The film is a followup to "Wunderschön" with most of the same characters and the actors reprising their roles of the earlier film. Karoline Herfurth not only plays one of the leading ladies, she also co-wrote the screenplay and directed the film.
The story again revolves around the lives of a group of women, who are somehow connected or related with each other, and their current crisises in their lives. The main subject of the film is the role of women opposite men and in society looked upon from various angles. The mood of the film is definitely darker as the title might suggest, but is also have a lot of positive messages that bring a lot of light into it.
All of the presented situations are painfully realistic and dramatic to a point, where I was wondering how this film can and on an optimistic note. Well, if and how he manages is what i invite you to find out for yourself, it if very much worth to watch.
It is alittle bit misleading, that the film is sometimes advertised as comedy and drama. Overall, the film is more dramatic than comedy, but despite some hopeless-feeling situations, never boring or depressing. I, my wife plus a female friend, we all have been glued to the screen eager to find out how these messes could be resolved.
And I don't want to forget to mention, that it also contains quite a number of funny moments as well. All the actresses and actors are perfectly cast and excel in their performances. An absolut highlight!