Most Recently Rated
Adventure Beast (2021)
Awesome Show For Animal Lovers!
This show is great for many reasons. It's funny, educational, and fun for most ages (probably not great for younger children because of the adult humor). It's woke, but not over the top. The animation is pretty basic, but that probably helps save a lot on production. The show is based on Bradley Trevor Greive. He was is an Australian author. He has written 24 books which have been translated into 27 languages, and have been sold in 115 countries, several of which have appeared in the New York Times bestseller list. Greive's work has won multiple awards worldwide and has sold more than 25 million copies. He lives mostly in Tasmania, Alaska and California.
Royal Crackers (2023)
Hilarious And Different
This is a good show. It's funny, unique, and yet not so much so that it comes of as weird or trying too hard. The voice cast is pretty good, the writing and directing are both decent. The animation is kinda poor but overall I like it. In the end it's just a good, funny cartoon on adult swim. If it ain't broke, don't fix it.
Interesting fact: In 2015, St. Clair said that she and Lennon Parham had both learned Transcendental Meditation. In 2017, St. Clair revealed that she had undergone treatment for breast cancer after being diagnosed in September 2015, and this was incorporated into the third season of Playing House when her character Emma was similarly diagnosed.
Dune: Part One (2021)
Great Movie.
I loved the classic Dune movie and I loved this modern version. Timothée Chalamet was surprisingly good, as was the rest of the cast. The new special effects were awesome and the new artwork/style was very cool. I plan on watching it again soon. Thanks for putting it on Netflix, that was a pleasant surprise. I'm very excited for the sequel and I'm happy to see that the movie has been well received by critics. Prequel series "Dune: The Sisterhood" is confirmed to be resuming in Budapest, Hungary despite the ongoing WGA and SAG strikes. Deadline reported that the Max series had a planned hiatus due to the creative shuffle behind the scenes.
Arrival (2016)
#1 alien movie
I've seen a lot of alien movies, and this is my favorite. It's well directed, well casted, and well written. Don't get me wrong, there's lots of good alien movies, but this one sets a new standard. It's suspenseful without violence, it's enthralling without action, it just feels... real. And that's exactly what makes it so entertaining; you're on the edge of your seat the whole time. Remember the first time you saw Independence Day? Remember how the first half keeps you so invested with your eyes glued to the screen? This movie does the same things, but in its own way. It's not about action fighting aliens, it's about being terrified, and learning to understand something totally new. Bravo.
Digman! (2023)
It's a funny show, plain and simple. The characters are hilarious, the writing is decent, the direction is good, and the voice acting is great! I especially love Andy Samburg as Digman; his Nicolas Cage impression is spot on and very funny. The show also checks boxes well without overdoing it. Overall I found the cartoon to be super funny and I hope to see more.
Let's see what else. I guess I could also add that the plotline foreshadowing future events was a nice touch. It makes me curious as to what's ahead while also being entertained by jokes. The nerdy girl character's healthy sexual appetite is a nice touch too. Keep it up!
Secrets of Great British Castles (2015)
10% castles 90% murder
They should call the show "secret of great British atrocities". They briefly talk about the castle, but the go into graphic detail about horrible murders, tortures, massacres, and other atrocities that took place in or around the castle. It gets especially bad in the second season where they got so into it that I was forced to shut it off. I wanted to see nice dry dialogue about castles with a touch of history but focus on the specs, blueprints, and beautiful scenery. Instead I get bad reenactments and gory tellings about brutal horrors committed by men of old. JUST TALK ABOUT THE CASTLES PLEASE!!
Farzar (2022)
Another funny show by Waco O'Guin and Roger Black
Waco O'Guin and Roger Black have shown yet again that they are solid competition against mainstream animation shows such as family guy, The Simpsons, and South Park. My only complaint is the cheap animation. But this also allows them to create episodes quickly. I thought this new show, Farzar, was pretty funny, especially when compared to everything else on Netflix. A solid B+, A+ if you're high.
Inside Job (2021)
pretty funny
The animation isn't great, but the writing is good. Decent voice cast and directing as well. Overall i'd say it's binge-worthy. I hope to see more in the future!
Chicago Party Aunt (2021)
Not sure why, but I loved this show. I'm not going to try and defend it, I know it's cheap crap. But what can I say? I freakin love it.
The Harper House (2021)
This show was so bad that my wife and I could not get through the second episode. It tries to be unique but is, in fact, very derivative. The writing sucks so the jokes are not funny at all. I laughed maybe once in two episodes. The animation was bad as well, especially the character designs. The background work was ok, but the character models look like they were drawn in 10 seconds and they use zero shading so it looks like cheap crap on top of a decent background. But the main problem is that the show is simply unfunny and all of the characters are annoying stereotypes who are impossible to like.
Joe Pera Talks with You (2018)
Not My Thing
I did not like this show. I found it boring and lame. I know other people rave about it like he's the next Shakespeare mixed with Jesus, but I just don't see the appeal.
Tender Touches (2017)
This show is cheap on every level. The voice acting sounds like they didn't rehearse at all and some of the voices sound like they are coming through a telephone. The animation is equally bad. I don't want to hear excuses like "the low quality is intentional" because that's a terrible defense. There are plenty of better options to choose from out there. It's strange how trash like this get accepted by Adult Swim, but shows like Hellbenders by Chris O'Neil and Zach Hader get rejected. Hellbenders wasn't amazing, but it would have been 10 times better than this abortion.
Q-Force (2021)
Pretty good gay cartoon
It's nothing to write home about, but it's not bad. I laughed often enough to keep watching the whole season, but it's not much more than that. Lots of complaints about stereotypes for some reason. Have these people never seen tv before? All shows have stereotypes! It's Part of what makes them funny!
The Prince (2021)
This show makes me laugh consistently throughout each episode. I love how no one is safe, and each character is funny. The writing isn't anything amazing, but the jokes land often enough for me not to care. Really hope to see more of this!
Greyhound (2020)
Best Naval WWII Movie
This is the best Naval war movie i've ever seen. It feels real the entire time and isn't over the top with drama and action like most war movies, which is NOT to say it's dull/boring. The cast and director deliver on their parts as well, doing a great job of keeping you invested. Highly recommended.
The Patrick Star Show (2021)
Sponge now has multiple bad spinoffs that nobody likes. A PG spinoff with squidward finally moving away would have been funnier.
Odd Taxi (2021)
This anime does a decent job of keeping you watching long enough, just so you can find out what happens. The rapping porcupine was what ruined the show for me. Everything else was sub par; animation, voice acting, etc. I admire the show for doing something different, and i think the younger generation might like it, if they were still watching 2D anime. It's an odd combination of new and old together which ends up somewhere in the middle.
Summer Camp Island (2018)
Unfunny and Dull.
This show is painfully dull and has zero jokes, but I think that's the point? I think they are literally trying to be the opposite of what most cartoons have been like over the past few years. Regardless, it's popular with people for some reason, but that doesn't mean I have to like it. The voice acting is especially bad; it sounds like a bunch of little kids that didn't practice their lines and did the whole show in one take. The animation isn't great either, especially the shading which is mostly non existent (usually only found in the background and not on the characters/foreground) to save money. Lastly, the writing is weak. Zero humor, stupid stories, and forced, corny, predictable crap. Your kids will learn NOTHING from this show.
Welcome to the Wayne (2017)
Funny and Well Done
I like everything about this show. The writing is funny, the animation is good quality, and the voice acting is great. Not really sure why people dislike it so much.
Yasuke (2021)
Pandering Box Checking
Instead of making an anime about an African warrior in Africa (which would have been REALLY cool), they instead pander to mainstream marketing and made a black samurai, which makes zero sense. It might have been bearable had it not been so derivative; it absorbs so many basic 101 cliches that my eyes rolled out of my head during the first episode. I hope young black kids are not wasting their time on this unrealistic crap.
I guess it's better than watching another teenager in highschool with superpowers who fights demons. THAT is how this show earned one single star.
Tiger & Bunny (2011)
Great animation, Bad Writing.
Animation Quality: 8/10 - combines 2D and 3D well, best aspect of the show. Some of the 3D parts look clunky, however. The hands/fingers are especially bad.
Voice Acting: 7/10 - Pretty good and has some classic actors, but not amazing. All of the voices fit well, but some actors are much more believable than others.
Writing: 5/10 - The writing isn't as bad as most other reviewers complain about. That being said, it's mediocre at best. The overall long plot is especially lacking/shallow, and the short plots are usually pretty lame.
Directing: 7/10 - Decent, but some scenes are directed badly or rushed. Some of the camera work makes you wonder what the heck the director was thinking. One parts swayed the cam back and forth and actually made me nauseous.
Music: 4/10 - Basic and lacks variety. Gets repetitive quickly.
Overall: Like many Netflix animes, this one is sub par. Despite its great animation quality, its stupid premise and bad writing make it hard to watch. It's a very shallow, predictable show. The whole "sponsored TV show" version of MHA doesn't help either; makes it hard to root for the heroes. The only reason I kept watching was because it was fun to rip on. So many stupid scenes that were mind-blowingly dumb/corny that it actually became fun to watch in an ironic sense.
Dota: Dragon's Blood (2021)
Animation Quality: 6/10 - Decent, but nothing amazing.
Voice Acting (English dubbed): 5/10 - low budget, and it shows.
Writing/Story: 5/10 - shabby, makes little sense.
Directing: 5/10 - jumps around randomly with poor direction.
Music: 5/10 - basic. Nothing to write home about.
Overall I found this "Netflix Original" to have been disappointing; and that's coming from a HUGE dota fan.
B: The Beginning (2018)
Surprisingly Good
Like most netflix anime I thought this one would be pretty bad bad, but I was surprised to find a hidden gem that turned out to be quite binge-worthy. It's an interesting mix of fantasy and real world; similar to Death Note (the Anime) with a touch of sci-fi that makes it interesting. It has good animation, writing, directing, and voice acting. Overall, it's a good show to watch while you wait for other shows to come out with new stuff. Thumbs up!
Gokushufudo (2021)
Cheap Animation
The show takes cheapness to the next level. They cut every corner possible to save money on the animation budget. They use so many still shots (and wiggle them in a poor attempt to show movement) that it's more like reading a virtual manga than watching an anime. The writing isn't much better either; the story is really dumb and hard to get into, even as a comedy. Soundtrack is pretty good, but that's all the show has to offer. This is a shame because there are not many good yakuza anime out there and I was really looking forward to this show to help change that.
Black Clover (2017)
Slow Burn, but Good Show
It took me a while to like this show; at first it was my last result for entertainment when nothing else was on. But eventually I got hooked. It seems like a derivative cookie-cutter anime, but it eventually takes the time to do things quite differently compared to other shows like it. This makes it feel like a fresh new, addictive series. Great for binge watching!