I thought I was going to see "The Chosen Series of The Last Supper", which is coming to theaters, soon. -- Oh, well! This "Last Supper" movie version, which has every right to be screened before The Chosen series version, is satisfactory at best. The disappointment about this movie would chiefly be the cinematography and lighting, both dark, murky, and unclear. The sound quality was excellent. The screen direction and editing were well done. The casting choices were acceptable, except for the actor who played Jesus -- He didn't do it for me -- just saying. The storyline did the job all right, except that the movie forgot to highlight or mention the role of the "women" who were at the crucifixion, after following Jesus on his walk along the Via De La Rosa, and the "women" were not even mentioned by John's account of the crucifixion, as he was the only one of Jesus's disciples to witness the crucifixion ... This movie didn't have the same polish and personality as "The Chosen Series", but all is is forgiven ... A different perspective is always worth seeing.