for the tension: in "The Shallows" it was the rising tide; in this film it is the air supply. This element works well and adds an additional element of claustrophobia to the film that is already at 11 on the scale (you surely don't need me to tell you that claustrophobics need to avoid this film!).
Much of the dialogue is expository regarding what is going on in the darkness and is so repetitive ("We ARE going to get out of here Kate!") that it would make a good drinking game. The worst dialogue award though goes to Matthew Modine ("Memphis Belle") who's repeated medical descriptions of "the bends" becomes mildly comical - I literally got a fit of the giggles at one point.
I'm not going to completely savage the film though, since there IS a nice twist to the ending, albeit one that's heavily signposted. And instead of reaching constantly for the classic "Ben's head in the boat" jump scare, the film occasionally teases the audience with set- ups that ultimately just feature murky water and nothing more.
My recommendation: if you've not yet seen "The Shallows", check that out on DVD and give this one a miss.
(For the graphical version of this review please visit bob-the-movie- man.com. Thanks).
With sharks circling and air running low, will the girls survive their ordeal?
Last year, one of the surprise movies of the year for me was "The Shallows", which I really enjoyed. A tense, well made yarn held together by a solid performance by Blake Lively and with a genuine escalation of tension (albeit let down by a poor ending).
"47 Metres Down" differs from that film in three major respects: B- movie acting, from Mandy Moore and Claire Holt (with Holt being significantly better than Moore); a screenplay by Johannes Roberts and Ernest Riera that is both ponderous and unbelievable; and dialogue that is at times truly execrable.
The film really takes its time to get to the 'sharp end' (as it were). Once there, the actions of the girls are so clinically stupid that they are deserving of Darwin Award nominations. Fortunately, the IQs of the sharks (well realised as CGI by Outpost VFX) are only marginally greater: the sharks will appear and then go away for ten minutes at a time, just so that the implausible plot can progress unmolested.
These films always need an escalator for the tension: in "The Shallows" it was the rising tide; in this film it is the air supply. This element works well and adds an additional element of claustrophobia to the film that is already at 11 on the scale (you surely don't need me to tell you that claustrophobics need to avoid this film!).
Much of the dialogue is expository regarding what is going on in the darkness and is so repetitive ("We ARE going to get out of here Kate!") that it would make a good drinking game. The worst dialogue award though goes to Matthew Modine ("Memphis Belle") who's repeated medical descriptions of "the bends" becomes mildly comical - I literally got a fit of the giggles at one point.
I'm not going to completely savage the film though, since there IS a nice twist to the ending, albeit one that's heavily signposted. And instead of reaching constantly for the classic "Ben's head in the boat" jump scare, the film occasionally teases the audience with set- ups that ultimately just feature murky water and nothing more.
My recommendation: if you've not yet seen "The Shallows", check that out on DVD and give this one a miss.
(For the graphical version of this review please visit bob-the-movie- man.com. Thanks).
- bob-the-movie-man
- Aug 1, 2017
- Permalink
I had a great time with this one! It really succeeded where few monster movies manage to. It provided tension, scary moments and it did made me hold my breath!
Beside this year's The Shallows, we got In The Deep, which is a beautifully shot movie, good acting, nice reactions, pretty much the whole nine yards here. It was a great little movie, I'm just sad it didn't get the attention it should have. People need to know that this is not another low budget shark movie, but a damn good one!
Watch it and you will not regret. It provides a great, great atmosphere and surely enough, most of you will enjoy it.
Beside this year's The Shallows, we got In The Deep, which is a beautifully shot movie, good acting, nice reactions, pretty much the whole nine yards here. It was a great little movie, I'm just sad it didn't get the attention it should have. People need to know that this is not another low budget shark movie, but a damn good one!
Watch it and you will not regret. It provides a great, great atmosphere and surely enough, most of you will enjoy it.
- Patient444
- Aug 8, 2016
- Permalink
Two adrenaline bursts in this movie... one star for each. I secretly love MM, but when the writers, producers, and director take on a project like this (diving w/ sharks), they really need to AT LEAST have an inkling about how diving affects people and shark behavior... I was snickering throughout instead of gripping my arm-rests like I should have been:
#1 47 meters is the threshold of "maximum safe depth" for (deep) recreational divers and since not all divers have exact physiology and these characters were novices and freaking out, being at that threshold itself would have killed them quickly.
#2 Sharks in general are not attracted to iron-based "aka human" blood (they are attracted to copper-based blood "mainly fish") - they will attack regardless on occasion but not because they heard your heartbeat and thirsted for your blood even from 5 feet away.
(I'll limit this list to 3 items) #3 Sharks do not like the sound of bubbles in the water... in fact it scares them and is akin to the sound of fingernails on a chalkboard (for us) so 100% of them leave the area when they hear it. No, their hunger does not counteract their discomfort.
But I get it, you can't make a movie about terrifying sharks that behave in their natural, unobtrusive ways - the movie needed shock value. It's just that experienced divers like myself are lost on the ridiculousness of the action and those who don't dive now won't go near the water in fear of marine dangers that aren't real, at least as were portrayed by this film.
Still, it wasn't a complete waste of 89 minutes... MM is still gorgeous! And who's this Stuart guy anyway!?
#1 47 meters is the threshold of "maximum safe depth" for (deep) recreational divers and since not all divers have exact physiology and these characters were novices and freaking out, being at that threshold itself would have killed them quickly.
#2 Sharks in general are not attracted to iron-based "aka human" blood (they are attracted to copper-based blood "mainly fish") - they will attack regardless on occasion but not because they heard your heartbeat and thirsted for your blood even from 5 feet away.
(I'll limit this list to 3 items) #3 Sharks do not like the sound of bubbles in the water... in fact it scares them and is akin to the sound of fingernails on a chalkboard (for us) so 100% of them leave the area when they hear it. No, their hunger does not counteract their discomfort.
But I get it, you can't make a movie about terrifying sharks that behave in their natural, unobtrusive ways - the movie needed shock value. It's just that experienced divers like myself are lost on the ridiculousness of the action and those who don't dive now won't go near the water in fear of marine dangers that aren't real, at least as were portrayed by this film.
Still, it wasn't a complete waste of 89 minutes... MM is still gorgeous! And who's this Stuart guy anyway!?
- spelaeologus
- Jul 7, 2017
- Permalink
OK, so this movie was quite nice! I saw it at a sneak preview, had no expectations and was surprised in a positive way. Its no Oscar-winner, the constant moaning of the girls kinda irritated me a few times but overall...scary, but not in an 'average shark movie' way, some nice twist and just fun!
So why this kinda dull review? Well, I read a lot of reviews on IMDb, never feel the urge to write one. But there is something with IMDb reviews which bothers the hell out of me. Allow me:
There is this guy here (he must be so much fun at parties), who wrote a review presenting 14 reasons or so, why the diving in this movie was impossible/not logical/not realistic or whatever. Therefore, the movie received one star. This bothers me. Why? Allow me again:
So, I do not dive, but I teach at University. Not really movie material, but let's say a movie is made about the life of a University teacher (why would you do that you ask? good question). Let's say in this movie, ALL details about the very complex and technical nature of ' University teacher' are impossible/not logical/not realistic. But, the movie is fun and entertaining. Why, oh why in Gods name, would I feel the urge to write a review to correct all these 'mistakes' related to something I happen to be an expert in?
In other words, why do so many reviewers here feel this urge to correct the impossible/not logical/not realistic with regard to something they happen to know a lot of? Just enjoy the movie (or not, if its s*cky), but over-analyzing it from your 'expert view'? To be honest, most of us don't really care about that and just want to enjoy the movie...
So why this kinda dull review? Well, I read a lot of reviews on IMDb, never feel the urge to write one. But there is something with IMDb reviews which bothers the hell out of me. Allow me:
There is this guy here (he must be so much fun at parties), who wrote a review presenting 14 reasons or so, why the diving in this movie was impossible/not logical/not realistic or whatever. Therefore, the movie received one star. This bothers me. Why? Allow me again:
So, I do not dive, but I teach at University. Not really movie material, but let's say a movie is made about the life of a University teacher (why would you do that you ask? good question). Let's say in this movie, ALL details about the very complex and technical nature of ' University teacher' are impossible/not logical/not realistic. But, the movie is fun and entertaining. Why, oh why in Gods name, would I feel the urge to write a review to correct all these 'mistakes' related to something I happen to be an expert in?
In other words, why do so many reviewers here feel this urge to correct the impossible/not logical/not realistic with regard to something they happen to know a lot of? Just enjoy the movie (or not, if its s*cky), but over-analyzing it from your 'expert view'? To be honest, most of us don't really care about that and just want to enjoy the movie...
- mitchel1986
- Jun 3, 2017
- Permalink
I didn't love it, but it was much better than I was expecting. As someone with a little claustrophobia and definitely a fear of "what lies beneath", I could feel the sisters' terror as they plummeted into the dark depths.
The CGI sharks were VERY well done, and acted more natural than in many other movies. They didn't have super high IQs, and weren't on a mission of vengeance on humans. They acted more like what they are - not diabolical but animals, perfectly designed predators who circled, left, came back - cautiously checking to see if there might be a meal in the offing.
They were much more realistic than the evil, maniacal sharks, i.e., in "The Shallows" who, for some unknown reason, is obsessively driven to kill one woman instead of feeding on the immense whale carcass right in the vicinity. I don't demand thrillers or actions movies to be perfectly logical or true-to-life, but that was utter, eye-rolling nonsense.
47 Meters Down is filmed quite beautifully and between the dark water, the realistic panic of the women, the fear of running out of oxygen, and the glimpses of sharks kept my attention throughout.
The CGI sharks were VERY well done, and acted more natural than in many other movies. They didn't have super high IQs, and weren't on a mission of vengeance on humans. They acted more like what they are - not diabolical but animals, perfectly designed predators who circled, left, came back - cautiously checking to see if there might be a meal in the offing.
They were much more realistic than the evil, maniacal sharks, i.e., in "The Shallows" who, for some unknown reason, is obsessively driven to kill one woman instead of feeding on the immense whale carcass right in the vicinity. I don't demand thrillers or actions movies to be perfectly logical or true-to-life, but that was utter, eye-rolling nonsense.
47 Meters Down is filmed quite beautifully and between the dark water, the realistic panic of the women, the fear of running out of oxygen, and the glimpses of sharks kept my attention throughout.
47 Meters Down is a highly claustrophobic shark movie starring Mandy Moore and Matthew Modine but it's flaws are quite unique.
Telling the story of two girls who go into a shark cage in Mexico to see the great whites but fall into peril when the chain snaps and they're plunged into darkness.
Let me say that visually the movie is incredible and is one of the most claustrophobic heart pounding films I've seen in years. You feel for these ladies, the movie gets across the panic, severity and time restrictions very well and it taps into something which makes me personally feel very uncomfortable.
But, and it's a big but the movie's logistics are dumbfoundingly stupid and defy logic. What I mean by that is that nobody involved bothered doing any research into oxygen at these depths, what is done here not only isn't possible but is to moronic science fiction levels. It quite frankly insults the intelligence of the viewer.
If you can get past that (And I couldn't) it's quite a memorable little film that looks great, has passable performances (I've always liked Moore) and is fairly unique.
If they'd done some research and applied it to the film then this would have been a lot better. However if they had then this would have had to be a different film altogether to be even remotely realistic.
The Good:
Looks incredible
Sets the tone perfectly
Mandy Moore
Unique stuff
The Bad:
Offensively unrealistic
Telling the story of two girls who go into a shark cage in Mexico to see the great whites but fall into peril when the chain snaps and they're plunged into darkness.
Let me say that visually the movie is incredible and is one of the most claustrophobic heart pounding films I've seen in years. You feel for these ladies, the movie gets across the panic, severity and time restrictions very well and it taps into something which makes me personally feel very uncomfortable.
But, and it's a big but the movie's logistics are dumbfoundingly stupid and defy logic. What I mean by that is that nobody involved bothered doing any research into oxygen at these depths, what is done here not only isn't possible but is to moronic science fiction levels. It quite frankly insults the intelligence of the viewer.
If you can get past that (And I couldn't) it's quite a memorable little film that looks great, has passable performances (I've always liked Moore) and is fairly unique.
If they'd done some research and applied it to the film then this would have been a lot better. However if they had then this would have had to be a different film altogether to be even remotely realistic.
The Good:
Looks incredible
Sets the tone perfectly
Mandy Moore
Unique stuff
The Bad:
Offensively unrealistic
- Platypuschow
- Feb 5, 2019
- Permalink
Me and my fiance decided to watch this film as we had watched Jaws 3 the night before. Thought it would be interesting and it was entertaining as it was one of those movies you talk over as the characters in the film proceed to not use their minds at all and make poor decision after poor decision! I am betting this film was originally going to be a direct to DVD type film, but they ended up releasing it in theaters and considering it cost only about six million to make and went on to gross 44 million I would say they made a good decision. I am glad I did not see this in theaters and rather just watched it on Netflix as it was okay to some degree, but I could not have made fun of it in the theater like I did in my fiance's living room. The movie just begs a person to yell criticisms at the two main characters!
The story has two sisters who are in Mexico living it up. Apparently, one of the sister's recently had her boyfriend break up with her so the other sister gets her to go out and party! They meet two guys who get the girls to sign up to go on a boat that looks like crap, then go into a rusty shark cage and then plunge into the waters that are filled with great whites as the idiots on the boat throw chum into the water thus sending the sharks into a feeding frenzy. What could go wrong? Well, pretty much everything as the rusty, rickety wench that holds the cage breaks, go figure, plunging the girls 47 meters down. Hey, that's the title! They are running low on oxygen and the only help they have is the captain and his crew who at least stayed and tried to help them out and just didn't pack up and forget about them. Unfortunately, the girls keep insisting on leaving the safety of the cage. I can understand it the first time, and when they needed the oxygen tank, but not when they saw the flashlight in the water. They not only have to contend with sharks, the possibility of getting the bends but poor judgement by everyone!
As I said, this film was not bad, but certainly nothing great either. It passed the time nicely as it is a rather absurd movie. For one thing, sharks generally do not try to break through shark cages and rarely go for humans to chomp on unless said person is on a surfboard because then the shark mistakes them for a seal. Here it was ridiculous how determined the sharks are to get at people! Then the whole premise is idiotic as it is clear the captain recognizes the one girl was not experienced and considering how he actually did try to help them he I am betting he would have nixed the whole thing seeing how she was behaving on deck. The ending was a bit predictable too as the captain mentioned something that one who watches a lot of movies will know will come into play otherwise no mention would have been made of it at all. Entertaining, to a degree, good, not very.
The story has two sisters who are in Mexico living it up. Apparently, one of the sister's recently had her boyfriend break up with her so the other sister gets her to go out and party! They meet two guys who get the girls to sign up to go on a boat that looks like crap, then go into a rusty shark cage and then plunge into the waters that are filled with great whites as the idiots on the boat throw chum into the water thus sending the sharks into a feeding frenzy. What could go wrong? Well, pretty much everything as the rusty, rickety wench that holds the cage breaks, go figure, plunging the girls 47 meters down. Hey, that's the title! They are running low on oxygen and the only help they have is the captain and his crew who at least stayed and tried to help them out and just didn't pack up and forget about them. Unfortunately, the girls keep insisting on leaving the safety of the cage. I can understand it the first time, and when they needed the oxygen tank, but not when they saw the flashlight in the water. They not only have to contend with sharks, the possibility of getting the bends but poor judgement by everyone!
As I said, this film was not bad, but certainly nothing great either. It passed the time nicely as it is a rather absurd movie. For one thing, sharks generally do not try to break through shark cages and rarely go for humans to chomp on unless said person is on a surfboard because then the shark mistakes them for a seal. Here it was ridiculous how determined the sharks are to get at people! Then the whole premise is idiotic as it is clear the captain recognizes the one girl was not experienced and considering how he actually did try to help them he I am betting he would have nixed the whole thing seeing how she was behaving on deck. The ending was a bit predictable too as the captain mentioned something that one who watches a lot of movies will know will come into play otherwise no mention would have been made of it at all. Entertaining, to a degree, good, not very.
So bad. What else could go wrong in the water? Well everything did and then some.
47 Meters Down has a simple but extremely effective premise that ultimately is a missed opportunity. Mandy Moore and Claire Holt give good performances and it gets straight to the cage diving. However, its brought down by its boring pace and being almost entirely reliant on jump scares which aren't scary. It's also brought down by a terrible twist ending.
Another one of those fims that you get to watch too late after the release because of the low ratings. Mandy Moore is superb in this one. Good camera work and sound scoring. Above average thriller. Plot is fine though with some inconsistencies with reality of scuba diving. 7.5 for me 😄
- chrissanne
- Jul 27, 2022
- Permalink
One of the first things taught in film school is if you can show the audience, don't tell them. That is why most voice overs are not necessary and exposition scenes bring most films to a screeching halt. 47 Meters Down commits the sin of not only showing us things, but having characters make sure we know what we are seeing by repeating what is being shown. Case in point: One character is swimming along the ocean floor and spots a spear gun. It is obviously a spear gun. Only an idiot would not know this is a spear gun. The character then feels the need to say, "There is a spear gun." This happens throughout the film. The air tank reads low, "I am almost out of air." A giant shark swims by, "Look there is a shark." When this film comes out on video, it would make a great drinking game. Whenever someone repeats what is shown on screen, take a shot. No one will be conscious by the end of the film. Skip this movie. It is awful.
When you consider the amount of crap shark films that keep popping up it's pretty wise to be cautious about watching any........this one however is more than worth a watch........and considering ide never even heard of it until I stumbled on it filled me with dread as I pressed the 'play' button. Thankfully I was pleasantly surprised.....for me it knocked socks off that tripe The Shallows........there is plenty of shark action and it really keeps you on the edge of your seat with the sheer terror and suspension involved. I never go into story telling in my reviews as that's what trailers are for etc, but far as im concerned it's a solid and believable tale that in all fairness could have been done way before now with a bigger budget and better actors. If you can grit your teeth for the first 15 mins and ignore the ott and annoying acting of one of the girls then you should enjoy this film........don't want to spill anymore........enjoy......and I really don't care if you find this review useful.......just saying my piece ;)
I was gasping for air like I was down in the water. The sharks were secondary. I counted 5 times I would have given up. Suspend disbelief and enjoy this movie. The Ending? Horrible! Wonky and pieced together. Shorted the movie big time.
- zorba-36271
- Aug 17, 2019
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47 Meters Down (2017)
*** 1/2 (out of 4)
Lisa (Mandy Moore) and his tougher sister Kate (Claire Holt) are on vacation in Mexico when they meet a couple guys who offer to take them on a cage dive. At first Lisa is worried but her younger sister talks her into it. Sure enough they get into the water and an accident happens where the two women find themselves at the bottom of the ocean without much oxygen left.
I must admit that I find some of the criticisms aimed at 47 METERS DOWN to be quite funny. I've read people complaining that the ocean floor would be a lot darker than it is during the movie. Umm... do you want to watch a movie that's complete darkness? Didn't think so. I've heard others say that the sharks look fake. OK, I agree with that but should they have perhaps used real sharks? A mechanical shark like in JAWS? CGI is here and it's to stay. Several other logical issues are being attacked but I say give it a rest. This is a thriller so it's meant to leave you on the edge of your seat and I thought this film did.
There have been quite a few movies over the years that dealt with the ocean and sharks. Obviously the landmark film was JAWS and there have been countless others that followed. Last year we had THE SHALLOWS about a woman trying to survive an attack and several years ago there was OPEN WATER about a couple people stranded in the ocean. This film basically takes those two movies and has some fun with it as we've got two women trapped at the bottom of the ocean and they're surrounded by sharks. I really thought the film was well-made and what I loved most about it is that it made you feel as if you were right down there with the ladies.
I'm sure many people will have a panic attack watching this because it certainly makes you feel claustrophobic. Whenever the women start to run out of air you too will be holding your breathe. The scenes with the shark attacks certainly make for some good jump scares. I'm not going to ruin the ending, another thing people are complaining about, but I thought it worked fine when you think about it. Both Moore and Holt are good in their roles, although neither one were excellent. Matthew Modine has a brief role as the Captain and it was fun seeing him.
47 METERS DOWN isn't a film that you constantly think about while watching. Turn your brain off, sit back and enjoy. The film isn't a masterpiece but I thought it was effective for what it was trying to do and it's certainly worth watching.
*** 1/2 (out of 4)
Lisa (Mandy Moore) and his tougher sister Kate (Claire Holt) are on vacation in Mexico when they meet a couple guys who offer to take them on a cage dive. At first Lisa is worried but her younger sister talks her into it. Sure enough they get into the water and an accident happens where the two women find themselves at the bottom of the ocean without much oxygen left.
I must admit that I find some of the criticisms aimed at 47 METERS DOWN to be quite funny. I've read people complaining that the ocean floor would be a lot darker than it is during the movie. Umm... do you want to watch a movie that's complete darkness? Didn't think so. I've heard others say that the sharks look fake. OK, I agree with that but should they have perhaps used real sharks? A mechanical shark like in JAWS? CGI is here and it's to stay. Several other logical issues are being attacked but I say give it a rest. This is a thriller so it's meant to leave you on the edge of your seat and I thought this film did.
There have been quite a few movies over the years that dealt with the ocean and sharks. Obviously the landmark film was JAWS and there have been countless others that followed. Last year we had THE SHALLOWS about a woman trying to survive an attack and several years ago there was OPEN WATER about a couple people stranded in the ocean. This film basically takes those two movies and has some fun with it as we've got two women trapped at the bottom of the ocean and they're surrounded by sharks. I really thought the film was well-made and what I loved most about it is that it made you feel as if you were right down there with the ladies.
I'm sure many people will have a panic attack watching this because it certainly makes you feel claustrophobic. Whenever the women start to run out of air you too will be holding your breathe. The scenes with the shark attacks certainly make for some good jump scares. I'm not going to ruin the ending, another thing people are complaining about, but I thought it worked fine when you think about it. Both Moore and Holt are good in their roles, although neither one were excellent. Matthew Modine has a brief role as the Captain and it was fun seeing him.
47 METERS DOWN isn't a film that you constantly think about while watching. Turn your brain off, sit back and enjoy. The film isn't a masterpiece but I thought it was effective for what it was trying to do and it's certainly worth watching.
- Michael_Elliott
- Oct 10, 2017
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