- Charles Xavier: You know, Logan... this is what life looks like. A home, people who love each other. Safe place. You should take a moment and feel it.
- Charles Xavier: You know, Logan. This was, without a doubt, the most perfect night I've had in a very long time... and I don't deserve it, do I?
- [cries]
- Charles Xavier: I did something. Something unspeakable. I've remembered what happened in Westchester. This is not the first time I've hurt people. Until today, I didn't know. You wouldn't tell me. So we just kept on running away from it. I think I finally understand you.
- Charles Xavier: Two days on the road, only one meal, and hardly any sleep. She's 11, I'm fucking 90...
- Charles Xavier: What are these?
- Logan: You know what they are. The shots mellow the seizures. The pills keep them from happening. How about you blow on them to make them safe?
- Charles Xavier: Fuck off, Logan.
- Logan: So you remember who I am now.
- Charles Xavier: I always know who you are. It's just sometimes I don't recognize you.
- Donald Pierce: Charles Xavier, the world famous mutant octogenarian.
- Charles Xavier: Actually, I'm a nonagenarian.
- Laura: You had a nightmare.
- Logan: Do you have nightmares?
- Laura: Si. People hurt me.
- Logan: Mine are different.
- Laura: Por que?
- Logan: I hurt people.
- Laura: [holds up the adamantium bullet] Que es esto?
- Logan: You know what it is. It's made out of adamantium. That's what they put inside of us. That's why it can kill us. Probably what's killing me now. That was a long time ago. I kept it as a reminder of what I am. Now I keep it to, uh... actually I, uh... I was thinking of shooting myself with it. Like Charles said.
- Laura: I've hurt people too.
- Logan: You're gonna have to learn how to live with that.
- Laura: They were bad people.
- Logan: All the same...
- [last lines]
- Laura: A man has to be what he is, Joey. Can't break the mold. There's no living with the killing. There's no going back. Right or wrong, it's a brand. A brand that sticks. Now you run on home to your mother... you tell her everything's alright. There are no more guns in the valley.
- Rictor: Let's go. We gotta move.
- Logan: Your friends, they seem nice. Kinda reminds me of...
- [Laura walks by him with a scowl. He notices and reaches for her arm comfortingly]
- Logan: Hey, hey, what's goin' on? Huh?
- [Laura recoils her arm from Logan and his now concerned demeanor is now defensive and angry]
- Logan: You're with your pals. You made it.
- Laura: Where will you go?
- Logan: [shrugs] Nearest bar, for starters.
- [Laura continues to walk away from him with a scoff]
- Logan: Hey, I got you here. That's all I signed up for. I even gave back the money.
- Laura: [condescendingly] Such a nice man.
- Logan: Hey, I never asked for this! Alright? Charles never asked for this. Caliban never asked for this. And they are six feet under the ground! Now, I don't know what Charles put in your head, but I am *not* whatever it is you think I am, okay?
- [Laura coldly looks at Logan]
- Logan: I only met you, like, a *week* ago. You got your Rebecca, your Delilah, your blah, blah, blah, whatever. Everything you asked for, you've got it!
- [Logan's voice begins to break and starts to tear up slightly]
- Logan: And it is *better* this way. Because I *suck* at this. Bad shit happens to people I care about. You understand me?
- Laura: [coldly] Then I'll be fine.
- Charles Xavier: Logan.
- Logan: I don't wanna talk about it. I don't wanna hear it anymore.
- Charles Xavier: Logan.
- Logan: Just stop!
- Charles Xavier: I have to pee.
- Logan: [as a noisy self-driving truck passes him on the highway] Motherfucking auto trucks!
- Charles Xavier: Language, Logan. And you're screaming at a machine.
- Logan: [about Laura] Oh, what? She can gut a man with her feet, but she can't hear a few naughty words?
- Charles Xavier: She can learn to be better.
- Logan: Better than me?
- Charles Xavier: Actually, yes.
- Charles Xavier: [sees the Munsons in trouble] They need our help.
- Logan: Someone will come along!
- Charles Xavier: Someone HAS come along.
- [Laura enters a convenience store. She opens a can of Pringles, grabs a can of Hypno Energy Drink, and tries on a pair of sunglasses before the store clerk notices her]
- Convenience Store Clerk: Hello. You know you gotta pay for that, right?
- [Laura tries to run away, but the clerk blocks him as he takes the food away from her]
- Convenience Store Clerk: Hey, c'mon. Where are your parents?
- [Laura suddenly grabs the clerk, flips him to the floor, and prepares to stab him with her claws before Logan steps in and stops her]
- Logan: Not okay!
- [Logan looks at the frightened clerk]
- Logan: I'm sorry. Do you sell phone chargers?
- [Clerk points at the counter. Logan grabs a phone charger and a cigar before he and Laura leave the store]
- Logan: Where we're going, "Eden..." It doesn't exist. The nurse got it from a comic book. You understand? It's not real.
- Charles Xavier: [weakly] It is for Laura...
- [looks at Logan sternly]
- Charles Xavier: It is for Laura.
- Donald Pierce: Jesus, Wolverine, seeing you like this just breaks my damn heart.
- Logan: As soon as I rip it out of your chest, fuck-stick.
- Gabriela: [to Logan] She is not my daughter, but I love her. You may not love her, but she is your daughter. Please, help her.
- Charles Xavier: You leave me alone with that fucking albino. He doesn't listen to me... I know a damn speciation when I see one.
- Logan: What?
- Charles Xavier: Speciation. New mutant. A young one. There are forces trying to kill them. They want help.
- Logan: [annoyed] Forces, forces... It's too bad you're not in that business anymore.
- Charles Xavier: They don't want me, they want you.
- [Logan snorts]
- Charles Xavier: Oh, yes. That's how fucking stupid they are... They're waiting for you at the Statue of Liberty.
- Logan: Statue of Liberty was a long time ago, Charles. A long time. There are no new mutants, you understand? Hasn't been a new one born in 25 years. Not anywhere. I always thought we were part of God's plan. Maybe... Maybe we were God's mistake.
- Charles Xavier: [sadly] What a disappointment you are... When I found you, you were pursuing a career as a cage fighter. You were an animal... But we took you in. I gave you a family.
- Logan: [somberly] They're gone now.
- Charles Xavier: Logan... What did you do?
- [Logan walks away]
- Charles Xavier: What did you do? Answer me! Why are we here? No one should live like this, drugged in a fucking tank!
- Logan: It's for your own good.
- [exits the room]
- Charles Xavier: No, no! It's not!
- [door slams]
- Charles Xavier: You're waiting for me to die...
- Caliban: [shows Logan an adamantium bullet] Found this in your pocket. Adamantium. If you are planning to blow your brains out, could you wait till you're out on the high seas? I just mopped these floors.
- Logan: I don't know how you got me here, but thank you.
- Laura: De nada.
- Logan: Yeah.
- [Logan suddenly realizes Laura can talk]
- Logan: You can talk?
- [Laura nods]
- Logan: You can talk?
- [Laura looks at him and nods]
- Logan: What the fuck? Why in the fuck... What's all this bullshit's been for the last 2,000 fucking miles?
- [Laura starts yelling in Spanish]
- Logan: What? Okay, shut up! Shut up! Shut the fuck up!
- Laura: Jonah, Gideon, Rebecca, Delilah, Rictor.
- Logan: What? Who's that?
- Laura: Jonah, Gideon, Rebecca, Delilah, Rictor.
- Logan: Who is that?
- Logan: [shows Laura the X-Men comics he found in her backpack] You read these in your spare time?
- [to Charles]
- Logan: Oh yeah, Charles, we got ourselves an X-Men fan.
- [to Laura]
- Logan: You do know they're all bullshit, right? Maybe a quarter of it happened, and not like this. In the real world, people die, and no self-promoting asshole in a fucking leotard can stop this.
- Charles Xavier: Logan.
- Logan: This is ice cream for bed-wetters.
- Charles Xavier: Logan.
- Logan: Your nurse had been feeding you some grade-A bullshit.
- Charles Xavier: I don't think Laura needs reminding of life's impermanence.
- Caliban: A year ago... you asked me to help you, and... God knows, I've tried... But I can't help you, Logan, not really... if you're not gonna talk to me.
- [Logan, sitting beside Caliban, looks down and away from him]
- Caliban: I hear you at night; you're not sleeping; you don't wanna talk about that... Or the booze you're drinking... Or the pus you're wiping away from your knuckles. Or the blood I wash from your clothes. Or the... fresh wounds in your chest; the ones that aren't healing... And I'm pretty sure you don't wanna talk about the fact that you can't read the label on that bottle...
- [Logan looks bewildered then takes the bottle to try and read it]
- Caliban: It says 'Ibuprofen'.
- [In a fit of anger, Logan smacks Caliban's drink from his hand, shattering the cup]
- Caliban: That was my favourite mug.
- Logan: Stay outta my shit.
- [Laura pulls out the envelope with the coordinates to Eden]
- Laura: Jonah, Gideon, Rebecca, Delilah, Rictor. North Dakota.
- Logan: What?
- Laura: North Dakota, por favor.
- [Logan tries to grab the envelope]
- Laura: No, por favor.
- [Logan grabs the envelope]
- Logan: This place, okay? Your nurse, she read too many stories, you understand? Too many stories!
- [Logan coughs as Laura pulls out an X-Men comic book]
- Logan: I've seen it! I've seen it, okay? This all here. None of this... No existo, okay? You understand me? This Eden does not exist. No!
- Laura: Si! Eden!
- Logan: No! It's a fantasy, kid. See that? Those are the names of the people who just made this...
- [coughs]
- Logan: They made this whole thing up. Okay? This whole... It happened once and they just turned it into a big fucking lie!
- [Laura argues with him in Spanish]
- Logan: That's all it is. No! Fuck!
- [Laura pulls out a map]
- Logan: I know, I understand.
- [Logan grabs the map]
- Logan: This is a long way. You understand? I'm not taking you to North Dakota.
- [pause]
- Logan: I am fucked up. And I cannot get you there. It is a two-day drive. And I am not taking you...
- [Laura punches him in the face and continues to yell at him in Spanish]
- Logan: Don't fucking hit me! Don't hit me!
- Laura: Jonah, Gideon, Rebecca, Delilah, Rictor.
- Logan: Stop saying those names. Right now. Stop saying those names. Stop it! Stop! Fuck it. Fine, fine. You wanna go? I'll take you there. See for yourself. Let's go to fucking fantasyland.
- [Logan starts the engine and drives off]
- Will Munson: He's a friend of mine.
- Jackson: A friend with a big mouth.
- Logan: I hear that a lot.
- Jackson: Then you probably hear this, too.
- [cocks his gun]
- Logan: More than I'd like.
- Jackson: Than you know the drill. I'mma count to three... and you're gonna start walking away.
- Will Munson: I got rights to this water.
- Jackson: One.
- Will Munson: I have a lawyer now.
- Jackson: Two.
- [Logan snatches Jackson's shotgun and punches him in the face with it]
- Logan: Three.
- [Will aims his gun at Jackson and his henchmen, while Logan breaks Jackson's shotgun in half]
- Logan: You know the drill. Get the hell out of here.
- [they hesitate]
- Logan: GO!
- [Wolverine puts on a pair of spectacles to read]
- Charles Xavier: I like those. They make you look younger.
- Logan: Who the fuck are you?
- Donald Pierce: You know, you got some buckshot on your door. I hear you was in Phoenix. But then last night some friends of mine in Texas HP called, told me they found three dead cholos on a pullout at fifty-four. Not unusual I know. Except one was missing a hand another one a leg. So they was thinkin' it was either a escaped tiger or Freddy Krueger. But not one of them could drive: one being fictional the other one extinct. And since the wheel lugs they found belonged to a twenty-two Chrysler... Well, this is a twenty-two Chrysler.
- [pauses for a moment]
- Donald Pierce: She found you yet? Gabriela?
- [leans closer to Logan]
- Donald Pierce: See... I'm not looking for you Wolvie. Well, I'm really looking for someone who's looking for you. She took somethin' of mine when I wasn't lookin'. Something for which I'm responsible. Mexican lady. Has her sights on you now. Doesn't ring any bells?
- Logan: I don't know any Gabriela, so get the fuck out of my car.
- Donald Pierce: [offended] Ya know...
- [leans even closer to Logan]
- Donald Pierce: I know whatchu hiding amigo. The old cueball south of the border.
- Logan: What do you want?
- Donald Pierce: A little co-operation.
- [hands Logan a business card, then throws it to Logan when he doesn't take it]
- Donald Pierce: I'm a fan, by the way.
- [exits the car]
- Logan: [grabs the business card and finds out who Donald is] Fuck, fuck!
- Logan: Where's Caliban?
- Donald Pierce: Why don't you tell me where the girl is first? Or I can ask the old man, he seems quite friendly...
- Logan: I told you she's not here. Where's Caliban, motherfucker?
- Donald Pierce: Well, I left him in the same ditch you was going to leave me in...
- Charles Xavier: [reciting manically while rolling away] The new Quesalupa from Taco Bell! Get it with chicken! Get it with steak! And with the cheese baked right in the shell, it's the next big thing! Go now while supplies la -
- [Logan stops him]
- Newscaster: Emergency personnel are still on scene at Harrah's Casino Hotel in Oklahoma City where at least 400 guests were stricken with temporary paralysis yesterday. Many are noting a similarity to the Westchester incident over a year ago that left over 600 injured and took the lives of seven mutants, including several of the X-Men.
- Dr. Rice: [to a nurse who is making a birthday party for a mutant] Maria, we do not dress them up for Halloween. We do not call them "honey" or kiss boo-boos. Don't think of them as children. Think of them as things with copyrights and patents. Comprende?
- Will Munson: They work day and night, no drivers, shucking their cloned up super-corn. Bears fruit in half the time. Taste like shit, though.
- Logan: So, why do people eat it?
- Will Munson: They don't. They drink it. Corn syrup. Its in all those drugged up drinks everyone's having nowadays-- to stay awake, feel strong, cheer up, sexy, whatever. Used to be a time when a bad day was just a bad day, you know?
- Logan: Mine still are.
- Caliban: I don't want to fight, but there's things we need to discuss.
- Logan: What things?
- Caliban: Well, would it be considered nagging if I was to repeat my previous observation that the dose is too low to suppress the seizures?
- Logan: It's what the guy gave me. I wasn't in a position to make demands.
- Caliban: Well I almost died this morning. That seizure was...
- Logan: It was barely a minute!
- Caliban: It felt a lot longer than a minute. I couldn't breathe. You're less affected.