The premises of the show sounded good, I like myself a good clueless idiot mc who wanna be the greatest villainess in the story.
However there is to much that has infuriated me.
Our MC is a clueless almost to stupid for words. However that is the least problematic with this story.
It's the fact that our MC keeps accepting everything of this world as truth.she doesn't questions or dispute the rules of the world.
For example, only Nobels can be mana users, ok she won't question why or how that is the rule of this world. Like no commoners can become mana users? Have no one heard of children made outside of wedlock? Like if it's blood or something else that makes one have mana then why is it only Nobels who has it?
The Nobel families has used a village to imprison people they find unlikeable by making a mana shield which no commoners can get through. Only Nobels can go through it who has mana. MC doesn't question why they have made such a place. Doesn't question or reflect on why such a place excist and why it's such a horrifying thing to realise. That Nobels can just decide to imprison a whole village and then leave them to starve or eat each other.
The world seems too flat and not even close to being fleshed out. Like there are rules but there is no deep dive into why these rules exists and we are not supposed to question or even reflect on why things are this way. I'm guessing we will maybe learn more but the main problem here is the fact that the MC has no interests in questioning this world.
Then we have the romance aspect. There is at least five years difference between her and the other male characters. And yes it feels icky seeing a fifteen year old getting possessive and romantic interested in a ten year old.
MC doesn't have friends, she has her brothers and the love interests but no actually friends for her. So it's even more icky to see her being persuade by her so called 'friends'