- The Director: Do you have an act prepared?
- Shelly: I do, I'm a dancer.
- The Director: Music?
- Shelly: Yeah... I give it to the maestro.
- Eddie: [from the trailer] Places, please. This is your places call... for the final performance of the Razzle Dazzle.
- Shelly: [from the trailer] I mean, Las Vegas used to treat us like movie stars. The costumes, the sets. We were ambassadors for style and grace.
- Shelly: [from the trailer] Feeling seen, feeling beautiful, that is powerful. And I can't imagine my life without it.
- Shelly: Tell me what she said.
- Eddie: She said, the new casino owners want to put their own stamp on the place. So they brought in the circus, that show was doing really well, so...
- Shelly: I mean, who puts money into a circus that's not... Cirque du Soleil, right? That's dumb.
- Jodie: I knew when we started sharing our theater when they started taking over our Thursday, Friday, Saturday shows, it was a bad sign.
- Mary-Anne: No shit, and also, you did not.
- Jodie: Yeah I did.
- Shelly: [Jodie and Mary-Anne are overlapping, Shelly cuts off] You guys, our show is legendary.
- Eddie: It is, but... The Razzle Dazzle, it's old. It's the last show of its kind on the Strip.
- Shelly: You know, that's what makes it so special, the fact that it's the last one. It's the show... It's the costumes, the sets...
- Mary-Anne: Look, it is a dinosaur, Shelly.
- Eddie: [contemplates before talking] I think we're getting notice tomorrow.
- Shelly: Are you kidding?
- [is flabbergasted]
- Shelly: You heard this from Muffy?
- Eddie: Yeah.
- [Shelly is hurt, on the verge of crying. She leaves the dining table]
- Annette: [is sitting on the dining table, turns to Eddie, confronting him] Oh, what is wrong with you?