Kathryn Hahn credited as playing...
- Harper: Children don't drink wine.
- Ben: In France and other countries, children drink small amounts of wine all the time. It's a digestive. It's not crack.
- Nai: What's crack?
- Ben: Crack is a crystallized, highly addictive derivative of the stimulant cocaine. In the mid-1980s, it accelerated the decimation of inner-city neighborhoods. Crackheads, some of them kids just like you guys, were killing each other over nothing, over their Nikes.
- Nai: They killed each other for Nike? The Greek winged-goddess of victory?
- Harper: Ben, you sound so ridiculous.
- Ben: Is knowing how to set a broken bone or how to treat a severe burn ridiculous? Knowing how to navigate by the stars in total darkness, that's ridiculous? How to identify edible plants, how to make clothes from animal skins, how to survive in the forest with nothing but a knife? That's ridiculous to you?