The Hills Have Eyes (1977)
"The Hills Have Eyes"- 9/10. Raw and Atmospheric, A Classic 70s Style Horror Film.
The Hills Have Eyes
I love these horror movies from the 70s! They always seem to be good and have an effective atmoshpere. The original Texas Chainsaw Massacre had a good atmoshpere, but it failed from it's acting abilities. Sure, it had some pretty shocking scenes, but it isn't the absolute masterpiece it is set out to be. The Hills Have Eyes has the same atmosphere as Texas Chainsaw, but I liked this even more.
I have never seen a horror movie set in the desert before I saw this. I liked the whole idea, I mean, the desert is kind of creepy. It's really quiet and even though you are surrounded by open space, you feel a sense of isolation. This movie is about a typical 1970s American family who become stranded in a vast area of a California desert. This movie has the style of Texas Chainsaw, and is essentialy creepy. The crazy cannibals in the hills are really disturbing.
Wes Craven is a wonderful director. Another good raw horror film of his is Last House On The Left. That is one disturbing movie. I actually enjoy Wes Craven's old school horror movies over his recent Scream teen type movies. An overall good horror movie. 9/10.
Secret Window (2004)
"Secret Window"- 8/10. Effective Psychological Thriller.
Secret Window
To start off, this movie wasn't really SCARY. David Koepp, the director made another film, Stir Of Echoes, which is twenty times scarier than Secret Window, but Secret Window has many thrill elements, and Stir Of Echoes has more jumpy ghost stuff. Anyways, I saw this movie expecting something decent, which it was. The title however, is misleading. The previews and television spots make it look like the film is about some haunted window or something, when the title Secret Window actually just comes from the book Johnny Depp's character has written in the film. Don't see this movie expecting hardcore horror. There are also some funny scenes in this movie that got a laugh from the audience. Expect a decent psychological thriller, not really scary, but just enough suspense to keep you tense and on the edge of your seat. 8/10.
EuroTrip (2004)
"Eurotrip"- 9/10. Ridiculously hilarious!
This movie is absolutely hilarious. 'Eurotrip' is not afraid to show anything- and I mean ANYTHING. The movie is about Scotty Thomas, who has just graduated out of high school, and his girlfriend, Fiona, dumps him for a rocker played by Matt Damon. Then, he emails a really mean letter to his penpal in Berlin, Germany, after thinking that the guy wants to meet up with him- until his little brother points out to him that is penpal is actually a stunning gorgeous girl. So, Scotty and Cooper set out to Europe, and meet up with Jamie, and Jenny (Michelle Trachtenberg), two twins who are spending the summer in Europe, and they all set out to find Scotty's dream girl, and they go through some pretty hilarious situations.
This movie will have Nickelodeon's jaws dropped when they see their former television star, Michelle Trachtenberg, do the things she does in this movie. She's really grown up. She is the biggest name in this movie, along side the cameo by Matt Damon, but the rest of the cast were pretty good actors.
This movie had some raunchy situations. We see Jenny and Jamie, the two twins accidentily kiss each other, and some other things I probably shouldn't mention, that are twenty times worse than that, but if you're curious, go see the movie. The story to this movie is pretty ridiculous, but you can't hate the movie for all of the good laughs it serves. 'Eurotrip' will give you some good laughs and fun, and doesn't leave an empty spot anywhere. This would probably be really fun to go see with a big group of friends, you will be constantly laughing together. 9/10.
Witchboard 2: The Devil's Doorway (1993)
"Witchboard 2: The Devil's Doorway"- 8/10. Not scary but entertaining nonetheless.
Witchboard 2
This movie has plenty of entertainment stuffed into it's 90 minute running time, but it isn't too scary. Witchboard 2 is about Paige, who moves into an artist loft apartment after leaving her boyfriend. While moving in, she finds a Oujia board inside a closet, and just for fun, begins to play around with it. But you can't play with a Witchboard as Paige soon learns, when she contacts the spirit who claims to be a former tennant of the apartment complex who was murdered. Then, people in the complex begin dying in weird ways, and Paige must uncover the spirit's true identity before it destroys her.
The actors here aren't too bad, and Laraine Newman is hilarious as the eccentric landlord. This film has some 'jump' sequences that jolt you, but no real horror to scare you with. The movie also has a good mystery to it. Good for horror fans, and not cheesy at all. Don't expect a super-cheapy movie, it isn't that bad. 8/10.
Catch That Kid (2004)
"Catch That Kid"- 8/10. Good movie for the family to enjoy.
Catch That Kid (2004)
When this film was released I knew it would get criticism, either by the premise of stealing money, or by it's similarities between Spy Kids and Agent Cody Banks. I do not agree that it is like Spy Kids, "Catch That Kid" is a lot better.
The movie is about Maddy Phillips (Kristen Stewart- The Panic Room, Cold Creek Manor), who loves to climb. After an accident on Mt. Everest, her Dad becomes paralyzed, and he can get an operation in Denmark for $250,000- but insurance doesn't pay for it. So, Maddy recruits her two best friends, Austin and Gus, to help her rob a high security bank whose security system her mother created. The safe is suspended 100 feet high, and Maddy must overcome her fear of climbing too high, so that she can save her father's life.
This movie had some really neat climbing sequences, good action, but it lacked a few laughs. Bart Fruendlich manages the security and heist scenes well, and the film has some pretty odd security devices for the bank.
Kristen Stewart is great, she gives a good performance, and her two best friends are also good. The parents are a bit one dimensional, but it doesn't really matter to the kids, which is the audience most likely to be attracted to this movie. When seeing this with your kids, just let them know robbing a bank isn't a good thing, and that it's just a movie. Don't let them take it too seriously, but hey, they're kids. 8/10.
Devil's Pond (2003)
"Devil's Pond"-10/10. I'm surprised about all the bad remarks on this film.
Devil's Pond (2004)
I was very surprised when I read all of the terrible remarks on this film. I thought this movie was great. I saw comments remarking that the film must have had a cheap budget because there was a small cast, but that's because the story was about two people all alone in the woods on an island. Who else would be there? I mean come on! Tara Reid gives a great performance. This film is about Julianne (Tara Reid) and her husband Mitch (Kip Pardue). The two are newlyweds and are on their honeymoon on a small island in a cabin. Mitch begins to go insane, and sinks their boat. Since Julianne can't swim, she cannot get off the small island, and as Mitch becomes more and more insane, she realizes that she may not make it off the island ever- and if she does, only one of them are going to be alive.
This film reminded me of Misery, and it was very suspenseful and entertaining. 10/10.
Thirteen (2003)
"Thirteen"- 7/10. Good movie but filmed oddly.
Thirteen (2003)
This movie was pretty good, but the way it was filmed, it looked like someone just used a video camera, so the shakiness and zooms sort of distracted you from the film itself, which is indeed brilliance. This movie really captures what most teenage girls are like, and it doesn't skip showing the raw things. The actors are good, Evan Rachel Wood gives a strong performance and is wonderful. Good drama film. 7/10.
Initiation: Silent Night, Deadly Night 4 (1990)
"Silent Night, Deadly Night 4: Initiation"- 7/10. This is Silent Night? It seems more like Rosemary's Baby.
Silent Night, Deadly Night 4 (1990)
As I watched this movie, I was baffled as why this film was in the Silent Night series. This movie was not scary at all, but was somewhat entertaining. The actors were okay. Clint Howard (House of the Dead) and Reggie Bannister (Phantasm) were the biggest names in this film, but otherwise the rest are pretty much unknown. Director Brian Yuzna (The Dentist) lacks the appropriate Christmas scenery, which would add to the film's intensity and horror. The movie seemed like Rosemary's Baby, with the occult, rape, and sacrificing scenes. Also those giant worm things were NASTY! This movie lacks some things, but it passes on okay. 7/10.
The Perfect Score (2004)
"The Perfect Score"- 8/10. Fast paced and funny.
The Perfect Score (2004)
This movie focuses on six senior teenagers who decide to steal the SAT answers after the decision of the damage it will do on their futures. With the help of Francesca (Scarlett Johannson), whose father owns the building were the SAT answers are held, they plan a heist and try to steal the answers without getting caught.
This movie has some cheap laughs and good actors including Chris Evans (Not Another Teen Movie), Erika Christensen (Swimfan, Leave It To Beaver), and Scarlett Johannson (Ghost World, Lost In Translation). The film surprises you at the end, and it isn't what you expected at all, but it works out okay. The film starts in quick and fast and doesn't stop till the end. Roy was the funniest character in the movie, and you'll see why when you watch it. It's a great movie for teenagers, but adults probably won't enjoy it at all. 8/10.
House of the Dead (2003)
"House Of The Dead"- 6/10. Absolutely horrible, but still enjoyable despite it's flaws.
House Of The Dead (2004)
This movie begins with this group of friends who get a ride on a boat to an island for a rave. When they arrive there, they find no one and meet up with a cop, Jordan Casper (Ellie Cornell- Halloween 4 & 5), and a group of other people who where at the rave when walking dead zombies murdered everyone, turning them into zombies and multiplying there kind. The group fights the zombies with all the weapons they can (mostly guns), and barricade themselves in a house on the island.
This movie has mostly ideas that have been recycled over and over again. It uses Romero's Night of the Living Dead premise, where the gang is locked inside the house with zombies trying to break in. Director Uwe Boll adds in clips of the video game in between shots to remind us of the film's basis, which is pretty dull if you think about it, but it gives it a bit of a unique edge. The acting is mostly horrible, except for Jonathan Cherry (Final Destination 2, They) and Clint Howard, but the rest of the actors are your basic Friday the 13th stupid teenagers who can't act their way out of a paper bag. The movie serves up a lot of gore, so it makes up for some of it's flaws. I hope to see a bit better from Uwe Boll in his upcoming "Alone In The Dark" film that is, again based on a video game.
All in all, the story is overused and getting dull, the acting is mostly terrible, the dialogue is dumb, but it's still one of those movies you can still like for what it is, despite it's flaws. It can be enjoyable, just don't take it seriously. 6/10.
The Ultimate Christmas Present (2000)
"The Ultimate Christmas Present"- 7/10. Fun kids movie for the holidays.
The Ultimate Christmas Present (2000) TV Movie
This movie was pretty entertianing and enjoyable. It's not a perfect movie, but it's good enough to get you into the Christmas spirit. It's about two girls who find a machine that belongs to Santa Claus, and it controls the weather. The girls take it, and reveal it can make rain, sun, wind, tornados, even snow, which is perfect because she has a paper due the last day before Xmas vacation. So, they try out the machine, and the next thing they no it's snowing- in Los Angeles! Now, the snow storm has stopped her Dad from getting home for Christmas, and the holiday spirit begins to crumble unless she can stop the machine with the help of Santa and his two elves.
This movie has plenty of fun and can be enjoyed by your whole family. Get some cookies and egg nog while watching this, and you should get into the Christmas spirit. 7/10.
Married with Children (1987)
"Married... With Children"- 10/10. One of the greatest TV shows of all time!
Married... With Children (1987) TV Series
This show constantly fills you with laughs! It is about your typical American family- and if you are thinking The Brady Bunch, than you are wrong! Married With Children is absolutely the opposite. This show focuses on a dysfunctional family that is made up of Al Bundy (Ed O'Neill), the father of the family, Peggy (Katey Sagal), Ed's ditsy wife, Kelly (Christina Applegate), their partying daughter, and Bud (Dave Faustino), their son who can't seem to score with any chicks. Al Bundy, played by Ed O'Neill,is the funniest TV character I can think of. Katey Sagal is hilarious and Christina Applegate is talented and funny, as is Dave Faustino. This show has some wonderful and outrageous episodes that are sure to make you laugh every time.
This show is sure to offend goodie two shoes-sort of families, but to most of us, this is an absolute hilarious treat! This show is a classic to be enjoyed by everyone and anyone! 10/10.
Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory (1971)
"Willy Wonka & The Chocolate Factory"- 10/10. Classic film for kids and adults alike. A work of "pure imagination".
Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory (1971)
This is one of those classic movies we've ALL seen, and I mean ALL. This film, brilliantly brought to life by Roald Dahl's story, is a work of "pure imagination". It is wonderful for kids and maybe even more enjoyable for the adults.
This movie is great for kids who have a huge imagination, and is a fantasy tale that can be enjoyed by anybody. Simply a classic. 10/10.
The Butterfly Effect (2004)
"The Butterfly Effect"- 9/10. An Intense Effect!
The Butterfly Effect (2004)
This movie was so intense and suspenseful! It is about Evan Traiborne (Ashton Kutcher- That 70's Show, Dude Where's My Car, Just Married), a man with a troubled childhood full of 'blackouts', caused by genetics inherited by his insane father. He grew up with a girl named Kayleigh, her brother Tommy, and a kid named Lenny (Kevin Schmidt- Cheaper By The Dozen). Tommy was a terrible kid who tormented Evan and consantly beat him up. Evan was told by his doctor that he should write in journals, everything that happens to him daily, so he can remember things.
Later on in life, he finds he can go back in time and change things by reading his journals. Curious about a certain incident where he blacked out, he confronts Kayleigh (Amy Smart- Road Trip, Varsity Blues), who was involved in it, with questions for her. But she ends up getting very upset and she kills herself later on that night. Then, Evan goes back to save her through his journals, changing his past, thus changing his present.
Ashton Kutcher does suprisingly good with a serious role, after seeing his in Dude, Where's My Car and Just Married, he seems to be good with comedy, but he is good. Amy Smart is also very good as Kayleigh. They both give powerful and emotional performances.
This movie had some intense scenes, and it is sometimes hard to follow, but it all comes together in the end. Great movie. 9/10.
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (2003)
"The Texas Chainsaw Massacre"- 10/10. Dramatic, intense, and overall genuinely scary.
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (2003)
***Beware Of Major Spoilers Throughout The Entire Review*** - To start off, I will say that this is one of my favorite movies of all time. I enjoyed the ability that this movie had to throw at you scares, tension, and intensity, that I saw it three times! Yes, I saw The Texas Chainsaw Massacre three times, and I'm not ashamed at all. Not at all.
Based loosely on true events (the crimes of Ed Gein), "The Texas Chainsaw Massacre" begins with five young teens traveling across rural Texas to a Lynnrd Skynnrd concert. In this group of teenagers we have the good girl, Erin (Jessica Biel). The slutty hitchhiker whose character you can't help but like, Pepper (Erica Leerhsen). The cool guy, Andy (Mike Vogel). The jokester guy, Morgan (Jonathan Tucker). And the take charge guy who is the leader of the gang, Kemper (Eric Balfour). The group of five teens are having a good time, when they almost hit a disturbed girl (Lauren German) walking down the road. The get out to offer her a ride, and see that she is in a state of shock. They take her into their van and she begins mumbling about a "bad man" and telling them that they are all going to die. Then, the hitchiker begins to go crazy, puts a gun to her mouth, and pulls the trigger. Sick and puzzled, the teens drive to the nearest hillbilly town, and plan to meet a sheriff at a local mill. After arriving at the mill, there is no sign of a sheriff, and guided by a neglected child of the psychopathic family, Jedidiah (David Dorfman), they wander into the clutches of Leatherface at his rundown farmhouse.
Director Marcus Nispel focuses more on keeping this film glossy and updated with more shadows and darkness, unlike the original "Chainsaw", which had a bright and scratchy, documentary style look to it. To tell you the truth, I disliked the original "Chainsaw" because of it's terrible acting and I found it a bit boring, but I will give it some credit because it's such a classic cult film. There are several neat shots in the new "Chainsaw", especially the one where the camera pans through the person's head and out the back window of the van after that person has shot themself in the head. I also loved the black and white police evidence footage that opened and closed the film, which I think brought it a feeling of realism. Producer Michael Bay (Pearl Harbor), didn't seem to me to have any experience in the horror genre, but pulls it off well. The filmmakers must have been aiming for a more realism in this horror film, unlike many we see today, and I will say they were dead right.
The acting here is wonderful, with good performances by Leerhsen, Tucker, Vogel, and Balfour, whom are given little character background to work with, but they manage it perfectly. Biel was great as the last survivor, which you will know before even seeing the movie. On rule in horror movies is that the hottest girl in the movie will always live. R. Lee Ermey is pretty crazy as he pulls of his character of the insane, motor mouthed sheriff with a lot of intensity. He also has a couple of funny lines that will most likely make you laugh. I also enjoyed the narration during the police footage that ended and opened the movie, done by John Larroquette, narrator of the original "Chainsaw". The acting and narration in this movie is very good.
The new and improved Leatherface (Andrew Bryniarski) is very scary, if not as scary as the original Leatherface was. Man, if you actually had this guy chasing you with a chainsaw, you'd be peeing your pants. His mask made of the human flesh is grotesque and disgusting, but has some modifications from the original mask. Through the last half hour of the movie, you'll be rooting for Jessica Biel as she gets chased all over by Leatherface, as Marilyn Burns did in the original film.
Surprisingly, this movie had a lot more gore than the first film. Most of the deaths in this movie were done with the power tool you would have expected, the chainsaw. Andy's death was probably the most upsetting, and you will see why after watching this movie. Kemper's death was quick and jolting. Morgan's death was pretty vicious. But, Pepper's death was my favorite one, because of it's intensity and drama. The feathers that floated all over from Pepper's jacket that got tore open by the saw added some intensity, and made it all the more dramatic. Right after her death, you'll be a bit disturbed after you see what, or should I say 'who' Leatherface is wearing for a mask. That moment sort of set the ending of that sequence with a bit of a jolt. I won't tell you what he is wearing, because it will ruin it for you. See it for yourself, and it should freak you out a bit.
To end this review, I want to say that this is a very good horror movie, one of the best I've seen. It has it all- intensity, gore, drama, scares, spills, and thrills! What more could you want to make a great movie??? This movie will be enjoyed by fans of the series, and fans of horror movies alike! I give The Texas Chainsaw Massacre a 10/10! And also remember, this movie sends out a strong message: never pick up hitchhikers!
Big Fish (2003)
"Big Fish"- 9/10. Wonderful story and set decoration, may be Burton's best work yet.
Big Fish (2003)
This film focuses on Will Bloom (Billy Crudup), a young man with a pregnant wife, a mother (Jessica Lange), and a father (Albert Finney). A father who told Will many stories and tall tales as he grew up. At one point, Will stopped believing his dad's stories. Then, at Will's wedding, his father tells his most infamous tall tale- the story of how he caught an uncatchable fish the day Will was born. Sick of hearing his father's stories, they do not speak for over three years, until they are reunited when his father is diagnosed with cancer. And throughout all of his father's stories- ones involving a town named Spectre where no one wears shoes, to a sideshow circus owned by Amos Callaway (Danny Devito), where his father supposedly worked for three years in order to find the woman he was destined to marry, all the way to a lonely giant named Karl (Matthew McGrory) -, Will begins to find some truth in his father, something he has never seen before.
I simply enjoyed this movie, with it's ability to dazzle you with fairy tale-like settings in his father's stories, and to it's ability to strike you with sad moments. Tim Burton created a masterpiece of cinema. I love the set decoration in the towns in his father's stories, especially Spectre, and all of the set decoration on the old trail in the woods. The movie had a wonderful ending, but I don't want to spoil this film for you- it's too much of a gem. 9/10.
Degrassi: The Next Generation (2001)
"Degrassi The Next Generation"- 10/10. Great show that teenagers can relate to.
"Degrassi The Next Generation" (2001)
This show is completely great. It is about a community school, and there are many students that are always getting into one predicament after another. The actors are pretty good, and the episodes are entertaining, funny, and sometimes dramatic. "Degrassi" completely captures what life is like at school in your teenage years. 10/10.
Maximum Overdrive (1986)
"Maximum Overdrive"- 5/10. Pretty bad, but had some neat action scenes.
Maximum Overdrive (1986)
This movie was way to far over the edge, but that's what you can expect from Stephen King. King's story falls short here though, and it doesn't seem to have his normal touch as all his other books & movies have before (Carrie, Pet Sematary). The story for this movie was a bit stupid, but it had some intense action sequences written in, like the opening sequence with the bridge.
This movie was not scary, but it was a bit entertaining. This film will most likely be enjoyed by science fiction fans, or if you are a strong fan of Mr. King. This movie is written pretty poorly, but the action is pretty good. 5/10.
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (2003)
"The Texas Chainsaw Massacre"- 10/10. Dramatic, intense, and overall genuinely scary.
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (2003)
***Beware Of Major Spoilers Throughout The Entire Review*** - To start off, I will say that this is one of my favorite movies of all time. I enjoyed the ability that this movie had to throw at you scares, tension, and intensity, that I saw it three times! Yes, I saw The Texas Chainsaw Massacre three times, and I'm not ashamed at all. Not at all.
Based loosely on true events (the crimes of Ed Gein), "The Texas Chainsaw Massacre" begins with five young teens traveling across rural Texas to a Lynnrd Skynnrd concert. In this group of teenagers we have the good girl, Erin (Jessica Biel). The slutty hitchhiker whose character you can't help but like, Pepper (Erica Leerhsen). The cool guy, Andy (Mike Vogel). The jokester guy, Morgan (Jonathan Tucker). And the take charge guy who is the leader of the gang, Kemper (Eric Balfour). The group of five teens are having a good time, when they almost hit a disturbed girl (Lauren German) walking down the road. The get out to offer her a ride, and see that she is in a state of shock. They take her into their van and she begins mumbling about a "bad man" and telling them that they are all going to die. Then, the hitchiker begins to go crazy, puts a gun to her mouth, and pulls the trigger. Sick and puzzled, the teens drive to the nearest hillbilly town, and plan to meet a sheriff at a local mill. After arriving at the mill, there is no sign of a sheriff, and guided by a neglected child of the psychopathic family, Jedidiah (David Dorfman), they wander into the clutches of Leatherface at his rundown farmhouse.
Director Marcus Nispel focuses more on keeping this film glossy and updated with more shadows and darkness, unlike the original "Chainsaw", which had a bright and scratchy, documentary style look to it. To tell you the truth, I disliked the original "Chainsaw" because of it's terrible acting and I found it a bit boring, but I will give it some credit because it's such a classic cult film. There are several neat shots in the new "Chainsaw", especially the one where the camera pans through the person's head and out the back window of the van after that person has shot themself in the head. I also loved the black and white police evidence footage that opened and closed the film, which I think brought it a feeling of realism. Producer Michael Bay (Pearl Harbor), didn't seem to me to have any experience in the horror genre, but pulls it off well. The filmmakers must have been aiming for a more realism in this horror film, unlike many we see today, and I will say they were dead right.
The acting here is wonderful, with good performances by Leerhsen, Tucker, Vogel, and Balfour, whom are given little character background to work with, but they manage it perfectly. Biel was great as the last survivor, which you will know before even seeing the movie. On rule in horror movies is that the hottest girl in the movie will always live. R. Lee Ermey is pretty crazy as he pulls of his character of the insane, motor mouthed sheriff with a lot of intensity. He also has a couple of funny lines that will most likely make you laugh. I also enjoyed the narration during the police footage that ended and opened the movie, done by John Larroquette, narrator of the original "Chainsaw". The acting and narration in this movie is very good.
The new and improved Leatherface (Andrew Bryniarski) is very scary, if not as scary as the original Leatherface was. Man, if you actually had this guy chasing you with a chainsaw, you'd be peeing your pants. His mask made of the human flesh is grotesque and disgusting, but has some modifications from the original mask. Through the last half hour of the movie, you'll be rooting for Jessica Biel as she gets chased all over by Leatherface, as Marilyn Burns did in the original film.
Surprisingly, this movie had a lot more gore than the first film. Most of the deaths in this movie were done with the power tool you would have expected, the chainsaw. Andy's death was probably the most upsetting, and you will see why after watching this movie. Kemper's death was quick and jolting. Morgan's death was pretty vicious. But, Pepper's death was my favorite one, because of it's intensity and drama. The feathers that floated all over from Pepper's jacket that got tore open by the saw added some intensity, and made it all the more dramatic. Right after her death, you'll be a bit disturbed after you see what, or should I say 'who' Leatherface is wearing for a mask. That moment sort of set the ending of that sequence with a bit of a jolt. I won't tell you what he is wearing, because it will ruin it for you. See it for yourself, and it should freak you out a bit.
To end this review, I want to say that this is a very good horror movie, one of the best I've seen. It has it all- intensity, gore, drama, scares, spills, and thrills! What more could you want to make a great movie??? This movie will be enjoyed by fans of the series, and fans of horror movies alike! I give The Texas Chainsaw Massacre a 10/10! And also remember, this movie sends out a strong message: never pick up hitchhikers!
Big Fat Liar (2002)
"Big Fat Liar"- 9/10. Fun, fun, and more fun!
Big Fat Liar (2002)
There are only three words to describe this movie-! Big Fat Liar is about Jason Shepard (Frankie Muniz), an 8th grader who is highly known by his parents and classmates to be a liar about things. At school, Jason learns that if he doesn't turn in an exam to his english teacher by five o'clock that night, then he will be in summer school. While riding his bike there, he is hit by a limo that is transporting Marty Wolff (Paul Giamatti), a nasty, rich, and lying movie producer. Jason gets a ride from him, and accidently leaves his english paper in the limo. When Jason goes to turn it in to his teacher, he realizes the paper is gone, and he tells his parents and teacher what happened- how he got hit by a limo transporting Marty Wolff--- but his parents don't believe him. Marty then steals Jason's story and puts "Big Fat Liar" into production. Now, along with his best friend Kaylee (Amanda Bynes), he must get to Hollywood, track down Marty Wolff, and prove to his parents once and for all that he is not lying. This movie had some fun scenes and moments, and many laughs (mostly from the hilarious Amanda Bynes), and keeps you entertained to the very end. 9/10.
Mom's Got a Date with a Vampire (2000)
"Mom's Got A Date With A Vampire"- 8/10. A good Halloween movie for kids.
Mom's Got A Date With A Vampire (2000)
This movie is a pretty good Halloween movie. Every Halloween on the Disney channel, they play this movie, and I can't help myself from just sitting down to watch it. Caroline Reah and Charles Shaugnessy give good performances, and Matthew O'Leary gives a fairly good performance, as well as Laura Vandervoort. This movie has the wit to demonstrate a classic Halloween story and make you laugh every once and a while. It's pretty good for a kids movie, and it's pretty fun to watch around Halloween. 8/10.
Dracula II: Ascension (2003)
Dracula 2: Ascension- 7/10. Never really comes full-circle.
Dracula 2: Ascension (2003)
This movie had an interesting beginning, leaving off where Dracula 2000 ended with Dracula burning on the cross, but picked up different characters along the way, including two coroners who take the burnt body of Dracula at accidently bring him back to life while studying him. With a vampire-hunting priest (Jason Scott Lee) on their tracks, they must keep Dracula contained before he is unleashed and spreads more terror to the town of New Orleans. This movie was good, but towards the end, it didn't make much sense and didn't come full circle. It wasn't scary at all, but it had a bit of suspense and thrills. To enjoy this to it's full, you will probably have to be a hardcore Dracula fan. 7/10.
American Wedding (2003)
"American Wedding"- 8/10. Funny, but some of our favorite characters don't return for the 3rd finale.
American Wedding (2003)
American Wedding was a good movie, and it had some laughs, but it wasn't nearly as funny or nearly as good as the first and second films. The good thing about this movie is that it ends the "Pie" series with a happy ending. Jim and Michelle's wedding is constantly messed up by Stifler, and then brought back. The bad thing is that some of our favorite characters don't return for the third finale. Vicky, Oz, Jessica, Heather, and Nadia don't return for the end of the series, which was the disappointing part about it. Otherwise, it was pretty good and I recommend it to fans of the series. I give it an 8/10.
SpongeBob SquarePants (1999)
"Spongebob Squarepants" TV Series- 10/10. Very funny with lovable characters.
Spongebob Squarepants" (1999) TV Series
It seems that it wasn't long ago that this show aired on Nickelodeon, but it's been like 5 years, and Spongebob Squarepants' popularity hasn't decreased at all- of course, I can see why. This show is set in the small town of Bikini Bottom (a town under the sea that is home to many sea worthy creatures)- including a spontaneous sponge named Spongebob. He lives with his pet snail, Gary, next to two neighbors- a grumpy clarinet playing octopus- Squidward, and his best friend who is a starfish who couldn't tell his hand from his foot- named Patrick. He also has a friend who lives in an air dome, and she's a Texas native squirrel named Sandy, who got bored with life above water, so she moved to the ocean. Spongebob works at the Krusty Krab along with Squidward, a popular restaurant owned by the greedy Mr. Krabbs. And there is Plankton- a microscopic sea creature who owns his own restaurant- The Chum Bucket- a very unpopular restaurant, that hasn't gotten a customer since it's opening- so, of course, Plankton is always out to steal Mr. Krabbs' secret Krabby Patty formula, causing trouble for the krusty krew. Spongebob goes through one predicament after another, and this show is just hilarious. Some may find Spongebob annoying, but for those like me, we love him! 10/10.
Hey Arnold! (1996)
"Hey Arnold" TV Series- 10/10. A wonderful kid's cartoon.
Hey Arnold! (1996) TV Series
This is one of the best shows on Nickelodeon! All of the characters are great- Arnold, Helga, Stinky, Harold, Sid, Phoebe, Sheena, Grandpa, Grandma, Ernie, Mr. Hyhun, Mr. Simmons, and everybody else! This show is very good and funny. Some of my favorite episodes are when Helga goes on a road trip with her mom, and the episode when everyone thinks there is a ghost of a mad scientist in the basement of the boarding house after finding a pair of bifocals that supposedly belonged to the scientist. This is a great show for anybody, especially kids since they can relate to it. I give it 10/10.