The Incredible Jake Parker (2020)
An important independent film about eating disorders.
The Incredible Jake Parker is a film young first time director/screenwriter Angelo Thomas has produced on a shoestring budget, the story initially being written as a book, then making a pretty painless transition to a screenplay.
Jake Parker (Liam Wall) shoots from a kid on YouTube to a viral star to a pop sensation, the whirlwind of change in Jake's life often leaving him struggling to take control of his life again. Jake becomes anorexic, and his agent Cat (Sasha Jackson) sends him to a clinic.
It's to Jake Parker's benefit that it was produced on a small budget. Rather than try to go for high drama, it keeps its eyes on the very real issues that people who deal with eating disorders face. Characters talk about their struggles and work through them. It keeps the movie grounded and real.
The film is short at about 74 minutes. While there's quite a story, it's not dragged out. Performances are capable, with a few small cameos by news and internet personalities. There's no A-listers here, but that doesn't mean anyone's phoning it in. The songs are well-performed by Liam Wall in character as Jake.
This is a film that deserves to be seen and appreciated, tackling an issue not often touched on: eating disorders and how they affect men as well as women. It's available on Vimeo to stream worldwide.
The Penny Dreadful Picture Show (2013)
The Undead Triple Feature Picture Show
"The Penny Dreadful Picture Show" is a quirky little movie. It's comprised of three little horror movies and a framing sequence of the undead red-headed girl Penny Dreadful watching movies in her ancient movie theater with a couple of her undead buddies. She's demented and rather fun to watch, even as she lures in a couple guests.
Penny watches three films: "Slash in the Box" is first and features a young couple examining a strange Jack in the Box. I didn't time it, but this certainly under 10 minutes.
Second is a film about 20 minutes about a woman dying of a terminal illness who mysteriously gets a shot at a longer life for a pretty horrible price.
Third is "Slaughterhouse." In many ways, it brings to mind movies like "The Texas Chainsaw Massacre" as it finds a group of young adults coming across a backwoods family and brutal and grisly results soon follow. The fun thing is, in many ways, you expect one thing and get a bloody good twist.
The DVD release comes with a fourth short film called "The Scout," featuring boy scouts going on an overnight "Snipe Hunt." However, late at night, they become the hunted.
Perhaps the films aren't Hollywood gore and snuff-film caliber, but they are a lot of fun. Speaking of gore, it's there, but it's not excessive. (I typically do not enjoy gory movies, I cannot even look at the screen of a "Saw" movie for ten minutes straight, but I was able to sit through this just fine.) There aren't a lot of big names in the cast. The biggest are Sid Haig and ex-wrestler Al Snow. But that doesn't mean the acting is poor. Each film had a completely different world and sold it completely. Eliza Swenson is an excellent actress as Penny and a character in "Slaughterhouse." Overall, "The Penny Dreadful Picture Show" is a fun Halloween movie that doesn't take itself too seriously and is better for the result!