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Best of the Indyy Trilogy.
20 January 2003
Indiana Jones and the Last Crudsade is a great film. Really, I have nothing but praise for it and it goes down as one of my all time favourite films. Coming off, the dissapointing 'Temple of Doom' Harrison Ford is back at his best as our hero and this time his dad (played by Sean Connery) is along for the ride. These two legendary actors are accompanied by a great supporting cast. John Rhys Davis makes a return to the Indy movies as the the lovable Sala whilst Denholm Elliot is great as the bumbling Markus Brodie. Shakesparian actor Julian Glover is great as the villian. Ive only ever seen him in 'The Empire Strikes Back' and a video production of 'Beowolf' outside of this film and cant fathom why he isnt in more movies. Aside from the great cast, this film has it all, Action, adventure, romance, knights, tanks, castles, the Holy Grail, and Nazis. What more could you want in a film. It also contains John Williams best score since Return of the Jedi.

9.5 out of 10.
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Batman (1989)
The Best Superhero film to date.
10 January 2003
Tim Burtons Batman is a shining example of what a superhero film should be. Forget trying to win the kiddies over with the stupid 'futuristic but still 1930's' cartoonish feel that has dogged the last few Batman films. Burton goes for the guts, with a dark and evil world inhabited with a psychopathic mad man who wants to kill as many people as possible and only an equally disturbed 'hero' to save the day. Let me say this only once, Tim Burtons Batman is NOT a kids film.

Burton brings his quirky dark look (as seen in many of his other films, for example, Edward Scissorhands or Sleepy Hollow) to town in this feast for the eyes. The ears will also be treated with a superb dark soundtrack by the brilliant Danny Elfman. The casting is also good. Jack Nicholson especially gives a great over the top performance as the psychopathic killer known as the Joker, whist Keatin prooves that he really is the best Batman.

After the success of Batman, Burton directed the sequel 'Batman Returns', which was also a fairly good movie. Things went downhill from that stage on, with Batman being turned from a dark and exciting film franchise into a childrens comedy with no real clue what it was doing. They should have quit when Burton did. The last two movies ruined the Batman name.

In short, Batman is well worth the watch. So is Batman Returns. The two non Burton Batman films are absolute sh*t.

8 out of 10.
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No better than Attack of the Clones.
8 January 2003
The second installment of the 'Lord of the Rings',Trilogy, the Two Towers, is not a bad movie... but in saying this, its nowhere near as brilliant as some have perported it to be.

The cast, the landscape, and the directing are all good (although more Christopher Lee would have been nice). Unfortunitly, the storyline is very slow, and at times, very boring. Peter Jackson has done a great job transforming and tinkering Tolkeins work into something movie viewers can enjoy, but, sad as it may be, even Jackson must have struggled to turn a story so mind numbingly tedious into a screenplay. Dont get me wrong, the main events depicted in the story are interesting - its just that these good bits are intersperced with some very boring and rather unnecissary storytelling. Despite Jacksons best efforts, these bits are evident on the screen and this is why the movie is too long.

I have read comments raving about what a great acheivement the battle of Helms Deep was. I dont know where these people have been living, but the Battle of Helms Deep was not as amazing and jaw droping as some say. Infact, it was really just a run of the mill battle sequence which can be seen in many movies to have been released in the last few years- the battle at the end of 'Attack of the Clones' was just as good, and in saying this 'The Two Towers' was no better than the latest Star Wars film.

7.5 out of 10.
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Entertaining. The real theme continues. (Spoilers)
8 January 2003
Warning: Spoilers
I thought this movie was a slight improvement on 'Phantom Menace', which in itself was not a bad film. This time around, Lucas has decided to go for almost pure entertainment by throwing lots of action at us.

(Spiolers ahead). This film has largely been critised for being too confusing. Why is this? I think that perhaps people have been concentraiting too hard on the 'Anikan will become Darth Vader' sub plot rather than the true underlying theme 'the rise of Palpatine'. This theme started in episode 1 and was brilliantly continued in Episode 2. Some viewers were possibly confused because they have yet to realise that Palpatine is actually in comand of both sides. He uses his alter ego Darth Sidious to create the threat led by Count Dooku (the Brilliant Christopher Lee) against the republic. He then uses this threat as an excuse to cement his position of supreme authority as the leader of the republic to oversee this time of crisis - thus eventually allowing him to become the evil emperor of the universe. That is the absolute main theme of this film - and many people miss it (mind you, I am a Political Science major).

Overall, the film was not too bad. My only quams are with the extremely chezzy diner scence - possibly the worst idea Lucas has ever had, the CGI was a bit crappy in places (even the pupet Yoda looked more realistic), Bobba Fett was horribly played by a fellow New Zealander (he let the country down) and Jar Jar Binks is still alive.

7.5 out of 10.
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Underated due to Overhype. Misunderstood theme.
8 January 2003
Come on people! This film is no where near as bad as some claim. I have a feeling that the extreme overhype before the movies release caused some dissapointment in those expecting this to be the best film of all time. Just because it didnt live up to those unrealistic expectations does not mean that it was the worst movie ever made.

I think that when the third movie of the 'new' Star Wars trilogy comes out then people will finally realise the deep underlining theme of this trilogy. The emphasis is not on how Anakin Skywalker becomes Darth Vader but more how a wiley and intelligent polititian such as Palpatine can bend the laws to his own ends to make himself Emperor of the universe. This trilogy will turn out to be a warning to be weary of such men.

I thought the film was not all that bad and I loved all the political inuendo (Mind you I am a Political Science major). The kid was only mildly annoying but I agree that Jar Jar Binks should be killed off sooner rather than later.

7 out of 10.
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No. 4 best movie of all time, MY ARSE!
8 January 2003
What the hell is going on! There must be a hell of a lot of Tolkein fans with computers out there, because they are no doubt to blame for this movies hugley bloated and overrated ah..rating.

Im not saying that this is not a good movie, it was good, what I am saying is that this movie was not as good as many seem to think. It has many flaws, for example, its too long, all the good bits are seperated by long boring bits, and Ian McKellens performance, which was highly praised, wasnt really all that remarkable. Mind you, what do you expect a movie, based on a long, boring and tedious book by an overhyped author (Tolkein) to be like. Jackson and co did what they could with what they had.

There are still many good things to come out of this movie however. The cast is superb. Christopher Lee as the bad guy was a stroke of genus. The landscape is amazing (mind you I do live there so I have to say that) and, if you can get past all the long boring bits, you will find the main vein of a good movie. TOP 20 Movies stuff, however, this is not.

7 out of 10.
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Haggard (2003 Video)
Badly made piece of crap which is actually very good.
6 December 2002
Haggard is a great example of how, if one has an idea, a video camera, and few friends, a movie can be made. Directed by skateboarder Bam Margera of 'CKY' and 'Jackass' fame, this is a movie shoddily filmed on handie cams and stars himself and his mates (most of whome have also been affiliated with CKY or Jackass). The story revolves around Ryan Dunn and his serial cheating girlfriend, which is supposidly based on a true story - in short, this film is bloody funny and if I was you, I would attempt to see it at all costs. This is not Shakespare in Love and this is not the Shawshank Redemption, if it had been made half as seriously as either of these two films then it would have been crap... but seen as they set out to make a crap movie then its actually pretty good.

8 out of 10.
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Has its moments but is mostly a bit sh*t
6 December 2002
In Tom Green we have a comedian who, at times, creates some of the most histerical situations possible whilst at other times just acts f**king stupid in the vain effort to clinch a laugh. 'Something Smells Funny' is a good example of this. This video has its very funny moments, for example the 'singing on the roof', 'potty talk', and 'mind your own damn business' situations. However, these moments of the great comic art are overshaddowed by too many situations which in which Green just sits there and makes stupid noises. Dont get me wrong, I love gross out humour and I am a big fan of 'Jackass' 'CKY' and 'Back of the Y' but this is just lame. Also the videos too short.

4 out of 10.
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Ravenous (1999)
A really brilliant quirky film
6 December 2002
Ravenous is a film that was largely ignored by both the critics and the general movie going audience. This is a real shame, if not a tragedy, because Ravenous is one of the best movies of the last decade. For fans of quirky dark comedies such as Sleepy Hollow, Ravenous is a real treat. The darkly interesting 'camp fire' story line is accompanied by super performances by stars both big and small. Guy Pearce and Robert Carlyle play their lead characters very well whilst the supporting cast of Jeffrey Jones, David Arquette, Neil McDonaugh, Jeremy Davis and John Spencer play all thier quirky-sterio-character roles with such energy and perfection that they would seem believable. All of this is topped off with a brilliant quirky (theres that word again) atmosphare setting soundtrack by Blur's Damon Albarn and stunning landscape locations (which is Slovakia passed off as the Sierra Nevadas).

If you havent seen it, and love interesting, quirky, plot twist laden, character driven, violent, gory, supernatural, historical setting based, very black comedy, adventure thriller movies, then I would recommend seeing this one.

9.5 out of 10.
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Trigger Happy TV (2000–2016)
The British Jackass
25 November 2002
Trigger Happy TV is very much a show in the same vain as MTV's Jackass. This does not mean that it is a cheap rip off in any terms. Whilst Jackass' pranks revolve around stupidity and vulgarity (which means that its funny) Trigger Happy's pranks are possibly more well thought out and more clever (which is also very funny). If you find the Cell Phone gag does not split your sides I dont know what will. I highly recomend it.

8 out of 10.
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B.O.T.Y kicks Jackass' ass
22 November 2002
Back of the Y is without a doubt the greatest thing to grace our television screens in many years. If youre looking for a half hour of full kicking, mind blowing, no budget, stunt laden w**king jokes then this is for you. While everyone seems to be talking about the American series 'Jackass' at the moment, its good to see that our own home grown Kiwi dumbasses Matt Heath and Chris Stapp have once again risen to the challange and made a show so stupid and funny that it makes any jackass look lameass. I await the movie with baited breath.

A big fat 10 out of 10
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Jackass (2000–2007)
Comedy at its greatest.
22 November 2002
Jackass would have to be one of the greatest shows of our time. This is laugh-out-loud stuff because, lets face it, people getting hurt is funny. The other gags (where people dont get hurt) are also amusing. Fun for all the family. Jackass is hard to beat in the comedy/stupidity/vile genre and is only outclassed by the New Zealand show 'Back of the Y' which is basically the same thing only with a (very weak)storyline.

9.5 out of 10.
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Sleepy Hollow (1999)
Great atmosphere, great movie.
22 November 2002
Sleepy Hollow is one of Tim Burtons best films. The films great story line is accompanied well with a classy lead role performance by the great Johnny Depp (one of his best roles I believe) and he is surrounded by a stella suporting cast of some of my favourite thespiens such as Christina Ricci, Christopher Lee, Michael Gough, Ian McDiarmid, Jeffrey Jones, Miranda Richardson and Michael Gambon. This film is a good example of how, if minor characters are played well, the movie gains a great sense of atmosphere. Adding to the atmosphere established by the characters is some inspired set designs, which have Tim Burton written all over them, and a roaring score by the great Danny Elfman. Of course, atmosphere alone does not make a great movie, but in Sleepy Hollow's case, it goes a long way to helping its appeal.

8 out of 10.
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