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Anybody seen an English dubbed/subtitled print?
24 June 2001
There isn't an english dubbed or subtitled print to be had of this film.That is too bad because it is a creepy little number.Having watched the Spanish language print a few times I have gleaned a little understanding of what is going on.But full comprehension would be helped if the dialogue could be followed.

Dr M runs an insane asylum with Dr Gonzalez and a third doctor.Dr M makes a pact with the third doctor.Whichever of the two dies first will come back to explain death to the survivor.Well the other doctor dies.He not only comes back but he tells Dr M that he too will join him in death in 3 months(?).

Things aren't going well at the asylum.One of the most violent patients escapes.She then throws a bottle of acid into the orderly Elmer's face.She is subdued but Elmer is horribly burned via the acid.

A young woman comes into Dr M's life.Since I don't speak Spanish I have no clue as to who she is.She also falls in love with a young man even though Dr M is in love with her.He plays the violin for her often( and yes this figures in).There is also the other doctor's ghost hanging around causing a few problems.

Elmer has his bandages removed and goes ape$*** when he sees how disfigured he is.He plots to kill the woman who disfigured him.Well that night the doc is playing the violin for the young girl (who is waiting for the young man).The lunatic escapes(helped by the ghost)and the grounds are in an uproar.Elmer finds her and aided by the ghost stabs her to death.Elmer takes off and Dr M finds the dead lunatic.Dr M is arrested for her murder.

Dr M is jailed for the murder of the lunatic.After hearing of this Elmer writes a confession.But on his way to turn himself in he either dies of a heart attack or the ghost kills him.The ghost causes the note to blow away in the wind.

Will Dr M pay the ultimate price?There is still a lot of movie left for you to find out.

There are some absolutely creepy and stunning shots in this movie.The asylum is creepy and is fog shrouded.The scene where Dr M is stopped in front of the hanging platform is back lit and chilling.There is a graveyard scene that is very well done also.

Again I really wish I could understand the dialogue as it would explain who the juvenile leads are.But it is certainly worth a look in any language.
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Terrified (1962)
Being buried in wet cement can make you...Terrified!
15 June 2001
Warning: Spoilers
***SPOILERS*** ***SPOILERS*** After searching high and low for this obscure movie I was able to finally locate a copy.This was made in 1962 but not released by Crown International until late 1963 or early 1964.A lot of exposition comes from the dialogue.A shorter version (66 minutes) used to be in general release.The 81 minute version adds a little more depth to the hows and whys of the main characters.

The film has a very spooky opening scene.A black masked maniac is torturing a young man in a graveyard.He's doing this by burying him alive in wet cement.While this is going on there are some very spooky and weird background noises.

We then meet some of the leads.Marge works at a bar as a hostess for Wesley Blake.Marge is with Dave (called Steve in all of the credits I've seen until here at imdb;maybe because he is played by Steve Drexel?). Ken (Rod Lauren)comes in.He is a college student (& one of Marge's boyfriends)and is writing a mid term paper on terror.We also find out that the young man who was buried in cement is not dead,just comatose from shock.But he is Marge's brother Joey.

Marge wants to go out to the ghost town and talk to Wild Bill, the local drunk.Since the graveyard where Joey was assaulted is there she feels that maybe he may know something about it.Dave agrees to go but Ken prefers not to.

When Steve and Marge get out to the very creepy ghost town they feel that they are not alone.And it isn't wild Bill.They do find Bill.But old Bill has been brutally murdered.Ken arrives as the other two are about to head back into town for the sheriff.Ken stubbornly decides to stay.

Ken is menaced by the hooded maniac.He's locked in a room full of

spiders.Then he is tortured by a drowning attempt.The maniac sadistically toys with Ken.Rather than give away too much I'll stop with the plot here.

On the downside admittedly this is one of those early to mid 1960's Psycho wannabes.Some of the lines are pretty stupid but most of the quibbles are minor.

There are a few unconventional things about this movie.The burial in wet cement is pretty brutal.So is another scene of another person being buried alive.The ghost town sets are pretty effective.There are some weird sounds going on in the background to set you on edge.The maniac is pretty twisted and there is a real sense of isolation about this film.

The night photography seems to actually have been shot at night instead of the cheesy day for night method often employed in low budget films.This gives it an added unsettling edge of desolation and helplessness.It moves pretty well and is better than average.

As a side note it is the last film directed by Lew Landers.He also directed pictures from the silent era to the 60's.He directed the 1935 The Raven with Bela Lugosi & Boris Karloff.

Yes this is a minor film.While it is no classic I'm glad to have been able to see it.It is best viewed late at night with the lights low or

off.But it probably won't show upon tv or dvd at all.
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Murder can be pretty and colorful
12 June 2001
Sadly I haven't been a big Mario Bava fan.For a long time I only thought Bay Of Blood (Antifetto)was his only movie of merit.Then I happened to pick up the dvd of Blood And Black Lace.

The plot is simple enough.A fashion model on her way to work at a fashion house is brutally beaten and strangled.Another model later gets her face gorily bashed in via an armored glove with spikes in it. A third is beaten and has her face shoved into a hot wood stove.A fourth is smothered and a fifth is drowned.

We are led to discover that the first model had a diary that detailed the less than savory goings on at the fashion house.Drugs,abortions murder and other tidbits all kept in the little red book that the killer wants.There are many suspects and red herrings abound.

The plot isn't the thing here.The look is.And that look is absolutely stunning.The use of colors and lighting is fantastic.The photography is stunning, which is a Bava trademark.Everything is so darn pretty you can almost overlook the sounds of the model's face sizzling on the stove.

The musical score is a sleazy jazz air that will leave you humming it long after the movie is over.

This movie looks and sounds gorgeous.Even if it is murder...
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Being invisible means never having to say you're ugly
10 June 2001
This is the fourth in the 1960 west German Dr Mabuse series.While it is above average for the series it does mean that it is a cut above most other thrillers of the time.

A young actress (Karin Dor as Liane)in a Grand Guigonol/circus troupe seems to be haunted by a ghost.A government operative is investigating the troupe and meets his end via a killer clown.The FBI sends in Joe Como(Lex Barker from the 2nd in the series,The Return of Dr Mabuse).Joe and Liane cross paths.

Liane's former boyfriend had created an invisibilty gadget.But he presumably was killed in a car accident.Dr Mabuse and his gang think that Liane knows the whereabouts of the invisibilty device.The boyfriend is in fact not dead but horribly mangled due to the crash.He is using the gadget to stay near his love.

Mabuse & Joe Como both attempt to wrest the gadget from the boyfriend.But it looks like Mabuse may have the upper hand and chaos will reign supreme.An invisible gang of super criminals would be hard to beat.

In the series of Mabuse thrillers this one grades out at #5 of the 6 but way above the stinker Death Ray Of Dr Mabuse.It would be nice to see this film get the dvd treatment.
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Boris gives us his all
6 June 2001
AIP decided to try cashing in on Lovecraft rather than Poe this time around.What we get is an above average movie that is hampered by its budget.

Nick Adams plays Stephen Reinhart who arrives in the small english town of Arkham.When he tries various means to travel to the Witley estate he is rebuffed by the townsfolk and has to walk.We're treated to some decent matte shots of a desolate countryside.

Arriving at the estate the young man is met by Nahum Witley (Boris Karloff).He is pointedly told to leave.Sticking to his guns Steve informs the man that he was invited by Mrs Witley.Of course Susan (Witley's daughter) rushes down to clear up some confusion.

Here we learn that there are some weird goings on involving everyone at the house. A maid has disappeared,weird screams are heard at night and Mrs Witley hides behind curtains.A real miasma lurks in this house. Nahum has a strange secret in the basement that seems to be killing everyone who comes in contact with it.

Rather than go further into the plot which is really basic there are a few things that lift this above your standard haunted (for lack of a better word) house story.This movie just reeks with atmosphere.It is very opressive and claustrophobic.The sets are wonderful and nicely done on the cheap.Boris Karloff gives his usual wonderful performance. Nick Adams actually holds his own here.

On the downside the special effects are very limited due to the budget. A minor quibble.Patrick Magee shows up for a role that will leave you scratching your head wondering what that was all about.

Definitely worth a look if you catch it on AMC or find the dvd cheaply.
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Old droopy drawers is back in the wax museum yet!
6 June 2001
I have a fondness for most south of the border horror movies.This really isn't one of them.Masked wrestlers were very popular in Mexico from the mid fifties to the mid eighties.Santo was the most popular of them.Only three movies were imported and dubbed into English.This sad one, the much better Samson And The Vampire Women and Invasion Of The Zombies (which I haven't seen).

Okay for some reason Santo is called Samson in this movie.What is goofy is when he is in the wrestling arena (which is too often) the crowd is chanting"Santo!Santo!Santo!"Samson battles for the good of mankind when he isn't wrestling with other sweaty guys.Everybody has to have a hobby.

The plot boils down(if I may pun)to this:The mad Dr Karol runs a wax museum.With some sort of mad scientist formula he has live exhibits that obey his commands. There is a Frankenstein type monster, a werewolf, a pig man and a caveman.Karol was disfigured in an explosion(but only his hands). Therefore he wants to make the world feel pain and ugliness.(Maybe he should make them watch this movie, eh?)Well he kills a friend of Samson's and makes it look like someone is also out to kill him.So old droopy drawers, I mean Samson is on the case.

Now we have to fill 90 minutes here kids.So we get endless wrestling scenes not to mention the endless mad scientist chortling over his helpless victims scenes.Samson takes nearly the whole film to figure things out.He has to face Dr Karol's army of wax zombie/critters.Will anyone survive?

You won't care.While this movie is better than the absolute bottom of garbage heap films (say New York Ripper for instance)it is well below average.So if you have 90 minutes to kill and want to inflict pain and suffering onto yourself or share that agony with others, this film may do it for you.
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South of the border fang fun!
3 June 2001
Ahh youth.I remember struggling to stay up to see this at 1:30am on a friday night back in the late 1960's.Needless to say when the first vampire attack happened I shot up to my room for the night.

This recently came out on dvd after being bootlegged for years.So it was nice to see a print that while a bit speckled was superior to the tapes.

The plot boils down to the evil Count and his plans of revenge against the Colman family.There has been much blood spilled between the two and this night may prove to be the end of the line for the Colman family (a man and his two nieces).

Count Subotay (Subotai?) plays an organ made of human bones and skulls in his misty underground lair. He summons his minions to help him carry out his plot against the Colmans.His female vampires are pretty hot looking.The male vampires are blind, hairy handed(a self abuse warning perhaps?) and quite ugly.Of course this way the Count can keep the women for himself.

A young couple is viciously attacked to begin the evening.Then the Count moseys over to the Colmans to join a party.One of my faults with this movie lies in the fact that if your family has been decimated by vampires don't you think you'd do what you could to learn the name of the vamp?Especially after some strange pale dude in a tuxedo and cape shows up in your neighborhood?

We meet the hero (Rudy) and learn that vampires can be killed by a certain tune.He plays it on the piano and the Count does everything but wet his pants in screaming agony.He slams down the piano key cover on Rudy's hands(a la Tom & Jerry)to make him stop.

The Count leaves but he vampirizes one of the girls who in turn vampirizes Rudy.Rudy begins to grow hair on his hands and his eyesight begins to dim.Mr Colman vanishes and Rudy finally adds up that Subotay is a vampire and responsible for the attacks.

The film becomes a race against time.Rudy is captured and the other niece is prepared for vampiric sacrifice. Can Rudy defeat the Count before he turns into a mindless vampire creature?Will the Colman family be destroyed forever?

There is a lot of atmosphere and an oppressive mood in this film.It is better than most of the Mexican vampire films(Bloody Vampire,Invasion Of The Vampires or the Nostradamus series).But it does fall short of El Vampiro (then again so do most vampire films).

Worth picking up if you can find it cheap.
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Creepy & claustrophobic
25 May 2001
One of the common threads with this movie is that if you saw it when you were a kid it scared the heck out of you.No doubt you caught it on a creature features afternoon show back in the 60's or 70's.And the movie stayed with you.

The basic plot is simple enough.A town basically made up of a coven of 300 year old witches are looking for human sacrifices.(Ergo the classier title City Of The Dead).A young student is guided to Whitewood for research and well anything else would just spoil it for you.Just expect the unexpected.

I love showing this movie to people and then telling them it was filmed in England with a British cast.The cast does an outstanding job with their accents.

This is a film that relies on mood and suspense rather than cheap shocks.But it does contain its share of shocking moments that aren't uncalled for.It is also one of the foggiest films I've ever seen but that just adds to the atmosphere.Great black and white photography and a director that got the most out of a limited budget but stellar cast.

Pick up the dvd if you can and skip the bootleg tapes.
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Great finale
18 May 2001
This is probably the best horror comedy ever made.While it doesn't make fun of the monsters it does have some fun with them.Just love the Frankenstein monster's initial reaction to Lou Costello.

Lugosi truly shows how wrong Universal was to treat him so badly over the years.He gives a wonderful perfomance with nice comedic touches.Chaney is excellent in "his baby" the Wolf Man.Strange is given a bit more to do as the monster rather than just lie around until the last five minutes.

Great fun for everybody!
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Evilly influenced by...Uranus!!!
2 May 2001
Ol skip had seen several cool looking lobby cards for this Italian sword & sandal/muscle flick.Walking rock monsters and a lead villain I dubbed The Aluminum Foil Man.Okay he looks like a refugee from an Easy Bake Oven.Having never seen one of these epics I was overjoyed to find a copy for a little over 100 pennies.Maybe some cheesy fun at worst.So I settled in to watch.... ....AUUUGGGHHH!When will the hurting stop????

Peasants are being sacrificed to the Lunar Men at the Mountain Of Death. A rebellion is to be led against the evil queen.Hercules is the outside "muscle" called to ride in and save the day.

The queen is tied in with the Lunar Men who want to make the earth over on the image of the moon.Via some really horsebleep dubbing we're told that when the planets are aligned just right we'll have earthquakes,floods and other catastrophic events.Somehow this is evilly influenced by Uranus.You got that right Bubba.

We also are given mind numbing lingering shots of Hercules' sweaty chest and armpits.Let's not forget the sandstorm that drags on and on and on and on....

Unfortunately we're not given enough screen time of the Lunar Man and his rock monster minions.They are the only saving grace this pitiful flick has.

So if you really want to hurt yourself try and find this movie.And watch out for Uranus.
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Corporate types DO eat their employees!
10 April 2001
This movie had to air 5 times a year when I was growing up in Detroit in the 60's and 70's.

Anyway an aging (mercy she must be forty!) cosmetics queen hooks up with a mad scientist type.By using royal wasp jelly extracts and injections, the vain babe grows younger.Ah but it isn't nice to fool with Mother Nature!

The downside is she has to wear wasp mittens and a wasp mask some nights. She also goes around eating employees and never gains a $%#@^%g ounce!But is there a subliminal message here of how we're all on the food chain for the corporate executive types?Think about that the next time your bosses give you a long look.They may wonder if you taste like chicken!

Corman does a bit part as an emergency room doctor.Michael Marks is quite low key for a screwy scientist.The other actors get top notch marks as well.

Low budget but high on fun.Just don't watch it while you're...buzzed.
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Is that Mr Pointy sticking in your chest?
30 March 2001
Another south of the border terror brought to you by K Gordon Murray.This in fact is the sequel to The Bloody Vampire and actually is quite a bit better.

This adds some truly hackneyed but eerie new things to the vampire lore.When the vampire is staked, all of his victims will rise up to seek blood.So we are treated to a very scary silent scene of vampires prowling about in the fog with huge stakes in their chest.

You can actually watch this movie with little or no knowledge of The Bloody Vampire.The only returning characters are the Count and his butch assistant Frau Hildegard.

Maybe it will come out on dvd like The Bloody Vampire has.It is the better of the two.
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Curse of the droopy drawers
28 March 2001
In 1957 3 Aztec Mummy movies were filmed almost back to back to back.They were The Aztec Mummy, Curse Of The Aztec Mummy and Robot Vs The Aztec Mummy.The 1st one was bought by Jerry Warren and butchered horribly for US release as Attack Of The Mayan Mummy.K Gordon Murray bought the last two for US release.

A few minutes of The Aztec Mummy shows up in Curse Of The Aztec Mummy.Dr Krupp aka The Bat has been arrested.Dr Almada,Flor and his assistant Pincate feel safe.However a masked crimefighter in droopy drawers and a cape calling himself The Angel shows up to warn Dr Alamada that nobody is safe from The Bat.Sure enough when The Bat is being transported to prison his gang attacks.The Angel shows up and promptly gets his arse kicked.The Bat escapes.

Dr Krupp plots to steal the Aztec breastplate & bracelet from the tomb of Popoca.He gives us a lengthy flashback from The Aztec Mummy.Flor (Dr Almada's fiance) was hypnotized to reveal a past life.She was a hand maiden to one of the Aztec Gods.But she & Popoca did the wild thing and they were sentenced to death.

So Krupp kidnaps Flora and the doctor.The Angel shows up and once again gets his arse kicked.He and the doctor are prisoners as Krupp, his men and Flora search for the Aztec loot.They find Popoca and his is awfully sore at being roused.The gang escapes with the booty.

When they get back to the Bat's hideout yet another fight ensues.Guess what?The Angel gets his arse kicked again.He is unmasked to reveal his true identity ending his crimefighting days.Good thing too unless he liked getting beaten up every twenty minutes.

Krupp forces Almada to translate the symbols on the breastplate that leads to the treasure.But Popoca shows up ready to kill everybody in sight.

This is good for a laugh as it tries to inject a Santo like crimefighter into the Mummy sub genre.The Mummy isn't on screen much at all which is a sore point with me.However it is a bit of brainless fun.
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Coffee break with Count Frankenhausen
26 March 2001
For my 100th commentary I picked this little film.Another south of the border flick snapped up for a few pesos by K Gordon Murray.According to some film books this film was hacked down from its original running time but not the dvd I watched.It could have used 15 minutes trimmed.I'll get to that in a moment.

This film starts out great.A coach driven by a skeleton races noiselessly through the woods. Rather spooky.In it is the dreaded vampire Count Frankenhausen.When the Count gets to his home we're treated to more fog and spookiness.

Then the yakking begins.One of the Count's idiot neighbors is his sworn enemy Count Cagliostro.They've lived nearby for some time and didn't even know it!Anyway Count Cagliostro babbles endlessly about a new method to kill vampires.It isn't even used in this film but is in the sequel, Invasion Of The Vampires.Then the Count Cagliostro goes to the capitol probably to filibuster and we don't thankfully see him until the end of the film.

His daughter and doctor fiance discover that the evil Count lives nearby.So Anna goes undercover as a servant to the Countess there.For some reason the Count hasn't fanged his wife but fangs servant girls brought to him by the sadistic Frau Hildegard.Well Anna turns on Frankenhausen and off we go.

But in the middle of the film the vampire and the doctor have a seemingly endless conversation about COFFEE!!ARRGGH!Cut this right out of the movie please!

There is some real brutality here with the whipping of servants and one has his tongue cut out of his mouth.The last twenty minutes pick up the pace and we're treated to a nice chase and some spooky shots of the vampire.When the vampire changes into a bat however he looks like a vampiric Bugs Bunny.Rabbit ears are on that bad boy!

In the end there is a climactic showdown in the cave of the vampires.

All in all some of the spooky scenes save this movie.The soundtrack switches from choral music to jarring electronic weirdness which is creepy.Stay tuned for info on the sequel, Invasion Of The Vampires.
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The Return Of Dr Mabuse
22 March 2001
This film has had more titles than some folks have shorts.No matter what the title we do have a nifty follow up to the classic 1000 Eyes Of Dr Mabuse.

A man is murdered on a train which brings in Inspector Lohmann.In a rather gruesome scene a woman representing the Chicago Mafia is roasted alive by a flame thrower in a truck.This brings in Joe Como,FBI agent.Or is he really Nick Scapio from the Chicago mob?

Dr Mabuse wants to make a deal with the Chicago gangsters for some undisclosed reason.He has a chemical which makes a person a slave to the will of Dr Mabuse.Mabuse intends to take over and destroy a nuclear power plant in the city as a show of good faith.Cleverly using prisoners from the local prison Mabuse intends to create mass havoc & terror.

This film is never dull and will keep you guessing right until the end.It also has one of the more paranoid endings in the Dr Mabuse series.If you can find it enjoy it!
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The best of the series?
17 March 2001
This is the third time I've done a review on this flick;the other two times must have been stolen by the Genie Of Darkness.Anyway this is the third in the Nostradamus series and probably the best of the bunch.

Nostradamus hypnotizes Tony (the professor's assistant) one night to secretly do his bidding.Igor, Tony and the Professor(sounds like a 70's cartoon show) discover that Leo the hunchback's mother is hiding an important scroll for Nostradamus.Tony informs Nostradamus of this. Nostradamus goes to the house and orders Leo out.Then the vampire burns the hunchback's mother alive and takes the scroll.

Nostradamus then has Tony attempt to kill Igor.Igor breaks Tony from the spell and goes to face the vampire.Igor is immune to vampiric attack and is just about to stake Nostradamus.Leo shows up and breaks Igor's spine.

The vampire then manages to kill yet another victim to spite Dolan.However the grand plan of the vampire is thwarted by a ghost.The vampire then begins to doubt his power.

Some new (and idiotic) lore is revealed that the vampire must sleep on the ashes of his ancestors.Anyway Dolan and Tony steal the ashes from Nostradamus' coffin.The vampire races against time to retake the ashes or die by sunrise.

This film in the series moves along at a better clip than the rest.Sadly the next film is all downhill.Stay tuned for Blood Of Nostradamus...
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Bites the big burrito
16 March 2001
Aye caramba this is the fourth and last movie in the Nostradamus series.While the other three move along a little better and have their moments this one is tedious.It should have been called Boredom Of Nostradamus.

Nostradamus vows to kill the police chief.For once we should help because this guy is a stone jerk.He gathers all of his men to spend the night at the station to keep him alive.Well they do and he survives the night.They get rip roaring drunk and a solar eclipse occurs.This allows Nostradamus to sneak in and convince the man one of his men is going to kill him.There is a shoot out and the top cop bites the big burrito.

Nostradamus then targets an actress to be killed.Professor Dolan's daughter witnesses the murder.The vampire is about to put the bite on her when Tony (Dolan's assistant) shoos him away.

The vampire gets angry and targets one of Dolan's friends to die.The man hides out in a church which keeps Nostradamus from locating him.Leo the hunchback finds him and kills him.Tony blows away the hunchback.This really angers Nostradamus.He discredits the professor to the point where the villagers drag him from his home and are fixing to burn him at the stake.

Will Nostradamus win?Will the professor be burned alive?If so, how done would you like the ribs?Will you even be awake to care?
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Sounds like a job description
13 March 2001
Warning: Spoilers
POSSIBLE SPOILER WARNING FOR A PREVIOUS MOVIE!The Monsters Demolisher is in fact a continuation of the Curse Of Nostradamus serial.It picks up immediately where Curse left off or abruptly ended, take your pick.The vampire Nostradamus was rescued by his stupid hunchback henchman, Leo.

Professor Dolan is under siege by his Society For The Abolishment Of Superstition.He is trying to warn folks about Nostradamus and they feel he has been playing with recreational chemicals.The vampire warns Dolan that he will kill a child and a man sentenced to die.As usual, Dolan screws up royally and everybody dies.

The professor and his assistant Tony are joined by vampire hunter Igor.A good guy named Igor and a bad guy named Leo?Igor has been the life long nemesis of Nostradamus and is immune to vampiric attacks.Will Igor and the professor finally triumph over Nostradamus? Stay tuned....
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The Society For The Abolishment Of Superstition?Giggle
11 March 2001
Back in 1959 a 12 part serial was filmed for Mexican movie goers under the title of The Curse Of Nostradamus.It ran in 12 twentyfive minute installments.K Gordon Murray spent a few pesos for it and cut it into 4 movies for release to some theatres and American tv.The titles were Curse Of Nostradamus, The Monster Demolisher, The Genie Of Darkness and Blood Of Nostradamus.German Robles played the vampire Nostradamus.

Nostradamus is either the son or the grandson of the famous Nostradamus.He refers to himself as both the son of and son of the son.He feels that Nostradamus was slighted and wants to reestablish a cult following.To do this he seeks the aid of noted Professor Dolan, the head of some sort of society to abolish superstition.(Sounds like Government tax dollars at work to old evilskip).

Nostradmaus appears at Dolan's house and informs him of his demands.Dolan politely tells him to blow it out his nose.The vampire then declares he will kill 13 prominent citizens until Dolan agrees.He will start by burying a man alive.Dolan, being a fool, doesn't humor the vampire until he can drive a stake in his arse because 1) he doesn't believe him 2) we would have no movie.

The vampire indeed does have a seemingly dead man buried alive in a creepy little scene.He also kills two more citizens while Dolan the dolt blindly refuses to give in.

The movie ends very abruptly, especially if you don't know the history of it and the fact that there are 3 more movies to follow.

This isn't the best of the series but it does lay some important groundwork.Not a bad time waster.With more and more of the Mexican horror movies being released on dvd we can hope this series will end up released this way.
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Black Friday (1940)
Karloff and Lugosi NOT together
22 February 2001
Okay when I sat down to watch this film the other night it was with dread.All I had ever heard was how this wasn't a horror movie and it was a cheat because Lugosi & Karloff didn't have any scenes together.

Guess what?It was a darn fine movie.This falls more into a gangster/mad scientist type of genre but is a lot of fun just the same. Stanley Ridges actually steals the movie with his performance as the teacher/gangster.Karloff is his usual wonderful self.Lugosi does a great job in the allegedly thankless role of Varney the gangster.

Rather than go into the details of this little gem why don't you see if you can find a copy of it and watch it.
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Honey is that you?
27 December 2000
Don't kid yourself as this is a very low budget shocker.But it is a shocker and a pleasant one at that.99% of the film is shot in one location but what a location!

A scientist with a troubled marriage sends a probe to Mars.Unknown to all concerned the probe sends back a little something,namely Martians as invisible energy beings.They become doppelgangers of the scientist and his family. Their mission is clear;to stop earth from travelling to Mars.(They like their high property values obviously).The Martians play havoc with his home life until the very end.

A small budget flick with an appealing cast of old pros.Quickly paced and well written by Harry Spaulding.Even a downbeat ending to add to the menace.Better than average and worth a look in a forgiving mood.
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Much better than you've heard
14 December 2000
I remember seeing the ads for this on tv back in 1965.Man did I ever want to see this flick!Too bad I had to wait over 30 years to do so.One good thing is that I really wasn't disappointed!

This to me is the best of the "Fly" trilogy.A man turning into a fly via a matter transporter is a little outrageous.But turning into a gooey mutant is another thing entirely!

The Delambre family (led by Brian Donlevy) is once again mucking about with transporters.The "mistakes" are kept in the stables.Radiation burns and rapid aging are the norm in this household.

On the downside is the extremely low budget.Not a lot of different sets were used in this film.The make up is okay (but a sight better than the guinea pig man from Return Of The Fly).

There is a very Gothic look to this flick and the cast and crew do extremely well with what they have been given.The ending is pretty much unforgettable and chilling.Excellent b&w photography.Well worth a look!
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Good Edgar Wallace thriller
17 November 2000
This is one of the early West German Edgar Wallace based thrillers.For some reason it doesn't get a lot of attention.That is too bad because this is a crackerjack thriller.

After narrowly avoiding the guillotine a master criminal returns to London and wreaks havoc.Blackmail and murder are the trademarks of the Crimson Circle.25 people will die in his (or her) spree.

A private investigator is called in to help Scotland Yard after 18 people fall prey to the Crimson Circle. Inspector Parr is deemed to be too old and behind the times to apprehend the murderer.Parr asks for and is granted special authority to carry out his plan.However it seemingly backfires in his face and 7 more people meet their grisly fate.

Involved is a neer do well, a young lady of villainous ways, suspicious police officials and a shady Frenchmen.Who is the Crimson Circle?

The plot is fast paced and there is plenty of action. The cast is up to the task and the vehicle is well directed.A nice little surprise awaits at the end. Well worth seeking out for an evening's entertainment.
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Far from slow moving Mr Maltin
26 October 2000
Superior Edgar Wallace thriller.We have a spooky estate with a haunted abbey;there is of course The Black Abbot,madness,double crosses, triple crosses, a treasure and several murders tossed in to spice things off.

What is unusual about this krimi is this really isn't a whodunit.You have to pay close attention to what is going on to stay abreast of the plot.So if you're looking to nod off find another movie.

Nice night photography,great use of locations, a spooky ruins, great house and nice use of seemingly autumnal weather.Fast pacing and a good cast put this one near the top.Enjoy!
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Voodoo Island (1957)
That voodoo that you do so well
11 October 2000
I'd been searching for this movie for more than a year now.Hadn't seen it since the early 70's.Was just going to give in and buy a bootleg when lo and behold it aired on TCM.Taped it and settled in to give it a watch.

Critics tore this one up.Karloff was accused of "phoning in" his performance.Have to wonder what movie they were watching.The movie is low budget and the script admittedly is very weak but Boris is the saving grace for the film.He makes it worth watching.

What little plot there is involves a hotel magnate hiring Mr Knight(Karloff).Knight is a renowned hoax buster and he is to ferret out the secrets of an island that the hotel magnate wishes to build on.

The intrepid group runs into voodoo, man eating plants and nasty natives.Are they all doomed or will somebody survive to tell the tale?

Again this film was shot on the cheap (probably under $100000 with probably 25% of that going to Boris).There is a lot of talk and a little action.Just watch it for Boris, still capable at the age of 70 of carrying a film on his shoulders.
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