Most Recently Rated
Hudson & Rex (2019)
The Doggie REX is a Better Actor Than The Human Crew..
Bunch of soggy drips..& the director needs a good bite up the azz from lovely REX.
Mare of Easttown (2021)
FOUL Mouth Drivel & So Dreary
Slow, flat and tedious & no real continuarity between episodes resulting in no tension as one would expect after such a nasty crime + Too many unnecessary boring plots used as episode fillers.
Them (2021)
V.Slow amd Repetive Scene Fillers & So Many FALSE Reviews
So many scenes drag on and on which destroyed any tension and detracted from the pain and suffering that was caused to so many
I consider the bad Producton was insulting to their memory. It is a DAMN disgrace in the US that the BLACK people are still suffering to this day
God Bless and help them with the many injustices they continue ro suffer.
New Amsterdam (2018)
S3.Gone DOWNHILL Silly Story Lines & Too Many S.A. Cast
Suddenly most of the cast & patients have changed to S. A. I am not biased in any way but this is just too much. So few black actors and NO latinos that I can see
& the plots have become just plain stupid,, BORING and corny. Where have the original script writers gone?
Tell Me Your Secrets (2021)
YUCKIE Script & Boring -So Many False Reviews
Concept was good but badly presented., Hoped it would improve but it didnt. Now I understand why all EPS aired on the same day
Bloodlands (2021)
In every way. Shame there are not more eps. Still as dangerous as ever to be a cop in N.I.
Killer Motive (2019)
& Too many repetitive scenes and fillers to drag each EP out. The REPORTER looks and sounds like he is falling asleep, which makes the series BORING
The Evil Twin (2021)
You Hope it Will Get Better-It Doesn't & Worst Actors EVER
As soon as it showed Lifetime Movies...I thought OH NO...With their REP. of using what always appear to look like 'trainee actors and directors' this one followed suit.
The editing was appalling too and there was so was so many stupid scenarios, I FForwarded to the end.
Such a shame because the storyline was good
What is the matter with Lifetime are they on such a tight budget they can't afford to hire good people?
The Hardy Boys (2020)
Dreadful Production / Editing & Sound is Abysmal
It started off reasonably well then went downhill from there.. Jumps from scene to scene without any real continuity
Slow flat and dull with no decent acting worth mentioning & too many filler episodes designed to stretch it out. Gave up after EP2.
100 Days Wild (2020)
Nothing New & So Borrrrring...
There are much better similar series about folk surviving in Alaska
Emperor (2020)
Worst Movie of The Year
Bad script, bad directing and dreadful acting.. Cant think of one good thing to write about on this load of rubbish
The Fugitive (2020)
Shortened EPs to Ease The Pain?
The script is glib & sooooo corny & Keifer Sutherlands' performance was so over acted and tweety. & once again the make-up dept failed miserably. He was beaten up yet only had 2 spots of red on his face...
>Perhaps the plan to have shortened EPs was to keep viewers interested & to keep them watching. It did for me somewhat, just hoping it would improve. It hasnt. Up to EP7 now and Im falling asleep zzzzzz
Target Number One (2020)
Absolute Garbled Junk & MANY False Good Reviews
Amazing that all the positive reviews were msde either1 day before release or a day after. Within 8 mins I gave up as the music was so loud it completely blocked out what the actos were saying.
Movies usually never work out well when the writer also directs them. This was the case for this one
Hotel Paranormal (2020)
Most Terrifying Paranormal TV Series Yet
Excellent in every way, especially as they are true stories told by the people that experienced horrific events..
Devils (2020)
Ingenious-Written by Those That Understood How The Market Can be Played
Part truth/ part fiction, based on what actually happened and how some countries in the world can be ruined or controlled by money
'Who needs military or nuclear weapons?'
Excellent production in many ways. Actors/Directing and series venues.
Hunters (2020)
Nonsencical Load of Tripe
Not what the trailers showed to expect. I couldnt watch more than the first 10 mins of episode 2. It was a farce and very offensive to those that suffered.
Space Force (2020)
Corny & Boring-Ruined by Lousy COMEDIC Script Weiters
Entertaining but just not funny, more farcical, they should have hired some British writers to bring some comedy into it.
Perry Mason (2020)
Good Bedtime Story...zzzzzz
S000000 slow & boring. Script was mundane.. Insult to the original Perry Mason. Not even John Lithgow could save it.
Snowpiercer (2020)
Only 4 Good Things About This- Daveed Diggs/Sean Bean/Mike O'Malley & Jonathan Walker
Good premise & directing. But was ruined by week/wooden and dreadful over acting by plastic-looking dolls & muscle men with no character
Marcella (2016)
S3 is More Baffling Than S2 -Script & Directing is Dreadful
All over the place and starts as if we are half through the season. Where is the continuation of the S2 storyline? It feels like S3 is a completely new series & its been rushed to air without anyone actually checking it makes sense.. so confusing.
I Know This Much Is True (2020)
The team that wrote, directed & put this together are exceptional. The standard of acting was so good one could feel the chemistry between actors, their emotions and their pain.It was raw and moving.
Its very unusual these days to get anything like this from Hollywooden. Normally its all OTT false eyelashes, nose jobs, gay sex and I love me performances with mundane acting ability
Barkskins (2020)
Gobbeldegook >Only Good Thing was Marcia Gay Harden..
The rest of the actors over acted so much it was annoying & the show and script were slow, boring and scene lighting so dark you could hardly see what was happening
Live PD: Wanted (2019)
Ruined by Giggly Dumb Michelle Sigona & Sheriff Lambo
She laughs and gabbles on like she is on a girly night out and doesnt really constructively contribute anything. Yuk! & The big hatted Sheriff just loves himself more than she does. PLEASE get rid of them & and just continue reporting on the important crimes and arrest of the bad boys and girls
The Rookie (2018)
S2- Too Much Tweetie Pie & Mush >Going Downhill FAST
Too much about their personal lives and not enough police work. The women cops all look the same & both they and the males are perfectly lacquered and made-up as if they are going to a DRAG Queen party, Its all gone very sickly & the silly story lines and outcomes are destroying it...I mean 1 cop on duty in uniform standing in the road and kissing his girlfriend PLEASE!!
Its more like a comedy than a police drama. Its getting worse with each new episode. By EP 16 its just pure YUKIEEE
Belgravia (2020)
Dull With No Atmosphere of Distain & Dignity
Not up to the usual standard expected from Julian Fellowes, maybe because it was directed by John Alexander. But somehow it doesn't have the feel of the time,nor the usual snobbery & 'noses in the air' distain.
Could be down to bad casting, bad directing or both. Either way it all feels very rushed and the actors dont appear tp have actually had time to study and build the characters they are supposed to be portraying.
The accents are not well presented, but seem to be a mixture of modern day and Victorian day accents. It really is down to bad directing and voice coaching. The whole thing has such a bland atmosphere. Perhaps Julian Fellowes is so much in demand these days, he is replying more and more on ghost writers