The Kid Who Would Be King (2019)
Absolute banger of a movie
For truth seekers and spiritual types this is a great movie. This movie goes into some common held themes in the 'conspiracy' world where many believe that the world is run by reptiles that live underground. This movie dives deep into this theme and is suprisingly accurate.
Evil reptiles live underground and they are secretly controlling our world and our politics. This is the real reason most people are so miserable. Most people think it's just normal for life to be so difficult but it was actually designed this way on purpose by the people in charge. They want bullies, they want hate and division, it's by design.
Movies like this are essential to wake people up to the truth of our world and inspire people to fight back against the injustice in our world.
1984 (2023)
Not terrible (also not in English)
I wasn't aware this was a foreign movie until after I bought it so just as a heads up to any English speakers you'll need subtitles
It was not bad but not great. Some good quotes from the book. Yet it is very low budget, most of the scenes were clearly made from AI. Which was very ingesting to see AI being used in a movie for the artwork/design
Most scenes seemed to be filmed in front of a green screen too which is fine but again very low budget
It was very slow with a lot of open space between scenes, showing the actors 'thinking' or just showing AI art
I honestly not sure if I can reccomend this one, just based off the low quality and the need for subtitles unless that's your thing
All that being said, I'm grateful that people around the world are inclined to make movies covering these topics!
Quiet on Set: The Dark Side of Kids TV (2024)
About time
Finally the truth comes out. This is only the tip of the Iceburg. Hallelujah. This show is slowly spoon feeding the world the truth about what goes on behind the scenes of tv shows and movies. This is only the beginning. It goes beyond sexual abuse that is outlined in this show, there are many different hidden messages in TV that soon will be exposed to the light. The truth is coming out and this is only the start of an amazing unfolding of truths that we deserve. No more lies just full disclosure. Shifting away from fear based operating and moving into love based operating. And realizing that everything happens for us and not to us. Namasté.
Iron Fist (2017)
Loved it
Loved the show. Great watch, too bad they canceled it.