Let me start by saying that it's clear from the other reviews which people hate Jenni Farley and which people love Jersey Shore so much that they would love this movie if it was nothing more than a blank screen for the entire run-time. There's no way this film is a 9 or 10, but there also no way it's a 1 or 2.
I myself am an indie filmmaker, and I also run a film festival, and I am a judge for a few others, so I watch A LOT of movies, and this one is not terrible for someone who is writing and directing their first film.
Yes, it has a lot of flaws, but I can excuse some of them because again, first time filmmaker with what is clearly a limited budget.
The location is awesome because, let's face it, there are few things creeper than an abandoned asylum. The problem is that the film is always poorly lit. I understand that part of this is due to the found footage style of filmmaking, but there are times when it's very hard to keep up with who were following and where everyone is.
The acting level is exactly what I thought it would be and it's not nearly as bad as some of the reviews said. I've seen far worse in other indie films, some of which had much larger budgets. A couple of the cast members were actually standouts and did a good job with the material.
As far as the plot, it's fairly basic, with some turns that quite frankly I could see coming, but that's OK because the movie is not trying to be anything other than what it is.
I give Jenni Farley a lot of credit for wanting to expand beyond "Jersey Shore" with this film, and I think it's a good first step. I look forward to seeing her next project.