I have been waiting years to see the film, a devoted fan of Joan of Arc, and I finally saw it tonight. It went from bad-to great- to terrible.
The good: 1. The other significant characters that actually sound French or are French. 2. The visual effects. 3. Depiction of medieval times. 4. Much of the acting of the Dauphin, Dunois, La Hire, Aulon, and Joan at times, as well as the English. 5. Much of the dress/uniforms. 6. And lastly, the battle scenes WERE GREAT! I always fully appreciate long- lasting, realistic medieval battle scenes and warfare. This was the best aspect of the movie in my opinion.
The Bad and The Ugly: 1. Terrible choice making Milla the young French maiden, inferior to the prior Joan of Arc film's choice. 2. John Malk. as Charles 7th, he's way too English not French at all. 3. The Hollywood sacrilegious depiction of "Joan's visions". Hollywood sacrilegious depiction of Joan's so-called "Conscience" who unmistakably is the Devil. 4. Canchon is depicted as barely involved in the trial or hearings, and is depicted far too sympathetic and kind towards Joan, which goes against any written accounts of the trial. 5. La Hire cursed once more after his oath to God, which is blatantly inaccurate. (He honored his oath for the rest of his life) 6. Nothing from the Duke of Burgandy's mother, who loved Joan and wanted her to become a Burgandian princess. 7. Where was Jean Metz??!!! Her right-hand man??!!?!?? 8.THE ENDING!!!!! TERRIBLE! JOAN IS LED BY Satan TO DOUBT HERSELF, BELIEVE HIS LIES, CONFESS HER SO-CALLED SINS TO Satan, THEN ALLOW Satan TO PRAY OVER HER TO HEAVEN?????!!!! WHAT???! AND THEN, SHE SIGNS THE RECANT LETTER FROM CANCHON, WHICH SHE NEVER DID! AND SO THE VIEWER, WHO MAY HAVE NEVER READ ANYTHING ON JOAN OF ARC BEFORE, IS LEFT TO CONCLUDE THAT EITHER JOAN WAS A HERETIC AND SHE CONFESSED/SOLD HER SOUL TO Satan OR SHE WAS A CRAZY LUNATIC THE ENTIRE TIME!!!!!!!!!
IS THAT THE LASTING IMAGE LUC BESSON WANTS TO GIVE A HEROINE WHO ACCOMPLISHED MORE IN HER LIFETIME THAN HE EVER WILL IN A 1,000 YEARS???!!!! HE CERTAINLY DISHONORED AND DISRESPECTED THE MAIDEN OF ORLEANS, AND I PRAY ONLY A DIRECTOR WITH INTEGRITY AND HONOR REDOES THE NEXT JOAN FILM. LUC HAS SPIT ON HER GRAVE. (OH, and nowhere to be seen daring assault LA Hire and generals led onto Rouen to try to save Joan and remove the English from France. Or the confirmation of prophecies Joan had given in the following years.)
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