Alice (1976)
I like the show!
I like this show. It isn't the greatest on tv, BUT COMES CLOSE! The movie was not as good as the tv series. Polly Holiday was the best Flo (Dianne Ladd who played Flo in the movie came to this series for one season, to replace Flo as Belle, then Jolene came in. Jolene was one of my favorite characters. Elliot (Vera's husband) got a little annoying. But, in the later seasons, Carrie Sharples came very frequently... she was Mel's mom. Great actress. Anyway, I like the show.
When Passions Collide (1997)
Good movie
This movie was actually good. Granted, it was permiscuous, but it was realistic. Usually, on these soft porn films, they will never show a man's penis... well they do here. And they show all a woman, and everything like that. And it had a plot... at least it was good for it's genre.
Laverne & Shirley (1976)
One of the BEST shows on TV
Great show. Laverne and Shirley are great together. Their co-stars are great. In the last season, the show lacked one BIG thing: Shirley. The supporting characters could not make up for this big loss. But it was still good but there was less emphasis on what the show's concept had been.
Sister Act 2: Back in the Habit (1993)
Good...For A Sequel
Compared to most sequels, this is in the top 20. But as for comparison to the first, there is almost no relation. The first was a good movie. Sister Act 2: Back In The Habit does not compare to most movies. Some cheap independent films, if well acted, are better. But some commercial movies are worse than this movie. It had no great acting. Some things were funny. But why didn't the nuns sing again? That would seem most logical to do in this film. And kids? Ok, I guess. But the story line could be changed, and then everything re-vamped, without the practically psychotic men from the monastery, and you have a great movie.
Sister Act (1992)
Great Movie
This is a great movie. It is light, interesting, funny, and - well, just great. The plot is not extremely predictable, though you can tell what could happen after a while. All the characters were entertaining. The night club scene with Mary Roberts, Mary Clarence, and Kathy Najimy's character was great... as was the scene where Delores becomes Mary Clarence and the nuns in church here her yell at Mother Superior because of the wardrobe.
Delta (1992)
A Good TV Series to Rid Delta Burke of Suzanne Sugarbaker
The main reason Delta Burke did this TV Series was to rid her of her role as Suzanne Sugarbaker on "Designing Women" where her contract was not renewed for the 1991-1992 season. This show showed us a different side of her. Delta Bishop was a country singer. Suzanne Sugarbaker couldn't sing - at all, as Julia said on "Designing Women". Though it lasted one season, the show made an impact on her career. In 1995, she did star as Suzanne again in the short-lived comedy "Women of the House".
Sabrina the Teenage Witch (1996)
This show's first season was all right, and then from there,...
The first season provided some amusement. I figured the series would be better. When Jenny left, the cast had already changed with no explanation. It is amazing this show lasted for years with a disgusting-sounding laugh track. Sorry, but even the cat was stupid. Not that the cat was not amusing SOMETIMES, not in normal situations. All in all, THIS SUCKS.
Maude (1972)
This was good!!!!!
This was good. Many people did not like it. There are people like Maude... no matter how much some people think that is not true. This was good. Bea Arthur was great, and so was the rest of the cast. EXCELLENT casting, for sure. Carol was the perfect manipulative daughter of Maude.
The Good News (1997)
This show was great. Not as good as Amen, but very entertaining. I love watching it on tv. So funny, and well-acted. This was good for people of all ages... what a needed change in tv!! Even though it is about a church, it is not like TOUCHED BY AN ANGEL which pushes the "Christian" image.
Amen (1986)
This show was GREAT!!
I liked this show... one of my top ten. I would vote it a 10!!!!! Very, very funny!! And it had nothing to do with "pushing" non-Christians into Christianity, even though it was about a church and the activities there. Anyone who likes good humor should see this one - a classic!
Gypsy (1962)
I Have Seen Better
Natalie and Rossiland were the miscasts here - both very good actresses. Both roles were portrayed better in the 1993 version. Wood can not fake it to sing. And Russell should have been dubbed... but it can't be done with this type of role. She had FEELING. Not the STYLE and GRACE of Bette Midler.
Talk Soup (1991)
Funny Show!!!
This show was great with Hensen. OK, Hal Sparks is all right. Don't give him the bad rap so much. The comedy of the show is a little more sexual. I mean, in a funny way. But Hensen will be missed. Good replacement though. You will laugh your ass off.
Beautiful Thing (1996)
This was one of the best
Fairy tale of gay life, and of love. I am straight, but I believe in gay rights and so forth and it is good to see that they are finally supported on screen. Unfortunately, the United States of America is less traditional and expects straight all the time -- stereotypes are out of hand here!!!
The Matrix (1999)
Well, I Don't Know...
This film was good for a while. After what I guess is "the first half", everything goes down. This could have been finished to perfection (or close to it). But anyway, the acting was all right. And the special effects were one of the things the movie had going for it consistently. I would rate it a 5 or a 6.
The Exotic House of Wax (1997)
This was OK but think about it...
This was ok. A stupid plot. Caught this on Cinemax last night, and skip it if you see it is playing. Yes, there was a lot of sex, but wax figures having sex? Well, the "Erotic Wax Museum" was a good idea after they saw that the wax figures were having sex. But really, this was dumb. And how, towards the end, two of the leads went into lesbian lust with two wax figures? Come on... that needs some improvement.
My Fellow Americans (1996)
I really liked this one!!
Well, My Fellow Americans was great. The acting, in my opinion, was good. It was taped in the city of Asheville, North Carolina. Asheville is the largest city in the western part of North Carolina. A lot of things I saw had backgrounds that were from down the street, especially in the mall scene. It was nice to say, "Oh yeah, that is Swannanoa River Road..." They picked a perfect time to shoot for the film, especially with the gay rights parade downtown. I agree that sometimes the humor was adult-oriented, but not much.
Cabaret (1972)
This is surely a CHARMER
Who wouldn't love this movie? 70ish it was. Impacting, yes. So much comes to mind. It is a new approach to a musical, although most of them are not bad. This is different. My rating for this is a 9, because there were a very slight few problems. The acting could have been just a little bit better. But still, it is one in a million for sure!
Private Dicks: Men Exposed (1999)
Very Dumb Documentary
I watched this by accident, I was just flipping through the channels. So, I thought that asking men about what they think about their penises, what they do with them, etc... is all dumb. I think that they should not put this on tv, because little kids can see men sitting in full frontal nudity at 11:00 at night. Maybe it should wait until 1:00 am?
Sex and the City (1998)
Good Series
This is a very good series. And the title does not say it all. Not only is this about sex. I thought that it was at first, before seeing it on tv. It is about many things. I love this show! Well written, yes. Who would not enjoy the great acting?
Down in the Delta (1998)
I liked this movie: very uplifting
This movie was very touching and uplifting. I saw it on a plane when returning from the Brittish Isles. Despite the unpleasant flight, I felt better after watching this. Usually, people fall asleep during the middle. Not in this case. Many of my friends have seen it and liked it. Most of the acting was good, and the directing was good for a beginner.
Romy and Michele's High School Reunion (1997)
This was actually a good movie
This was good. I enjoyed it. Romy and Michelle got revenge. That was great. But in the middle, I thought "Another dumb blonde movie?". No, it is about modern girls who happen to be a little vain, realizing what is really important in life.
Cosby (1996)
Cosby and Rashad Are Back Together Again
The Cosby Show ended. America wanted it back, they never wanted it to go in the first place. But this brings back a fresh new look at the masters of comedy, the best couple for the job- Phylicia Rashad Bill Cosby. I loved the Cosby Show, it was better, but what a good replacement!!!
Grease (1978)
Does it really get any better?
I LOVE this. John Travolta is so sexy, and he has so much sex appeal. I wish I were Sandy, I would worship him... but Olivia Newton John did great, and of course John did! I did not really feel that these people were in their 20s and 30s, it seemed more like their teens. Well, I love this of course, and I think people who don't see why (the music, plot, etc.) should look deeper.
The Object of My Affection (1998)
All right movie...
This movie was not the worst I have seen. The whole gay thing, I guess, was ok. It did not bother me. But I don't know many homosexuals (but I don't care about sexual orientation), and I think it was good. But I know that gays are not only obsessed with sex like that. Jennifer A. was great, and the rest of the cast was good... but I think it could have been better. And why couldn't her character been gay? Most movies don't have lesbians in them. So why not try it?
Dream Master: The Erotic Invader (1996)
How Dumb
Movies with a good plot are worth watching, even if there is sex (I mean, it is part of life!). But the plot in this was the worst. There are good movies, and there are bad. Talk about the movie to sit near the throne of bad movies (not on it, some are worse)...